MLW War Chamber 2024 Results
March 29th, 2024
The Coliseum
St. Petersburg, Florida
It’s time for MLW War Chamber! This show is going to be split into 2 parts, Day 1 is today on the 29th of March, and unfortunately, Day 2 will be airing on the 20th of April. That’s okay though. I’m excited!
The show begins with a pan of the crowd as we are welcomed by Joe Dombrowski and Christian Cole, who certainly have gelled very well as a team since Christian’s arrival. It’s a little bit different, as the house lights are on and we aren’t getting that usual MLW lighting and feel.
MLW Women’s World Featherweight Title Match
Janai Kai (w/Salina de la Renta) (c) vs. Unagi Sayaka

The Match:
I was excited to see Unagi wrestle, for the most part it seems like the Joshi wrestlers win me over straight away. Salina really feels like a character that should always be effecting the lay of the land in MLW. It’s cool to see somebody stick strictly to managing. Unagi is FIT! And Janai has got some of the most impressive thighs I’ve seen. That’s the power in her kicks. Janai took charge early on. Once Unagi started hitting some offence, we finally got to see what she’s got and she’s fantastic. Janai Kai hit her kick in the corner on Unagi and she got the victory, which felt a little anticlimactic.
Winner: STILL MLW Women’s World Featherweight Champion, Janai Kai via pinfall in 7:14.
Singles Match
Alex Kane (w/Mr. Thomas) vs. AJ Francis
The Match:
This has been a solid feud over the last few months and the addition of AJ Francis to MLW and TNA programming has actually been welcomed. I was skeptical at first because of ‘Flop Dolla’ but so far he’s proven to be a solid heel and not so bad in the ring! It’ll be interesting to see if Alex Kane loses this match here, because I feel it would hurt AJ to lose his first big match in Major League Wrestling. Alex Kane dominated AJ Francis early on. AJ took control after hitting Tennessee Whisky and a Powerbomb onto the ring apron. Alex Kane tried fighting back with his pattented suplex’s, but thanks to MSL interfering, AJ managed to hit a mule kick between the legs of Kane, then a chokeslam by AJ to pick up the win! After the match, member of the Bomaye Fight Club have now sided with AJ Francis and pledged allegiance to them!

Winner: AJ Francis via pinfall in 7:03.
Singles Match
Brian Brock vs. Mads Krule Krügger
The Match:
Devin Diaz made his entrance for his MLW debut, and Brian Brock makes HIS debut and attacks Diaz and lays him out, then snatches the mic off the ring announcer. Brock delivers an open challenge to anybody in the back, and Mads Krule Krügger accepts and this looks like it’s going to be a rough debut for Brian Brock. This reminds me so much on something that would happen in ECW. Brian Brock seems to be holding his own at the beginning of the match, but then Mads took charge. Mads charged at Brock in the corner who is bleeding, and he moved out the way, then Mads went through a door in the corner! Brock hit a big lariat on Mads, and tried to wear him out with the broken door. It was not enough though, as Mads Krule Krügger hit his finishing move and got the pinfall victory. That was solid.

Winner: Mads Krule Krügger via pinfall in 3:43.
After the match, Brian Brock was about to be put in a body bag, but instead Mads Krule Krügger told his henchmen not to. That’s interesting. Brock got carried out by Contra, and I hope we see more of him in MLW!
Singles Match
Bad Dude Tito (w/Salina de la Renta) vs. Richard Adonis

The Match:
This is the first time I have see Richard Adonis, is he 14 years old? Bad Dude Tito is here and he got a really easy victory last month at Intimidation Games, and I see that continuing here. Tito hit an exploder early opn and he screams that it’s a wrap and then hit the Steiner Screwdriver to get another easy victory! After the match, Tito gets on the mic and talks smack to the audience. Tito claims he will be back and will have gold around his waist.
Winner: Bad Dude Tito via pinfall in 0:46.
NJPW World Television Title Match
Matt Riddle (c) vs. Kosei Fujita
The Match:
This is the first time I have seen Kosei Fujita perform, and this will be Matt Riddle’s 2nd title defence since defeating Hiroshi Tanahashi for NJPW World Television belt on February 23rd. Early on they do a chop and strike battle that does not really impress me, because that spot has never impressed me. Matt Riddle hit his usual flurry, and I am positive he will retain his title here. It was fairly back and forth, and very physical, and at one stage Fujita suplex’d Matt Riddle nearly on his head! Matt Riddle ended up hitting the Bro Stone Piledriver to retain! Matt Riddle gives Fujita props on the mic and said “that was sick bro”. Matt Riddle appears to want a shot at Satoshi Kojima and the MLW World Heavyweight Championship.

