NXT Halloween Havoc – Night 1 Results October 24 (2023)

WWE Performance Center Orlando, Florida.

The band New Years Day open the show with this rockin’ track as the hype video plays. This was a bad ass song, the drummer was awesome. The vocalist is a babe too. What a cool way to open the show!

Scarlett and Shotzi are the hosts. We start with the Devils Playground.

Roxanne Perez vs Kiana James

Devils Playground Match

Kiana has been after Roxanne for weeks now, trying to make her life a living hell, even enlisting Asuka to beat her up a little on the way to this showdown.

The Match:

Kiana needs to win this. Roxy doesn’t need to win every feud shes in, and Kiana needs this more than anything to help her standing.

This will get her to be seen on the same level as a former NXT Champ. Otherwise, what is this all for if you only elevate somebody who’s already been elevated?

There’s all this play equipment at ringside, Kiana copped a swing to the mouth before snap suplexing Roxy on the floor. NXT is now #1 for Womens wrestling after Impact only had 1 Women’s Match at Bound For Glory.

Roxy hit a Russian Legsweep onto a slide on Kiana which was epic. Kiana flung Roxy into the barricade then powerbombed Roxy onto a trash can, which was spot of the match!

All Kiana needed was the platform to show she could be a player, and she rose to the occasion here. They were at ringside the whole match, Roxy hit Pop Rox onto Kiana’s loaded handbag for the win.

Big mistake with this result, she doesn’t need to keep winning.

Feud is over, Roxy wins too decisively. I don’t even know where you go with this now.

Winner: Roxanne Perez 

Carmelo Hayes Interview with Vic Joseph

Vic doesn’t look like Vic in this interview, at first I had to have a double take trying to figure out if it was him or not.

Melo denies attacking Trick. Melo goes on about Dragunov and his title shot next week. Vic doubled down and asked Melo about Trick and if he was in that 4 way for the #1 contendership but Melo brushes it off.

Backstage, Shotzi and scrumptious Scarlett is with Meta Four who are frustrated with their game of fortune telling.

Meta Four freak out and Noam’s stupid trophy is stolen by Akira Tozawa, who won 0 matches in the Heritage Cup Invitational Tournament and has no business challenging for it.

Honestly how is this the way to kick off an angle? Way to force it when the guy couldn’t even get one win in that tournament you spent weeks on.

Lexis King (DEBUT) vs. Dante Chen

Singles match

This is Lexis King aka Brian Pillman Jr.’s debut in NXT after weeks of vignettes. Dante has primarily been on NXT LVL Up in recent months.

The Match:

‘Brian Pillman is dead, long live Lexis King’ wow, this is what Lexis said during his entrance.

I feel for Dante here, the Singaporean Warrior is very good and has been reduced to putting over the new guy. I am pumped for Lexis having this fresh start though, this is what he’s needed at this stage of his career.

He does have the Bengals colours though (his fathers old NFL team) despite his character being anti his deceased father, Brian Pillman.

He’s being presented in a way Tony Khan never could figure out. It’s about spotlight, presentation. Giving somebody the time of day.

Lexis had a solid heat, Chen got a good comeback in but we know whos winning! Swinging DDT neckbreaker on the ropes and Lexis wins.

Winner: Lexis King

Chase U are backstage with Thea and Jaycee Jane as the girls roll their eyes, because they’re bad girls. The Family of Tony D and Stacks show up with their titles on their shoulders to taunt them and buzz off shortly after. 

Kelani Jordan Vs Arianna Grace

NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament Semi Finals #1:

Kelani won her first round match over former Volleyball player Izzi Dame on October 3rd to advance, whilst Arianna beat Brinley Reece on October 17th to advance to the Semi Finals.

The Match: 

If Arianna won, I’d be surprised. Kelani is built for WWE. So is Arianna, but Kelani is so marketable. Arianna needs to keep cutting a promo before every match of hers like Kurt Angle did back in the day.

