17/01/23 – North Charleston Coliseum
Commentary – Taz, Ian Riccaboni and Excalibur
The show starts off with Samoa Joe and Hook entering the arena hyping the AEW World Championship match tonight.

TNT Title Championship Match
Christian Cage (c) (with Killswitch and Nick Wayne) vs Dustin Rhodes
This match came about from Collision where Christian interrupted a Dustin Rhodes backstage interview, Christian got Rhodes mad with some jabs about his father Dusty Rhodes.
The crowd were hot for this one, the fans were chanting “Christian Sucks” and cheering every time Dustin got some offense. The crowd particularly enjoyed when Dustin bounced Christians head off the announcers desk and being thrown knee first into the steel steps on the outside.
There is just something about these veterans with the experience and coming from the era where this just feels polished, logical and like a professional wrestling product.
Christian played the heel perfectly in this match using dastardly tactics to get him in control, he hit a frog splash with Dustin barely kicking out at 2.
The referee was made to look stupid in this match with Christian bringing the title in the ring, with her taking it away turning her back and waiting for an eternity for Justin Robert’s to get out of his seat to collect the belt, in this time Dustin had Christian in a sneaky pin with Nick Wayne coming into the ring to break the pin.
The crowd cheered when Dustin kicked Christian’s leg as he was sitting on the top rope with him landing perfectly in between the second turnbuckle for Dustin to nail Christian in between his legs with the “Unnatural Kick” formerly known as Shattered Dreams. He then hit a superplex followed by Cross Rhodes with Christian kicking out at the last possible moment.
Once again the referee Aubury Edward’s was distracted by Christian, with Killswitch interfering with Dustin on the outside, Dustin took him out of the equation with a kick to balls. Nick Wayne also tried to interfere with Dustin hitting a Canadian Destroyer which Nick Wayne sold beautifully with his head spiking on the outside floor.
Back in the ring, Dustin ran into the ring with Christian throwing him into the corner, Dustin turned around slowly with Christian waiting for his moment as he nailed him with a spear and then The Killswitch with everyone including myself thinking it was over, amazingly Dustin kicked out!
Christian, went back to the well and hit another Killswitch to finally put Dustin Rhodes away in a great pro wrestling match by two veteran’s who know exactly how to work with the crowds emotions and deliver quality.
Winner – Christian Cage
Dustin Rhodes at the age of 54 continues to knock it out the park, his match with Swerve Strickland was also a great match and now tonight he killed it again.
Renee had Swerve Strickland backstage for an interview, he said he was laser focused on the AEW World Championship and was keeping tabs on the winner tonight between Samoa Joe and Hook.
Renee brought up Hangman Page who is also gunning for AEW Championship. Swerve’s demeanor changed when asked this question, he brought up all the people Hangman has beaten but said he has beat him twice and has nothing more to prove with him.
Good promo from Swerve, he is red hot right now and it is the time to strap the rocket to his back. This start of the show with Christian and Dustin and now Swerve is a great start to the show, these are your hottest commodity’s and you need that consistancy weekly. To
A package played of a recap of The Battle of The Belts match between Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara vs Big Bill and Ricky Starks.
Renee is backstage with Chris Jericho. He confirmed Guevara was injured from the match and blames Takeshita and Hobbs for the loss with them interfering which cost them.
Matt Sydal interupted the interview which seemed strange to me. Sydal said this wasn’t like Jericho to complain about losing a match like this and said the best thing he can do is have a match with him with Jericho accepting the challenge.
This segment made no sense when Sydal came in the scene, it just seemed like an odd way to get these two into a match but atleast it gave Sydal some promo time which he never gets.
Tag Team Match
Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta (with Chuck Taylor) vs Komander and Penta EL Zero Meido
Penta hasn’t been on the show in a little while and it’s right back to tag matches for him. Having seen him in Lucha Underground a number of years ago I know he is capable of a lot more than just matches all the time.
This match was a fast paced affair with quick ins and outs with some crazy high flying. It’s strange to me that I can watch a match like the first match with Christian and Dustn Rhodes and have a lot to say regarding it where as this match has so much in it with moves galore yet i find that nothing really happened.
Orange Cassidy nailed Kommander with an Orange Punch with Beretta getting the pin after it.
Winner – Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta
The Undisputed Kingdom came out to surround the ring with Roderick Strong coming into the ring with a mic, he said he wants Cassidy’s International title, Cassidy offers to fight him right now for the title with Roderick refusing and opting to wait till the next PPV Revolution in March 4th.
Didn’t really understand Roderick’s reasoning for waiting, you think being a heel you would jump at the chance to fight someone who is fatigued from a match.
Renee is backstage with Hangman Adam Page, he talks about winning the AEW World Championship again down the track, Renee stirs the pot and mentions Swerve Stricklands words from earlier, he said that Swerve thinks about him a lot but he never thinks about Swerve.
