NXT #728 Results & Review (April 9th, 2024)

NXT Results & Reviews

NXT #728
April 9, 2024
WWE Performance Center
Orlando, Florida

Roxanne Perez opens the show cutting a promo about winning the NXT Womens Championship over Lyra Valkyria at Stand and Deliver, and her smugness is really, really annoying. Lyra Valkyria interrupts with her arm in a sling and it’s odd, some fans chanted ‘You Tapped Out’. Lyra challenged Roxanne for a rematch. Tatum then shows up in the crowd to stick up for Lyra and Tatum was playing with Lyras hair, and then threw Lyra hell hard into the stairs and turned on her! That’s my girl right there. Natalya comes out and then challenged Roxanne to a championship match last in the show! Roxanne denies Nattie the shot, and then Ava interrupts and sets the match. I think Ava needs to start wearing power suits. Fit the GM role.

Nathan Frazer and Axiom Interview with Kelly Kincaid

They talk about this being their final chance at the NXT Tag Team Championships, and if they can’t get the job done, they will split. I guess perhaps they have dropped the gimmick where Nathan’s mouth gets himself in big trouble.

Kilani Jordan and Fallon Henley get awarded honorary diplomas for Chase U for their work with Thea at Stand & Deliver, Jacy Jane and Jasmyn Nyx show up and Jesus lord christ almighty, for the love of god, for the love of everything that exists, these two looked so ravishing I wanted to put my skull through a plate glass window. Jacy spilled the beans that the reason Chase U was in debt in the first place was because Mr Chase put a huge bet on Thea winning the NXT Women’s Championship which she lost. Thea was then very upset and stormed off after Andre tried to explain things to her.

Tag Team Match
Izzi Dame & Kiana James vs. Fallon Henley & Kelani Jordan

The Match:
This match is from the fallout of the big 6 ladies tag team match from NXT Stand & Deliver on WrestleMania 41 weekend. This should be good. Fallon obviously has a big past with Kiana James and both ladies have been killing it lately! Izzi and Kilani have been a super great inclusion to the roster, Izzi has improved tenfold in the ring, and Kilani has been terrific in that sense too, but where Izzi gets it more as a character, Kilani gets it moree in the ring. Fallon is main roster ready as far as I am concerned. This match is a perfect example as to why I believe the NXT Women’s Division is the best women’s division in Pro Wrestling today. Speaking of ready, Kiana is SUPER ready right now, and I think she could be ready to lead a stable! They got some good heat on Kilani. Kiana James is GREAT at taking a bump and feed. Kiana hit the 401k to pin Fallon! Great match.

Winner/s: Izzi Dame & Kiana James via pinfall in 6:58.

After the match Vic Joseph called them the Mean Girls Club, last week I called them the Bad Girls Club!

Je’Von Evans gets his own Grid Legends style interview, talking about how sick it is he gets a hype video. This makes me feel bad having not watched NXT LVL Up in a few weeks.

The No Quarter Catch Crew talk about Charlie Dempsey and wrestling at GCW’s Bloodsport last week. The Family then show up to confront the NQCC about not wanting to do their own dirty work. This leads to a confrontation that will likely be sorted later in a Tag Team Match, playa.

Singles Match
SCRYPTS (w/Bronco Nima, Jaida Parker & Lucien Price) vs. Je’Von Evans

The Match:
This match features the NXT debut of Je’Von Evans, against SCRPYTS whom I haven’t seen on NXT TV in a while, in fact I haven’t seen Out The Mud for a while, and was concerned that Jaida Parker had already been split from the group. I love Jaida’s attitude. Je’Von is clearly a hell of an athlete out of the gate, and it’s clear to me this match has been put together to showcase the young fellow. SCRYPTS got some heat on Evans, before Evans fought back, showing off his athleticism and skill, he hit a springboard cutter for a 2 count which was a bit much, but then he dove over the top rope and took out the whole stable. Evans then hit a sick twisting splash off the top rope, and the 19 year old picked up the win!

Winner: Je’Von Evans via pinfall in 5:31.

Back from commercial, Ridge Holland has a conversation with Kelly Kincaid who was getting her makeup done, but she needed to get the scoop. Ridge says he needs to apologize to Joe Gacy, he just lost it and blacked out and started attacking him during his match with Shawn Spears on the Kick off show for Stand & Deliver.

Joe then peeked his head out of a curtain and says he gets it, it’s gotta mess with your head to go from being on the Main Roster to being a panelist. Ridge storms off and runs into Cruz del Toro and Joaquin Wilde from the Lation World Order, who say they don’t buy this reformation tour. Holland tries to leave and goes to close the door and Del Toro slams his hand in the door and Joaquin blames Ridge for it which is actually such BS, there’s no way that was intentional.

WWE NXT Women’s Title Match
Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Natalya

The Match:
The seeds for this match were planted a few weeks ago when Natalya was supporting Karmen Petrovic in her feud with Lola Vice, and Roxanne made some disrespectful comments towards Nattie, and now she is the new NXT Women’s Champion. This should be good, and it’s super important for a performer like Roxanne to get in there and wrestle somebody like Natalya. An early highlight of the match with Roxanne and Natalya exchanging slaps to the face. Natalya is timeless man, she doesn’t seem to age and she is still great in the ring, and quick. You can tell shes got work done on her face, but I don’t blame her, I would do the same being in that field. I laughed add Roxanne screaming as she was put in the surfboard stretch. I can totally tell Natalya came back down to NXT to work with some younger talent by her request. It will only help these ladies improve to work with a veteran like Nattie. The counter of Pop Rox into a Sharpshooter was really cool! Roxanne ended up getting the win after Lola Vice got involved, and Roxy hit Pop Rocks to retain.

