TNA Rebellion 2024 Results & Review (April 20th, 2024)

TNA Rebellion 2024
April 20th, 2024
The Palms
Las Vegas, Nevada

Wow what a great crowd for the show! Former Guns N Roses and Sixx A.M Guitarist DJ Ashba came out to play the National Anthem on his guitar which was sick. Maybe TNA are about to finally turn that corner.

TNA X-Division Title Match
Mustafa Ali (c) vs. Jake Something

The Match:
How Mustafa Ali gets out of this alive is what I am most intrigued by. Jake crushed Ali’s hand from a handshake and Matt Reiwoldt on commentary was so offended by it which was hilarious. Jake is 34, is WWE too far gone for him now? He’s a new day Brody. He dominated early, but the Ali managed to hit a DDT on him as he chased him through the ring apron. Jake really is impressive, TNA would be so glad to have him! The fans are confusingly behind Ali. Which goes to show character work still gets over. Jake caught a headscissors and POWERBOMBED Ali! I have never seen that reversal. Jake got German Suplexed off the top rope onto the apron, and then the secret service held him down as he copped a 450 splash, and Jake kicked out! Jake took security out with a dive, INTO THE VOID, ohhh Ali managed to get the bottom rope during the pin. Ali managed to escape by using the rope during the pin!

Winner: STILL TNA X Division Champion, Mustafa Ali via pinfall.

Singles Match
Rich Swann (w/AJ Francis) vs. Joe Hendry

The Match:
The used AI to have AJ and Rich doing the Joe Hendry stuff in his entrance video, which I would have seen more as something AJ and Rich would do to make fun of him, not the other way around. It’s cheesy the other way. The referee is hot. Joe was in charge early, and I think the heel turn for Rich Swann was really important for him at this stage. Rich needs the win here I feel. AJ Francis was on the MLW Pay Per View today, which is his Rick Rude moment in the least effective way! But it’s still cool. I’m liking Rich Swann’s new mean streak. AJ Francis low bridged Joe. Shawn Merriman got involved to stop AJ cheating and they faced off in the ring. Shawn CLOBBERS Joe which is a huge swerve! This is the TNA I have been asking for. Rich hit a Frog Splash and he won! Who is that hot chick bouncing of Joe after the match? Jesus Christ.

Winner: Rich Swann via pinfall.

Full Metal Mayhem Match
Frankie Kazarian vs. Eric Young

The Match:
Here we go, this is the TNA I remember, this should be good. You feel the heat from the get go. The ladders get utilized early in the match. Eric brings out Abyss’ Janis! They use it for some suspense. Frankie speared Eric Young through the ropes through a table, this IS THE TNA I REMEMBER! They eventually got back in the ring and slugged it out. They start to smack eachother in the head with cookie sheets. Kaz was inside a trash can and Eric hit an elbow drop off the top rope onto Kaz and he kicked out! Kaz got control again after an Unprettier on a ladder. The Flux Capacitor off the top rope hit only the corner of the table and Eric Young was pissing with blood. Crazy botch but jesus it was nuts. That move should be retired now, it’s okay to admit some moves aren’t working anymore as you get older.

Winner: Frankie Kazarian via pinfall.

Nic Nemeth Interview with Gia Miller
Nic talks about how special the night is for him. He has family in attendance and he wants to walk out the TNA World Champion and Gia looks gorgeous as fuck.

Singles Match
Steve Maclin vs. Mike Santana

The Match:
Steve Maclin gets on the mic and said he wants to make his presence felt. He’s got a new contract in his hand. All his demands were met. Steve wants a match right here and now and Santino Marella shows up. He gives him a match with Santana from AEW. What a nice surprise! Santana is ready to show what he’s got on his own. He looks ready to be on his own without Ortiz. Santana took charge early and looked great. Maclin got back in the game, kicking ass again. It’ll be bad to see Maclin lose to another debutant. Santana soon after nearly got caught in the crosshairs but he evaded it and ended up hitting a rolling cutter on Maclin. Santana tried to end it but Maclin evaded and hit a diving headbutt for a 2 count. They went back and forth and it ended when Santana hit ‘Spin The Block’.

Winner: Mike Santana via pinfall.

The System Interview with Gia Miller
They talk about trying to get gold on Alisha’s waist and that Masha Slamovich is not in the team. They are confident about winning the tag title match, and Moose is confident about his match with Nic Nemeth too. He introduces John Abraham and hes going to back Moose up.

