TNA Under Siege Results & Review (May 4th, 2024)

TNA Under Siege
May 4th, 2024
Albany Armory
Albany, New York

Tag Team Match
Frankie Kazarian & Steve Maclin vs. Eric Young & Josh Alexander

The Match:
This should be a good opener to the Pay Per View, as the feud between Eric Young and Frankie Kazarian continues to rage on, which has lead Steve Maclin and Frankie Kazarian to join forces, which has lead Josh Alexander to reunite with Eric Young to help even the odds. Kaz and Maclin got some good heat in on Josh Alexander. They really went all out for this match. The smoked cleared and Eric Young managed to piledrive Frankie Kazarian to win the match!

Winner/s: Eric Young & Josh Alexander via pinfall.

They ran down the card and it looks like there’s been some changes, and it didn’t help with my enthusiasm, was a bit disappointed AJ Francis wasn’t against Joe Hendry or Hammerstone wasn’t on the card. As well as Xia Brookside!

Singles Match
Havok (w/Rosemary) vs. Ash By Elegance (w/George Iceman)

The Match:
The annoying George Iceman comes out again and I hate him, I want somebody to f*ck him up. Havok really took it to Ash and dominated her with power, Ash uses her quickness to evade Havok charging into the corner. Havok caight her in mid-air, then rag-dolled her with a Full Nelson. Havok delivers a vicious headbutt, then launches Ash across the ring. The concierge got involved and flicked holy water at Havok and Rosemary stalks George, and he runs off after she pours the holy water in her mouth and spits out blood. I can see Ash is trying but she is a little bit cheesy at times. Ash pinned Havok with a surprise roll up. Ash chokes Havok out with a garlic necklace after the match and grabbed a chair. The hot referee waved it off from outside of the ring which… she wasn’t trying to stop her at all which was funny. Ash hit a Swanton on a chair on Havok afterward and yelled out ‘HA HAAA’ and I’m just thinking geez she’s laying it on too thick. A DDT on the Entrance Ramp finally ended the segment.

Winner: Ash By Elegance via pinfall.

Speedball Mountain/Matt Hardy Interview with Gia Miller
Just a bunch of funny nonsense. I am sure Matt is hoping with this run, it’s possible he might be able to get himself to be a bit more relevant again.

Singles Match
Joe Hendry vs. Zachary Wentz

The Match:
Joe Hendry goes on about his theme song being #6 in the UK charts and thankfully Zachary went after Joe and interrupted him. This match does feel like it’s just been thrown together for the sake of it but look, that’s okay. Tom Hannifan talked about somebody naming their child after Joe Hendry. Wentz fought off the Standing Ovation, then dove through the ropes to the outside. Wentz went for another dive but this time, Hendry catches him in mid-air and hits a Trust Fall. Joe hit the Standing Ovation and picked up the victory after a predictable match but that’s okay sometimes.

Winner: Joe Hendry via pinfall.

TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Title Match
Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) (c) vs. Alisha Edwards & Masha Slamovich

The Match:
I loved the video package going into this because Alisha is really so unlikeable. Spitfire opened up the proceedings with some great tag team work, hitting a stalling suplex on Masha. Alisha and Masha did look like a decent duo, and I have a feeling they are going to become champions. It will keep in theme with those belts being hot potatoed. Lars Frederiksen joins Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt on commentary. Slamvovich has the referee distracted, allowing Alisha to hang up Luna on the top rope. Moments later, Luna clotheslines Alisha to create separation. Luna made the tag to Threat, who brought the big time fight to Alisha. Threat hits a series of clotheslines, followed by a sit-down slam. Alisha belted Jody with a kendo stick, Jody then got hit with a gutwrench powerbomb by Masha, followed from a Pedigree from Alisha, and they win the Knockouts Tag Team Titles!

Winner: Alisha Edwards & Masha Slamovich via pinfall.

AJ Francis and Rich Swann cut a promo about Rich going after the Digital Media Championship and being annoyed that Rich has to wrestle Jake Something on this Pay Per View, replacing Hammerstone.

Singles Match
Rich Swann (w/AJ Francis) vs. Jake Something

The Match:
AJ AND Rich work together to get Rich the advantage on Jake Something. For the first time since I started covering TNA in 2021, I am finally interested in Rich Swann’s character. AJ continued to be involved in the match till the referee finally caught him. Deaner came out to even the odds and wanted to make it a Tag Team Match, and he copped a Chokeslam on the ring apron. Through all this, AJ got laid out with a dive by Jake, but then Rich struck at the right time and beat Jake with a 450 Splash. This was probably my favorite match of the show.

