NXT New Years Evil Results & Review (Jan 2 2024)

NXT New Years Evil 2024

January 2nd, 2024

WWE Performance Center

Orlando, Flordia

There was a great intro video to start the show for NXT New Years Evil, but boy, imagine we got Alice Cooper to do the voice over for it? Maybe next year when this is hopefully a PLE on the road.

WWE NXT Women’s Title Match

Lyra Valkyria (c) vs. Blair Davenport


Blair Davenport won the NXT Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge at NXT Deadline last month to challenge Lyra Valkyria for the NXT Women’s Championship at NXT New Years Evil. 

The Match:

We’re starting off with the NXT Women’s Championship match, and I actually got a bit of a shiver when Blair Davenport came out. Did she just give me goosebumps? Lyra makes her entrance and her hair is looking fantastic. I have to give props to the NXT Creative Team, I really feel like I have got to know Lyra Valkyria a whole heap more over the past few months! Character development is important in wrestling, people need to evolve after time wears on, and when certain things happen to you in life, they can change you.

These two are the perfect example as to why I say Sasha Banks A.K.A Mercedes Mone shouldn’t think so highly of herself when it comes to renegotiating a deal with WWE. The Main Roster has a heap of ladies in prominant positions, and stars of the future like Lyra, Blair, Cora Jade, Tiffany Stratton, Fallon Henley, Kiana James and SO many more are just on the cusp of going to the Main Roster and being a big deal there. They don’t need Sasha, they don’t need Naomi. Blair hit a great double stomp on Lyra early on, and the first 30 minutes of the show are commercial free which is excellent.

Lyra’s strikes and palm thrusts are great – you know what? I have to say it. In comparison to the 3 clunky and awkward Ladies matches at AEW Worlds End, the NXT ladies here are showing they are much more polished. We get Breaking News at the bottom of the screen, that Kelly Kincaid has an important update to give on Ilja Dragunov’s injury after the match. That was a nice touch! Blair hit a SICK Falcon Arrow off the top rope and Lyra managed to get to the outside as Blair continued her assault, and missed a knee… and SMASHED A HOLE through the side of the announce table. That was a great effect.

Blair went in for the kill on Lyra but due to the knee injury, Lyra was able to take advantage and lay her out to retain the title. I have to laugh, Lola Vice came out to try to cash in her NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament contract on Lyra and as she was trying to get the referee to start the match, Tatum Paxley comes flying off the barricade onto her, which instigates a brawl with Tatum and Lyra with Lola and her partner, Elektra Lopez. Referee’s split the ladies up! This company is insane.


I imagine Blair will go off to feud with Nikkita Lyons. Lyra Valkyria and her side story with the obsessive Tatum Paxley now thickens that Lola Vice is going to be buzzing around waiting for her chance to topple the champion.

Winner: STILL NXT Women’s Champion, Lyra Valkyria via pinfall in 8:26.

Kelly Kincaid is backstage and the plot thickens with Ilja Dragunov being unable to compete on the show tonight. It was funny because she was in front of a Medical room and clearly you could hear Ilja going bat shit crazy to the medical personell. 

Six Man Tag Team Match

LWO (Carlito, Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde) vs. No Quarter Catch Crew (Damon Kemp, Drew Gulak & Myles Borne)


Dragon Lee is the new NXT North American Champion, and has been dealing with the No Quarter Catch Crew for the last few weeks, which then required the backup of Cruz Del Toro and Joaquin Wilde, the LWO. Unfortunately due to Visa Issues, Dragon Lee can’t be on this edition of NXT New Years Evil, but his replacement is LWO member, the legendary, Carlito!

The Match:

I burst into laughter over the fact there’s a LWO in 2024. Carlito replaces Dragon Lee and the crowd absolutely went crazy when Carlito’s theme hit. the former Legado Del Fantasma members are still a solid unit, I just wish the WWE Main Roster show was as exciting and action packed as NXT is, then maybe I would watch it. Demspey isn’t here because he’s opened the forbidden door with All Japan Pro Wrestling and challenging for the real Triple Crown.

Joaquin Wild got LAUNCHED by Carlito and Cruz off the 2nd rope and I had never seen something like that before! Damon Kemp got out there and it was the first time I’ve seen him out there in MONTHS. I think the No Quarter Catch Crew need to establish themselves at some point with a big win, but with Carlito being there, I don’t see this going well for the ground and pounders. Carlito got the hot tag and it was hot indeed! The Latino World Order ended up closing in the NQCC, and Carlito hit a backstabber, Del Toro hit a Phoenix Splash, and it was over.


