AEW Dynamite Results & Reviews for November 15 (2023) 

15/11/23 – Toyota Arena, Ontario, California

Commentary – Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

Tag Team Match

Hook and Orange Cassidy vs Jon Moxley and Wheeler Yuta

Before Mox and Yuta could get to the ring, Cassidy and Hook jumped them, all 4 men brawled around the arena and into the crowd.

The Blackpool combat club gained control with Mox choking Cassidy with his shirt and dragging him towards the ring. 

Sometimes we see a second or third generational talent abandon their family name or ties and be their own, WWE has done this more so with Bron Breakker, Curtis Axl etc but I feel Hook should be his own man.

He looks nothing like his father Taz and he doesn’t wrestle like him, even though he does a lot of his father’s moves. He has the Orange like his dad plus the FTR belt. 

This is one case where I feel this family tie just doesn’t match in my opinion. 

Hook hit a few suplexes on Moxley, and a t-bone that looked like Mox nearly landed on his neck. 

Hook and Yuta scrapped it out, trading suplexes on one another until both were on the mat gasping for air. 

Hook gained control and looked like he was going to win the match but Moxley hit a cutter on Hook out of nowhere. Cassidy came in and hit an Orange punch but it barely effected Moxley who knocked him out of the ring. 

Moxley hit the double armed DDT on Hook and Yuta rolled him up for the win with a seatbelt pin. 

Cassidy looked like he knew he was in trouble for his match with Moxley at Full Gear as Moxley said he was going to take his title and there was nothing he could do about it. 

Swerve Strickland and Hangman Page face to face with Tony Schiavone.

Swerve came out with Prince Nana. Nana’s dance is becoming my favorite part of the show. Swerve oozes confidence as he comes to the ring. 

Hangman came out and  used the “coward” tag which has been done to death. He did however make the feud personal bringing up Swerve getting fired 2 years ago, his fiancé leaving him and his kids not talking to him. 

The stipulation of the face to face tonight was that both men couldn’t touch each other, Hangman ended up dropping Prince Nana instead with Swerve not able to intervene. 

I didn’t like how Hangman didn’t utter a word during this segment and seemed affected by Strickland’s words. I feel his character shouldn’t care what Page says about him. 

Lexi is backstage with Roderick Strong and The Kingdom. Strong calls Adam Cole and says that The Devil mystery man is MJF, Cole isn’t interested. 

AEW TBS Title Eliminator Match

Skye Blue vs Red Velvet 

Skye Blue has been picking up wins as of late, Red Velvet just returned and picked up an upset victory over Ruby Soho on Collision. 

A super competitive match from both ladies, a very even match up. Lots of near falls from both women. The crowd were super into this match. 

Sky Blue hit her Code Blue to win the match but Red Velvet has no shame losing, she made a good showing of herself. Kudos to the these two ladies as they put on one a hell of match. 

Miro package 

Miro now seems like he has his eyes set on Daniel Garcia after his dancing stunt he did in front of CJ Perry on Collision

New signing Mariah May was backstage with RJ City as he let her into Storms dressing room to meet her. 

Storm asked Luther to book her a tune up match for Ramoage before her title match against Shida. 

Singles Match

Samoa Joe vs Jon Cruz

Another jobber match with no introduction to who Joe was facing. Joe over with the rear naked choke in quick fashion. 

Joe grabs the mic and once against offers to team with MJF for his title match against the Gunns but says they will face each other and it’s inevitable. 

Tag Team Match

Penta El Zero and Komander vs Young Bucks 

Young Bucks have been kind of in limbo lately and it seems they finally have something going on with Jericho and Omega.

With the competitors in this match you just know it was going be a full throttle spot fest. 

After a friendly handshake the bucks landed a double super kick to Penta and Kommander. 

This match never let up for a second, with the pace being frantic for the entire match. 

Komander hit two crazy hurricanranas in quick succession that were mind boggling. 

The problem is there is so much going on and with so many crazy spots you get kinda lost at times. The AEW hardcores love this style of match and get right into it. The crowd were loud for this one. 

I have to say The Young Bucks and Penta are among the worst offenders of no selling devastating moves. 

The Bucks end up double teaming Kommander and picking up the win going into their match with Jericho and Omega at Full Gear. 

Lexi is interviewing the Young Bucks, they don’t care about rules and what’s right anymore. Kenny Omega takes issue with this and comes in the scene.

Jericho also comes in the scene with The Bucks jumping Jericho from behind with Omega intervening and breaking them up. 

Tag Team Match

The Gunns vs Jacoby Watts & Peter Avalon

Another fast match with the Gunns winning in under 30 seconds. 

Gunns grabbed the mic and talked to MJF saying he was going to lose the titles to them. 

Another short vignette from Wardlow who said he was going to make the devil his bitch. 

8 Man Tag Match

Powerhouse Hobbs, Takeshita, Kyle Fletcher and Brian Cage vs Chris Jericho, Kenny Omega, Paul Wight and Kota Ibushi 

A match I thought was originally going to be on the Full Gear PPV that seems to have been relegated to Dynamite. 

The match started with all men fighting all over the arena, Paul Wight took Fletcher out of the match with a choke slam off the ramp onto a table. 

Omega and Ibushi dive out of the ring and take out Brian Cage and Takeshita. 

Paul Wight is seen backstage chopping Hobbs on a car. 

Ibushi gets on a tricycle and starts hitting the Don Callis family with a bat until he is clotheslined off the bike by Brian Cage. 

Backstage Hobbs bodyslams Wight onto the hood of a car which looks like a rough bump for Wight. 

Takeshita is hitting people with the bicycle, he nails Ibushi with a brain buster on the bike. 

Absolute carnage was what the commentators described this match as and I have to agree, it was action all over the arena. Jericho choking Takeshita in the merch stands with Fletcher and Cage double teaming Omega in the ring. 

Hobbs made his way to the ring to manhandle Omega.

After the break, Fletcher appeared to be busted open. Fletcher Piledrived Ibushi through a table onto chairs which looked super dangerous. 

In the ring Omega and Jericho were double teaming Hobbs and duct taped him to the ropes. Jericho and Omega smashed Hobbs with chairs and objects to leave him unconscious. 

Brian Cage tried to come in to save Hobbs but ended up receiving a One Winged Angke from Kenny Omega who picked up the win for his team. 

MJF says whoever is impersonating the Devil, he will find out who it is and there will be hell to pay. 

Jay White comes out cuts a promo and ends up sending the Gunns and Juice Robinson down to the ring to double team MJF, the show goes off the air with MJF flat on his back with Bullet club gold all around him. 

I feel the main event storyline of MJF and Jay White plateaued a few weeks ago, finally they can get it done at full gear, it will interesting to see what comes of this mystery masked devil man with many rumors circulating on who it can be.

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Kev Curran

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