TNA iMPACT! Results & Review
February 29th, 2024
Alario Center
Westwego, Louisiana
My apologies for missing last weeks TNA iMPACT! review, but like with NXT, I was incredibly busy as it pertained to WWE Elimination Chamber being in my city and I had to miss out. We are back again this week, after the fall out of TNA No Surrender this past weekend!
Singles Match
Mike Bailey vs. Steve Maclin
The Match:
We open the show with Mike Bailey against Steve Maclin, and as we remember at TNA No Surrender, Maclin cost Mike and his tag team partner Trent Seven their match against the Rascalz, who are now flanking Maclin. Bailey beat up Maclin with his pattented kicks to start off the contest, untill they went to the outside of the ring where they brawled back and forth and nearly counted out. Rascalz member Zachary Wentz took out Mike Bailey’s leg without the referee seeing it take place, to help start Steve Maclin’s heat. As they got inside the ring Steve Maclin continued to target Bailey’s left leg. On the ring apron they traded chops until Bailey swept Maclin’s legs and Maclin copped it sweet. Then Maclin avoided Bailey’s double knees, and he knocked Bailey to the outside of the ring with a spear through the ropes! Damn that is dangerous. Other Rascalz member Trey Miguel tried to distract the referee, allowing Steve Maclin to hit ‘Mayhem For All’ for a very, very close 2 count. Bailey pulled out more kicks in his comeback until Maclin hit a wicked buckle bomb. Bailey countered with a poisonrana but ended up missing his finisher, Ultimo Weapon. Maclin hits his finisher the KIA to pick up the victory.
Winner: Steve Maclin via pinfall in 7:24.
After the match, Steve Maclin cuts a promo on Nic Nemeth being a leech, which is why he’s moving on from him. Nic Nemeth appeared on the big screen, talking from Japan as he was in Japan to battle David Finaly from NJPW, and announces he’s not there because he went off to win the IWGP Global title. He then challenged Steve Maclin to a singles bout at TNA Sacrifice!
Outside of the building, Gia Miller is finally being treated like a broadcast journalist and goes on to inform Frankie Kazarian that he is suspended for his attack on the referee at No Surrender. Kazarian tells Gia to ask Santino “if he really thinks this is the right thing to do.” Please let this become a major drama! (By the way, they never followed up on this the whole show, so, whatever.)
Singles Match
Laredo Kid vs. Jake Something
The Match:
This is what I am talking about with TNA iMPACT now, it’s just SO predictable. We know Jake is not losing to Laredo here. Laredo Kid controled the match early on and sent Jake to the outside of the ring and goes to dive on him, but Jake caught Kid and nailed him with a powerbomb on the outside floor. Back inside the ring, Laredo managed to hit a missile dropkick. Laredo then hit a Spike DDT on Jake Something, but he kicks out at 1. Jake then managed to nail his finisher Into The Void to pick up the predictable win.
Winner: Jake Something via pinfall in 3:27.
Kon on Sound Check with Alan Angels
Backstage, Alan Angels hosts his segment Sound Check with his guest this week, Kon. Angels says he bought the best security that money can buy since his last segment ended in absolute mayhem. Alan expressed how proud he is of Big Kon and Kon states that he’s the baddest man in TNA. The lights flicker in the room though and what do you know, PCO appears! PCO shoves Angels on his hole and battles visciously with Kon as the segment comes to a conclusion.
Tag Team Match
Deaner & AJ Francis vs. Joe Hendry & Rich Swann
The Match:
This has been brewing since Hard To Kill in January. Joe Hendry cut a promo before the action gets started. Swann was dominated at first before he pulls out a dropkick to counter Deaner, who I really feel bad for at the moment and I hope things change for him trajectory wise in TNA soon. Hendry tagged and works over Deaner briefly before Francis gets the tag. Francis hits Hendry with a running knee strike in the corner, and he’s showing me something here with his aggression. Joe Hendry managed to lift AJ Francis up but only for a second before collapsing to the mat. Rich Swann and Deaner both get hot tags and Swann lands a flurry of kicks. Swann ends up hitting the handspring cutter and tags out to Joe. Hendry then hit Deaner with the Standing Ovation to get the victory here on Impact.
Winners: Joe Hendry & Rich Swann via pinfall in 9:21.
We see a vignette from Decay after they recently lost the TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championships to MK Ultra at TNA No Surrender.
By the way, what happened to Bully Ray?
Josh Alexander Interview with Gia Miller
Gia Miller interviews Josh Alexander about facing the guy he defeated at TNA Hard to Kill, Alex Hammerstone, in a rematch at TNA Sacrifice when HERE WE GO AGAIN, an interview interruption takes place, and Dirty Dango interrupts. Josh mentions that he’ll get Santino to book them a match next week. Real cutting edge creative guys, just spot on.