She will get over that way. These two had chemistry! This is a duo that works.

Arianna went for a back suplex off the top to no avail, Kelani hit the split legged moonsault to win – see; I told you shes beating Lola in the finals!

Kelani faces the winner of Lola Vice and Karmen Petrovic next week in the finals! 

Winner: Kelani Jordan

Von Wagner and his recovery is next. There’s always more story in NXT! Robert Stone knows he’s up shit creek with a turd for a paddle with Bron Breakker next week and he doesn’t care.

Von knows he can’t be there to support him. I bet you anything Von shows up. 

Shotzi and Scarlett are back as hosts.

Geez, Scatlett is cool, and I love they changed outfits, Shotzi looked so awesome as Edward Scissorhands! Edward Shotzihands?

The Creed Brothers show up with Ivy Nile, looking for a match with Angel Garza and Humberto Carillo.

How convenient, theres a wheel to spin! I wonder how they do these things so it lands on what they want. TLS match is set! Tables, Ladders and Stairs?

The Family (c) Vs Chase University

NXT Tag Team Title Match


Chase University won the Bada Bing Bada Boom Battle Royal last week for this shot at the Tag Titles.

The Match:

I really wanted Chase U to win, but I reckon they won’t because it’s not in their trajectory with Jaycee and Thea and that story. I hoped I was wrong.

Andre got dominated by Stacks early, and The Family owned Chase U with a solid piece of teamwork. Tony and Stacks tried to isolate Andre but Duke got the tag and ran through Stacks and Tony.

Duke has really shown his range from his initial character to Chase U! Vic and Booker T again are doing a good job on commentary.

Tony got a hot tag and now he laid waste to Chase U. Andre Chase is really crisp for somebody that doesn’t wrestle often!

The Family almost had it won before Duke interrupted with a German on Tony into Stacks who was trying to pin Andre, what a great way to break up a pinfall.


Winner/s: NEW NXT Tag Team Champions, Chase U.


Andre finally gets something nice! I did not see that coming. I am so happy to see Andre Chase win a championship!

Nathan Frazer Promo

They try to make him interesting and comical, but he is so bland I can’t handle it.

He’s got a segment now called Hard Hitting Home Truths. Nathan has a face needs a hard slap bro.

I don’t find him funny. He challenges Dom for the North American title next week. I hope he loses.

Baron Corbin Interview with Mckenzie Mitchell

Corbin is mad Melo won last week. Baron was concerned about the result next week on Night 2 and wants to challenge the winner.

Gigi Dolin vs. Blair Davenport

Lights Out Match

This feud was set up weeks ago and it was a really weak way of beginning what was sold as a blood feud with Gigi charging at Blair any chance she could backstage for weeks because Blair talked smack to her and cost her a win over Thea Hail. Weak dude.

The Match: 

Gigi made her entrance and is so freaking awesome with her presentation. Her hair is bad ass, she is looking good.

Blair made her entrance and looked brooding in her get up. Blair’s attitude is dope. For 2 people who hate eachother they started this quite subdued, considering what they were doing in the buildup to this with all the attacks backstage and in the ring.

They changed the lighting to make it a true Lights Out Match. Blair is going to win this I think, as she lost her feud with Roxanne and Roxy beat Kiana earlier.

The lighting is cool, but I’m not sure how it adds to the match.  Meteora by Gigi through a chair on Blair on the outside was wild, and Blair has really got herself in great shape by the way. I really hope Mandy Rose returns one day and puts Toxic Attraction together!

Blair took control after Gigi introduced a table. Gigi smacked Blair around with a leather belt ever so visciously! They got given good time here.

Blair set up a table at ringside but copped a trash can on the apron. They brawl to the outside and Blair clears the announce table, but Gigi cops a Falcon Arrow off the announce table through a table, she hits the knockout blow in the ring and Blair wins!


I think this will continue. Surely. Unless Gigi is leaving NXT!