Winner: STILL NJPW World Television Champion, Matt Riddle via pinfall in 7:03.
Cesar Duran is at his desk and is going to give Salina De La Renta the “offer she can’t refuse”. The key Cesar held in his hand is up for grabs at their show in May 11 in Azteca Lucha.

MLW World Middleweight Title Match
Mistico (c) vs. Angel de Oro
The Match:
Angel de Oro is the CMLL World Middleweight Champion, and Mistico is the MLW World Middleweight Champion, after defeating Rocky Romero a few shows ago. Dude, the ring attendant chicks were hot. This show feels more like “Forbidden Door”. Hahaha, hang on. I just realized that this is not at the same arena as MLW War Chamber. I am assuming Mistico couldn’t fly in so they had the match recorded elsewhere. This was a certain palette cleanser, as it gave us a fast paced, high flying contest. Angel de Oro was in supreme control for a lot of the middle point of this match up, Mistico just suits wrestling his style man, he wasn’t built for the WWE system as Sin Cara. Angel de Oro was very good. Mistico ended up making Angel de Oro tap out to the La Mística.
Winner: STILL MLW World Middleweight Champion, Mistico via submission in 14:10.
I found out this note on the Mistico/Angel de Oro match – This match was taped on 12.03.2024 in Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico.

War Chamber Match
CozyMAX (Okumura & Satoshi Kojima) & The Second Gear Crew (1 Called Manders & Matthew Justice) (w/Bill Alfonso) vs. World Titan Federation (Davey Boy Smith Jr., Josh Bishop, Richard Holliday & Tom Lawlor) (w/Saint Laurent)
The Match:
This is essentially a War Games Match, but with Barbed wire across the top of the Cage! Matthew Justice and Josh Bishop are the first two going to War here, and I have to ay Saint Laurent in an Army outfit is hilarious. Bill Alfonso came out with Justice which was a nice surprise. Now we’re going to have to deal with Bill blowing his whistle. Bishop dominated Justice in the early going on the War Chamber. Filrthy Tom Lawlor was the next entrant in the match as Justice was starting to make a comeback on Josh Bishop. I would have to imagine they will continue giving the World Titan Federation some momentum with a victory here. The numbers game got to Justice before his Tag Team Partner, 1 Called Manders entered like a house of fire. Davey Boy Smith Jr. was then next out there and he could be the ace in the hole for the WTF. The 3 on 2 advantage told the story, as we got the countdown to the next combatant which was Satoshi Kojima’s Tag Team Partner, Shigeo Okumura. The heels still retained a lot of the heat in this wild brawl, before the World Titan Federations final team member, Richard Holliday joined the fray. Satoshi Kojima is going to be next – as Richard Holliday took it to the babyface team and the advantage went their way again using various weapons on their opponents. These matches aren’t supposed to be pretty, they are supposed to be ugly, because fighting can be ugly.

Satoshi Kojima enters the match as the final entrant and the War Chamber has officially begun, where pinfall, submission or surrender can get you the victory in the War Chamber. Justice went off the top of the Cage and it was so convenient, everyone waiting to catch him. He didn’t even hit Josh Bishop and Bishop went down as well. Hilarious. The 2nd Gear Crew ended up getting put through doors in the corner, and the babyfaces were starting to get dominated big time. Kojima ended up hitting the Lariat on Holliday out of the blue to pick up the win for Team Kojima!
Winner/s: CozyMAX (Okumura & Satoshi Kojima) & The Second Gear Crew (1 Called Manders & Matthew Justice) (w/Bill Alfonso) via pinfall in 24:36.
After the match, Mads Krule Krügger and Contra swarmed the ring and destroyed the babyfaces. There was even a fireball thrown at one stage. Ikuro Kwon was revealed as a member of Contra during this segment, and they drape the Contra flag over the cage! It looks as if their take over of MLW is almost complete, I just wonder where they are going with this storyline, and what that means for heel stables like the World Titan Federation and The Calling.

War Chamber Night 2 will be happening in April for free on YouTube, and I am pretty keen to see what else awaits this MLW fans right here. Oh, and Zayda is on the show, so, that’s all that really matters!