TNA iMPACT #1019 Results
February 1st, 2024
Osceola Heritage Park
Kissimmee, Florida
It’s the 3rd Episode of the rebranded TNA iMPACT!, and I have already come to the acceptance that the creative envelope of TNA programming is not going to change anytime soon. It will ultimately just be an easy going, safe show.
It’s good to see them performing in bigger arenas.
Singles Match
Nic Nemeth vs. Trey Miguel (w/Zachary Wentz)
The Match:
After defeating Zachary Wentz last week, I guess Nemeth needs to tick off both of the Rascalz. Early on Trey took control after an awesome dive with help from Zachary at ringside. I am looking forward to Nic Nemeth against Steve Maclin at No Surrender, but it’s almost like it’s pretty obvious Nic won’t be losing his first PPV match, because they just don’t do stuff like that in TNA. Zachary Wentz got ejected from ringside and his reaction was ridiculous and way over the top, and then Trey Miguel caught Nic Nemeth with a kick to the head followed by meteroa and he got a 2 count. Nic Nemeth then managed to land a superkick and picked up the win!
Winner: Nic Nemeth via pinfall in 7:06.
After the match, Steve Maclin attacked Nemeth! The Rascalz got in on the beat down as well as they delivered a double superkick to Nemeth and Maclin laid Nemeth out with the K.I.A. I guess this is all heading to No Surrender!
Big Kon and Deaner are backstage as Deaner is talking about The Design regrouping, but Kon cut him off to tell Deaner that The Design is dead and he wants to prove he’s the baddest guy in TNA. I’m surprised they have ended the group but to be honest, they lost every feud they were in and weren’t progressing forward.
Steve Maclin and the Rascalz are backstage bragging over what they did, and they have a weird confrontation with Mike Bailey, which may very well end up in a multi man match that includes Nemeth.
Non Title Tag Team Match
Mila Moore & Savannah Thorne vs. Decay (Havok & Rosemary)
The Match:
Rosemary and Mila start off with one another, and Rosemary took her to the corner and started biting Mila’s head. Savannah tagged in and she slapped Rosemary across the face, so Rosemary tags in Havok, and Savannah tried to tag Mila back in who just blatantly bailed on her which was funny. Havok dominated obviously, and hit with a Death Valley Driver. Decay hits a double finisher slam on Thorne for the easy win, and Mila helped Thorne to the outside after letting her get destroyed.
Winner/s: Decay via pinfall in 2:44.
Backstage Masha Slamovich and Killer Kelly are watching the monitor and Gia Miller shows up, looking dazzling as only she can, and MK Ultra make it clear they want a TNA Knockouts Tag Team Title match at No Surrender. What do you know, coincidentally Dani Luna and Jody Threat get in their face and that sets up a match for later. Cutting edge creative there.
Alan Angels has the first edition of ‘Sound Check’ next with his first guest, Josh Alexander. It becomes exactly what you would expect, Alan begged Josh to be on the show and then ended up insulting him from the get go. They bickered back and forth about various things before Josh Alexander stormed off!
Singles Match
Brian Myers vs. Kevin Knight
The Match:
Kevin has no chance in hell with this one. Brian Myers tried to out wrestle Knight early on. Knight used his high flying to combat it, but Myers took control with a back suplex on the outside of the ring. Kevin Knight did the best he could to weather the storm and fight back but Brian Myers finished Knight off with the ‘Roster Cut’ for the win. Saw that coming, but Myers definitely needed a win here.
Winner: Brian Myers via pinfall in 10:42.
After the match it looked like The System were going to beat on Knight, but Kushida made the save. Which I didn’t quite understand but that’s okay, Kushida was apart of the angle last week with Motor City Machine Guns and The System.
Gia Miller Interview with Chris Sabin
Sabin talks about Mustafa Ali and his impending arrival to TNA, as a Mustafa Ali Vignette airs. The Good Hands then eye rollingly interrupt the interview and want gold themselves. Whatever.