Jay Briscoe came out clearly emotional on the one year anniversary of his brother Marc Briscoe’s death, he talked about his brothers passing from a car accident, his niece was in the car with Marc and was injured so badly she was told she would never walk again.
Jay brought out his niece and family and it was clear that she had defied the odds and was indeed walking again, this brought a cheer from the crowd. An emotional segment this but also a feel good moment too, real and raw.
A package played after this of The Briscoe’s with a tribute to Marc Briscoe highlighting their career in ROH, this segment and package was really well done and pulled the heart strings.
ROH Trios Championship Match
Bullet Club Gold (Jay White and The Gunns vs Gates of Agony (c) (Tao Liona and Bisop Kahn) and Brian Cage (with Prince Nana)
This match stemmed from Prince Nana claiming Gates of Agony and Cage were the greatest ROH Trios Champions of all time. He challenged Bullet Club gold to this match.
Prince Nana interfered and it almost cost Jay White the match as Prince Nana was going to blast White with the title belt, it was Anthony Bowens who made the save for Jay White allowing him to avoid getting hit by the belt and to get Bishop Kahn in the Switchblade to pick up the victory and make Bullet Club Gold the new ROH Trios Champions.
Winner – Bullet Club Gold
The Acclaimed and Daddy ass were at the top of the ramp signalling that both teams should join forces to become The Bang Bang Scissor Gang.
Backstage Adam Cole is with Wardlow, he says Wardlow hasn’t even scratched the service of what he can do, he says he going to knock down opponent after opponent until there is no one left except The AEW World Champion and then it will be the property of The Undisputed Kingdom.
Toni Storm comes of with Luther and Mariah May with Storm joining the commentary team.
Singles Match
Deonna Purrazzo vs Anna Jay
It was funny on commentary, Storm called Ian Riccaboni Tony Schiavone who was missing from commentary tonight, this was done on purpose to continue her character being self absorbed and clueless to what is going on around her.
Anna Jay seems to get used in this role a lot where someone or a challenger will come along and she will be used to put over the talent where as I see her as the one you should be pushing.
Deonna put Anna in her Venus Da Milo lock to win via submission. After the bell Renee talked to Purrazzo and asked her about Toni Storm.
Purrazzo said they have known each other for a long time and used to be really good friends but it’s clear since she has came to AEW that she has changed. Purrazzo said she is the best women’s technical wrestler.
Storms facials were brilliant during this segment completely downplaying that she even had a clue who Purrazzo was.
Storm used her catchphrase “Chin up, Tits Out, watch out for the shoes” as she threw her shoe at Purrazzo in the ring who pelted it right back at her with Storm retreating on Luther’s shoulders.
Storms gimmick is so over the top but she is committed to it and she is really getting over with this character and that catch phrase.
Tag Team Match
Private Party vs Top Flight
I wasn’t exactly thrilled about this match, both teams so far haven’t done anything to make me care about them having a match, sure these guys are super athletic and travel around the ring like gymnasts. It’s just when I watch a match like the opening bout tonight that comes accross as legit and what pro wrestling is to then see this which is the complete opposite doesn’t do it for me.
That’s just my opinion and taste but I know AEW fans do like this kind of style and that’s fine.
Private Party went over in this one using the ropes to gain advantage and pin Darius Martin.
Winner – Private Party
A Darby Allin and Sting package was next hyping Stings last match coming up at Revolution.
AEW World Championship Match
Samoa Joe (c) vs Hook
First of all I don’t think anyone buys that Samoa Joe is losing his title in his first match especially against Hook.
Hook went straight for Joe as soon as the bell rang with him swinging hands. Joe didn’t take too many before he chopped the hell out of Hook.
Joe really beat the piss out of Hook in the beginning of this match, chopping and kicking the much smaller man.
The match brawled to the outside with Joe slamming Hook whose head bounced off the announce table right in front of his father Taz on commentary. Hook writhing in pain on the floor flipped Joe the bird with Joe picking him up and powerbombing him on the apron.
Joe hit a DVD driver with Hook somehow managing to kick out. Hook made a little comeback but it was short lived as Samoa Joe locked in the rear naked choke on the floor with Hook not being able to lift his arms with Joe retaining his title.
Winner – Samoa Joe
Hook screamed at Joe after the match which brought Joe back in the ring to do more damage on Hook who would not stay down.
Hangman Page came out to get a piece of Joe with Joe retreating with his title. Swerve Strickland is shown looking on as he has his eyes set on The AEW World Championship as well. Perhaps we will be getting a triple threat match at Revolution?
Kevs Thoughts – I thought this was a much better Dynamite than what we have been getting this past while. The hottest acts were all on the show and the first match set the tone for the rest of the night.