WWE Raw December 4 Results, Grades, and Analysis

On December 4, The weekly episode of WWE Monday Night Raw went live from MVP Arena in Albany, New York. Seth Rollins defended his Title against Jey Uso. Drew McIntyre and Sami Zayn competed in a one-on-one match. Shayna Baszler vs Nia Jax and Creed Brothers were in action against The Judgment Day. Let’s review all the things that happened on WWE Raw.

Raw Results

Singles Match

Sami Zayn vs Drew McIntyre

Drew McIntyre kicked off the show and welcomed everyone. He talked about Jey Uso and Seth Rollins and took a shot at CM Punk, too. Sami Zayn came out. McIntyre said Sami deserved what Bloodline did to him. Zayn said he was wrong when he thought he and Drew were alike. He mentioned that McIntyre blames everyone for his shortcomings.

On the other hand, Zayn worked hard and went into the main event of WrestleMania to make his family proud. McIntyre seemed angry. He didn’t want to wait and called for a referee. 

The match started, and McIntyre dominated early on with belly-to-belly suplexes. Zayn came back with a Somersault Senton. McIntyre delivered brutal chops to take Sami out for some time. Zayn bounced back with a textbook vertical suplex—a tornado DDT brought a near fall for Sami. Zayn escaped the Alabama Slam but met with a spinebuster from The Scottish Warrior. McIntyre tried a White Noise from the second rope, but Zayn countered it with a powerbomb for a two-count. Zayn delivered his signature Blue Thunderbomb only for a near fall. In the end, Sami’s ankle was too damaged. Drew got the win via Claymore’s kick. 

Winner: Drew McIntyre

Grades: B+

Analysis: It was an excellent way to get things going on a Monday Night. The promo segment before the match was excellent. McIntyre has improved in this new character. 

Backstage: Drew McIntyre attacked Sami backstage as he was being carried away. Drew targeted his ankles once again. Jey Uso was with him from another angle.

Singles Match

Nia Jax vs Shayna Baszler

Before the match, there was a backstage confrontation between Becky Lynch and Nia Jax. In the match, both competitors started evenly. Jax got some upper hand with a sit-out powerbomb.

We saw a Uranage and a running hip attack by Jax for a near fall. Baszler delivered a German Suplex from the second rope and applied a Kirifuda Clutch. Jax powered out of it with a backpack splash. Jax got the win via Annihilator. Becky Lynch came out after the match, but Nia backed away. 

Winner: Nia Jax

Grades: C-

Analysis: It was a fine match. Nia Jax has seemingly improved in the ring. We are getting The Man Becky Lynch against Nia Jax soon. 

2 Out 3 Falls Tag Team Match

DIY vs Imperium

It was a 2-out-of-3 falls match. Early on, Imperium dominated on Ciampa. After some time, Gargano was tagged in and imploded on Imperium. Johnny delivered a tilt-a-whirl slam on Kaiser and a kick to Vinci. Gargano had a slingshot spear, and DIY prepared for Meet in the Middle. Vinci pulled Gargano out of the ring. Kaiser scored the first fall via rollup pin.

Imperium Leads (1-0)

Imperium was at ringside. Gargano took out Vinci with a Cannonball, and Ciampa took out Kaiser with a plancha. After the break, Kaiser and Vinci went for the Imperium Bomb on Gargano. This time, Ciampa kept Kaiser away, and Gargano scored a rollup win on Kaiser. 

Scores Level (1-1)

We saw some offence from DIY in the beginning. Ciampa delivered double reverse DDTs. Kaiser delivered a Death Valley Driver in Gargano. He tagged Vinci, who delivered a moonsault. Ciampa broke the pinfall. As DIY was about to deliver Meet in the Middle, Imperium tried to pull the same trick. Vinci pulled away Ciampa, and Kaiser tried a rollup pin on Gargano. This time, the plan failed. DIY got the win with a Meet in the Middle. 

Winners: DIY 

Grades: B+

Analysis: It was a great wrestling match. The crowd was more connected with DIY. Imperium is imploding sooner. As Kaiser suffered the final pin, Vinci told him to answer to Gunther after the match. 

Backstage: R-Truth was once again in the Judgment Day’s locker room. He acted like he was a part of JD, but McDonagh reminded him he wasn’t. We were told that Rhea Ripley and Finn Balor are not here tonight. 

