TNA Sacrifice 2024
March 8th, 2024
St. Clair College
Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
TNA Digital Media Title Match
Crazzy Steve (c) vs. Joe Hendry
The Match:
The battle of the former Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry and the current, Crazzy Steve. I would have thought AJ Franices and Joe would have had their first match here but I assume they’re taking their time with it. Joe talks about being the longest reigning champion. Joe shows a pick of ‘Baby Steve’ and then ‘Lazy Steve’, ah this shtick is getting old. Sweet, AJ Francis interrupted. He’s joining commentary, and when AJ talks, he gets over. Rehwoldt is totally sucking upto AJ which is great. Joe chops Steve with the crowd chanting his theme song, this is a serious situation, it’s a title match. That’s Orange Cassidy vibes. Steve ain’t losing anything here, AJ will surely cost Joe. Joe showed off his strength as usual. AJ did get involved and cost Joe the match, which was great.
Winner: STILL TNA Digital Media Champion, Crazzy Steve via pinfall.
Steve Maclin and The Rascalz Interview with Gia Miller
It’s all typical stuff, but Maclin stated he won’t be coming out with them, and they won’t be coming out with them. Steve says some stuff about Nic and Gia looks hot.
Tag Team Match
Speedball Mountain (Mike Bailey & Trent Seven) vs. The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz)
The Match:
I am guessing Speedball Mountain will get the win back here for the third battle between them and the Rascalz. Trent is the big man in the match and he’s the wildcard. Zachary and Trey worked on Trent’s leg. Bailey got the got tag and did what he does best! They really went for it on a pre show match. Bailey got spraypainted in the eyes and there was a near fall thanks to Trent Seven getting involved. Speedball Mountain get the win after one of the Rascalz accidentally sprays the other in the eyes with spraypaint.
Winner/s: Speedball Mountain via pinfall.
Singles Match
Nic Nemeth vs. Steve Maclin
The Match:
Here we go, a PLE match with Nemeth and Maclin. Let’s see how we go. Maclin is so underrated in the industry, I bet AEW fans discount him because they want bullshit flip and flop. This will be a class in Pro Wrestling. Nemeth once again shows he is a master at selling. This was a solid outing from the two and they were given a lot of time. I kept thinking Maclin should win this. Not everybody needs a fairytale beginning! We got some near falls. Maclin tries to hit Caught in the Crosshairs and went flying to the outside, Nemeth tried to take advantage to no evail. This has been a war. Steve hit the KIA and Nemeth rolled to the outside. I am constantly getting issues with the feed. They shared finishers, and both got a 2 count. Nemeth hits a superkick then ‘Danger Zone’ and won!
Winner: Nic Nemeth via pinfall.
The System Interview with Gia Miller
The System works, apparently, and Moose says some other stuff about Eric Young and yeah.
TNA World Tag Team Title Match
ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (c) vs. The System (Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards) (w/Alisha Edwards)
The Match:
I really want Edwards and Myers to win so much, I want The System to “work”. They went back and forth and honestly I think The ABC’s run needs to be over soon, I am so over the Tag Team Division being the X Division Tag Team Division. Alisha Edwards was the hero of this match. Come on man, give them the belts. The ABC fired up bigtime, and they do their usual shtick. It’s so back and forth! It was anyones. Ace weathered the storm, Roster Cut from Myers was followed with a Boston Knee Party from Edwards, YES bro, the System works.
Winner/s: NEW TNA World Tag Team Titles, The System (Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards) (w/Alisha Edwards).
No Disqualification Match
PCO vs. Kon
The Match:
Kon cuts a great promo, he talks like a wrestler, and he carries himself like a bad man. He demands for PCO and the lights went out and PCO showed up. The war began. This match was the palette cleanser I was happy for. PCO is inhuman, I don’t understand how this man is still able to keep taking the bumps he takes! He hits his suicide dive through the ropes on Kon and it’s just so entertaining to watch. They brawled to the stage and they were just teeing of on one another with cookie sheets, and Kon hit three really STIFF back drop type manuevers on the stage and it honestly looked so messed up! PCO literally bounced off the stage and it had no give. Kon ended up getting chokeslammed off the stage through a table, which was AWESOME. If it were upto me, I would establish Kon’s solo run with a win over PCO here, with there being an even crazier stipulation next time to get PCO a win back, before a 3rd and final one on and episode of TNA iMPACT! to try pop a rating. PCO hit the PCO-Sault though and got the win, so what the hell do I know? I don’t think this one and done feud did anything for Kon here.
Winner: PCO via pinfall.
AJ Francis cuts a promo on Joe Hendry. Joe Hendry walks up and they have a confrontation. I am really digging AJ’s character, and Santino books a match for iMPACT!
They show Tasha Steelz, Xia Brookside and Jordynne Grace getting ready for their TNA Knockouts World title match later.
TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Title Match
MK Ultra (Killer Kelly & Masha Slamovich) (c) vs. Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat)
The Match:
Dani and Jody have now been given a name, and they’re called Spitfire, which is cool. Masha and Kelly attack them during their entrance and Masha choked Jody with a chain. I have a feeling this is going to get thrown out… Jody had been getting choked with a chain for a super long time. Dani then copped a Snow Plow on the outside from Masha, and the match finally gets underway despite the assault the babyfaces had taken. This was really good, it was good seeing Jody show so much aggression, like they had finally given her character something to be passionate and angry about. Dani Luna pulls Masha out the ring and Jody rolls up Killer Kelly and the babyfaces upset the champions! The TNA Knockouts Tag Titles continue to be hot potatoed. Masha shoves Killer Kelly after the match, which is concerning. They need to keep some teams together for a while at least!
Winner/s: NEW TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions, Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat).
Singles Match
Josh Alexander vs. Hammerstone
The Match:
Hammerstone is finally signed to TNA, and I expect him to get a big win here. This is a great signing for TNA. I fully expect this to be the match of the show! A few minutes in, it was certainly what I would expect, it was physical, and they were getting themselves over by having a great stalemate. Hammerstone no sold a German suplex and the look on Alexander’s face was priceless. Hammerstone has a lot of upside, TNA really needed a guy like him to come on board, another heavy hitter. This was a really good match between the two, two guys who look the part. Hammerstone got wore out with German Suplex’s Josh Alexander also hit a sick dive to the outside. Josh really is one of the best in the world. These two were given quite a lot of time in this one. Hammerstone then got caught in a few ankle locks, and tapped out whilst the referee was knocked down! Josh went to check on the official, set Hammerstone up for the C4 Spike, and then Hammerstone field goal kicked Josh between the legs, and hit the Nightmare Pendulum to win. What a solid match! I look forward to more rematches.
Winner: Hammerstone via pinfall.
Time Machine Interview with Gia Miller
Gia is a sight for sore eyes! There’s some tension going on with the boys in Time Machine. Alex Shelley looks like he will be turning heel soon.
Six Man Tag Team Match
Grizzled Young Vets (James Drake & Zack Gibson) & Mustafa Ali vs. Time Machine (Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin & KUSHIDA)
The Match:
I could have probably done without the multi man match, but that’s just because I have been burned out on 6 man tag matches and such for some time. I think a Sabin Vs Shelley feud should be on the cards, they have worked together before, but it’s never been because they were feuding, it’s always been a professional type deal in the spirit of competition. There’s a decent heat on Sabin, and I think the Grizzled Young Vets are fitting into TNA well, and I hope they stick around for some time. I’ve been saying for a while now that I think the Tag Division in TNA needs a bit of an overhaul. Kushida got a hot tag and came in and went to work on Ali, who seems to also be fitting in at TNA well, as well. The GYV’s hit a sweet Doomsday Device. The Good Hands ran out and got nailed by Sabin! Time Machine closed in but Sabin accidentally kicked Shelley in the head, the Vets hit ‘Grit Your Teeth’ and Ali hit the 450 splash to win! What a great finish.
Winner/s: Grizzled Young Vets (James Drake & Zack Gibson) & Mustafa Ali via pinfall.
TNA Knockouts World Title Three Way Match
Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Xia Brookside vs. Tasha Steelz
The Match:
The guy who is flanking Ash By Elegance comes out and introduces her and I am assuming she will be watching the match from ringside again. Xia Brookside is really likeable, dont you think? She hit a sweet headscissors takedown early into the match. Jordynne hit a clothesline on Xia whilst holding Tasha up for a Muscle Buster and then hit it, which was impressive. There’s no chance there’s a title change here, lets be honest. Xia had Jordynne in an Octopus Stretch! I got excited for a second that Xia was going over. Brookside dove off the top rope and crossbodied the hell out of Jordynne Grace! Tasha Steelz gets whipped into Ash By Elegance and she spills her champagne on herself. Xia got blamed and as they went to leave, Iceman slipped and ate shit on the entrance way and it was awesome. This ended up being a really good match, but Xia got pinned after a Juggernaut Driver which was decent.
Winner: STILL TNA Knockouts World Champion, Jordynne Grace via pinfall.
TNA World Title Match
Moose (c) vs. Eric Young
The Match:
Moose to go over, with thanks to Frankie Kazarian? Moose dropped an F bomb as they brawled on the outside! It was a bit of a stalemate in the ring, as they went back and forth – I will have to admit it was difficult being invested in this match early because we know whos winning and there’s barely any heat between the two of them. They really did their best to have the best match possible, I will say that. Moose kicked out of Eric top rope Elbow Drop, and Eric kicked out of a Spear and that makes Eric the 2nd person to kick out of it! Eric pildrove Moose onto the ring apron, and on the outside floor. He went for another piledriver, but the System ran out, and copped a suicide dive from Eric. Eric hit the Destroyer and the referee got yanked out of the ring, and the System got ejected. Whilst this went on, Eric got choked by Frankie Kazarian who was disguised as a member of the crew, and Moose hit the spear to win and retain. The System stand tall to end the show, with all the gold baby!
Winner: STILL TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Moose via pinfall.
Final Thoughts:
This was better than No Surrender, I saw some improvements in the product here but I am still quite far from being 100% satisfied with TNA right now! I look forward to seeing how the rest of the year plays out with The System.