NXT No Mercy Results September 30th, 2023

Mechanics Bank Arena

Bakersfield, California

Attendance: 4,954

NXT No Mercy Kick Off Show

Kelani Jordan vs. Blair Davenport

At least NXT utilize the Kick Off shows to have some matches, or a match – take place. Kelani showing some super athleticism early! This is a big opportunity for her to wrestle in front of a large crowd. I am guessing much like NXT newcomer Dani Palmer, Kelani must be a former gymnast too. Yep, I went to Wikipedia and what do you know, she’s a former Gymnast! Blair got some heat, Kelani reversed a Boston Crab in a very unique way and spent the rest of the match impressing! It got super physical between them both, Blair then started to taunt Kelani who hit what looked like a… 619 Cutter!? She’s won the people over here, she hit my old move the High Voltage, not the stupid Overdrive, she hit it the way that move was always supposed to be hit! The story of this match has been Blair struggling to contain Kelani. Davenport got knees on a split legged Moonsault from Kelani, then finished her off with a move that was kind of like a jackhammer for the win. 

Gigi Dolin attacks afterward which is essentially all this feud has been between these two! Blair talked crap to Gigi a few weeks ago, then interfered in a match of Gigi’s then suddenly they’re attacking each other backstage and during matches and there’s just no real story there at all!

NXT No Mercy

The PLE begins with a play on the beloved No Mercy Video Game. 

Singles Match

Baron Corbin vs. Bron Breakker

Bron opens the match with an INSANE dive to the outside. They sell the hatred and heat between them both well even if again, the pretense to all this anger was really out of left field. The brawl through the crowd, Brons knocking out security personel, Baron missed a senton onto the announce table, it’s wild and wooley to begin the proceedings. We got a portion of time without commentary, which is always humorous to me. I really think this NXT run for Baron Corbin has been a total rejuvination for him. As far as Bron is concerned, is he the best all round athlete in WWE? His speed, his vertical leap, his quickness, his strength.. the dude press slammed Baron Corbin for crying out loud! Baron hit an intense Deep 6, It’s like Bron was bringing the best out of him.

Baron put Bron through the announcer’s table, which got a huge reaction. Bron no sold it though! He then hit a sick spear on the outside and Robert Stone interfered, Bron caught his crossbody, throws him onto a pile of security on the outside, he turned around into the End of Days and Baron Corbin won! To be honest, that was definitely the right call.

Winner: Baron Corbin

WWE NXT North American Title Match

Dominik Mysterio vs. Trick Williams (Special Referee: Dragon Lee)

As Vic Joseph pointed out, this was definitely the biggest match in Trick’s young career, as he managed to get himself a North American Title shot here after the fallout of Mustafa Ali’s release. Dragon Lee as the Special Guest Referee adds an interesting touch to this match, considering Dominik screwing Dragon recently too in the same role, but Dragon probably wants to beat Dom for the title himself. Trick looked very confident and sure of himself early! Which was great to see, I know he has struggled to become polished in the ring over the last 18 months.

There was a dude in the front row with a NXT title on his shoulder in a Hawaiian shirt that was popping me with his reactions in the first 2 matches. Speaking of polished, Dominik is in the zone right now, this kid is going to be around a long time – he gets it. Booker T is again, on fire on commentary. This was a good match. I laughed so hard when Dominik accidentally superkicked the living shiznit out of Dragon Lee who tumbled dramatically to the outside. Dominik just shoulder blocks the crap out of the replacement referee, and then there’s no referee for a 2nd time. Trick picks up Dragon after he had Dom done for, and then hits a massive knee on Dominik, and Dragon Lee counts 3! Trick Williams becomes the new NXT North American Champion!

Winner and NEW NXT North American Champion, Trick Williams!

As Trick celebrates, the 2nd referee is still out cold on the outside and nobody has checked to see if he’s okay which again just makes me laugh so much.

WWE NXT Tag Team Title Fatal Four Way Match

The Family (Channing Lorenzo & Tony D’Angelo) (c) vs. Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo vs. The Creed Brothers (Brutus Creed & Julius Creed) (w/Ivy Nile) vs. Out The Mud (Bronco Nima & Lucien Price) (w/SCRYPTS)

I wish in that segment at Tony D’s house, his ‘made men’ were Little Guido, Big Vito, Chuck Palumbo and Johnny Stamboli. I’m not a fan of these kinds of multi man Tag Matches but let’s see how it goes. Angel and Humberto definitely needed the NXT demotion to get some relevancy back! Julius Creed hit a sweet dive to the outside early on. Tony hurts his knee at one stage, let’s hope its a work. The choreography seemed to continue seamlessly though so perhaps it was in the match plan. Jesus, Angel and Humberto hit a Gory Special into a flipping cutter from the ring apron by Humberto, I’ve never seen that before! Speaking of best all round athlete, perhaps Julius Creed owns that pound for pound! Tony D triumphantly charged back out, headbutts a Road Agent, and started cleaning house. The Family and The Creeds then hit stereo superplex’s on OTM and Garza/Humberto! That was a first. Way to get your match over boys! The Creeds and The Family then stand off and a brawl took place. This was becoming pandemonium whilst also paying respect to Tag Team rules, it can easily be sold as being overwhelming for the referee. Brutus hit a sick Brutus Ball springboard to the outside, Bada Boom, Bada Bing, The Family retain.

Winners and STILL NXT Tag Team Champions, The Family!

