NXT #729 Results & Review (April 26th, 2024)

NXT Results & Reviews

NXT #729 Results
April 16th, 2024
WWE Performance Centre
Orlando, Florida.

It’s time for the go home for for NXT Spring Breakin’ and it’s 2 weeks special, and tonights show is headlined by a Cage Match between Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes. There are so many angles going on right now, it’s crazy.

Singles Match
Noam Dar (w/Jakara Jackson, Lash Legend & Oro Mensah) vs. Dijak

The Match:
We start off the show with Noam Dar and Dijak doing battle and I can’t for the life of me seeing Noam being able to beat Dijak despite the friends he’s got at ringside. Dijak took control early. Dar fired back with a flurry of strikes. After a spinning back fist/running elbow combo, Dar got a near fall. Dijak nailed Dar with a springboard clothesline. Dar countered a backbreaker by Dijak into a guillotine. Dijak escapes and knees Dar in the gut before tossing him over the top rope!

After the break, Dar tried several submissions but couldn’t hold Dijak down. Dar sends Dijak out of the ring. Delayed dropkick against the ring steps by Dar. Dar sent Dijak back into the ring and landed a spinning back elbow for a near fall. Dar and Dijak traded strikes. Dijak turned Dar inside out with a discus boot. Mensah got on the apron wearing a T-Bar mask. Dijak knocked Mensah off the apron. Dar landed the Nova Roller for the win.

Winner: Noam Dar via pinfall.

Singles Match
Sol Ruca vs. Lola Vice

The Match:
These are two ladies who are totally in the hunt for the NXT Womens North American Championship. Lola has been cooking with gas lately as a character, but Sol is clearly a star of the future. Vice and Ruca traded submission attempts. Ruca took Vice down, a front flip follows, and lands a basement superkick. Ruca hit a series of flips to avoid Vice’s attacks. X-factor by Ruca. Vice landed a head kick. Vice gets to her feet. Vice blasted Ruca with a flurry of kicks followed by a running hip attack. Ruca kicked out. Vice worked over Ruca. Ruca fired up. Ruca went up top. Blair Davenport showed up to interfere and knocked Ruca off the top rope. The referee was right there! Vice landed a spin kick for the win.

Winner: Lola Vice via pinfall

After the match Natalya challenged Lola to match for Spring Breakin’ – NXT Undergound!

Arianna Grace and Gigi Dolin Go Shopping
They gear up to go clothes shopping and Gigi is so grumpy about it but she’s got this gorgeous face even if she is a Punk Rocker like Sheena. Arianna is her usual hilarious self.

NXT Anonymous showed a scene where Ridge apologized to General Manager Ava but Joaquin While from the LWO again confronted him over his recent actions.

Singles Match

Ridge Holland vs. Joaquin Wilde

The Match:
Someone is getting destroyed. Joaquin held his own early but it was only going to be a certain amount of time before he was caught. Shawn Spears came out to watch the match, I bet he and Ridge end up as a team. Wilde got caught in a powerslam on the floor on the outside and hit his finisher for the win. Holland walked past Spears afterward.

Winner: Ridge Holland via pinfall.

Ivar talks to Josh Briggs got cleared by the doctors, Ivar approaches and Josh won’t hold back, so they’re gonna battle tonight to see who faces Oba Femi for the North American Title at Spring Breakin’

They then shown a Vignette of Brinley and Edris and Malik working out. Brinley is really good in this role, like the female Richard Simmons, or Simon Dean, or better yet, Muffy who was in the WWF for a cup of coffee in the late 90’s.

They then show the D’Angelo Family walking to the ring.

Andre Chase is seen talking with Thea Hail. He agrees that Jacy was right about him, and how he risked his money on her beating Tiffy for the NXT title and he cared and thats why he threw in the towell. They are back on the same page!

Out came the D’Angelo Family, and their theme song has changed. Tony talked about not winning the title and the No Quarter Catch Crew rock up – to talk about getting rid of Drew Gulak. They have a debt with The Family. T is mad at the NQCC. This was Charlies moment to ascend. The Family and the NQCC went at it! Adriana Rizzo looked super hot.

Singles Match

Ilja Dragunv vs. Je’Von Evans

The Match:
The whole locker room burst out trying to get at Ilja which is SO REALISTIC. Ilja got in charge early and welcomed the young man to NXT. The crowd are HOT! Je’Von started to cook with gas, this is almost like Cena challenging Angle. Damn Je’Von hit a ferocious Spanish Fly for a 2 count. Ilja knee’d Evans in the head with a knee for a 2 count. They went back and forth, and Evans was going balls to the wall. Torpedo Moscow ended it! I really do like stuff like this, not like Wheeler Yuta bleeding and kicking out of everyone against Jon Moxley, this was the correct way to do it in these circumstances to put over a young guy with wide eyes ready to take on the world.

