WWE Global Warning 2002 Retro Review! (August 10th, 2002)

WWE Global Warning
August 10th, 2002
Colonial Stadium
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Attendance: 56,734

In preparation for WWE Elimination Chamber on February 23rd in my city of Perth, Western Australia, I thought I would take a little trip down memory lane to the time that the WWE had a big show here in Australia for the first time since 1986 when they presented the WWE Global Warning Tour. From memory, I thought this aired on Pay Per View, but there is a good chance that this was DVD only release after the fact. If there are any Australian WWE fans that were there at Colonial Stadium on the evening, we would love to hear from you about your memories of the show.

The show begins with a big pyro display – “And nowww presented by XBOX its the WWE Global Warning Tour!” That old school WWE voice over guy was epic. I need to find that guy. This was a big deal for us fans in Australia back in 2002, and although I couldn’t fly over for it, boy was I hyped for that DVD!

Or… maybe it was on VHS.

The crowd were going nuts to open the show, and it was really crazy hearing Michael Cole and Tazz on the call after all these years, and Smackdown General Manager Stephanie McMahon makes her entrance. By the way it’s so good to see this PPV is only 2 hours and 7 minutes long! Little did I know though, they ommitted 3 matches from the DVD which is absolutely mind boggling.

Stephanie McMahon In Ring Promo
Ahh, it was a simpler time back then wasn’t it? No drama, no AEW, and it’s all fun. No constant internet drama. Stephanie gets on the mic and welcomes everyone and wants to get the party started and crikey, I just saw NBL Legend Andrew Gaze in the crowd as Rikishi made his entrance. Stephanie danced it up with ‘Kish during his entrance which was… quite fetching!

Kiss My Ass Match
Rikishi vs. Rico

The Match:
The Billy and Chuck theme is just so triumphant, as Rico made his entrance with his amazing side burns. I really forgot how good WWE used to be to make characters so defined. If you saw a silhouette of Rico, you knew who it was. Same with the big ‘Kish. I’m getting all nostalgic watching this as I see Referee Jimmy Korderas in charge of proceedings. I miss when my referee’s didn’t look like they could beat you up, and were either balding or pudgey. Rikishi dominated early, and the crowd were hot for it. Rico moved from the Bansai Drop, and hit a low blow. Rico was such a great performer, as he enjoyed his heat and posed for the crowd and missed an amazing looking moonsault. Rikishi hit a Samoan Drop for the victory (an easy day at the office if you ask me) and as per the stipulation, Rico has to kiss his big butt. Rico yelled at the referee over it, and he went for a spin kick on Rikishi, but copped a boot to the mouth, and Rikishi went for the Stinkface and we get the Ass Kissing we seek. That was a fun, quick opener! Afterward, Rikishi danced for the people and he danced with a kid with Green Hair and a kid with Blonde hair. I had to laugh, the Blonde kid tried to break dance and it was terrible, which made it better. It’s interesting when you look back at something like this. Rikishi was such a great act in WWE, somebody you would always expect to be there, and his final TV match came 1 year and 8 months later. We really were on the cusp of the days where things went from fun in the WWE to what it would eventually become for some time.

Winner: Rikishi via pinfall in 2:32.

We see Nidia and Jamie Noble going to meet an Aussie Bloke called Jordan and they’re going to get taught how to surf. I don’t know why but it got me feeling a bit emotional seeing them make the effort to show what life in Australia is all about and they both looked really nervous and excited about it. It’s funny seeing them both hit the drink a bit, and by that I mean Nidia stacking it off her surfboard into the water. Jamie was really good but he talked about how difficult it was. Then they had to walk along the beach holding hands to pretend they were an item. That was a cute segment.

WWE Cruiserweight Title Match
Jamie Noble (w/Nidia) (c) vs. The Hurricane

The Match:
Jamie and Nidia made their entrance and what a great theme song he had, props to Jim Johnston. They really were a great duo. I got emotional again! I miss when wrestling was like this. It still had that crazy electric atomosphere, casual wrestling fans were still in massive numbers, and the internet hadn’t made the world smaller where all the toxicity from the IWC continues to poison what is supposed to be a fun business. I would do anything to go back to pre-social media days. This is a battle of a member of 3 Count from WCW against a member of the Jung Dragons from WCW! Only the WCW boys knew how to make this division special. Nothing against Essa Rios, TAKA Michinoku, Funaki or Gillberg! This was when the Cruiserweight Title really meant something. Hurricane was in charge early and hit a great crossbody to the outside, and Nidia distracts him by making out with him. Taz and Cole talk about Nidia’s tongue piercing and Taz says he heard Cole’s nipples were pierced. Jamie had a heat on Hurricane, before Hurricane built to his comeback. Hurricane went for Eye of the Hurricane but Jamie reversed it into a Pump Handle Suplex. Jamie kicked out of the Eye of the Hurricane! Hurricane hit a Swinging Neckbreaker from the top rope! Jamie Noble hit a Backslide pin after Nidia distracted the Hurricane and Noble retained! After the match Hurricane Chokeslammed Noble. That was a wild affair, and it makes you realize again after all these years, just how good some of these guys were. I am pretty sure Shane and Jamie work as Producers/Agents behind the scenes in WWE today.