When Charlie Dempsey gets back, Drew Gulak says they’re “going to the Den and straightening this out”. I assume that’s going to be like Stu Hart’s Dungeon? Carlito spits apple in the face of Gulak to end the segement! I have to laugh, the fans really looked like they were having the best time ever.

Winner/s: LWO (Carlito, Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde) via pinfall in 8:30.

Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes Interview with Kelly Kincaid

Trick is disappointed about Ilja not being in the match and Melo thinks Ilja is full of it, and was scared because Trick was training with Melo, then here we go, Grayson Waller shows up. Man, I was laughing so much at Grayson just roasting the hell out of Trick and Melo, knowing it was only going to get worse for him. Hayes ended up giving up Trick’s #1 Contendership to be on the line later on to Waller who’s STOKED about it.

Riley Osborne is writing an essay for Chase University on following in the footsteps of European legends and wanting to win the NXT Men’s Breakout Tournament. The voice over of his writing was a nice touch!

Singles Match

Roxanne Perez vs. Arianna Grace


2 weeks ago, Roxanne Perez was in one of her moods again, Arianna Grace was with he backstage and said a few words that Roxanne didn’t like about it not mattering if you win or lose, and Roxanne, the little psycho hose beast herself decided to smack Arianna in the face. The following week, Arianna was speaking to Shawn Michaels’ assistance, Ava, and had ben trying to convince the office that Roxanne needed Anger Management, but instead, Arianna Grace was booked in a match for NXT New Years Evil to face Roxanne Perez one on one. How unfair.

The Match:

DUDE, I’m serious – do NOT cut out Arianna Grace’s entrance! What on earth would convince anybody in production to cut her entrance, that’s where we get the money shot – we get to see the character on display! Don’t. Do it. Surely you can cut 30 seconds somewhere on this show, to give her an entrance. I don’t want to see that not happen again. She needs the mic in her hand every time. All this does is confirm that the little psycho Roxanne Perez was going to get a victory here.

Vic Joseph asked about what is triggering Roxanne Perez lately – Roxanne Perez’s trigger is ANYTHING Vic! I wonder if anybody else has noticed it. They worked well together early, and Arianna gave her a catapult into the 2nd rope. Arianna is a star of the future. The crowd were actually split on Roxy and Arianna, which I think is interesting, considering the depiction of Roxanne’s character has made her unlikeable to me. Perez hit Pop Rox out of no where to get the pin.

Arianna yells that Roxanne has issues and needs her help, Roxanne assaults Arianna after the match, CAN THE REFEREE DO SOMETHING AND STOP JUST WAVING IT OFF? I burst into HUGE laughter as the referee reversed the decision on Perez!


Surely we are leading to a Roxanne Perez heel turn here.

Winner: Arianna Grace by Disqualification in 5:09.

Ava Interview with Kelly Kincaid

Ava is asked about Ilja, she says it’s not safe for Dragunov to wrestle tonight, so now Dragunov is out, Waller is in, and the #1 Contendership is on the line. HOW is that fair? Trick won the Iron Survivor Challenge. Waller hasn’t been in NXT for nearly a year right? It just makes me laugh.

Ava then announces the Dusty Rhodes Classic will begin next week, to which Kelly says “That’s so exciting Ava!” which I had to pause after I exclaimed “Oh f*ck off will you”, I don’t know why I found it so funny, but it was. Ava also had mentioned she’s helping HBK out as he’s a busy man, so we have confirmation that she’s a liason with management. 

Tiffany Stratton cuts a promo on Fallon Henley. This was just further hype for the match I was looking forward to most tonight!

Blair Davenport is walking around with a bad neck and knee, she should be in the trainers room. Nikkita Lyons confronts Blair and they get in an argument over whats transpired between the two in the past, and as Nikkita takes off her jacket, revealing her cool outfit, referees and backstage personell suddenly show up to keep them from fighting. Good to see that the environment i changing as time wears on because if people were fighting everywhere all the time, if it were real, security would be stepped up. 

Ranch Hand Or Servant For A Day Match

Fallon Henley vs. Tiffany Stratton


Fallon Henley and Tiffany Stratton have been feuding since before NXT Halloween Havoc a few months ago, and the feud has lead to several contests between the two, where the last time, Fallon picked up the victory on episode #712. Afterward, Tiffany dumped garbage on Fallon. Tiffany has lately been hanging around and keeping her eye on Josh Briggs, Fallon’s on screen partner. The developments with this story have been interesting, where now depending on who loses the match, they have to work for the other for a day! If Tiffy loses, she has to be a Ranch Hand, and if Fallon loses, she must be Tiffy’s Servant for a day.

