Impact Wrestling Results and Reviews for October 19 (2023)

Before The Impact

Singles Match

Kilynn King vs. Jody Threat


Kilynn was accusing Jody of being the one to attack her former Tag Team Partner Taylor Wilde with a Tire Iron, before Kilynn admitted to it last week on Impact.

The Match:

These two honestly look like they should be a Tag Team! They are all matched up with the color co-ordination. Kilynn will one day run the Knockouts Division, I saw her against Kamille last year for the NWA and she’s ready for a top spot. King got some heat on Jody, I honestly can’t see Jody losing here. I am loving Gia on commentary. She’s cute as a button, yet serious. Jody had an intense comeback, for a near fall. King got kicked off the ring apron to the outside and “hurt her knee”. This was sold well, it can’t be real. She grabbed the knee as she landed. Yep, Kilynn pushed Jody into the ring post, brilliant. Kings Curse, and it was mathmatical.


Kilynn gets the win and I am sure her former partner Taylor Wilde will show up for revenge soon.

Singles Match

Mike Bailey vs. Samuray Del Sol


These two have faced once before in Samuray’s debut match with Impact where Mike Bailey picked up the win. Mike has a big match with Will Ospreay coming up at Bound For Glory this weekend and clearly needs the win, but would that hurt Samuray to lose another big match so soon?

The Match:

They were ferocious from the outset, this was interesting to see their feeling out process. Bailey cut him off with a big kick to the chest, but SDS was quick to fire back with his quickness. Samuray did the right thing with his psychology when he moonsaulted onto Bailey by looking back first to ENSURE his opponent was there on impact. Unlike Hangman Page who does it and just expects it to work out. Bailey got fired up deep into the match and kept on SDS. This is a foregone conclusion. If Russo was in charge, he would have organized a way for Ospreay to take Mike’s eye off the ball by having him show up on the Video Screen to distract him. 

I know Impact are stuck to AXS TV considering the company that owns them but if NWA get on CW, maybe Impact deserve a push onto a bigger platform. This has been an interesting match with interesting tactics from both men, Samuary hit an avalanche victory roll off the top rope which I haven’t seen hit so well since Juventud Guerrera hit it in WCW in the 90s. Mike Bailey hit Ultimo Weapon and picked up the decisive win. 


There’s no way Mike Bailey wins over Will at Bound For Glory this weekend, if he does, I would be very much surprised. 

Winner: Mike Bailey 

Dirty Dango Promo

He mentions Shannon Moore, Sonny Siaki and Evan Karagias were the Flying Elvises, what a pop that was. 1 out of 3 correct. Dango blames his boy over him facing Jake Something at Impact 1000. So he has brought in Kozlov aka Oleg Prudius to audit the situation. How is this real. Now Oleg is apparently the one that beat John Wick. This is stupid and I love it. 

The ABC are backstage with their briefcase. They talk BS on the Rascalz. I don’t have too much to add on this, it was fine. They face the Rascalz for the titles at BFG.

Singles Match

Kenny King w/Sheldon Jean vs. Heath 


Heath has been a thorn in Kenny King and Sheldon Jeans side for a long time now, having attempted to cost him an Imapct Digital Media Title Match against Johnny Swinger at the last PPV, and then  helping cost Kenny King the Impact Digital Media Title to Tommy Dreamer at Impact 1000. 

The Match:

I assume this will end up in a rematch for Bound For Glory so they are both on the card. Heath dominated early. They brawled on the outside but they still paid respect to the countout from the referee. They both went to the outside and Heath hurt his ankle so now Kenny worked on the ankle. Kenny showed some great chatacter work during the match. Heath fought back and got hot. Great selling from Heath during his comeback. Sheldon gets involved, Kenny had his feet on the ropes for a roll up, SWEET SPINE ON THE PINE from Heath, this was heating right up. Sheldon got involved again and got nailed on the apron which got a smirk from me, which ended with Kenny nailing the Royal Flush for the win. 


Kenny moves on, I don’t know what to, if he beats Heath now and they aren’t set for the PPV, perhaps Heaths contract is up? Who knows.

Winner: Kenny King

Frankie Kazarian Promo from Last Week

Frankie talks about being brought to the brink of death and back. Frankie says they are brothers, and equals, he wants to form a friendship. 

