Honestly, Crown Jewel is one of my favorite shows of the year and you wanna know why? The fans react like real fans. They honestly do. It reminds me of a simpler time. Let’s get into it!

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Seth Rollins (c) vs. Drew McIntyre
Thankfully Drew McIntyre has turned heel, and he’s been chasing Seth all month for this opportunity.
The Match:
Drew McIntyre dominated early. I think a title change is overdue. At least this time it’s not obvious who’s winning, after the Finn Balor/Nakamura thing. Seth early on took a massive belly to belly on the outside. Drew had control from the outset, and he just looks the part more than Seth.
The crowd seemed behind Drew in this one! Seth copped the Future Shock and we got a near fall! Drew aims for the back, nice side slam on the apron. Pedigree from Rollins as he weathered the storm for a 2 count.
McIntyre kicked out of a Curb Stomp! Rollins kicked out of a Claymore, because we have to always follow the Rock/Austin Mania 17 formula for drama. Rollins hit a 2nd pedigree and a stomp, and he retained. Boring finish!
Seth continues with his bland title reign, Drew goes back to the drawing board I assume.
Winner: STILL WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Seth Rollins.
Damien Priest cashes in, well attempts to. Sami Zayn steals the briefcase and that’s so irritating. What are the odds.
WWE Women’s World Title Fatal Five Way Match: Rhea Ripley (c) vs Nia Jax Vs Raquel Rodriguez Vs Shayna Basler Vs Zoey Stark
Nia Jax returned recently, targeting Rhea, and Raquel, and somehow Zoey Stark and Shayna got in this match too. Lazy booking.
The Match:
Nia appears to have slimmed down big time! Great showing for Raquel early on. You typical WWE 4 way here, Big Tower of Doom from the corner from the ladies!
Zoey Stark with a great springboard to the outside. Ripley retained, and honestly, this felt like such a throwaway and I am really over these multi women’s matches on PLE’s. They do it every show. They never do a true blue feud between any of the ladies and it gets boring after a while.
Rhea continues on, who really cares right now, the WWE put no effort into the Women’s Division.
Winner: STILL WWE Women’s World Champion, Rhea Ripley.
Singles Match
Solo Sikoa vs. John Cena
John Cena has been feuding with the Bloodline, he hasn’t won a PPV match in 5 years, this is Solo Sikoa’s biggest match of his career!
The Match:
Solo Sikoa has a big chance here, this is definitely the biggest match of his career, Cena used to wrestle his Dad! Sikoa got some heat on Cena, I feel Sikoa is missing that ‘big win’ to really feel like a threat, like how Umaga beat Shawn Michaels and Triple H.
Slow methodical heat from Sikoa. Does Solo need to slowly add facepaint? Solo again missed the Samoan Spike and here comes the 2 shoulder blocks, Protobomb, 5 Knuckle Shuffle, Attitude Adjustment attempt was reversed and Sikoa hit a sick Samoan Drop.
Cena hit a sweet crossbody for a 2 count. Sikoa is way more in this one than I would have first imagined. The Samoan Spike is blocked for the 3rd or 4th time, STFU from John Cena came soon after. These two actually got given so much time.
Solo hit a desperation Spike. 3 Samoan Spikes and Cena cops a 4th and Sikoa isn’t going for a pin which is really frustrating.
He finally does and that is an absolutely massive win! I really thought Cena was going to break his singles match losing streak tonight.
What a massive win for Solo Sikoa! This will do wonders for him. Props to Cena.
Winner – Solo Sikoa.
Miz TV with Ibrahim Al Hajjaj
Well this should be interesting, will this actor nail it? The Saudi audience seemed to be very taken with him. Grayson Waller interrupted.
It’s becoming the Grayson Waller Effect. Ibrahim says hes there to be on the Hottest show, Miz TV.
Ibrahim gets kicked, Ibrahim hits a kick on Grayson, and Skull Crushing Finale on Grayson. Peoples Elbow by Ibrahim!
Ridiculous. I never get sick of that kind of BS.