The Match:

Tiffany Stratton is always wearing a fresh outfit, and the one she’s wearing on this show is one of the sexiest I have ever seen. Fallon comes out all fired up, and she has REALLY impressed me over the last few months. Tiffanys vocal selling still pops me – and she takes charge of the match early with a shot to the ringpost. We come back from commercial break and Tiffy hit a squisher on Fallon before a double clothesline. They brawl to the outside as Fallon started to build momentum, and hit a crucifix bomb.

Fallon probably does need to win this, but I want to see them both have to work for the other one, I think both scenarios would be super entertaining. Stratton and Fallon spilled to the outside which really looked rough, they’re going to be so sore tomorrow. Tiffy grabbed a chair, as she wrestled with the referee over the chair, Fallon hit the Shining Wizard to get the pin!


Let’s look forward to next weeks edition of NXT where Tiffany is going to be working on a ranch and whinging about it like it’s Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie on The Simple Life.

Winner: Fallon Henley via pinfall in 9:02.

Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker are backstage. He wants Bron to break the tough guy stuff, the Dusty Rhodes classic is next week, and Baron wants to team with Bron Breakker. Baron manages to convince him. That was such a stupid promo but it was still entertaining. 

Oba Femi cuts a promo and I’m loving the African accent. I COM FROM DE WUNDERFUL CONTRY OF NAIJERIA. It immediately makes him super interesting. 

We go backstage and Gigi Dolin is whinging to a few people about New Years Resolutions and she’s sitting in Cora Jade’s locker, even though some other chicks are sitting in Elektra and Fallon’s lockers, AND SOMEBODY IS IN GIGI’S. This is ridiculous. The heat is building, seeing Cora on the screen was most welcome though.

Ridge Holland is getting an interview with Sarah Schreiber, and I just don’t understand why McKenzie Mitchell can’t be there anymore. Ridge talks about how he blew his legs out in NXT years ago, and got his nose broken in his first WWE PLE. This was a smart thing to do, to help repair Ridge in the eyes of fans who get angry at him over what has happened with the likes of Big E. 

Riley Osborne is backstage walking to the ring and Jacy and Thea Hale are backstage as Jacy shoves Thea to wish Riley luck, and he high fives her and she says she’s never washing her hand again. She is great with the comedy stuff.

NXT Men’s Breakout Tournament Final Match

Riley Osborne vs. Oba Femi


Riley Osborne defeated Keanu Carter and then Lexis King in order to make it to the finals of the NXT Breakout Tournament. Oba Femi defeated Myles Born from the No Quarter Catch Crew, and Tavion Heights in order to make it to the finals as well. 

The Match:

Booker chastizes Vic Joseph over how Vic pronounced Oba, and Vic then brought up how Booker called him ‘Fema’ a few weeks ago and Booker laughed. They’re both always looking to pop one another. As Riley made his entrance, Booker T says “SOMEBODY GIVE HER A CIGARETTE” which was hysterical. Oba overpowers Riley early, and this will be an interesting mix of styles.

It’s totally fathomable that Riley would have a chance here because he’s not tiny, he’s still a tall bloke. Oba overpowers Riley again and charges him over the top rope and then charges at him, but cops a low birdge to the outside. Thea shows up in the crowd excited at this stage and Oba hit’s my NXT Slam of the Week when he slams his palm into Riley’s chest on the ring apron, like a gun shot had gone off. The commercial break certainly wasn’t welcome at this point, I wish they wouldn’t do this during matches. Imagine Oba Femi, Tyriek Igwe & Tyson Dupont started a group in NXT? That’s a powerhouse Trio right there.

Oba was in supreme control with his Urinage Backbreaker. I think Oba should win this one. Thea Hale is a riot man, she’s going crazy in the crowd. Riley drops Oba and was going for a Shooting Star, Oba avoided it, Riley calf kicked him down again, and Riley copped knees on the Shooting Star, then Femi wiped him the hell out with 3 massive moves, finishing with the Pop Up Powerbomb. What an impessive final few moves. 


Oba Femi wins the NXT Men’s Breakout Tournament quite decisively whilst also making Riley look good.

Winner: Oba Femi via pinfall in 9:45.

Out The Mud are now staking their claim for the NXT Tag Team Championships against The Family. It’s the battles of two teams of different kinds of Gangsters. 