No Disqualification Match

Crazzy Steve vs. Black Taurus


Crazzy Steve and Black Taurus used to be in the group Decay together, since Steve’s recent revival on TV, Taurus has attempted to sort Steve’s proverbial shiznit out, but Steve ended up turning on Taurus because of it, ending in a match at the previous Impact PPV Victory Road where Steve defeated Taurus. Here comes the rematch in a stipulation amidst Crazzy Steve’s feud with Tommy Dreamer over the Impact Digital Media Championship, where last week, Steve literally stabbed Tommy in the back with a fork when they hugged.

The Match: 

Taurus goes after Steve hard early on. We go to commercial break and Steve was in charge on the way back, but Taurus smashed Steve onto some folded out chairs ferociously on his back for a 2 count. There was a slight communication error that lead to some timing issues midway through this match but this was a nice palette cleanser. Taurus got send over the top rope onto a massive pile of folded out chairs which was rough as guts. Steve went to stab him in the head with a fork! Taurus turns the fork in on Steve who pleads with him and plays mind games. Taurus changed his mind with the fork, which lead Steve into gaining the advantage to pick up the win. Time for Taurus to leave Imapct I think.


Crazzy Steve challenges Tommy Dreamer for the Impact Digital Media Championship at Bound for Glory this Saturday. This is the momentum he needed.

Winner: Crazzy Steve

Trinity and Mickie James Interview with Gia Miller

They face off with Giselle and Savannah in a Tag Match next. They are confident they can team together, but they can also face off as opponents, which is boring as hell.

Tag Team Match

PCO & Rhino vs. The Most Professional Wrestling Gods (Brian Myers & Moose)


This is all based off the Call Your Shot Battle Royal a few weeks ago. Most of these guys will be in the Monsters Ball Match at Bound For Glory.

The Match:

Rhino is in charge early. PCO gets highlighted for his tag and Moose is thrown into the fray. They immediately go to war, PCO can’t be messed with though. Heat takes place on Rhino. If anything, Moose and Myers should win this because they are the team and PCO is annoyingly leaving Impact soon. Which I do not agree with. Where’s he going to go next? This place treated him like he was the Undertaker. Moose couldnt suplex Rhino and called him a son of a bitch which made me laugh, and Rhino then hit a suplex, and PCO got the hot tag after that on Brian Myers. PCO hits an array of fun stuff before Moose intervenes and PCO was a no-selling machine! PCO goes for the PCO-sault and missed! Rhino goes for a Gore on Moose, Maclin interferes, goes to waste Rhino on the outside and Bully Ray gets involved. PCO then took Maclin out during his stare down with Bully Ray. Moose spears PCO and gets the win, which should happen if PCO is leaving Impact.


Lets see what happens in the Monsters Ball at Bound For Glory this weekend!

Winner/s: The Most Professional Wrestling Gods (Brian Myers & Moose)

MK Ultra Promo

Hot. Whatever this is, is hot. God damn it, this tag team are ruining my life.

Rhino finds Bully Ray as he exits and says he doesn’t trust him or need his help, Bully says he’s welcome.

Scott D’Amore has a sit down interview with Alex Shelley and Josh Alexander to talk about their title match at Bound For Glory. Alex Shelley is losing his shit over Scott asking Josh the first question. The bicker back and forth. It’s fun. Scott didn’t really get to host the situation! Josh made Alex lose his shit and leave his interview spot and attack Josh as Scott tried to stop it. 

Tag Team Match

Mickie James & Trinity vs. Gisele Shaw & Savannah Evans (w/Jai Vidal)


Mickie and Trinity face eachother at Bound for Glory for the Impact Knockouts Championship, Gisele and Savannah’s trajectory at this stage is unknown.

The Match:

The Shawntourage attack the babyfaces during their entrance! I loved that. Mickie got control of it early. The babyfaces get the advantage, I don’t see Gisele’s team winning, but if i were booking, I’d have the babyfaces lose and end up brawling. Sav and Giselle got heat on Trin, and I was there for it. GREAT team work from Gisele and Sav. Hot tag and the referee never saw it! They continued to go to work. Trinity fought back and here we went, the outcome is obvious. Mickie like a house of fire, and here came the trademark moves. MickDt on Evans ends it.


Trinity and Mickie are sure to have a hell of a battle at Bound For Glory.

Winner/s: Mickie James & Trinity

Final Thoughts:

Nice and easy going go-home shown for Bound For Glory on Saturday. I just wish Imapct would be a little more dangerous sometimes!

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Karlifornia is a Freelance Journalist for RealProWrestling.Com and TheRockpit.Net and Host on the Insiders Edge Podcast through his YouTube channel, the WZWA Network. He has been a die hard Pro Wrestling fan since 1998, and his favorite time period in wrestling is the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars.

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