WWE SmackDown New Year’s Revolution Results, Grades, and Analysis

WWE presented the weekly Friday Night SmackDown episode from Rogers Arena in Vancouver. It was a special New Year’s Revolution edition. The show featured the return of Roman Reigns and Logan Paul. A mega triple threat match to decide Reigns’ next opponent and the finals of the US Title Tournament happened. The WWE Women’s Championship was defended on the show, and much more. Let’s find out everything that happened on the SmackDown episode from January 5.

The show kicked off in the parking area, where a Black SUV arrived. Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman came out. Kayla Braxton asked a question about The Rock’s comments. Both Roman and Heyman smiled and walked away without the answers. 

WWE United States Title #1 Contendership Tournament Final Match

Kevin Owens vs Santos Escobar

It was the final of the United States Title Tournament, and the winner will challenge Logan Paul at the Royal Rumble. Logan joined the commentary desk. The bell rang, but Joaquin and Cruz from LWO attacked Humberto and Garza. This distracted Escobar, and Owens got the advantage. Kevin hit a superkickand a cannonball, followed by a frog splash from the top rope for a near fall.

Escobar bounced back and assaulted the already injured hand of KO. He delivered a backbreaker and a hurricane to send KO to the outside. Santos landed a smooth-looking suicide dive. Owens returned with an atomic drop and a spike DDT. Later, he slammed Escobar into the mat from the top rope. Owens sent Santos outside and delivered a senton. Kevin went for another senton off the top rope back inside, but Escobar got his knees up. Santos delivered a hurricane and followed it with a frog splash for a two-count. In the end, Owens won after a pop-up powerbomb and a surprise.  

After the match, Logan congratulated Owens sarcastically. Paul called himself the greatest US Champion, retaining his title 62 days without breaking a sweat and trash-talked Kevin. An angry Owens laid out Paul with the cast on his right hand. 

Winner: Kevin Owens

Grades: B

Analysis: It was a great match to kick off SmackDown in 2024. Owens got the expected win. We also got a preview of Logan Paul vs Kevin Owens, which will happen at Royal Rumble. 

AOP with Paul Ellering is back!

Bobby Lashley and Street Profits arrived in the ring. Lashleysaid that 2023 got him things and results he never wanted. But the best thing that happened was his union with Street Profits. Ford and Dawkins warned the Undisputed Tag Team Champions, Finn Balor and Damian Priest. Lashley declared himself for the Royal Rumble match. 

Lights go out, and a video package aired of Karrion Kross saying, “The end is here.” With Scarlett and Paul Ellering, Kross appeared on the ramp, and AOP attacked Lashley and Profits from behind. A SuperCollider from AOP on Ford and Dawkins and Kross slammed Lashley on the mat. 

Grades: B+

Analysis: It was an awesome way to debut this new faction of Karrion Kross and AOP alongside Scarlett and Paul Ellering. A feud with Lashley and Street Profits will give both factions time on the weekly TV. It will be a great redemption story for AOP and Kross if Triple H books it properly.

WWE Women’s Title Match

Iyo Sky vs Michin

Michin hit a dropkick to start. Iyo soon bounced back with a double stomp. Michigan moved out of the way of a running Sky, and she fell to the outside. Michin laid her out with a suicide dive. Back inside, Michin delivered a gun wrench suplex and a cannonball for a two-count. Michin tried a suplex on the apron but Iyo countered it with a German Suplex of her own. 

Iyo with a dropkick and went for a moonsault. Michin got her knees up and delivered a dragon suplex for a nearfall. Michincame with a massive Styles Clash from the second rope. Sky barely survived as she got her hands on the rope. Sky rolled to the outside. Michin tried the suicide dive but in vain. Sky attacked with a Meteora on the barricade and a Meteora back inside the ring. Iyo retained the title with an Over the Moonsault. 

Winner: Iyo Sky

Grades: B-

Analysis: It was a brilliant effort from Michin, but Sky retained. It was great seeing Sky win without any Damage CTRL involvement. Both wrestlers can produce a much better match in the future.

Backstage: Paul Heyman was backstage and was asked about The Rock’s comments. Heyman said that Rock is not invited to the Dinner of Relevancy. He wants shortcuts to make headlines. 

Heyman told two ways to make headlines: one is to date Taylor Swift and the second is to call out Roman Reigns. He discussed Roman’s wins against Cena, Lesnar, and Cody Rhodes. He welcomed back CM Punk and said that Heyman upgraded from a friend to an advocate and now to a wise man. Heyman warned Knight, Styles, and Orton that the winner would be smashed just like the winner of Royal Rumble, who will be smashed at WrestleMania. 

– Iyo Sky was celebrating with the rest of Damage CTRL. Bayley talked about The Kabuki Warriors winning the Tag Titles and herself winning the Royal Rumble. Bianca came out and declared herself for the Royal Rumble.

Tag Team Match

Pretty Deadly vs Butch and Tyler Bate

The mystery partner for Butch came out to be Tyler Bate. It was a short match with fun sequences.

At one point, Bate landed a suicide dive to the outside and Butch with a moonsault off the middle rope. We saw some German suplexes from Butch and a standing shooting star press from Tyler. In the end, both Butch and Tyler Bate delivered double Tyler Driver 97 on Kit Wilson for the win.

Winners: Tyler Bate and Butch

Grades: B

Analysis: Butch and Bate make up a good tag team. Pretty Deadly is getting reactions from the crowd as time passes. However, the highlight was the reunion of former NXT UK Stars.

Triple Threat Match

Randy Orton vs AJ Styles vs LA Knight

It was time for the main event. A triple threat match happened between Styles, Orton, and Knight, where the winner faces Roman Reigns at the Royal Rumble PLE. The match started, and each competitor took the turn to slap the others on the commentary table. Orton delivered the DDT from the second rope. Styles hit him with a dropkick through the ropes, and everyone is down to send us to break. 

Styles dominated both men. He took Orton out on the steel steps at the ringside. Knight laid him out and delivered a Russian Leg Sweep on Randy. Orton, with snap power, slams both his opponents. Knight countered RKO into BFT. Cover on Randy, but Styles saved the match when he caught the referee’s hand before the third count. AJ delivered an overhead kick and a backbreaker to Knight. Styles had a springboard 450, but Knight barely kicked out.

AJ went for a Phenomenal Forearm on Randy, who countered it into RKO. The cover was from Orton, but Knight pulled away the referee to prevent a pinfall. The Bloodline appeared. Solo took out Knight and attacked Orton with the steel steps. Roman delivered a powerbomb on Styles. Reigns went on to Knight and delivered a Superman Punch, followed by a spear. Orton suffered a Spear-Spike combo. Nick Aldis grabbed Paul Heyman and told him it was a fatal four-way now. 

Winners: No Contest

Grades: B+

Analysis: A solid main event to finish a solid show. There were rumors of a fatal 4-way, and they are true. The Bloodline sent a statement to Orton, Knight, and Styles. 

It was a great SmackDown show to kick off WWE’s journey on Friday Nights in 2024. We saw several announcements regarding the Royal Rumble as Lashley and Bianca declared themselves for the matches. Roman Reigns will defend the Undisputed WWE Universal Title in a fatal 4-way match at Royal Rumble.



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