On March 08, WWE SmackDown went live from the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas. The show featured a massive face-to-face segment between The Rock/Roman Reigns and Seth/Cody. The build to the US Title match continued. Kevin Owens and Bobby Lashley collided. Let’s take a look at everything that happened on Friday Night SmackDown.

Logan Paul’s Promo
We saw a clip of The Rock and Roman Reigns arriving at the arena separately. Cody and Seth were also shown entering backstage.
In the ring, US Champion Logan Paul walked down to the ring. Paul remembered fans of his first WrestleManiamatch 2 years ago in Dallas.
The crowd started giving “what” treatment. Logan said that he had the best rookie year. He won the US Title and was the most viral superstar.
He said he succeeded in YouTube, podcasts, boxing, and wrestling.
Logan claimed that WWE’s business has been booming since his arrival. All events have been sold out, and major deals have been signed.
After a drumroll, Logan announced that Prime Drink will be the official center-ring sponsor for upcoming WWE premium live events starting from WrestleMania.
Logan introduced his partner, KSI, who entered from the crowd. They captured a viral photo.
Randy Orton’s music hit. The Viper came from under the ring and tried to RKO Logan Paul.
Instead, KSI became the victim and suffered RKO. Orton grabbed a bottle of Prime and poured it onto KSI.
Grades: B
Analysis: It was a fine segment with a major announcement that Prime drink will sponsor the official center ring for upcoming WWE premium live events.
Paul did a great job on the mic, especially when discussing his rookie-year achievements.
Tag Team Match
Randy Orton and Kevin Owens vs. Austin Theory and Grayson Waller
Owens started against Theory. KO laid him out with a shoulder tackle and hip toss. Owens continued the assault with a senton.
Theory and Waller dominated for a bit. They landed a double suplex on KO.
Orton delivered a snap powerslam. Owens delivered a cannonball on Theory to the outside.
Orton delivered a draping DDT to Waller. KO hit a Stunner on Waller.
Owens grabbed Theory and popped him in the air. Randy caught him and delivered RKO for the win.
Logan tried to sneak attack Orton with brass knuckles but had to retrieve them.
Winners: Randy Orton and Kevin Owens
Grades: B-
Analysis: It was a decent tag team encounter. It looked like they would go with Orton vs. Logan for the US Title. Maybe it will become a multi-man match.
Backstage Interview
Bayley was backstage and interviewed by Kayla Braxton. Bayley said she did everything for Damage CTRL, and they are backfiring on her.
She said she built Damage CTRL and will break them now.
Naomi came out and was feeling bad for Bayley.
Bianca Belair reminded Bayley of how she did all the wrongs alongside Damage CTRL for the past two years.
Singles Match
Bobby Lashley vs. Karrion Kross
The match started, and Kross delivered a suplex. Lashley replied with a suplex of his own and sent Kross to the outside with a clothesline.
Bobby lifted Karrion, but Scarlett’s distraction resulted in Kross sending Lashley into the ring post.
Back in the ring, Kross applied an elbow lock. Karrion delivered a gut-wrenching suplex for a two-count.
The two exchanged shoulder tackles, and the action moved to the outside again.
Lashley slammed Kross into the ring post. Kross escaped a spear and the Hurt Lock and delivered a modified Death Valley Driver for a near fall. Bobby landed a spine buster.
AOP attacked from behind, and the match ended in disqualification. After the match, Street Profits arrived, and a brawl broke out.
The Final Testament stood tall in the end.
Winner: Bobby Lashley by DQ.
Grades: B
Analysis: It was a fun match to watch. Both Lashley and Krosshave power moves in their arsenal. Overall, this feud looks like it will culminate at WrestleMania XL.
Singles Match
Tiffany Stratton vs. Michin
Michin started with a chop to the chest. Stratton replied with a back elbow and a double stomp.
Tiffany landed a backbody drop for a two-count. Michin delivered a suplex and went for the Styles Clash.
Tiffany countered it into an Alabama Slam, followed by the Prettiest Moonsault Ever for the victory.
Winner: Tiffany Stratton
Grades: C
Analysis: The fans are backing Tiffany Stratton. It is great to see her getting necessary wins on weekly TV. It looks like her top feud will begin after WrestleMania.
Backstage: AJ Styles cut a promo about LA Knight. Styles said Knight needs a humbling, and he is a phenomenal choice. Elsewhere, Knight was laughing on this with a steel chair in hand.
Singles Match
Dragon Lee vs. Angel Garza
Dragon delivered back-to-back dropkicks for a two-count. Garza came back with a knee to the face.
Back after the commercial, we saw a sit-out powerbomb by Lee. Later, Dragon delivered a double stomp from the top rope to the chest.
Lee landed a top rope senton to the outside to take out Garza and Carillo. In the ring, Lee countered a powerbomb into a hurricanrana for the win. Legado Del Fantasma attacked Lee after the match.
Winner: Dragon Lee
Grades: B-
Analysis: Lee’s athletic abilities were brilliant yet again. They will go for a multi-man tag match between LWO and LegadoDel Fantasma.
Cody and Seth answered The Rock and Roman’s challenge
Roman Reigns arrived alongside Paul Heyman, Jimmy Uso, and Solo Sikoa. Then, The Rock arrived to a loud crowd reaction.
Reigns and The Rock hugged, and The Tribal Chief told fans to acknowledge them. Cody’s music hit.
Cody and Seth walked through the crowd. Nick Aldis and the security surrounded the ring. Roman, Rock, Seth, and Cody were in the ring.
Cody told The Rock that he heard his challenge last week. Rhodes tried to get under Rock’s skin by saying he acknowledged Roman last week.
The Rock told Cody to shut up. The Great One that he acknowledged for the family. He again reminded Cody of the tag match and the stipulation.
Seth interrupted this time and told The Rock to shut up. Rollins said that they are aware of the stakes and accept this challenge.
Roman Reigns laughed at Cody and called him an idiot because Seth was answering on behalf of Rhodes.
He called Seth the cross dresser. Reigns told Cody that it would be his last chance at WrestleMania 40.
The Rock called Rollins a piece of shit. He told Cody that their families were watching.
The American Dream will be watching. He then took a personal jab at Cody.
The Rock told him he was one of the three siblings and 20 years younger than the others, which is why he was mistaken.
Cody Rhodes slapped The Rock, and SmackDown went off the air.
Grades: A
Analysis: It was one of the biggest segments in WWE history. They delivered a compelling story. The tag match for WrestleMania is official. Wrestlemania season will surely be a hell of a ride in the coming weeks.
Overall, it was a great and impactful episode of WWE SmackDown on Road to WrestleMania XL. The Rock slapping someone and getting slapped back in 2024 is still crazy.