TNA World Tag Team Title Match
The System (Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards) (w/Alisha Edwards) (c) vs. Speedball Mountain (Mike Bailey & Trent Seven)

The Match:
I fully expect a successful TNA World Tag Title defence here. Speedball Mountain dominated early. The System settled and took over. Alisha cheered on from ringside and boy, she’s hot, despite her voice being nails on a chalkboard. Trent hit a super plex on Brian and then Mike hit a shooting star press for a 2 count. They went for their finish but Eddie pulled Bailey out of the ring. This was a great Tag match. A lot of near falls. Trent tried to get Eddie up for the Burning Hammer but coukdnt. Backpack Stunner into an Elbow Drop by The System got a 2 count. It got real suspenseful and Speedball Mountain nearly won after a Burning Hammer + Ultimo Weapon. Roster Cut + Boston Knee Party got the win.

Winner/s: STILL TNA World Tag Team Champions, The System (Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards) (w/Alisha Edwards) via pinfall.

Last Man Standing Match
Josh Alexander vs. Hammerstone

The Match:
Josh rushes Hammerstone to begin the match! The match was ferocious from the offset. Hammer has to be a future TNA world champ. Hammerstone threw Josh off the top rope to the ring apron. I bet this will be the show stealer. He hit a stalling suplex on the floor on Josh. Half and half suplex by Josh on Hammer on the apron, these guys and their apron bumps, I swear to god. Hammerstone was pleading with Josh as he worked his knee on the ring post. Hammerstone nailed Josh with his headgear. Josh started bleeding. Josh’s selling was tremendous trying to get to his feet. Hammerstone started to get really spiteful. Hammerstone locked in the Torture Rack for ages and dropped Josh. Hammerstone then hit a pump kick on him but Josh locked in an ankle lock! Josh took charge and put some tacs on the ground but Hammerstone reversed a superplex into a Nightmare Pendulum off the ropes onto the tacs – and Josh crawled out the ring onto his feet at 9. Hammerstone kept belting Josh with his headgear but Josh fought back with a C4 Spike on the entrance way. And thats how it ended.

Winner: Josh Alexander by being the Last Man Standing.

They show a vignette for Jonathan Gresham.

Iceman introduces Ash By Elegance.

TNA Knockouts World Title Match
Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Steph De Lander (w/Jason Hotch & John Skyler)

The Match:
This should be good and physical. It was, and Jordynne nearly died on a dive to the outside which was epic. Steph De Lander kept on Jordynne early on. Steph was trash talking. Steph kept outpowering Jordynne as the match wore on. Jordynne kept showing huge tenacity to chop the redwood down, but The Good Hands got invovled. Steph nearly hit Jordynne with the belt, and through that, the referee got knocked out. Steph had i won and the ref was out, one of the Good Hands went to go for a 3 count after stealing the referees shirt, and for some reason PCO shows up to lay out the Good Hands. Steph and PCO eye eachother off and she flirts with him. Kon attacked PCO as he went to chokeslam SDL. Kon taunts as Jordynne faces off with him. Kon pie faces Jordynne, and Kon gets low blowed. Jordynne picked him up and The Good Hands stop him. Kon went to break Jordynnes neck and the lights went out a 2nd time and Sami Callihan is in the ring and lays the heels out! What is going on? Sami hits Cactus Driver ’97 on one of the Good Hands and the throws SDL in the ring, and Jordynne Grace hit the Juggernaut Driver to win.

Winner: STILL TNA Knockouts World Champion, Jordynne Grace via pinfall.

TNA World Title Match
Moose (w/Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards) (c) vs. Nic Nemeth

The Match:
Here we go. Nic out wrestles Moose early. Moose came back because of his strength advantage. Moose hit a sick Pump Kick and Nemeth did his usual strong sell. Alisha Edwards got involved as Nemeth closed in and Moose roughoused him and The System got ejected! Through all this, Nemeth hit a superkick for a nearfall. Nemeth had the sleeper hold on Moose and he climbed the ropes and jumped back to break him off him as they landed on the mat. Nemeth got in supreme control with his rapid fire elbows. He hit a top rope elbow for a near fall. YUGE powerbomb by Moose for a close fall,and another on the stage. The match finally ended when Moose hit the spear to win clean!

Winner: STILL TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Moose via pinfall.

After the match, The System came out to celebrate. But then the screen in the background went all weird. The lights go out, and the crowd chanted DELETE. Broken Matt Hardy showed up and hit a Twist of Fate on Moose! What an crazy turn of events.

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Karlifornia is a Freelance Journalist for RealProWrestling.Com and TheRockpit.Net and Host on the Insiders Edge Podcast through his YouTube channel, the WZWA Network. He has been a die hard Pro Wrestling fan since 1998, and his favorite time period in wrestling is the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars.

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