They show the vignette for Brian Pillman Jr. again. He flicks through more footage.

Backstage, Carmelo is sitting focused, as Trick walks in with the North American Title. They celebrate together and things seem well with them both.

Becky Lynch has a Shopping Trolley and is filling it full of weapons. Hopefully they show some love for Raven and add a bag of Oranges.

WWE NXT Heritage Cup Title Match

Noam Dar (w/Jakara Jackson, Lash Legend & Oro Mensah) (c) vs. Butch (w/Tyler Bate)

The package they put together for the build to this made this seem super important, even though I took the piss out of the tourny the whole time, E for Effort. This was going to be a technical feast I am sure. We get to the end of Round 1 and Butch was dominant, torturing Noam Dar with his digit manipulation. The bell rang and Noam NAILED Butch with a sick elbow. Great selling from Butch looking glassy eyed. Round 2 begins and Noam is now in charge thanks to that advantage he gained with the late elbow in Round 1. Butch weathered the storm and surges before the end of Round 2. Meta Four get involved, a cheap shot from Oro Mensah, and Noam gets the first fall as Round 2 ends.

Whilst Sheamus is injured, it might be good to keep Butch in NXT, but Ridge Holland should join him and should be here with Tyler Bate backing him up. Bitter End from Butch and he tied it up to end Round 3. Round 4 begins as it was tit for tat between the two. As we know it’s the first to 2 falls, Noam Dar is out cold and saved by the bell. Round 5 begins as Meta Four try to wake up Noam Dar. Noam hit a huge brainbuster on the ring apron for a near fall! Round 6 begins and it’s the final round. Referee did see Oro Mensah kick him. Nova Roller from Noam for a 2 count, Tyler Bate attacked Oro, Tiger Driver 97 from Butch, there was a 2 count. Bitter End by Butch again, Noam kicked out with 1:10 remaining. GALLAS attack Tyler Bate, Butch wastes them with 45 second left, Joe Coffey laid out Butch and Noam Dar pins Butch! Hectic, but perhaps interference kind of hurts the journey of the tournament itself to end it that way?

Winner and STILL NXT Hertiage Cup Champion, Noam Dar!

WWE NXT Championship Title Match

Carmelo Hayes (c) vs. Ilja Dragunov

It’s time for our co-Main Event, Melo and Ilja are doing battle to see who really is the better man. Ilja was out of the gates early with some dominance! Going into this, remembering how much Melo was in his own head about not being able to beat Ilja Dragunov. The story of the match early on was Ilja having Melo’s number. They slowly but surely got more and more violent as the match wore on, going back and forth for minutes on end, as the fans went back and forth on who they were backing. You know, Ilja really takes bumps like no other. He puts his WHOLE BODY into everything! Coast to coast reversed into a codebreaker which was caught by Ilja, who then nailed Melo and finally hit the Coast to Coast for the near fall. Ilja’s selling of exhaustion is tremendous! They continued to go back and forth, Melo kicked out of 2 H-Bombs and Ilja lost his cool over it as blood trickled down his forehead. If Meltzer doesn’t give this 5 stars but he gives them so easily in Jacksonville, then he’s a hack. Super H-Bomb off the top rope after a great back and forth, and Ilja topples Carmelo Hayes! They shake hands afterward and Melo is devastated. 

Winner and NEW NXT Champion, Ilja Dragunov!

WWE NXT Women’s Title Extreme Rules Match

Becky Lynch (c) vs. Tiffany Stratton

Here we go, it was Main Event time. For the second time in a few weeks Tiffany has the biggest match of her career against Becky Lynch, this time it’s a Street Fight on a PLE. I think Tiffany needed to wear ripped tight pink jeans and needed to match Becky with her own style placed on it than the pretty outfit she had on. Tiffany charges at Becky and cops a kendo stick, a trash can lid and a chair. Tiffany being whipped like a Government Mule early, as they brawl through the crowd. Tiffanys tights are dealing with a certain hunger and that was welcomed by this reviewer. Stratton was bleeding early on from the forehead which was a sight to see, amongst other things.

Stratton gets a tool box out and started wailing on Becky with spanners, wrenches, and continued her heat. Becky fought back and rammed Tiffy in a shopping cart into stairs which looked a little weak. She introduced some Barbie dolls and slammed Tiffy onto them. Tiffy smacked Becky with a Trash can lid which always has a decent effect. Tiffany hit a spinebuster onto the Trash can which looked decent. This was a really good suspenseful main event. A table was introduced and the crowd were up for it. This is Tiffanys coming out party! The gymnastics back elbow through the barricade was amazing. Becky got put on the table, Tiffany hits a swanton on her to the outside slightly through a table, 2nd swanton on the inside of the ring took place, and Becky kicked out. Stratton missed a moonsault to the outside, Manhandle Slam on the floor and Tiffy kicked out. This is her moment, if she loses, it will hurt, she misses the prettiest moonsault Ever, Becky hits the Manhandle Slam on chairs and she retains. Dammit. Becky celebrates.

Winner and STILL NXT Women’s Champion, Becky Lynch!

Carmelo and Trick meet backstage and embrace. We go off the air!

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Karlifornia is a Freelance Journalist for RealProWrestling.Com and TheRockpit.Net and Host on the Insiders Edge Podcast through his YouTube channel, the WZWA Network. He has been a die hard Pro Wrestling fan since 1998, and his favorite time period in wrestling is the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars.

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