Winner: STILL NXT Women’s Champion, Roxanne Perez via pinfall in 11:27.

Bron and Baron are backstage and are actually wearing Wolf Dogs shirts. They keep hitting eachother in their backstage promos and it’s funny.

Lola Vice starts spitting fire at wanting opportunities in NXT and Natalya attacks Lola whilst she’s talking.

Tag Team Match
The D’Angelo Family (Channing Lorenzo & Luca Crusifino) (w/Adriana Rizzo) vs. No Quarter Catch Crew (Damon Kemp & Myles Borne) (w/Charlie Dempsey)

The Match:
Sorry but this is BS that Drew Gulak isn’t there just based off some bullshit Ronda Rousey said. I hope this at least pushes Charlie into becoming the leader of the group. I think Luca and Stacks definitely need the win here though. Kemp and Borne also looked good here, this was a great example of 4 hungry young wrestlers maximizing their minutes. Honestly, perhaps it’ll be a good thing for Kemp and Borne that Gulak is gone, because then they can get more opportunities to wrestle on television. Luca and Myles hit FTR’s finisher to get the win which I thought was hilarious.

Winner/s: The D’Angelo Family (Channing Lorenzo & Luca Crusifino) (w/Adriana Rizzo) via pinfall in 4:01.

Oba Femi makes his entrance looking confident and chuffed since his successful title defence at Stand & Deliver against Dijak and Josh Briggs. Oba is confident of his spot now, and has established himself as a continued unbeatable force, that is, until Ivar of the Viking Raiders shows up to challenge him! Oba Femi grimacing as Ivar talked and got closer, was how to sell this situation. Hearing Ivar actually talk on the mic was dope. Seeing him wearing civilian clothing was the right call too. They ended up fighting after Oba headbutted Ivar, and Ivar ended up laying Oba out!

Meta-Four are backstage celebrating and Oro Mensah is all upset and is still upset several days later over something that happened at Stand & Deliver. Dijak just walks in and causes an issue, and then Noam insults him, and they will wrestle next week.

Singles Match
Jaida Parker (w/Bronco Nima, Lucien Price & SCRYPTS) vs. Brinley Reece (w/Edris Enofe & Malik Blade)

The Match:
Jaida really has a bright future I believe, as a character, she ‘gets it’, and she’s apart of that ‘new wave’ of talent like Lola Vice, Sol Ruca and Kilani Jordan. We are given the gift of Jaida twice in one show! Brinleys new ring gear is appreciated. Jaida looked solid here, and this would be a potential great feud for these 2 groups, as I feel like Edris Enofe and Malik Blade need an angle to sink their teeth into. Any combination of these 2 teams in singles matches, tag matches and 6 person tags would be excellent. Parker knocked Brinley out with a Hip Check and it was over. Jaida is a Baddie.

Winner: Jaida Parker via pinfall in 7:51.

Arianna Grace is holding court in the locker room with Sol Ruca in the locker room. Arianna talks about the NXT North American Title and Sol Ruca says she’s got dibs on that and Arianna hilariously slid herself away from Sol realizing that she is a potential enemy. Lola walks into the locker room screaming about Natalya for something that happened over half an hour ago.

WWE NXT Tag Team Title Match
The Wolfdogs (Baron Corbin & Bron Breakker) (c) vs. Axiom & Nathan Frazer

The Match:
This is a rematch from their NXT Tag Team Title match at NXT Stand & Deliver on WrestleMania 41 weekend. I have noticed there’s like, 20 minutes left in the show as well, I am sure there will be a post match angle, this surely won’t be given 20 minutes, right? Haha, apparently Bron Breakker hit the ropes so hard at Wells Fargo last week that the ring actually moved! Now Brons old finisher is being used to kick out of. Bron and Baron had a miscommunication, Bron got dumped to the outside and it was shocking to see, Nathan and Axiom actually won the NXT Tag Team Championship!

Winner/s: NEW NXT Tag Team Champions, Axiom & Nathan Frazer in 11:35.

After the match the Authors of Pain with the Final Testament showed up and destroyed the Tag Team Champions before they could properly celebrate and Scarlett looked amazing.

Trick Williams then comes out to finish off the show and talk about what happened between he and Carmelo Hayes at Stand and Deliver and how he wants a title shot at Ilja Dragunov. Ilja comes out and says no to Trick. Ilja gives him a shot at NXT Spring Breakin’ in 2 weeks. After they are done discussing the situation, Carmelo Hayes attacked Trick Williams from behind and announced next week he and Trick will battle in a Steel Cage Match!

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Karlifornia is a Freelance Journalist for RealProWrestling.Com and TheRockpit.Net and Host on the Insiders Edge Podcast through his YouTube channel, the WZWA Network. He has been a die hard Pro Wrestling fan since 1998, and his favorite time period in wrestling is the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars.

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