Winner: STILL WWE Cruiserweight Champion, Jamie Noble via pinfall in 8:45.

They go to a package from 2 days prior where Lance Storm, Kurt Angle and Christian went to the Zoo, and the segment started with a bloke who was showing them how to throw Boomerangs, and the guy had said something like “Yeah I’ve seeen you Buggers before” and Kurt Angle took offence to it, because he had never been called a Bugger before. Kurt was excited about the Giraffes, and Christian asked to ride one. Kurt dominated this segment, and whinged about Christian and Lance and the fact he was stuck with Canadians. Kurt was so excited to pat a Koala Bear. Christian went to feed a Kangaroo and it ran off from him, and Kurt made a big deal out of Christian scaring the animals off.

Kurt was really hyped for the Giraffes.

World Tag Team Title Match
Christian & Lance Storm (c) vs. Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio

The Match:
Out came the UnAmericans for their entrance they were really a great team weren’t they? What a theme song too, Jim. Kidman’s theme however really didn’t suit him – he should have kept his WCW theme. Then came Rey, WHO’S THAT JUMPIN’ OUT THE SKY? Cole and Taz are spending the whole time trying to pop one another, it’s clear they were in a studio recording this after the fact for the DVD release. There was heat early on, on Rey. These guys were just on another level than the wrestlers of today. Good to see Referee Mike Chioda out there. Rey hit an Enziguri and it was a hope spot to get more heat on the heels. Mysterio hit Lance with a spin kick crawling for that hot tag to Billy. Rey hit the 619! Then with Billy Kidman, Rey hit an assisted hurricanrana on Lance off the top rope, followed by a Shooting Star Press from Kidman, and Christian pulled the referee out. Rey hit a springboard Moonsault on Christian, as Lance hit Billy with the Tag Title belt and they retained.

Winner/s: STILL World Tag Team Champions, The UnAmericans via pinfall in 9:10.

They show Torrie, Billy and Edge going shopping. Billy botched using a Didgeridoo. Torrie went missing as Billy and Edge walked around the outdoor markets. Torrie was so cute talking about not eating dessert because she clearly has to avoid fatty food to keep in shape, as Billy was stuffing his face with cake. Torrie is nervous about being in front of the big Aussie crowd and the segment ends.

I just read online they omitted three matches from this DVD, INCLUDING Kurt Angle Vs Test, which was apparently match of the show! Well, as per what one fan online had said. It also featured Hardcore Holly and Chavo Guerrero Vs Billy & Chuck, and a match I would have LOVED to have seen, Mark Henry and Randy Orton against Reverend D’Von and Batista. So, we will never get to see all those matches because the full show isn’t on Binge and there would be no commentary recorded for those matches. There’s no reason why this couldn’t be a 3 hour show to fit them in. Kurt’s only appearance on this show was tickling a Koala.

Matches we will never get to see!

Singles Match
Chris Jericho vs. Edge

The Match:
It’ll be actually refreshing watching Jericho during a point of time where he wasn’t in the toxic environment he is now, 22 years prior when he was in his prime and had a flat stomach. Seeing young Edge again is crazy, too. Jericho got on the mic, and the fire behind him is way different than it is now. Jericho is mad about being called a wanker, and doesn’t know what a wanker is. Jericho got in Edge’s face and Edge nailed him. They went back and forth and Jericho got caught in the ropes. Edge Speared him in the gut and they went all out for this one. Referee Brian Hebner is the Real Slim Shady. Jericho goes for a chairshot and Edge hit a Spear! But the referee was down. Chair to the throat, and a Lionsault, and of course, Edge kicked out. Jericho went into the exposed turnbuckle for a 2 count. Walls of Jericho, but Edge small packaged Jericho and won! After the match Jericho had a tantrum. That was a very good match between the two, whom definitely had a lot of chemistry back in the day.

Winner: Edge via pinfall in 12:49.

They show highlights from the fanfest they held beforehand and I wonder what happened to all these people that went to this show and to this fanfest. It was so so sweet seeing all these Aussie fans interact with WWE Superstars. My favorite part was Mark Henry playing video games with one fan. Also, Edge taking a picture with a young fellow and the kid just sounded so Aussie. “Are ya enjoyin’ Austraaalya?”