Mustafa Ali’s Inauguration Ceremony
The Good Hands, John Skyler and Jason Hotch welcome out new X-Division Champion Mustafa Ali. He proclaims that “We did it, we accepted change, and we made the X-Division great again!” it’s amazing that he can become the TNA X Division champion in his first match right? Shortly there after, former champ Chris Sabin interrupts and challenges Ali to step away from the podium to talk to him face to face like a man. Chris Sabin says he would still be champ if was not for the darstadly tactics of The Good Hands at TNA No Surrender. Ali says that is a slanderous accusation. The Good Hands then tackle Sabin, leading to Kushida and Kevin Knight making the save as Ali’s security escorts him out of the arena. This was good!
The Assistant to Ash By Elegance, George Iceman and of course, his client Ash By Elegance then came out to announce Ash will compete next week. Compelling story telling. I really like Ash By Elegance but I need more than this from a company called Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling.
Singles Match
#1 Contendership, TNA Knockouts Title
Tasha Steelz Vs Xia Brookside
The Match:
These two have had 2 matches already with 1 win a piece, and they are trying to build to a new #1 Contender for Jordynne Grace’s TNA Knockouts World Title. I think it should be Tasha, because Xia has only had 2 matches and she already gets a contenders match? The path they travel in TNA to get a title shot after their debut is just so short. I like Xia, I think she’s fantastic, but not yet. I think Tasha will get the shot because she’s a heel and she hasn’t been in the title program for a while. Xia unloaded with strikes before Steelz hit a pump kick. Jordynne Grace was shown watching backstage on the monitor. Brookside hit a takedown out of the corner followed by a dropkick and crossbody for a 2 count. Tasha Steelz turned things around and stomped on Brookside in the corner. Steelz then applied a headlock until Xia pulled out clotheslines and one of her moves, the Broken Wings in the corner. She goes for the pattented Brooksie Bomb but managed to kick Steelz to the outside of the ring instead. Xia then hit a sliding dropkick to the floor on Tasha and followed that up with a running neckbreaker. They continued brawling together with hatred on the outside until the referee counted them out!
Winner: Double Count Out in 5:16.
Xia Brookside and Tasha Steelz then rolled inside to confront the referee over the decision before Jordynne Grace comes out and settles the whole thing and announces she’ll face both of them. Thanks Jordynne, we don’t need the Director of Authority Santino Marella to confirm that or anything. It’s not her fault but geez TNA are giving me some lazy booking lately!
TNA World Heavyweight Champion Moose goes on to cut a promo on TNA Digital Media Champion Crazzy Steve as they will face each other in a No DQ match very soon, I assume next week. I have no idea why this is happening but I am sure it will be good.
Tag Team Match
The System vs. Eric Young & ABC
The Match:
Eric Young and Brian Myers start off this match. Chris Bey comes in, but he ends up cornered by The System. Alisha Edwards, who again, looks ravishing, gets involved as is tradition. Then of course we get the good ole commercial break. Alisha continued to pull Ace Austin against the rope as The System cut off the ring and show their team work off. Ace Austin was copping a heat for quite some time here as Eric Young and Chris Bey lose their patiende with the tactics of The System, clearly, The System is working. Eddie Edwards and Eric receive hot tags as Eric catches fire and hits a neckbreaker. Brian Myers is then slammed onto Eddie and Eric went for the pin but couldn’t get the win. Eddie and Eric trade chops in the center because that’s what we always do now, before Chris Bey and the World Champion Moose got tagged in. Chris Bey lands a kick as Moose gets tangled in the ropes. Bey charged at Moose, but Moose caught him and slamed him on to the unforgiving ring apron. Brian Myers speared Ace on the ring apron, Eric then did a dive through the ropes. Inside, Moose hit his usual pump kick on Chris Bey but Ace made the save on the pinfall, and then The ABC double team Moose with a flurry of kicks.
The ABC hit the “1, 2, Sweet”, but Eddie broke up the pinfall attempt. Myers superkicked Eric off the ring apron. Ace then kicked Myers out. Moose pump kicked Ace. Alisha “By God” Edwards got on the apron and Moose dropkicked Chris Bey. That is such an underrated dropkick. Eddie then hit the backpack stunner on Chris Bey and Brian Myers hit the elbow drop. Myers pinned Bey and it’s good to see the heels go over!
Winners: The System via pinfall in 17:16.
Final Thoughts:
Look, it wasn’t bad, but they can do so much better. Starting to lose my patience with TNA at the moment, and I wish I knew why my expectations were so high right now but they need to push the creative envelope more.