TNA iMPACT! Results
March 14th, 2024
St. Clair College
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
It’s time for another episode of TNA iMPACT!
TNA X-Division Title Match
Mustafa Ali (c) vs. Chris Sabin
The Match:
Chris Sabin is the former champion and here he is getting his contractually obligated rematch for Mustafa Ali’s X-Division Championship as he challenges him in the opening match. Chris Sabin attacks Ali’s personal security before the opening bell has sounded, and then Sabin dove through the ropes, taking out Mustafa Ali at the bottom of the entrance ramp. Sabin starts to break the rules a little bit by pulling the hair of Ali, I assume to show how frustrated he is with him at the moment. As the match continued to wear on, Ali creates an opening to gain control off a rolling neckbreaker. Ali spiked him with a short DDT for a very close 2 count. Sabin avoided a 450 Splash, allowing him to regain control of the match up. Sabin hit a fantastic tornado DDT out of the corner. Both men were down after exchanging some superkicks. Sabin caught Ali with mid-air offense but it wasn’t enough to keep him down. Mustafa Ali then grabbed the X Division title, but Sabin then clotheslined Ali to prevent him from using the X-Division Title as a weapon. Sabin was then about to use it himself when Ali rolls him up with his feet on the ropes to win.
Winner: STILL TNA X Division Champion, Mustafa Ali in 9:57.
I heard the Motor City Machine Guns are likely leaving TNA after the next Pay Per View, so, I really hope now is the time they finally head on over to WWE.
Nic Nemeth and Speedball Mountain Interview with Gia Miller
Nic Nemeth and Speedball Mountain vow together to take Steve Maclin and the Rascalz to the Danger Zone tonight, and Gia Miller looks gorgeous. Cookie cutter verbiage, same old same old.
Josh Alexander In Ring Promo
After losing a big time rematch to Hammerstone the previous week at TNA Sacrifice, Josh Alexander had his signature headgear stolen by Hammerstone himself, which was comical to me. Josh Alexander gets in the ring and says that his goal is to reclaim the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, which is the title he held for longer than anyone else in company history, we know. Alexander turns his attention towards Alex Hammerstone and says that the headgear isn’t his identity, it’s his heart and fighting spirit that make him who he is. Alexander sends a warning that for the first time, he’s no longer thinking about the TNA World Championship, he’s focused on kicking Hammerstone’s ass. I know Hammerstone cheated to beat Josh at the Pay Per View, but can we make a story out of it? Alexander calls him out but of all people, Alpha Bravo & Oleg Prudius make their way to ringside instead. Alpha Bravo claims that the reason The Walking Weapon lost to Hammerstone was because Dirty Dango softened him up last week on TNA iMPACT! Dango then attacked Josh Alexander from behind but security breaks it up. Oleg Prudius clearly wanted to get involved. Director of Authority Santino Marella makes an impromptu match between Alexander and Prudius then and there, and I really hope it’s not a squash match.
Singles Match
Oleg Prudius (w/Alpha Bravo & Dirty Dango) vs. Josh Alexander
The Match:
Josh pretty much made Oleg tap out to the Ankle Lock straight away which is really annoying. Keep Oleg strong at least and make it a proper match, why would Dango’s hired muscle be so easily defeatable?
Winner: Josh Alexander via pinfall in 0:53.
The TNA Digital Media Champion Crazzy Steve reflects on his recent string of victories over Tommy Dreamer, Rhino and most recently, Joe Hendry. Crazzy Steve goes on to say that there isn’t another human alive who could handle the type of pressure that he endures. The lights go out and Steve is confronted face to face by PCO. This was definitely inevitable that these two would cross paths.
Singles Match
Frankie Kazarian vs. Ace Austin (w/Chris Bey)
The Match:
After costing Eric Young the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Sacrifice, Frankie Kazarian finds himself battling former TNA Tag Team Champ, Ace Austin. Before the match began, Frankie Kazarian demanded that ring announcer Jade Chung introduces him as the “King of TNA” which made me spit with laughter, what a terrible name, and so arrogant. Kazarian pulls Ace throat-first into the top rope. Austin got perched on the top rope when Kazarian sent him toppling to the floor below. Back in the ring, Kazarian hit his pattented springboard leg drop. Kazarian taunted Chris Bey at ringside as he choked Austin up against the ringside guardrail. Austin got back in the drivers seat with a back body drop, then quickened the pace with a flurry of strikes. Kazarian countered a springboard kick attempt into an Electric Chair Drop for two. Austin avoided the move ‘Fade to Black’ but Kazarian transitioned into his submission the Crossface Chicken Wing, forcing Ace to submit. After the match, Kazarian attacked Chris Bey but of course, the one and only Eric Young makes the save.
Winner: Frankie Kazarian via pinfall in 9:05.
