Impact Wrestling #1001 Results and Review for September 28 (2023)

Graceland Live

Memphis, Tennessee

Okay so technically this is supposed to be the 1002nd Impact Episode but theyre pretending it’s 1001, and that last weeks show was the second half of Episode 1000. With this being Graceland Live, It’s a shame we can’t get a Flying Elvises Reunion here, Jimmy Yang, Jorge Estrada and Sonny Siaki. What a team! Unfortunately, Sonny doesn’t wrestle anymore and Jorge has disappeared off the face of the planet. And Jimmy is driving around a Party Bus!

Impact X-Division Title Match

Chris Sabin (c) vs. Alan Angels

Here’s Angels’ biggest opportunity to date. No way Sabin loses here though with Bound For Glory coming soon. Sabin dominated early with some chain wrestling. Angels keeps doing flashy stuff and the fans keep chanting ‘You Still Suck’. Perhaps after multiple times you’re admitting he’s good. It’s interesting how wrestling crowds have changed over the years. You watch it from the 90s, they don’t feel obligated to start all these chants, there’s no obligation to them pretending to do dueling chants, its an interesting way the crowd at times, pretend to be a crowd whilst also being into the action. There was a moment in the match where Angels hit a low blow on Sabin after distracting the referee by bringing the X Division title into the match, then hit a spin kick, that was a huge near fall and made me second guess my estimation. Sabin ended up winning this match with the Cradle Shock. After the match we find out KENTA will return to Impact for Bound for Glory.

Alex Shelley interview with Gia Miller

Alex cuts a pretty plain promo about his title defence against Josh Alexander at Bound for Glory. We’re going to need some more out of Alex. 

Singles Match

Rhino vs. Jack Price

Rhino enters for this match, and I just have a feeling the big man is on his final run of his career here. Rhino dominates early, which is expected. This match is looking to get Rhino over to build him for his impending showdown with Steve Maclin which I assume will be at Bound For Glory. Maclin assaulted Rhino after the match in a rage, but then Rhino fought back – as Maclin powdered to the outside to avoid the Gore.

Tasha Steelz Promo

Tasha cuts a promo backstage talking about being back and bringing the flavor back. Deonna walks up and just like that, they form a new Tag Team. The rumors are true, Deonna is leaving soon.

Eddie and Alisha Edwards Promo

They make it clear the feud is continuing with Frankie Kazarian as we are headed to Bound for Glory. Eddie needs to work on making actual facial expressions when he’s mad! Frankie interrupted and stating that he was going to ask management to come up with the perfect way for this issue to finally be resolved.

Non-Title Tag Team Match

The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) vs. JOYA (Joe Hendry & Yuya Uemura)

Can I get a JOYA? They’ve been a team for a cup of coffee and we’re prepared for this Goodbye Ceremony for Yuya Uemura for getting the ‘Fired’ Briefcase in Feast or Fired from Impact 1000. This scenario is ridiculous and it’s popping me. The fans are chanting thank you Yuya. He’s literally in his first proper angle in Impact since joining the roster. As Yuya goes to thank the fans, The Rascalz interrupted. I actually just realized Wes Lee was a part of this ensemble too – the MORE YOU KNOW!

The Rascalz antagonize JOYA, and that leads to a match, as Director of Authority, Santino Marella interrupts. Santino gives Yuya the chance to save his job as well, which is pure insanity. I guess we finally find out how Impact were going to get out of firing somebody! Hendry showcased his usual antics. Rascalz got some heat on Uemura, Hendry came in for the hot tag and hit a double Fallaway slam on the Rascalz! Miguel kicked out of the One Hit Wonder, which was a great near fall! They hit it a second time, but it was obvious it was going to be interrupted because of how awkward Miguel was on the pin. I was super surprised! Uemura got spray painted in the eyes and he lost… I wonder if he really is fired? Good swerve, Impact.

Giselle Shaw interview with Gia Miller

Gia walking around the building looking for the scoop. That’s how you are supposed to present these interviewers, they’re broadcast journalists! It’s stock standard though, she finds Gisele who just goes on about wanting to be Knockouts World Champion.

The Design Promo

Deaner, along with Big Kon with another promo. Deaner – essentially is losing it and wants to continue his war with Eric Young. Deaner and Kon then threaten Josh Alexander. I feel bad for the Design, they just seem to lose every time it truly matters!

Tag Team Memphis Street Fight Match

Kenny King & Sheldon Jean vs. Heath & Tommy Dreamer

This is developing into a nice little angle, despite the fact the beginnings of it came a little out of left field. It’s an all-out brawl as it begins, King and Jean dominated in the early goings. There was a nonsense spot with a ladder, as Heath had it placed over his head and he was shoved into the ring post, why didn’t he just crouch to get his head out? Keep it realistic. It’s like Penta doing a backstabber whilst holding a chair being unable to pull his opponent back onto him.

Heath came out firing in this one and actually looked at his absolutely best. King and Jean probably needed the win in this one. Jean and Heath brawled to the back and Tommy Dreamer managed to hit a Dreamer driver through a table in the corner on Kenny King for the win!

After the match, Crazzy Steve attacked Tommy Dreamer with his Feast or Fired briefcase.

The ABC promo

Ace Austin and Chris Bey talk about the Tag Team Title scene and their Feast or Fired Briefcase for a Tag Title shot. The guy from the Good Hands shows up and they bicker. We get it boys.

Singles Match

Jonathan Gresham vs. Mike Bailey

Here was a palette cleanser after the Memphis Street Fight, as we have come to realise about these two, it was a technical battle. It’s always a good stalemate when Bailey and Gresham tangle up, this would be the 3rd time I have seen them work together. At one stage Gresham locked in a real deep and tight Boston Crab, it looked pretty confronting. The match had been going about 10 minutes and the fans are chanting fight forever. Just. Stop. Gresham ended up cheating and holding onto the tights to beat Speedball. I like that. Gresham just doesn’t care. Good. Gresham has been needing something fresh for his character for some time, hopefully this is all he needs to get in the hunt! I have to be honest, I did have a difficult time digesting this one. They did nothing wrong. I just get a bit burned out on technical wrestling at times!

Moose and Brian Myers Promo

Moose challenges anybody to a Singles Match next week as he prepares to consider cashing in his Feast or Fired briefcase for a World Title shot soon.

Then we cross to backstage where Steve Maclin runs into Bully Ray asking for his help with Rhino. Bully Ray says he’ll talk to him because he’s known him for 25 years. Bully Ray appears to be softening, which Maclin reminds him about. I sense a babyface turn!

Non-Title Singles Match

Trinity vs. Gisele Shaw (w/Jai Vidal & Savannah Evans)

Here is yet again another big test for Gisele Shaw, the more she gets in there with the likes of Giulia, Trinity, Deonna Purrazzo, etc, the better for her development. I am still seeking Trinity to be given a real personal angle. The fact she just straight up easily became the champion makes Impact look a little second rate sometimes. Gisele with a decent length of heat. Trinity ends up weathering the storm with Jai Vidal and Samantha Evans, and makes Gisele taps out. After the match Jai and Samantha attacked Trinity but Mickie James made the save! I was assuming Bound for Glory was going to be Mickie James and Trinity for the Knockouts World Championship and I think that’s the biggest match this company could pull off right now! Yep, Mickie made the challenge…. does Trinity not talk? We go off the air!

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Karlifornia is a Freelance Journalist for RealProWrestling.Com and TheRockpit.Net and Host on the Insiders Edge Podcast through his YouTube channel, the WZWA Network. He has been a die hard Pro Wrestling fan since 1998, and his favorite time period in wrestling is the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars.

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