NXT #701 Results & Reviews for October 3 (2023)

WWE Performance Center

Orlando, Florida

We open the show with Becky Lynch, which is a great idea considering how helpful she has been for the ratings. N Becks T is what she calls this place, which I hate.

Lyra Valkyria interrupts and has a story to tell about how Becky’s debut inspired her. Lyra is doing her best on the mic, she’s got a long way to go, but she’s memorized all her lines well. Lyra challenges Becky, but Indi Hartwell interrupted, this situation seems familiar! She challenges Becky, and oh my god here comes Roxanne Perez. This was so un-natural. Roxy is getting a little arrogant for my liking. Becky makes a match between the three ladies. Doesn’t clear it with Shawn Michaels or anything. I love that.

An advertisement for the NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament is next. I am going for Karmen Petrovic, for a variety of reasons, and I’ve never seen her wrestle before. I see Kelani Jordan or Arianna Grace winning this, though.

Trick Williams walks through the parking lot as he arrives to the building, with his jacket buttoned down, and his title belt around his waist, not in his bag. Arrogant?

Tag Team Match

Butch & Tyler Bate vs. Gallus (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang) (w/Joe Coffey)

Butch defeated Joe Coffey in the Heritage Invitational Tournament Final on September 26th, so at NXT No Mercy this past weekend, Gallus got involved in Butch’s Title shot at the Heritage Cup Trophy against Noam Dar, and Joe Coffey was the main contributor to Butch’s failure to win the match.

The Match:

It’s the first match of the show, Gallus cut off the ring well for most of this, with moments of hope here and there for Butch and Bate. Joe got involved predictably, as Butch and Bate weathered the storm. Spot of the match was Butch just flinging himself over the top rope and nailing Joe Coffey with a crossbody. Wolfgangs selling of the airplane spin from Tyler was hilarious, just flopping to the outside. Wolfgang copped a moonsault AND a dive from Butch and Bate on the outside, and they hit a double powerbomb on Mark Coffey for the win. Gallus attack and beat Butch and Bate down when – I SAID THIS SHOULD HAPPEN ON THE NO MERCY REVIEW! Ridge Holland showed up to back up Butch! I was RIGHT bro.

Looks like some kind of 6 Man Tag will take place at Halloween Havoc, I assume.

Winner/s: Butch and Tyler Bate in 10:07.

New NXT Champion is shown as Ilja Dragunov walking backstage, clean shaven, looking as schmick as possible. You know how the fans are weird with the peace sign when Joe Gacy comes out? Now Ilja is coming out to fans vigorously conducting his theme song. Ilja cuts a fairly passionate promo. Trick Williams makes his way out. The fans now all have tiny ‘Whoop that Trick’ signs. Ilja and Trick seemed to be getting along and shook hands, as Trick said Ilja inspired him during their battle at NXT Heatwave on August 22nd. Then of course, here comes Carmelo Hayes. Ilja makes his point and leaves the ring, and Melo continues his plight with Trick, before Dominik Mysterio interrupts. The crowd heat is so loud you can barely hear Dom talking. Melo offered to back up Trick tonight, Dom gets in Tricks head, and Trick ends up declining Hayes’ help.

WWE NXT Women’s Title #1 Contendership Triple Threat Match

Indi Hartwell vs. Lyra Valkyria vs. Roxanne Perez

In the opening segment, these 3 interrupted one another and Becky Lynch, wanting a shot at the NXT Championship. Becky made the match, and here it is a couple of segments later.

The Match: 
Roxy and Lyra double team Indi and sent her to the outside. Becky is on guest commentary and thankfully she does a better job of it than Jon Moxley. I honestly feel like Roxanne is becoming super dislikeable as a character. She screamed out that it was “her time”, and it’s really rich of her to say that when, you know, she’s only 21 years old and she’s already won a Breakout Tournament, been a Tag Team Champ and NXT Champ. I didn’t even know who I wanted to win this, anybody but Perez. This match was well put together! Kiana James intervened when Roxy had the pin on Indi, and Becky Lynch nailed Kiana! Then Lyra Valkyria got the pin on Indi with the splash. Tegan Nox’s theme plays after the match, she’s facing Becky Lynch on RAW for the NXT Women’s Championship. Do you realize how funny that is? If this were real, Tegan flew down to Florida specifically to confront somebody for 15 seconds before they cut to something in the back. Amazing.

Lyra looks to face Becky at Halloween Havoc Week 1. Becky is clearly going to run through both these ladies, this reign will last for a while, I think!

