8/11/23 – Moda Centre, Portland, Oregon
Commentary – Tony Shchivone, Excalibur and Taz

The show starts with a MJF backstage interview with Tony Schiavone who reminds him he was pinned last week by Jay White. MJF said it won’t happen again.
Daniel Garcia comes in the scene with Angelo Parker and Matt Menard, MJF asks him if he is getting a pro wrestler or a sports entertainer tonight, Garcia says he is getting a pro wrestler for their title match.
MJF receives a video call from Adam Cole who reiterates his message from last week in taking Samoa Joe up on his offer to watch his back.
Roderick Strong in his wheelchair and neck brace come in the scene with Bennett and Taven, Roderick barks “Adaaaaam” which seems to get more annoying by the week. Cole wants none of him and cuts the feed.
AEW World Championship Match
Daniel Garcia vs MJF (c)
I’m not sure what the point of this match is, Garcia is clearly not going to be winning it.
MJF toyed with Garcia early in this match, getting the better of him in grappling and just generally making him frustrated all the while stirring the crowd up to get behind him.
MJF went for his heat seeker finisher but tweaked his knee giving Garcia a lifeline in the match, he took full advantage of it and start to work of MJF’s knee.
Garcia hit MJF with a one armed piledriver then locked in a modified version of the sharpshooter to try to win by submission. Garcia made a mistake which allowed MJF to reverse the move into his Salt of the Earth arm-bar which after some struggling, Garcia tapped out.
MJF still AEW Champion.
MJF extended the hand for a handshake twice to Garcia who was going to accept but his partners Angelo Parker and Matt Menard wouldn’t allow him to.
Mark Briscoe had a package here talking about his history with Jay White. I like Briscoe’s style, he is very unique in his delivery.
Tag Team Match
Darby Allin and Sting vs The Outrunners
Great response from the crowd for Sting and Darby. The Outrunners were already in the ring and this is the third time I’ve seen them in an enhancement match.
Sting still has the best punches in the business even in his 60’s, him and Allin pick up the win with his trademark Scorpion Death lock.
Backstage interview with Tony Schiavone interviewing Toni Storm with Luther and Hikaru Shida, at the request of Storm the interview will be conducted in black and white.
Storm over acts dramatically which is in line with her character. It was good to actually see some dialogue from Shida, week in week out she has just been wrestling so although she didn’t say a hell of a lot it was refreshing to finally hear her talk.
Storm continues to gain popularity and I wouldn’t be surprised if she takes the title at Full Gear. The only problem I have with this match is it doesn’t have any story apart from the cliche “I’m going to beat you” etc.
Singles Match
Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana) vs Penta EL Zero Miedo (with Alex Abrahantes)
Swerve carries himself like a champion when he comes to the ring, he looks important, not everyone has that. Prince Nana’s dance is now becoming a highlight of the show for me haha.
This match came out of nowhere when Penta’s manager Alex Abrahantes made it for him on Collision after some beef with Swerve.
Swerve made it clear he was going to try and take the mask from Penta tonight and tried early to rip it off.
Penta tried to do a spot he does with every opponent and that’s the I’ll chop you and then you chop me hard back to prove how tough I am, Swerve at least tried to stop his attempts which I thought was a nice touch.
Both men beat each other up with strikes and reversals until they both clotheslined each other to the ground.
Penta did a crazy spot with Swerve on the outside apron, he ran, jumped on the top rope to the outside apron and hit a Canadian destroyer with Swerve bouncing off the hard part of the apron.
AEW matches seem to involve this hard part of the apron on a weekly basis, with moves like pileddrivers on this part it’s only a matter of time where something goes horribly wrong.
This was a very physical match and no doubt they will be hurting after this one.
Swerve picks up the win after hitting the double footed Swerve stomp.
Swerve was going to unmask Penta after the match but was saved by Hangman Page who came out swinging a steel chair.
Page caught Strickland and nailed him with the chair then did his reverse piledriver off the steps to a table below.
This was the second crazy bump Swerve took on the night, I would hate for him to get seriously hurt, I don’t think he needs to be taking these needless risks.
