Impact! #1000 Results and Recap

Impact 1000

14th of September, 2023

Westchester County Center

White Plains, New York

Celebrating Impact Wrestling’s 1000th Show

TNA Impact aired on Fox Sports from Universal Studios in Orlando Florida on June 4th, 2004. The landscape was very different back then, wasn’t it? The energy behind TNA Wrestling as the clear cut #2 pro wrestling company was certainly in the air back then – featuring a roster that will certainly be missed, narrated by Mike Tenay and Don West – from Abyss to Kid Kash, Eric Young, Bobby Roode, the future Lance Archer, Jerry Lynn, Shane Douglas, R-Truth BG “Road Dogg” James, World Champion Jeff Jarrett, Raven, Sabu. America’s Most Wanted, and the ‘The American Dream’ Dusty Rhodes – and so many more. 998 episodes have passed since then, and whilst a lot has changed for the now rebranded Impact Wrestling, episode 1000 not only gives them a chance to tip the hat to their past and how they managed to survive through so much, but to show why they are the most under rated pro wrestling product going today.

The intro video to the show kind of made me feel a bit sad over how much has come and gone over the years in pro wrestling, wishing I didn’t take TNA and Impact for granted so much – and also, feel a bit sad that so much has changed for the company and it’s not as big as it once was.

Credit: Impact Wrestling Youtube

Scott D’Amore In Ring Promo

The show opened with Impact Wrestling President Scott D’Amore promo in the ring. He talks about episode 1, how he and Team Canada opened the show – and then shines a light on the Impact Knockouts of the past and introduces the absolutely ravishing Gail Kim. She airs a video package highlighting the Knockouts of the Past and Present, and how they were actually the gamechanger for women’s wrestling. Then – the Beautiful People interrupt!

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I had to laugh, it’s amazing, they still look so hot. They run down Gail and then talk about the video package being full of ugly people. Now it’s becoming a confrontation, and Gisele Shaw interrupts. I love that people are just allowed to come out whenever they want. Gisele sucks up to TBP but then gives a backhanded compliment. ‘Who exactly is good from your generation’ – sigh Jordynne Grace interrupts. ODB gets a shoutout. As does Victoria, Traci Brooks. Deonna Purrazzo interrupts after Gisele and TBP get called vapid bitches. Trinity interrutps as Deonna puts down Jordynne Grace. Trinity brags about being the champion, Deonna brags about 3 title reigns, and Gail brags about 7. Awesome Kong with Raesha Saed interrupts! We are 20 minutes deep. Saed asks who would be bold enough to challenge Awesome Kong and Tasha Steelz interrupts. How many microphones do they have? Tasha brags about having beat the greatest, and Mickie James interrupts:

This is insanity as it nears 25 minutes, but at least the dopamine hit of the theme songs has been tiding myself and the audience over. All this to set up 5 vs 5 next episode.

The segment ran pretty damn long, which is super unlike an Impact Wrestling episode!

Chris Harris and James Storm of America’s Most Wanted are backstage talking to Eric Young as Santino Marella interrupts, and then Stone Cold Shark Boy walks in after having dropped a beer on the floor. He’s going to be Santino’s assistant DOA. Shark Boy looked pregnant.

Feast or Fired Match

Johnny Swinger vs. Alpha Bravo vs. Brian Myers vs. Heath vs. Jonathan Gresham vs. Laredo Kid vs. Sami Callihan vs. KUSHIDA vs. Crazzy Steve vs. Black Taurus vs. John Skyler vs. Steve Maclin vs. Joe Hendry vs. Moose vs. Yuya Uemura vs. Chris Bey vs. Bhupinder Gujjar vs. Kevin Knight vs. Jai Vidal – (13:34)

Believe it or not this is the first time I’ve seen one of these Feast or Fired matches. You have to climb to the corners which have 4 briefcases, 3 have the opportunity for title shots, one is a pink slip. Chris Bey manages to get the 3rd briefcase, gets over the top to the outside and he leaves. My questions were answered today, Tasha Steelz and Jonathan Gresham had been out for a while. We get the usual Tower of Doom spot. Crazzy Steve grabs case #1. Again these Battle Royals where everyone is just standing on the outside or selling and there’s only a couple of people in the ring at once. Everyone is hitting their finishers one after another! Yuya Uemura with help from his tag partner Joe Hendry grabs case #4 and they play keepaway from Sami Calihan before Yuya gets out of the ring to claim it officially. PCO chokeslams Jai Vidal after he tries to flirt with him, which is hilarious. PCO then gets eliminated by Caliham with a huge bump off the ring apron. This got wild toward the end! Steve Maclin ends up grabbing case #2 – the Rhino comes out! He hits the gore on Maclin, the case goes flying over the top rope and Moose catches it on the outside. What a crazy match. 