Frankie Kazarian Explains His Actions
Frankie Kazarian comes out looking super cool, and told the fans that he wanted to come back to TNA and help rebuild it and helped the TNA revival. Now, he’s claiming to be doing what he wants, when he wants, because he has earned that right. He called himself….. a hero that became the monster in order to succeed. This is a poor reason to turn heel and change his whole personality after only losing 2 tag matches. He runs down Eric Youngs history and previous success, and then said he will not be taken for granted anymore. He finishes it off by saying the fans have permission to hate him now. Frankie is going to be a great heel but the premise for this turn is weak.
The System are backstage celebrating and Alex Shelley confronts the, and wants his rematch with Moose at No Surrender. Surely he should just go ask the boss right? Am I nitpicking too much?
A vignette aired again for Ash By Elegance, and I have high hopes for her in TNA because I think she deserves to see some success. I look forward to seeing where all of this goes.
Deaner walks down to the ring and grabs a mic, and he looked upset and defeated. He announces to the crowd that his stable The Design is dead and further admits it might even be his fault. I feel bad for him. PCO’s music hits and he comes down for a match with Deaner impromptu.
Singles Match
Deaner vs. PCO
The Match:
PCO has won a few squash matches in a row and this looks to be another one as he went to work on Deaner. PCO hit a lungblower and then hit the PCOsault and from that he got the pretty easy victory.
Winner: PCO via pinfall in 1:03.
After the match, Big Kon ran out and attacked PCO! Kon then helped Deaner up only to then lay him out with a clothesline. Kon yelled “It’s over when I say it’s over” PCO got up but Kon chokeslammed him whilst smothering him! Interesting seeing Kon get a push here.
AJ Francis walked up to Rich Swann again backstage wanting to team up with him, but he said no. Rhino walked past and AJ asked Rhino if he needed help and Rhino literally tells AJ to F*ck off. Brilliant. Swann is then mean and told AJ that nobody wanted him in TNA. Rude.
Jordynne Grace talks about her WWE Royal Rumble appearance last weekend! Her mom drove 22 hours to see her perform in the match. She was excited to represent TNA in front of such the WWE Universe. We then find out Trinity’s final match in TNA hasn’t actually happened yet as Jordynne Grace and Trinity will face Gisele Shaw and Savannah Evans next week.
Singles Match
Jody Threat (w/Dani Luna) vs. Masha Slamovich (w/Killer Kelly)
The Match:
Threat starts the match the only way she usually can, and thats by going on the attack straight up on Masha. Masha started to take some control with some aggression of her own. Eventually, Killer Kelly got involved and got knocked off the apron, Dani Luna went after Kelly and that distraction was enough for Slamovich to hit a Snow Plow on Jody Threat to pick up the win!
Winner: Masha Slamovich via pinfall in 4:06.
We go backstage where The System is attacking Kushida, and Shelley runs in for the save. Where were Kevin Knight and Chris Sabin? Bit rude for Knight to not make the save for Kushida and return the favor.
TNA World Tag Team Title Best 2 Out 3 Series Match
Grizzled Young Vets (James Drake & Zack Gibson) vs. ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey)
The Match:
This was super back and forth to begin with, and this all started last week when the Grizzled Young Vets attacked the ABC after their match, to make a statement that they want to be the next TNA World Tag Team Champions. Bey landed a sweet frog splash on Drake. Ace got the tag but Zack Gibson held onto Ace on the ring apron. The Vets were sent to the outside of the ring at one stage and Ace hits his ‘Soar To Glory’ move on Gibson. Drake followed Ace and choked him with a scarf behind the referee’s back! The Grizzled Young Vets then hit their finishing move ‘Grit Your Teeth’ on Ace and Drake covers for the win.
Winner/s: The Grizzled Young Veterans via pinfall in 15:39.
Final Thoughts:
There was some improvement on this show with more backstage stuff being recorded, but still far too much reliance on interruptions of promos and interviews. Still, not a bad show, and No Surrender appears to be shaping up quite well.