Winner: Blair Davenport

Ilja Dragunov Interview with Vic Joseph

Ilja talked about his childhood and this is what we need, to learn about him. He talked about his son being proud of him being champion.

Ilja is very, very good in this role, he looks great in a suit, this guy has shown he will flourish on the Main Roster. Vic gets a whole interview done.

Ilja isn’t mental like Melo. Speaking of Melo they cut to Shotzi and Scarlett dressed as twins holding hands and they tease Melo and it was really fetching.

Tiffany Stratton Interviews Sarah Schreiber. Fallon James is dressed as Tiffany as she interrupts and she was so convincing I didn’t actually realize it was her. Tiffany NAILED her! They brawl and it cuts away.

Lola Vice w/Elektra Lopez Vs Karmen Petrovic

NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament Semi Final #2

Lola beat hot-ass Dani Palmer to reach this round of the tournament, and Karmen beat Jaida Parker. It’s so obvious Lola wins this.

The Match:

Karmen was in charge early, and I really like Karmen, for many reasons. Lola has a better trajectory and is a heel, so it was obvious who was going to win this. Plus, she has Elektra Lopez at ringside!

Great stuff from Karmen utilizing her black belt skills. GREAT dive from Karmen on Lola. BIG spin kick from Lola and it was over. Karmen really impressed me more than the last time I saw her wrestle.


It’s down to Kelani Vs Lola next week in the finals!

Winner: Lola Vice 

Chase U celebrates together backstage. Thea and Jaycee pumped them up.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champpions Chelsea Green and Piper Niven show up and it looks like they finally are doing something with the Womens Tag Titles which haven’t ben defended in months, with the champs and Jaycee and Thea.


Meta Four are freaking out over Akira stealing the trophy and they’re freaking out over it. Stupid.

Bron meets Melo in the locker room. Bron stirs the pot about Trick Williams being attacked. Bron pumps Melo up to win so he can get a title shot off him after. Bron, Melo is already 3-1 over you.

Jade Cargill shows up and holy shit she looks good, give her the throne. I have never seen a body like hers before, she is the fittest person I have ever laid my eyes on.

Becky Lynch (c) vs. Lyra Valkyria

NXT Women’s Championship

Lyra challenged Becky a few weeks ago and won a 4 Way to face Becky at Halloween Havoc Night 1. They are both from Ireland and Lyra looks upto Becky so this should be interesting. 

The Match:

Becky isn’t losing this. Thankfully Binge eliminates the picture in picture adverts. I just saw The Corrs tonight so its all Irish all night for me here.

Becky has been a defending champ so far, I don’t see it ending tonight. Great back and forth between the two to start off, it’s intense.

Lyra is at her best here, rising to the challenge of facing somebody on another level. That’s the only way somebody can get to another level.

Big leg drop from Lyra to the back of Beckys head on the ropes! As it got close near the end of this one, it was back and forth no heat, just back and forth.

Great back and forth on the mat between them both. Lyra isn’t winning, no way, she’s done well but shes not ready.

Disarmer by Becky, Lyra fought out. Lyra with the sitdown powerbomb for a 2. Big spin kick from Lyra for a close 2 count. Crowd loved this match.

Lyra kicked out of a Manhandle Slam! Holy shit chants from the fans. BUT Wow, Lyra won the title off Becky with a pin reversal from the Manhandle slam! Huge!

Winner: NEW NXT Women’s Champion, Lyra Valkyria

Final Thoughts
They embrace over the result together and Becky anoints Lyra the champ. Personally, I don’t think Lyra was reading for this, but let’s give it a chance. This was a great show with a lot of story progression, pumping me up for Night 2 next week!

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Karlifornia is a Freelance Journalist for RealProWrestling.Com and TheRockpit.Net and Host on the Insiders Edge Podcast through his YouTube channel, the WZWA Network. He has been a die hard Pro Wrestling fan since 1998, and his favorite time period in wrestling is the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars.

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