Chris Sabin Interview

Chris Sabin talks about his opportunity at the X Division Championship against Lio Rush tonight, and how he doesn’t respect how Lio went about winning it. Stock standard interview.


Tag Team Match

Team 3D (Bully Ray & Devon) vs. The Desi Hit Squad (Champagne Singh & Rohit Raju)

The reunion we have been waiting for! This is special and will probably be the last time they ever team together. It was always surprising to me this was announced, since D’Von’s stroke a few years ago. I hope he does well. 3D gets a good shine at the beginning, the crowd were super happy for D’Von to get back in there. Singh and Raju got a little heat on Ray, before a hot tag to D’Von, trash talking from, and some fantastic offense from him! D’Von even hit the Wazzahhhh headbutt. D’Von of course, gets the tables! They hit the 3D after setting the table up and get the pinfall victory. Powerbomb on Raj Singh through the table, and the crowd are stoked!

Josh Alexander is seen backstage as the Impact Tag Team Champions, The Rascalz are eating Pizza on the floor. Josh tells them to clean it up, and they make fun of him, so he throws Trey Miguels bag. Stupid segment, who eats pizza sitting on the floor in the middle of a hallway? 

Josh Alexander In Ring Promo

The Walking Weapon grabs the mic, and I wonder if this is designed to kick off an angle heading to Bound For Glory. He’s called out Alex Shelley, the Impact World Champion, who looks shmick in that suit. Alex Shelley takes credit for Josh’s success for helping building Impact. Alex heels on Josh. Josh brings up Alex’s run but that he lost to Josh last year at Emergeance. The Rascalz come out and attack both Alex Shelley and Josh Alexander. Josh lays them out, stares down Alex, and the Rascalz lay Josh out again as Alex backs away, leaving Josh to cop the beating.

The Rascalz backstage with Shark Boy

The Rascalz are laughing, and of course, carrying their titles around. Shark Boy books Trey against Josh for next week. Santino shows up, proud of Shark Boy. Kenny King rocks up with Sheldon Jean and is screaming at Santino. It’s popping me how mad Kenny is, wanting a shot at the Digital Media Title.


Tag Team Match

Frankie Kazarian & Traci Brooks vs. Alisha Edwards & Eddie Edwards

This should be fun. Potentially the feud ender. Alisha slaps Traci, who smacks her back and Alisha goes down, this is wild already! This match is interesting, because there’s so much heat on it. So many AEW fans were making fun of Frankie for leaving AEW to go to Impact – the fact is he’s been involved in an angle every single month he’s been back. He didn’t want to be put out to pasture mate. He wanted to finish his career on the right note.  This female referee is really vocal in this match, I never noticed how much she says during these matches. Laughed out loud at Frankie hitting a northern lights suplex and yelling ‘YOU STUPID B*TCH’ and the crowd chant it. Traci comes in like a house of fire and starts whooping Alisha. Traci ends up in dramatic fashion hits the Fade to Black to win the match! I’m guessing Kaz and Eddie will battle once more at Bound for Glory.

Lio Rush Interview

Not a bad promo here, and Gia Miller is incredibly gorgeous.

Tommy Dreamer Promo

Tommy talks about becoming the Digital Media Champion, and how he’s going to be a fighting champion. 


Impact X-Division Title Match

Lio Rush (c) vs. Chris Sabin

During Lios entrance he started screaming like he was a grizzly bear into the audience, it was weird. I guess the angle here is, Lio has got Sabin’s number, and has been frustrating him into making mistakes and overexerting himself. Hey, it’s something different. Sabin was playing possum though. Now the tide will turn as Sabin finds a way to get in Lio’s head. Sabin hit the clothesline from Hell Michigan, then the Cradle Shock and Lio Rush kicked out. I wish the fans would just watch and enjoy the match and stop thinking they need to start ‘this is wrestling’ and ‘fight forever’ chants. Lio hits the Final Hour and Sabin kicked out, which was expected. It’s good seeing this pissed off side of Sabin. He finally hits another Cradle Shock and becomes X Division Champion for the 10th time! Everyone gets in the ring and celebrates with him, lifting him on their shoulders as we go off the air.


Very enjoyable show, a bit of nostalgia whilst trying to get over the new era of Impact. I look forward to the 2nd half of this celebration next week!

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Karlifornia is a Freelance Journalist for RealProWrestling.Com and TheRockpit.Net and Host on the Insiders Edge Podcast through his YouTube channel, the WZWA Network. He has been a die hard Pro Wrestling fan since 1998, and his favorite time period in wrestling is the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars.

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