The stuff last week where he broke into Hangman’s house was good material, I would have had Hangman chase revenge until the PPV at least instead of already getting his revenge.
Backstage interview with Jay White and The Bang Bang Gang.
Jay white is a good talker and cuts a good promo like this but I feel like I’ve seen this same format of interview several times in the last few weeks. Creatively they need to do more with this feud with MJF, I feel like they have run out of steam before the PPV has even got here.
Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega backstage interview with Renee Paquette.
The Young Bucks interrupt the interview poking Jericho and criticising Omega again for not being there for The Elite.
The Bucks make a match for Full Gear to face Jericho and Omega.
I’m confused here because I thought Jericho and Omega were feuding with The Don Callis Family and enlisted the help of Paul Wight and Ibushi to face them at full gear?
ROH Television TItle Match
Samoa Joe (c) vs Keith Lee
Two heavyweights clashed here, Joe being the longest reigning ROH TV champ of all time put it up against Keith Lee after he challenged him last week.
These burley men went at it throwing their weight around the ring trying to knock the other down.
Samoa Joe got Lee to the ground and locked in his rear naked choke which caused the referee to stop the match and award Joe the victory.
Joe grabbed the mic said he was the greatest ROH TV champ of all time.
He said he is vacating the ROH TV title and now is going after The AEW World Heavyweight championship held by MJF.
I’m not sure why he can’t do this as the TV champ as it seems everyone else can get a title shot at any time, Daniel Garcia had one tonight and he hasn’t beaten anyone. Strange
Orange Cassidy promo backstage.
It’s going to be Cassidy vs Moxley for the International Championship at Full Gear, this is another match with a promo all about how I am going to beat you etc *Yawn*
Tag Team Match
The Gunns vs Bollywood Boyz
Bollywood Boyz already in the ring, it’s another jobber match. Quick victory for The Gunns.
Gunns went after MJF in a promo after the match. It looks like it going to be The Gunns vs MJF and a partner of his choice at Full Gear.
Samoa Joe comes up next to MJF in the back as he is watching a monitor backstage, smirks at MJF. Will MJF pick Joe?
Jon Moxley backstage promo with Wheeler Yuta.
The difference between Moxley’s promo compared to Cassidy’s promo is Moxley actual comes across like he hates Cassidy and wants to hurt him badly, Yuta takes a shot a Hook so I’m assuming they will have a match at some point if not at Full Gear.
Another Wardlow vignette aired about his grudge against MJF.
MJF in my opinion is over exposed on this show, just seems like a never ending line of people he is in some sort of feud with.
Singles Match
Julia Hart vs Red Velvet
I haven’t seen Red Velvet on the show before but I got the impression this was a match designed for Hart to get a win back after her loss at Wrestledream. My suspicions were correct and Hart tapped out Velvet.
Sky Blue came out after the match to get in Hart’s face. Statlander and Willow also came out with Hart retreating to the back.
RJ City is backstage with AEW latest signing Mariah May, I’m getting the impression that they may be going with a super fan angle with her and Toni Storm as she was gushy over Storm.
Singles Match
Jay White vs Mark Briscoe
The stipulation for this match is if Jay White loses, Briscoe takes his spot at Full Gear against MJF, we know this isn’t happening.
Like every week the Bang Bang Gang’s interference allows Jay White to gain advantage. The referee always gets made to look like a complete moron.
The you hit me and then I hit you to prove how tough I am spot reared it’s head again in this match.
Jay White proved to be too much and with interference it was always going to a mountain to climb with Jay hitting the Bladerunner on Briscoe to get the win.
MJF’s music hits but he comes from behind The Bang Bang Gang and attacks them until it’s just MJF face to face with Jay White.
White retreats.
MJF cuts a baby face promo getting the fans on his side. The lights go out and The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass are getting attacked backstage by the masked men. Bowens get thrown through a glass panel. The masked devil man’s face appears on screen.
MJF rushes backstage to find all men laid out on the ground, Samoa Joe comes up to MJF and says “It looks like you are running out friends champ”
End of Show
As I said before MJF is massively over exposed on the show and his feud with Jay Whites needs to happen already as they are kind of doing the same promos each week it feels.
Where was Christian or Edge on this show?