Winner: Lyra Valkyria in 11:53.

Melo is backstage shaking his head. He runs into Bron Breakker. Bron suggests Carmelo use his anger, gets in his head, and tells him to take it out on Trick Williams. Hilarious, EVERYBODY over the last few weeks has been trying to get these two friends to fight one another. I also find it funny all these people are at the building just giving eachother a hard time when they’re not even booked to wrestle on the show.

Backstage, Ilja Dragunov is getting his personalized side plates screwed into his NXT Championship. Baron Corbin conveniently shows up and I can see where this is headed. Ilja is all worked up after this, as Baron taunts him. It never ceases to amaze me how every time somebody is NXT Champion, their life clearly and immediately turns to shit. It’s fantastic. I assume they are planning on Corbin Vs Dragunov at Halloween Havoc.

Singles Match

Gigi Dolin vs. Blair Davenport

These two have been at each other’s throats for weeks now, attacking each other whenever they can, they’ve made Gigi go berserk on Blair – all because Blair got in Gigi’s face during a backstage confrontation, she was having a few weeks ago with Thea Hail and Jacy Jane, which was followed by Blair costing Gigi her match over Thea on that September 5th edition of NXT. Since then, they have just been constantly fighting backstage, and Gigi attacked Blair once again at the NXT No Mercy Pre-Show after Blair had defeated Kilani Jordan.

The Match: 
AEW talk about a WrestleDream, here’s my WrestleDream – Blair Davenport and Gigi going one on one! Whilst the amount of hatred between the two doesn’t feel too warranted, it’s definitely a match I was there for. Blair probably needed to pick up the win here, but Gigi could use a win too. The referee should get in the shit for effecting the outcome of the match! He got a steel chair off Gigi, Blair grabs the chair, the referee grabbed the chair, and after a tug of war, Gigi rolled Blair up for a 3 count! After the match, with one hand, Blair Davenport pushed the referee onto his butt, down into the corner by apparently crushing his face. With ONE HAND.

There’s going to be a rematch at one of the weeks of Halloween Havoc. That match was far too short for this to be over yet!

Winner: Gigi Dolin in 3:48.

Kiana James Interview with Mckenzie Mitchell

I had to laugh, as Mckenzie is trying to interview Kiana when she’s on the phone in the middle of a conversation. Why would that happen. Kiana’s new plight is to make Roxanne’s life a living hell. AND SOMEHOW Kiana James organizes Asuka Vs Roxanne Perez for next week’s NXT? How is that a thing? Brilliant.

They introduce the competitors in this years NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament. This is such an unnatural way to introduce the competitors. Look at them all just standing there, posing, nodding, it just makes me laugh. The competitors are Dani Palmer, Lola Vice, Karmen Petrovic, Jaida Parker, Arianna Grace, Jakara Jackson, and the two who will compete in the first match of the tournament right now, Izzi Dame and Kelani Jordan.

WWE NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament First Round Match

Izzi Dame vs. Kelani Jordan

The first NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament was last year, which was won by Roxanne Perez. My assumption is they strap a rocket to the winner of this, considering Perez became a NXT Women’s Tag Team AND the NXT Women’s Champion since then. I think if anybody is going to win, It’s Kelani Jordan. 

The Match:
I first saw Izzi Dame wrestle on Level Up last week against Ivy Nile, and it was a little awkward at times, I think Izzi has potential but I think she’s got a long way to go. They had another annoying “watch party” backstage for the first match of this tournament. Izzi’s Bruno Sammartino-like back breaker was decent, Kelani screaming and sold like a ragdoll. I think Kelani has a big future, she is somebody that is going to inspire and be beloved by little girl fans of WWE. Split legged moonsault from Kelani and she wins! She’s athletic, high flying and SUPER cute, she is going to win some hearts as the weeks and months wear on. 

Kelani advances in the Breakout Tournament, Izzi goes back to the drawing board. I think Izzi did much better here than in her match with Ivy Nile. 

Winner: Kelani Jordan in 4:52.

Backstage, Andre Chase and Duke Hudson suggest they can come out to ringside to help support Thea Hail in her Tag Team match with Jacy Jayne against Elektra Lopez and Lola Vice. Thea initially says no, but Jacy says it might be a good idea and immediately Thea flips on it. How impressionable is this character? I love it.