Kiana James and Izzi Dame Interview with Kelly Kincaid

Izzi gets the opportunity to speak for the first time and has explained why she’s teamed up with Kiana James, and Kiana backs it up. Kiana says in this business you can make friends, or you can make money. To quote Chief Jay Strongbow. It was so great that nobody interrupted the interview as well! Is somebody from WWE listening to me?

Trick is cracking the shits with Carmelo Hayes again about putting his contendership on the line, and Melo is upset that Trick wants to do the match alone, because that means Carmelo can’t screw Trick. We all know where this is headed Melo. 

Thea is with Jacy talking about Riley losing the match, and Thea wants to figure out how to cheer him up. Andre Chase shows up and talks about the Dusty Classic, and Jacy shuts it down. Jacy says Duke Hudson and Riley Osborne are going to represent Chase University. Jacy has a big game plan.

In the background, Lyra Valkyria is doing what every normal person does after they have just competed, sweating, in their ring gear, she’s still in her ring gear nearly 90 minutes later, holding her title, sitting on a Production case backstage holding her sore neck, no bottle of water, nothing of the sort, unshowered, and Tatum Paxley scares the crap out of her congratulating her. Tatum says as long as Lyra is still champion, all is right in the world, and Lyra is freaked out as Tatum runs off. 

Axiom is standing there backstage again with you guessed it, Nathan Frazer. Axiom tries to ask Nathan his opinion, and Nathan says he’s not going to fall for that again, and Axiom brings up the Dusty Classic, and then Nathan starts talking B.S about the other established tag teams, and what do you know, Edris Enofe and Malik Blade show up. Okay, now I’m laughing at Nathan Frazer, because he keeps getting in the shizit. Now I’m slightly popping for him. I do want to see him get his arse handed to him though.

As The Family are leaving the building, a Cameraman asks about what Out The Mud had to say about them and next weeks Tag Team Title Match. They respond, and then they officially introduce Adriana Rizzo, the backbone of the D’Angelo family. Her accent is unbelievably awesome. They opened their trunk and Joe Gacy was sleeping in there. Ridiculous. 

WWE NXT Title #1 Contendership Match

Grayson Waller vs. Trick Williams


Trick Williams won the NXT Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge at NXT Deadline last month to challenge Ilja Dragunov for the NXT Championship at NXT New Years Evil. 2 weeks ago on Episode #712 of NXT, Ridge Holland “injured” Ilja Dragunov in a somewhat impromptu non title match, which left the match up in the air. Grayson Waller somehow swooped in to replace Ilja, to make this a #1 Contenders Match at the suggestion of Carmelo Hayes. 

The Match:

This match is a battle of the two guys who have won the Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge. Apparently, a former NXT Champion is on the way to the building to watch the Main Event, and it’s funny to know the dude is running this late to watch somebody he apparently wants to watch so much, he called Shawn Michaels about it, who Tweeted about it during the show.

They brawl on the outside before Waller gets thrown over the announce table. Grayson got the advantage with a really innovative floatover double stomp to Trick’s head. Grayson worked on the legs of Trick as the match wore on. Waller talked some smack and Trick smacked Grayson square in the face and fought back with gusto! Trick has improved so much. Waller does his little roll into the ring and got smacked upside the head.

They head to the top rope, Trick hit a Rock Bottom off the second rope, and Grayson got a rope break. Grayson copped a neckbreaker after missing a big elbow, Melo ran out just as Trick is about to end things – and Kevin Owens (the former NXT Champion) shows up and NAILS Grayson Waller, and Trick hit the knee on Waller who was thrown into the ring, for the 3 count. Carmelo Hayes’ plight to screw Trick over is so obvious now. 


Trick won’t be stopped, surely this goes on to Vengeance Day on February 4th where Trick and Ilja Dragunov finally go one on one, and I am SURE at that point Carmelo will finally do the heel turn we’ve been expecting. This is some good stuff.

Winner: Trick Williams via pinfall in 13:07.

Final Thoughts: I would have to give this show a pretty high rating, based off it’s excitement level, it’s ability to continue stories, build up new ones, continue developing characters, there’s just so much going on that yes, once again, this is Crash TV in 2024, and they have finally got it right. Get the Main Roster shows to be more like this, and WWE is back to where they should have been in the late 00’s before everything got polluted with red tape and restrictions caused by a boss past his prime. 

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Karlifornia is a Freelance Journalist for RealProWrestling.Com and TheRockpit.Net and Host on the Insiders Edge Podcast through his YouTube channel, the WZWA Network. He has been a die hard Pro Wrestling fan since 1998, and his favorite time period in wrestling is the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars.

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