Winner: Rich Swann via pinfall.

Singles Match
Jonathan Gresham vs. KUSHIDA

The Match:
Not exactly the match I was hoping for next, but hopefully this ‘new’ Jonathan Gresham can spark my interest. Nothing against KUSHIDA, he’s very talented but I am generally not too enthused with him. Gresham is now wearing a mask and looks so much like The Great Muta. It’s the usual back and forth you would expect between the two, but it’s designed to get over the new version of Gresham. Gresham then spat black ink out of his mouth like an Octopus, get it? I wonder why this isn’t illegal, but it’s interesting and something different! Gresham wins with the Octopus Stretch.

Winner: Jonathan Gresham via submission.

Tag Team Match
Kon & Steph De Lander vs. Jordynne Grace & PCO

The Match:
This should be interesting, I hope either Kon pins PCO here, or Steph pins Jordynne. Jordynne tagging in to go toe to toe with Kon is a stretch. Kon if you wanted her off you why didn’t you just give her a Samoan Drop? It finally broke down at one point as PCO and Kon went at it – I just think Kon needs to get one over on PCO. Steph broke up a pin attempt after a PCO Sault. Eventually PCO gets the hot tag to Jordynne and the ladies went at it. Eventually, Steph almost got chokeslammed by PCO but got out of it with her womanly ways. Kon tried to take out PCO, Jordynne then took down Kon who escaped to the outside and geez PCO looked close to dying on a flipping dive to the outside. Jordynne wins again with the Juggernaut Driver, big whoop. Babyfaces go over far too often in TNA. I say that even though mostly heels have won so far tonight.

Winner: Jordynne Grace & PCO via pinfall.

TNA X-Division Title Match
Mustafa Ali (c) vs. Ace Austin

The Match:
This is the first time these two have ever wrestled. They traded dives early after the usual feeling out process, Mustafa Ali hit a crazy Tornado DDT on the outside of the ring. Back in the ring, Ali delivers a kick from the apron, then connects with his signature rolling neckbreaker for two. Ali for a second rolling neckbreaker but Austin catches him off-guard with a clothesline. Ali whips the left shoulder of Austin into the steel ring post to gain control. Ali hits a thudding German suplex on the floor. Ali trips up Austin with the ring skirt, then locks in the Sharpshooter. Austin fends off Ali’s secret service before hitting Ali with The Fold. Austin has him beat but a secret service member pulls Ali to safety. The referee stopped Ali from using the X-Division Title as a weapon. After a wild and Wooley affair, Mustafa Ali got the win with the 450 splash to keep his reign going.

Winner: STILL TNA X Division Champion, Mustafa Ali via pinfall.

Six Man Tag Team Match
Matt Hardy & Speedball Mountain (Mike Bailey & Trent Seven) vs. The System (Brian Myers, Eddie Edwards & Moose) (w/Alisha Edwards)

The Match:
Broken Matt Hardy being back on my screen is something I never thought I would see again. There didn’t feel like there was a lot of heat on this match. Alisha Edwards got involved in the best way she does, choking Speedball who was taking most of the heat. I have to be honest, I wasn’t really into the last match for the first half of it. There was a second heat on Trent Seven. Matt Hardy got the hot tag and it would be interesting to see how he keeps up with everybody. He didn’t do too bad. Broken Matt caught Moose with the cutter out of the blue on Moose which got a huge pop from the crowd. Myers gets tagged in and I assume Myers will cop the pin here. They hit a triple Twist of Fate on the System, holy shit Matt hit a Leg Drop off the top rope through Moose on a table! Surprisingly, The System got the win!

Winner/s: The System (Brian Myers, Eddie Edwards & Moose) (w/Alisha Edwards) via pinfall.

Final Thoughts:
To be honest, I struggled through this show a bit, there were a lot of highlights for sure, it just didn’t get me overly excited, which is completely alright, I would say it was a servicable show. I just think TNA need a bigger budget, bigger crowds and a better TV deal. Maybe get Chris DeJoseph hired to write the show! He was a great writer during many heights of WWE, and wrote Lucha Underground which always had rave reviews. TNA just need to be more… TNA!

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Karlifornia is a Freelance Journalist for RealProWrestling.Com and TheRockpit.Net and Host on the Insiders Edge Podcast through his YouTube channel, the WZWA Network. He has been a die hard Pro Wrestling fan since 1998, and his favorite time period in wrestling is the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars.

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