TNA World Heavyweight Champion Moose and new TNA World Tag Team Champions Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards brag about the fact they have all the gold. It’s good to see that it’s all clicking with this heel group now.
Time Machine Interview with Gia Miller
Gia Miller tries to get a word with Time Machine following their recent losses against the likes of Mustafa Ali and the Grizzled Young Vets. The Girzzled Young Vets then storm into the locker room and claim that they are the new top team in TNA Wrestling. Alex Shelley then tells them to prove it against the Time Splitters, which is comprised of him and KUSHIDA. What are any of them even doing there, they’re not booked on the show.
Singles Match
Joe Hendry vs. AJ Francis
The Match:
Following a feud that has spanned a few months now, Joe Hendry and AJ Francis attempt to settle their feud here but I have a feeling it will continue on until the next Pay Per View. This match marks AJ’s singles match debut in TNA Wrestling, he has already had a Tag team match some weeks ago. Francis blindsided Hendry while he was addressing the crowd and the match was underway. AJ Francis hit a big time vertical suplex and he followed it up by hitting a running knee strike that he calls Tennessee Whisky. Hendry avoided the pattented Chokeslam but got caught with a back suplex instead. Hendry tried to pick Francis up on his shoulders but collapsed under the sheer weight of AJ. Hendry spiked him with a DDT to get the advantage back, and Hendry then hit an impressive powerslam but it was just not enough. Francis used the referee as a shield, causing Hendry to inadvertently collide with him and we got my BELOVED ref bump. In a shocking turn of events, Rich Swann came down to the ring, turned heel and cracked Joe Hendry with a steel chair! Francis capitalizes with the Chokeslam to win. Suck it Joe.
Winner: AJ Francis via pinfall in 6:22.
Sound Check with Ash By Elegance
The set of Alan Angels’ Sound Check was not up to snuff, or the standard of Ash By Elegance and her Personal Concierge, despite the fact at the last few shows I have seen her at, they made her sit in a computer chair at ringside. Ash reveals that she’ll be having her third match in TNA next week on iMPACT!, I just wonder where this angle is heading.
Non Title Tag Team Match
Beaa Moss & Vanna Black vs. Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat)
The Match:
After winning the TNA Knockouts Hot Potato Tag Team Titles over MK Ultra at Sacrifice, the team of Jody Threat and Dani Luna, Spitfire – take to the ring for a tag team match here against an enhancement team here, obviously, Beaa Moss and Vanna Black. Before the match begins, the tag teams MK Ultra and Decay, both of whom are owed contractual rematches for the Knockouts World Tag Team Titles, scout the new champions and this non title match. Luna took out both of her opponents with a double vertical suplex. Jody Threat launched Black into a sitdown powerbomb from Luna to score the easy victory. Foregone conclusion.
Winner/s: Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) via pinfall in 2:12.
Tasha Steelz interrupted the show to challenge Jordynne Grace to a singles match for the Knockouts World Title next week, because it’s as simple as that. Steelz reminds us that she wasn’t pinned in the three-way match that also involved Xia Brookside at Sacrifice. Big whoop.
Six Man Tag Team Match
Nic Nemeth & Speedball Mountain (Mike Bailey & Trent Seven) vs. The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) & Steve Maclin
The Match:
After Nic Nemeth picked up the win over Steve Maclin at Sacrifice, the war continued to rage on in this six-man tag match for the Main Event of the evening. Bailey was setting up for an early Shooting Star but Wentz tripped him up. Maclin capitalized off the interference with a big time backbreaker to gain control. Steve Maclin knocked Nemeth off the apron, before refocusing his attention on Mike Bailey. Moments later, Bailey fought out of the corner with a leaping dropkick to Miguel. Bailey made the tag to Trent Seven, who turned Try Miguel inside out. Heat ends up on Trent Seven who was being worn on the opposite side of the ring as Maclin and the Rascalz utilized quick tags. The action was fast and furious as everybody got involved. Maclin dumped Nemeth over the top rope to the outside but inadvertently takes out Trey Miguel with the SCUD Missile. As a result, the Rascalz walk out on Maclin, over an obvious accident. I guess that little alliance is over with now. It’s three on one as Nemeth put Maclin away with the Danger Zone to win.
After the match, The System attacked Nemeth and Speedball Mountain. Alisha Edwards slows Nemeth from the outside, allowing Moose to knock Nick out with the TNA World Title. Moose does the same to Bailey and Seven before standing tall over a fallen Nemeth. That’s the way, some heat!
Winner: Nic Nemeth & Speedball Mountain (Mike Bailey & Trent Seven) via pinfall in 14:14.
Final Thoughts:
Well, at least we finally ended on a bit of heat, the show has improved somewhat but I do feel like it has a lot more room for improvement. Nemeth Vs Moose should be interesting for the next Pay Per View, but I’m telling you, Moose better not lose the belt just yet!