Winner: Ilja Dragonuv via pinfall.

I have to have a side bar here and say I am really unhappy about Von Wagner being released. I thought that guy had a lot of potential as an interesting character in future and now his storyline with Mr. Stone ends up inconclusive. It’s like how Hogan’s Heroes never had a proper final episode, I hate when a pretty bow isn’t put on the end of an ongoing story. I just wonder what will become of Robbie E now in NXT.

Karmen Petrovic Interview with Kelly Kincaid
Kelly asks Karmen if shes going to train Natalya for the NXT Underground match on week 2 of NXT Spring Breakin’ Lola Vice interrupted and disputed Karmens effect on any of this and will see her at the contract signing next week.

Sol Ruca begs for a match with Blair Davenport at Spring Breakin’ in a No DQ match to Ava. She’s got it.

Singles Match
Tatum Paxley vs. Thea Hail (w/Andre Chase, Duke Hudson & Riley Osborne)

The Match:
How dare they cut out Tatum’s entrance. They chain and grapple and go tit for tat early on for a stalemate, and it’s good to see Thea work singles for the first time in a while. Tatum dominated after this. Tatum totally needs a big win at this point, she’s put over enough people. I am sure Jacy will cost Thea and then they will go one on one in week 2 of Spring Breakin’. As I type that, Jazmyn got involved, Jacy tripped Thea and Tatum got the win. Thea went after Jacy and it was a big pull apart! Lyra then attacked Tatum in the ring!

Winner: Tatum Paxley via pinfall.

Roxanne Perez Interview with Kelly Kincaid
She gives an annoying, happy, arrogant interview and she will give a title match to either Lyra and Tatum, but then Ava makes it a 3 way for the title!

Tag Team Match
Edris Enofe & Malik Blade (w/Brinley Reece) vs. The Authors Of Pain (Akam & Rezar) (w/Karrion Kross, Paul Ellering & Scarlett)

The Match:
Authors of Pain get on Edris and Malik early who try to weather the storm with their quickness. It gets cut off pretty early on. I don’t see AOP losing here. I wonder what will come of this stable after losing to The Pride at Mania, they need some momentum, they need to win this. Edris and Malik cop it sweet with the Super Collider and the Authors of Pain win. Frazer and Axiom rock up and hold their belts up at the Authors of Pain.

Winner: Authors of Pain via pinfall.

Arianna Grace and Gigi Dolin are clothes shopping and Gigi clearly hates what Arianna picks out for her, and Gigi wants to make it her own, fast forward and Gigi wrecks the dress for Arianna with scissors and makes it ‘Gigi Style’. Arianna offers like 8 credit cards to pay for it.

Singles Match
Ivar vs. Josh Briggs

The Match:
Ivar snap kicks Briggs in the face to start off and got in control early. Thankfully Oba Femi wasnt watching the monitor backstage standing on an angle. Ivar splats Josh early on, and Josh is clearly in a world of hurt. Ivar hits hit spinning slam then the sit down double under hook powerbomb for a 2 count. Briggs hit the stairs which effected his injured ribs. Ivar hit a Moonsault on Briggs to win!

Winner: Ivar via pinfall.

Oba Femi Interview with Kelly Kincaid
Oba finds the win by Ivar interesting. He ends up knocking Oro Mensah down by opening the door into him again.

Before the match Melo talks to Kelly Kincaid and he’s confident he will beat Trick.

Steel Cage Match
Carmelo Hayes vs. Trick Williams

The Match:
Melo and Ali Mustafa are doing the same gimmick at the same time. Here we go, it’s a match with real heat. Carmelo Hayes got given a billy club early into the match and went to work on Trick. Just peppering him with shots. Carmela Hayes dominated Trick during the commercial break. Trick fought back with gusto but he got cut off. Trick started to mount a comeback, and he hit a Book End off the 2nd rope! The fans were firmly behind Trick, and he fired up. Trick hit a reverse suplex on Melo, and he’s so close to finally stepping out from Hayes’ BS. Trick hit another Book End for a near fall but Melo managed to get back in charge. They teetered on the top rope and Trick laid out the personal security, a Cage Match is supposed to keep them out, but Trick hit the knee to win via pinfall!

Winner: Trick Williams via pinfall.

Ilja Dragunov looks on as Trick looks back, is Tricks time upon us?

Final Thoughts:
This is still the best weekly product going, there’s so much going on, it’s exactly what I am looking for week to week! I can’t wait for Spring Breakin’

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Karlifornia is a Freelance Journalist for RealProWrestling.Com and TheRockpit.Net and Host on the Insiders Edge Podcast through his YouTube channel, the WZWA Network. He has been a die hard Pro Wrestling fan since 1998, and his favorite time period in wrestling is the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars.

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