Tag Team Match

Natalya and Tegan Nox vs Kayden Carter and Katana Chance

We saw early tags in the beginning. We saw a cannonball from Tegan. Katana Chance delivered a Codebreaker. Natalya delivered a double powerbomb that looked nasty in landing. In the end, Chance and Carter won via the Kickstand.

Winners: Katana Chance and Kayden Carter

Grades: C

Analysis: Natalya delivered a good performance throughout the match. Chance and Carter used well the short time they were allotted. 

Cody Rhodes and Shinsuke Nakamura

Cody Rhodes came out to a massive pop from the audience. He addressed Nakamura’s poison mist attack last week. Rhodes said that he won’t blame anyone but himself. He should have paid attention to the constant hints given by Nakamura. Cody called out Shinsuke to explain himself or fight him right now. Shin appeared via titantron. He said both he and Cody failed after winning the Royal Rumble. Nakamura said he woke up now and would take Rhodes’ story to finish it. 

Grades: B

Analysis: It was a nice little segment to further the story. Shinsuke made a great point in defending his attack on Cody. The story is turning out to be exciting with every passing week. 

Tag Team Match

The Creed Brothers vs Dominik Mysterio and JD McDonagh

The Creed Brothers have earned a Tag Team Title match against Balor and Priest. They first had to go through Dom and McDonagh. We saw a power move early on.

Brutus held Dom in the vertical suplex position and marched around the ring. Julius got a tag, and Dom was shifted to him, still in the vertical suplex position. Now, he marched around the ring before finally delivering a Vertical Suplex.

R-Truth came to ringside in the Judgment Day shirt. McDonagh took out The Creed Brothers with an Asai Moonsault. Mysterio attempted Three Amigos on Brutus, who countered it with a vertical suplex during the third one. We saw a 619 from Dom on Julius for a near fall. In the end, McDonagh suffered a Brutus Ball. 

Winners: The Creed Brothers

Grades: B

Analysis: It was an enjoyable bout with fun sequences. It looks like this was the final roadblock for The Creed Brothers, and now they will have their hands on Finn Balor and Damian Priest for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles. 

World Heavyweight Title Match

Seth Rollins vs Jey Uso

Jey Uso’s opportunity at Seth Rollins’ World Heavyweight Title was the main event. Jey was dedicating this to his uncle, the late great Umaga. The match began with traditional headlocks and quick covers. Then, Rollins delivered a springboard senton bomb followed by a Lionsault, but Jey kicked out.

Uso delivered a neckbreaker. Jey targeted the injured back of Rollins and delivered a backbreaker for a near fall. Rollins tried a Buckle Bomb onto the barricade, but Jey countered into a DDT on the floor. 

Rollins delivered a suicide dive and quickly went back for aother. Jey followed him and delivered a suicide dive of his own. Jey paid homage to Umaga with a running hip attack in the corner. Seth delivered a Slingblade and followed it with a frog splash only to get a two-count. Uso avoided Pedigree.

A Superkicks Fest began, where Jey dominated. A Uso Splash, but Seth kicked out. Rollins delivered his traditional suplex and falcon arrow combo for a near fall. Seth was wise in quickly following up with a pedigree. One, two, and ended in a near fall for Rollins.

Jey escaped a Stomp and delivered a Spear. Rollins is still kicked out. Seth hit Jey with the Buckle Bomb, but the latter followed up with a spear. Jey delivered a massive Uso Splash. That seemed done, but Seth still had life. The crowd was red-hot at the moment. 

Seth went for a pedigree and a Stomp to retain his Title. After the match, Drew McIntyre interrupted. He laid out Uso with a Claymore and took out Seth with a belly-to-belly suplex. Ultimately, The Scottish Warrior put Jey through the commentary table to close the show. 

Winner: Seth Rollins

Grades: A+

Analysis: It was an awesome match. The crowd was really into it. There were countless nearfalls, and both stars brought out everything they had. McIntyre had the last laugh and has been working greatly on his new character. 

It was a great show overall. The opening and ending segments ruled. There were quality wrestling matches on the show. The picture surrounding the World Heavyweight Title is turning out to be very interesting. 



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