Bra & Panties Match (Special Ring Announcer: The Big Valbowski, Val Venis)
Stacy Keibler vs. Torrie Wilson

The Match:
Sign of the times, eh? This is something that is long gone. Michael Cole was hyping this the whole show. I know that people frown on this match stipulation back in the day but when you were a teenager, something like a B&P match was remarkable! Imagine somebody organized this now and it lead to some sort of shmozz? It would be very entertaining. Rhea Ripley forced into a Bikini Contest with Bianca Belair. Jade Cargill interrupts and shows herself off and she wins, and owns it. That would be tremendous. Val Venis made his entrance and he’s the Special Guest Ring Announcer. Val talks about the fact nobody knows more about going…. down under than the Big Valbowski.

Val was so great on the mic. He introduces Stacy and… yowza. Val is all horny when Stacy is in the ring, grunting, that’s just terrific. He’s a Porn Star! It’s his character. He gives Torrie an awesome intro. Stacy slaps Torrie to begin the match and Cole asks “How that Goof Mike Sparks got to referee this match” and Taz said he hopes he’s wearing a cup. Huge pop from me. Stacy takes Torrie’s top off and the crowd pop. Stacys top was ripped off. Torrie hit a baseball slide, Cole talks about it being a nice technical match. They both went to take eachothers pants off. What a ridiculous sentence to be writing in 2024! They give Mike Sparks the funny spot getting caught in the way trying to seperate the ladies, and ends up rolling around with the girls, and they call that the Tim White spot. Mike stands up smiling like it’s the best day ever. Torrie pulls his pants down and he has pink undies on it’s hilarious.

Nidia then randomly runs in and attacks Torrie and Torrie double clotheslines the girls, and pulls Nidia’s pants off! Torrie slingshots Stacy into the corner, then pulls off Stacys pants and wins! Torrie then smacks Stacy on the bottom, and here is our winner! What a time to be alive.

Winner: Torrie Wilson via taking Stacy’s shorts off in 4:45.

Then they showed a package where they showed some WWE Superstars doing something for the kids for an auction for a charity. Pretty cool stuff! Now, it’s time for the Main Event.

WWE Undisputed World Heavyweight Title No Disqualification Triple Threat Match
The Rock (c) vs. Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar (w/Paul Heyman)

The Match:
I remember for years this was known as the one time Brock and Triple H worked together before Brock came back years later. The Rock is at the tailend of his full time career here, it was actually his 20th last match to this date, and 5 matches away from the loss to Brock at Summerslam which ended his full time run. This really was another moment in time.

They ganged up on Brock to start before it got down to Rock and Triple H. Honestly, at the time The Rock needed to go away, he had done everything several times over and there was nothing else to accomplish. Triple H and Brock then team up on Rock. They’re calling a lot of it in the ring. Paul got involved which lead to Rock being cut off. Brock started to dominate, and it had been good so far. Triple H is bleeding from the head on the outside as Brock has a Bearhug on Rock. Rock reversed an F-5 and got momentum. Rock locked in a Sharpshooter, but Triple H interfered. Pedigree by Triple H, and Brock cut the pin off, and F-5 on Triple H, and Rock stopped the pin. Rock with a spine on the pine on Brock, and he hits the People’s Elbow and Brock kicked out. Rock hits Paul, but cops an F-5 from Brock and Triple H stopped the pin. Pedigree to Lesnar and Lesnar kicked out! Rock Bottom by The Rock soon after on Triple H and The Rock retained. After the match Triple H and Rock sent Brock to the outside, Paul Heyman attacks Rock, comically, then begs them off and they relent and give Paul a chance to shake their hand. Triple H then Pedigree’s Paul Heyman! The Rock goes to leave and Triple H asks for a People’s Elbow. It’s hit. And this show is over. Or is it? Triple H hits the Game’s Elbow on Paul and it’s fun for all involved. The Rock gets on the mic to send the crowd home happier than they were before.

Winner: The Rock via pinfall in 14:35.

Final Thoughts:
This was a fun show that made me miss what Wrestling used to be like. Pro Wrestling has had it’s ups and downs over the years and The Rock and Stone Cold’s exit from the industry certainly exemplified that. We hear Casual and old Wrestling fans say things like “It’s not the same without so and so”. It was a different time but damn, do I miss it. Every match served it’s purpose, to entertain. Sure, we cared about people “completing their story” but there weren’t all these expectations on when, where, why, and people wanting what they want, and wanting it now, and if they don’t get it, they go online and harass people. We were just along for the ride. Wrestling, and the world, has changed so much, and it’s a shame, but at least we have shows like this we can look back on and feel fond about, as we watch it, we can take ourselves back and pretend we are there all over again.

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Karlifornia is a Freelance Journalist for RealProWrestling.Com and TheRockpit.Net and Host on the Insiders Edge Podcast through his YouTube channel, the WZWA Network. He has been a die hard Pro Wrestling fan since 1998, and his favorite time period in wrestling is the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars.

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