NXT #732 Results & Review (May 7th, 2024)

NXT Results & Reviews

NXT #733
May 7th, 2024
WWE Performance Center
Orlando, Florida

They start off the show with Wes Lee’s plight to return to NXT after his back injury that took him out for the best part of a year. He’s returning to face Josh Briggs and the winner is likely to take on Oba Femi at a later date for the NXT North American Championship. I still find him super boring as a bland babyface character but clearly the NXT audience is enamoured with him.

Singles Match
Wes Lee vs. Josh Briggs

The Match:
It’s good that Bron Breakker, Carmelo Hayes, Baron and Dijak have been moved to the main roster. It really helps open things up for the NXT roster. They have so many people there in need of TV time. Wes starts off to show off that he’s back and healthy, and quick. Briggs hit him with a backbreaker to slow him down, as Ivar walked out to watch the match. Briggs dominated through the commercial break. Ivar hopped on commentary which I think is something that should be happening at least once every week with at least one talent. Briggs continued to work on Lee’s back and hit a sweet Bossman slam. Wes fought back as he started getting riskier, and Briggs ended up colliding with Ivar at ringside and that’s going to start a feud. Wes ended up hitting some crazy flipping move off the top rope on Briggs to get the win.

Ivar attacked Briggs after the match and Wes took them both out with a flip off the top rope, as Oba Femi watched on looking super fly and laughed.

Winner: Wes Lee via pinfall.

We see Roxanne Perez looking like a mark walking to the building whilst holding her title belt, and Chelsea Green looking hot as she arrived too.

We see highlights of Lola Vice Vs Natalya at NXT Underground last week at Spring Breakin’ Week 2.

Backstage some of the Tag Teams are backstage talking to Nathan Frazer and Axiom and Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont talk about wanting to be Tag Champs one day, and the No Quarter Catch Crew rock up and talk smack because that’s what normal people do. The O.C show up and talk to the Tag Champs and they refuse to ‘Too Sweet’ them.

Singles Match
Shayna Baszler (w/Lola Vice) vs. Karmen Petrovic (w/Natalya)

The Match:
Shayna’s position in WWE is so strange at the moment. What do you do with her next? If Michin beats Arianna later, then Karmen should win here, and vice versa. The Main Roster people can’t keep beating the NXT people. This is certainly the first big test Karmen needs early in her career, to work with somebody as experienced as Shayna. Shayna works on Karmens arm, and Karmen is doing a good job selling and screaming, trying to fire back. She messed up at one stage, unfortunately. Karmen got caught in the choke from Baszler and Shayna got the win.

Winner: Shayna Baszler via submission.

We see highlights last week of Fallon Henley turning heel on Thea Hail.

Backstage Kilani Jordan is in the locker room and can’t understand why Fallon did what she did. Fallon shows up and her whole attitude has completely changed which is hilarious. They ended up arguing. Of course.

We see the highlights of the NXT Women’s Combine where the top 12 get put in 6 singles matches to qualify for the NXT Women’s North American Title Ladder match at NXT Battleground. Isn’t it funny the amount of effort they went to for a worked combine?

Tag Team Match (Special Referee: Channing Lorenzo)
Tyriek Igwe & Tyson Dupont vs. No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey & Myles Borne) (w/Damon Kemp)

The Match:
Igwe and Dupont appear to have some updated gear, and I am hopefully that the new boys get their first big win on the main NXT show. Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo is announced as the Special Guest Referee. It looks like the NQCC are screwed. Stacks apparently got an officiating licence thanks to Luca Crucifino showing the commentators the licence. NQCC were represented by Dempsey and Borne. Stacks was clearly favoring Igwe and Dupont. Stacks trying to do the referee oversell in the background was comical. Dempsey pushed Stacks who blatantly just punches Dempsey in the face, and Igwe rolled him up for the fast count victory and they celebrated which is hilarious.

Winner/s: Tyriek Igwe & Tyson Dupont via pinfall.

Backstage Arianna Grace is with Gigi Dolin and Chelsea Green, talking up Chelsea becoming the champion and Gigi looks depressed being with them. She doesn’t have to hangout with Arianna does she? Arianna and Chelsea are both as irritating as one another, and it’s very funny. Gigi yells about not being able to take this anymore.

Roxanne Perez Interview with Kelly Kincaid
More arrogance and over confidence from Roxanne. She’s SO annoying dude.

Singles Match
Michin vs. Arianna Grace

The Match:
Is Michin still connected with The O.C? This is like when the Harris Brothers and Jeff Jarrett were the last 3 members of nWo 2000 walking around. Arianna makes her entrance, and what a great theme song she has. Please, please tell me Arianna is going to win this – unless Michin is sticking around. They went back and forth and some losers in the crowd tried a Too Sweet Woop Woop chant. Arianna started acting like a spoiled brat and then she lost to the ‘Eat Defeat’ which is annoying.

Winner: Michin via pinfall.

Trick Williams is seen walking backstage as he heads to the ring for the Supernova Sessions with Meta Four.

Thea is backstage with Ridge Holland, as they have a nice conversation, as Chase U show up. Lexis King shows up and antagonizes Thea and Ridge, and it ends with Duke Hudson ticking Lexis off.