WWE United States Title Match: Rey Mysterio (c) vs. Logan Paul
Logan came back and specifically targeted Rey Mysterio since his big win over Ricochet at SummerSlam.
The Match:
Logan with heat straight away on Rey, but Rey weathers the storm and shows some flashiness. Great Lionsault from Logan. Logan is seriously good. Tilt a whirl backbreaker by Logan was cool. Press Slam by Logan. I was also so glad Wade Barrett was on the call with Michael Cole.
Logan Paul was in control for most of the first portion on the match. Senton, springboard crossbody from Rey, Mahistrol Cradle. All 2 counts for Rey.
Logan Paul reversed an Asai Moonsault into a desperation Powerslam. Fallaway Slam Moonsault from Logan Paul from the Second Rope!
619 from Rey is blocked! Sunset Bomb into a Code Red! Logan gets given Brass Knucks and loses them.
Santos Escobar make the save but I see the heel turn out of no where, Logan Paul hits Rey with the Knucks and he becomes the NEW WWE United States Championship!
Logan Paul becomes the US Champ and I expect him to hold it till WrestleMania! Santos Escobar is going to turn on Rey fully any day now.
Winner: NEW WWE United States Champion, Logan Paul.
WWE Women’s Title Match: IYO SKY (c) vs. Bianca Belair
IYO SKY cashed in on Bianca Belair to become champion a few months ago, and her team Damage CTRL have targeted Bianca since.
The Match:
Bianca is the most boring flashy babyface in the wrestling business, I hope IYO retains. At least this match kind of means something with it’s buildup. Unfortunately despite the buildup, this has no heat and can’t follow Logan and Rey.
Bianca in control for most of it. Lots of back and forth between the two! It’s hard to write notes on this match, the psychology is a bit off.
Bayley gets involved, 2 count for IYO, no heat! Bayley gets nailed by Bianca, Sky hit Bayley! Bayley looked to hit a KOD, Kairi Sane attacks Bianca Belair! Jessica Carr counts Bianca out, she gets in at 9. Moonsault from IYO, it’s over!
i really have no idea where this goes from here, Kairi to feud with Bianca and side with Sky?
Winner: STILL WWE Women’s Champion – IYO SKY.
Singles Match
Damien Priest vs. Cody Rhodes
The Match:
Cody got attacked early, then Priest got in charge. Damien Priest got in charge of this one on the outside. Damien with a big time move on the announce table!
JD McDonagh and Balor got involved, Damien got a near fall. Top rope Cody Cutter got a near fall. Damien goes for a few moves, Cross Rhodes x3, and Cody wins.
Winner: Cody Rhodes.
Undisputed WWE Universal Title Match: Roman Reigns vs. LA Knight
The Match:
Roman Reigns as expected controlled the pace of this match. There was a lot of heat on Roman as the match progressed. LA Knight fought back and the Saudi fans were into it.
Roman went for the Superman Punch but he copped a big time move, he reversed a LA Knight Elbow though with a Superman Punch. This got really dramatic near the end of this match. Reigns went for a spear and hit the turnbuckle.
I can’t think of anyone else for Roman to beat after this except Randy Orton at perhaps the Royal Rumble. Big superplex from LA Knight, big elbow and a nice 2 count.
Solo comes out, Jimmy USO gets involved, Spear on LA Knight – bro, 2 count. Roman tries to choke out Knight at this stage for a last desperate attempt to win. BFT from LA Knight out of no where!
2 count with the rope break thanks to Jimmy USO. Knight takes out Jimmy USO through tha announce table, then Reigns spears Knight through the barricade, then 1 more and it’s mathematical.
Winner: STILL WWE Undisputed Universal Champion, Roman Reigns.
Final Thoughts:
Not a bad show at all, the undercard was slightly underwhelming with some boring angles for the ladies, Kairi Sane coming back was cool as heck, Logan Paul deservedly became the US Champ, and Roman Reigns retains as he should. He will hold the belt till WrestleMania 40 I’m sure!