AEW Collision Results and Review for November 11 (2023) 

A bunch of short backstage interviews hyping the matches tonight was aired to start the show.

Edge, Sting, Darby, LFI, The Righteous, Jake Robert’s, Lanch Archer, Callis and Hobbs, Daniel Garcia and Adrade all were on the show tonight! 

11/11/23 – Oakland Arena, OK

Commentary – Tony Schivone and Nigel McGuiness 

AEW Collision

Singles Match

Andrade vs Daniel Garcia

Andrade came out for his match and the question is, was he going to take CJ Perry up on her offer?

CJ came out and joined Andrade and they both smirked at each other insinuating that indeed Andrade has accepted her offer to manage him.

Miro is seen looking at the monitor disapproving of his wife’s new acquisition. 

Andrade and Garcia keep it classic in this match with holds, headlocks and chops.

Andrade has been building up steam the last few weeks and this story he is currently in with CJ Perry with MIro in the background is something that will keep him climbing the ranks as the story actually has something to it. 

Garcia gets control of the match but can’t help himself and goes outside the ring to Perry and does his dance in front of her, I feel like like this is going to come back to bite him in ass with Miro. 

Andrade tried a moonsalt off the top ropes to Garcia on the ground but Garcia gets out the way but Andrade lands and flips again catching Garcia. 

Ok here we go again, Andrade is asking for Garcia to hit him, Garcia hits him repeatedly in the head and knocks him to the ground.

I don’t understand this mentality in AEW where this happens on every show.

Imagine in a fight in real life where you ask the guy to have a few punches to prove how tough you are? Ridiculous right? This happens weekly on AEW. 

Andrade ends up connecting with an elbow then face then taps Garcia out with his wife’s figure eight leg lock. 

Miro is seen backstage laughing at what has just transpired. 

Singles Match

Nick Wayne (with Christian and Luchasaurus) vs  Dalton Castle 

This is a heel vs heel match. I’ve seen Dalton Castle a few times and I’m not quite sure of his gimmick, is he a magician? I’m not quite sure at this point. 

Dalton Castle got a chant from the crowd, either they like him or just hate Nick Wayne that much. 

Castle dominated most of this match, gutwrench suplexing Wayne all over the ring at will. 

Wayne tried an aerial attack but took a German suplex for his troubles. Castles goons “The boys” tried to get involved but Luchasaurus took care of them with a double chokeslam on the outside. 

Cristian tried to interfere allowing Wayne to throw Castle into the turnbuckle and hit a cutter for the win. 

Hangman Page promo backstage, he makes the match at Full Gear against Swerve Strickland a Texas Deathmatch, he says he is going to piss on his grave after their match. 

Tag Team Match

Rush and Dralistico vs The Workhorsemen 

Workhorsemen were already in the ring, we know they are borderline enhancement talent so I didn’t expect much here. 

The match went longer than I thought, Rush ended up winning the match for his team with his double kick to the face in the corner. 

House of Black Vignette 

Alistair Black challenges Big Bill and Ricky Starks for the AEW Tag Team Championships at Full Gear and Julia Hart challenged Kris Stantlander to a rematch also. 

Lexy is backstage with Kris Statlander and Willow. Statlander is brutal on the mic, she fumbles over her words and it’s just not good, surely they can pretape this and get it right? Basically she says Willow deserves the shot and not Hart.

Singles Match

Roderick Strong vs Darius Martin

Strong really plays up his injury by coming to the ring with his wheelchair and neck brace, he pretends to struggle getting in the ring but once he gets in he moves like there is nothing wrong with him. 

Strong dominated this match, viciously attacking Martin, at the end Darius tried to make the comeback but was met with a super kick and then a flying kick to the face followed by his “end of heartache” finisher. 

After the match The Kingdom beat up Darius until his partner Action Andretti made the save. 

Tony Kahn and Bryan Danielson did a backstage sell of All in for next year, Danielson will be wrestling on the show. 

AEW TBS Title Eliminator Match

Julia Hart vs Willow Nightingale

Willow has been on the show week in week out for a while, we are finally get to see some backstage stuff from her although it’s not been much, her energy and vibe has grown on me and I see more potential in her than I do in Hart.

Willow hit a big vertical suplex on the outside then took her opponent in the ring 

And hit some big power moves with great intensity.  

Hart tried to tap Willow with the Heartless lock but Willows strength muscled her out of the hold. 

On the outside, Brodie King intervened to not allow Willow to attack Hart, Willow missed a cannonball which gave Hart some momentum going back in the rings as she hit a moonsault and pinned Willow. 

Lexy backstage with Ricky Starks and Big Bill. They find out Tony Kahn has made a match for Full Gear that they will be defending their titles against multiple teams, they don’t like the news but say they will overcome it. 

Singles Match

Powerhouse Hobbs vs Titus Alexander

I’ve started to notice that AEW can’t even be bothered telling TV viewers the name of the jobber that’s getting beat. Nonetheless this is more about what happened during and after the match between Hobbs and Paul Wight.

Wight has taken a seat at the commentary desk and powerhouse Hobbs is taunting and focusing his aggression towards him. Paul Wight isn’t intimidated though.

Alexander gets a drop kick in against a distracted Powerhouse Hobbs but not much else as Hobbs catches him off the ropes and delivers 2 hard hitting slams to close out the match in under a minute.

Callis comes to the ring with the mic, he insults Wight, saying that he isn’t intelligent by choosing to align himself with Jericho, he says Wight is a scared giant and asks Hobbs to smoke him.

Wight is irate and jumps out of his seat to confront Hobbs, who seems down to fight but the Don Callis Family retreats after a sudden change of mind, holding Hobbs back from ann angry Paul Wight.

Lexy with FTR backstage 

They talk about becoming three time champions, not much else is said.

Six Man Tag Team Match

Lance Archer with The Righteous vs Sting, Darby Allin and Adam Copeland

Finally AEW put a main event with actual star power in Copeland and Sting with the up and coming Darby Allin, the problem is the opposite team don’t have the same star power, hype or fanfare. 

You could say The Righteous are damaged goods after their match with MJF at Wrestledream. Even the returning Lance Archer couldn’t get the job done against Darby Allin last week

Sting took a triple team from The Righteous and Archer who took turns taking shots at him. Sting took a beating but managed to make a hot tag to Darby Allin who took out at The Righteous but couldn’t do the same with Archer. 

Darby Allin took a long beating by the hands of The Righteous and Lance Archer who took turns tagging in and out to get their piece of him. 

Somehow Darby made a comeback and made the hot tag to Adam Copeland who cleaned house.

All hell broke loose until Sting hit the Stinger splash on Vincent then Copeland hit the spear for the victory. 

Christian and Co came out after the match for a stare down with Edge, Sting and Allin. 

The stare down at the end was a bit flat in my opinion, I’m starting to notice that a lot of feuds seem to plateau weeks out from the match and AEW can’t seem to take feuds to the next level of intrigue for the viewer. 

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Kev Curran

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