SuperNova Sessions with Meta Four and guest, Trick Williams
This group is so stupid and it’s starting to really pop me. They’re going to show what is in the envelope finally, but before that, they play a video of Tricks rise to stardom. Noam and Oro start clowning around, and Trick starts getting impatient wearing his stupid sunglasses in his chair which was making me laugh. It’s a picture of Trick pinning Noam Dar. Noam talks about it being what propelled him to the title. How is that a big secret? Trick asks the same question. Trick talking about Oro not speaking English properly, that was pretty funny. Trick questions Lash about something that’s been going on, and it’s been revealed that they’ve been together. Noam ends up blindsiding Trick and knocking him out, and Lash stands there torn, and shocked. That was a great segment, but there’s no way Noam has a chance against Trick in future. Fun stuff though.

They showed more of the Women’s Combine. I know this is a work because I’ve seen a real combine of theirs before and it’s not as exciting as they make it out to be in these clips.

Backstage Karmen and Natalya are walking backstage and Karmen is is disappointed in herself. Natalya talks about Karmen trying to find her edge. Some dude walks up and said Natalyas match last week was “sick”. Hahaha, then some guy comes up and said not to worry about losing and that she’s still hot and she kicked him square in the head. Brilliant.

Singles Match
Fallon Henley vs. Kelani Jordan

The Match:
Fallon in one fell swoop, one whole week and all of a sudden she is a completely different person from ONE sheer moment with Thea Hail last week. Honestly, I find it hilarious how quickly somebody can go from a beloved, sweet babyface to a complete bitch just like that. This should be a good match, Kelani has been a surprise package in the last year and Fallon has been Miss Reliable on NXT. Fallon has seen a lot of ring time too, and I see ladies like her and Jacy Jane hitting the Main Roster next Draft. Kelani always shows something new every time you see her perform. The tied turned in the match when Fallon yanked Kelani into the top rope cable neck first. Kelani fought back and used her quickness, and this match was given a decent amount of time. Fallon accidentally ripped off a turnbuckle pad and she launched Kelani into the exposed turnbuckle, and Fallon hit a sliding kick to win.

Winner: Fallon Henley via pinfall.

Charlie Dempsey is backstage with the NQCC and he’s going to give him a Heritage Cup Title Match.

They show the final section of the Women’s Combine highlights.

Ava Interview with Kelly Kincaid
Ava has the names of the 12 Women, let’s see how obvious this is. Sol, Thea, Jaida, Brinley, Michin, Fallon, Lash, Ivy?, Izzi, Kelani, Tatum and my homegirl, Wren Sinclair. Why is Ivy Nile competing? she’s on the main roster. How is Lola Vice not in this thing?

Singles Match
Duke Hudson (w/Andre Chase, Riley Osborne & Thea Hail) vs. Lexis King

The Match:
I think Lexis King needs a serious angle soon, one that may see him in a different light. I often wonder what will come of Duke Hudson, will he go far in the WWE or is he going to be an NXT-Lifer like Andre Chase likely will be? Duke has great ability but I’m not sure if he has the ‘it’ factor to become a big deal on the Main Roster. Lexis got in control as Thea started to lose her shit, and Ridge Holland showed up with a chair, and the distraction of Andre stopping him, and leaving the chair in the ring gave Lexis the chance to wipe Duke out for the win. Nice one Ridge you absolute bonehead.

Winner: Lexis King via pinfall.

Noam, Jakara and Oro leave the building. Je’Von Evans shows up and he never got to really say what he wanted to say before Noam shut him down.

Chelsea Green is seen walking backstage for her title shot and Mr Stone is there looking to support her.

Jazmyn Nyx cuts a promo about Thea Hail, and how she broke Jacy Jane’s nose. Jazmyn is going to make Thea pay.

Backstage Thea has a spazz attack, and Ridge Holland the absolute knobhead comes to apologize. The way he was trying to apologize was hilarious for some reason. I’m sorreh, fook me mate.

WWE NXT Women’s Title Match
Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Chelsea Green

The Match:
This should be a good match, it’s good to see Chelsea wrestle again. This is kind of a tough one, they’re both heels, but does that really matter anymore? Damn, Chelsea is so good looking. Roxanne took control during the commercial break and smashed Chelseas head on the announce table. Laughed at Vic Joseph cracking the shits at Booker T for being biased about wanting Roxanne Perez to win. I love hearing these two argue with one another, it’s great stuff. Roxanne hit a sloppy Pop Rox… a Slop Rox? To retain the title.

Winner: STILL NXT Women’s Champion, Roxanne Perez via pinfall.

After the show is over, The D’Angelo Family has Myles and Damon stuffed in the boot of the car as Charlie walks out the building with his stupidly oversized trophy and can’t seem to find his friends. The plot thickens!

Final Thoughts:
Jolly good episode of NXT this week, as always, so much going on, it’s number 1. I’m sad to know this is likely my 2nd last NXT review for the time being for RPW, I have had a blast writing about these shows so next week will be a sad one for me!

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Karlifornia is a Freelance Journalist for RealProWrestling.Com and TheRockpit.Net and Host on the Insiders Edge Podcast through his YouTube channel, the WZWA Network. He has been a die hard Pro Wrestling fan since 1998, and his favorite time period in wrestling is the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars.

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