Tag Team Match

Jacy Jayne & Thea Hail vs. Elektra Lopez & Lola Vice

This Tag Team match was set up because of Elektra and Lola bullying Thea on Twitter. At least it’s something, I suppose. As we know, Jacy Jane has been brainwashing Thea for the last few weeks into becoming a ‘Grown A$$ Woman’ and ignoring her studies with Chase University. Which is why her ring gear is now sexy, sultry leather. What a great, cheesy storyline.

The Match: 
We get a shot of the live arena, and I can’t believe I caught the WWE out on a mistake here. Jacy and Thea were just standing/sitting on the apron there still. No music was playing. Suddenly their music plays, and they start acting like they were in the middle of their entrance! Are you kidding me? They just walk out there, assume a position and pretend that they had been making an entrance the whole time? That’s insane to me. I had to burst into laughter over Elektra and Lolas entrance, the way they were so in sync with one another, stomping their way out there. 
Thea showed newfound aggression early, she’s actually really picked up her in ring game lately. Elektra is probably better off without Legado Del Fantasma as they headed to the Main Roster when she got replaced with Zelina Vega a few months ago. This gives her a fresh opportunity to come up to the Main Roster without being stuck in a stable in a valet role. Extensive heat on Thea Hail to start this tag match (IF ONLY NXT STILL HAD A WOMEN’S TAG TITLE RIGHT? THEN MAYBE ISLA DAWN AND ALBA FYRE WOULD ACTUALLY STILL BE ON TV, RIGHT!?) Jacy gets a hot tag, she cleans house and sets things up for a Thea Hail victory. Elektra collided with the ring post, then Thea got tagged back in and she immediately locked in the Kimura Lock to make Elektra tap out.

Thea and Jacy’s story continues, Chase U now seem a little more actively involved, let’s see if the “bad assness” rubs off on the squeaky-clean College boy and Professor.

Winner/s: Jacy Jane & Thea Hail in 4:10.

Carmelo Hayes is leaving the building in the parking lot, looks like he just got off the phone. A camera man is asking him questions, and Carmelo brags about having been on the phone to John Cena. Cena will be on NXT next week, that is hilarious bro. I love how the graphic for Cena being in Carmello’s corner was put together within the space of 45 seconds.

We also get an announcement that Cody Rhodes will be on NXT next week, to make a Major Announcement. Hopefully not a Tony Khan sized Major Announcement, which usually ends up the size of a corn kernel. Asuka Vs Roxanne Perez is hyped too.

WWE NXT North American Title Match

Trick Williams (c) vs. Dominik Mysterio (w/Rhea Ripley)

As we know, last week on NXT Trick Williams became the #1 Contender to the NXT North American Championship, and at NXT No Mercy, he beat Dominik with slight thanks to Dragon Lee to win the strap.

The Match: 
The ‘Whoop That Trick’ chant is starting to get annoying already. Dominik has Rhea Ripley with him as he enters. Trick starts the match off hot, dominating. Suddenly, Damien Priest and Finn Balor, the WWE Tag Team Champs walk out after we get back from the annoying picture in picture commercial break. Trick may have made a mistake telling Carmelo he didn’t need his help, which is a story I am digging at the moment. A decent heat for Dominik takes place. A “Whoop, that trick, whoop whoop that trick” chant takes place and it’s making me laugh so hard. There are so many white people out there. Trick slammed Dom down at one stage and it looked a little awkward, he hits a Book End for the 2 count. Rhea threw the Womens title in the ring, and Dom hit a DDT on Trick onto the title belt for a close 2 count. JD McDonagh runs in after Trick hits his running knee on him, Finn Balor hits Trick with a Tag Title to the head! There was so much distraction going on for the referee, Trick is overwhelmed and Dominik wins the North American title back.

This has got to be heading to some kind of Trick or Carmelo heel turn. Something’s got to give at some point. They’re both trying hard to find success without one another, and it could implode any week now. The Judgment Day prove their dominance once more, and perhaps this will be a lesson learned to the Trick Williams character that he can’t do it on his own, and neither can Melo.

Winner: NEW NXT North American Champion, Dominik Mysterio in 10:20.

Paul Heyman shows up on the screen. He inserts himself into the Carmelo Hayes and Bron Breakker situation, and will be there next week to back up Bron Breakker next week. What a cool way to go off the air!

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Karlifornia is a Freelance Journalist for RealProWrestling.Com and TheRockpit.Net and Host on the Insiders Edge Podcast through his YouTube channel, the WZWA Network. He has been a die hard Pro Wrestling fan since 1998, and his favorite time period in wrestling is the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars.

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