We’re here for TNA Hard To Kill 2024, the rebirth of TNA Wrestling is abound and I for one can not wait to see what they did on this show!
Countdown to Hard To Kill
Singles Match
Rich Swann Vs Steve Maclin
This is the first match of the new era of TNA. It’s the Countdown to Hard to Kill, I am going to be very, very tough on this show!
The Match:
I am still confused at the change in Steve Maclin’s trajectory, I feel like perhaps they wanted a ‘TNA’ guy at the top guy when they made the decision to rebrand. I expect Maclin to win, and I expect something big to happen on the pre-show. They had a nice back and forth match. Maclin’s feud with Bully Ray seems to have just ended abruptly hasn’t it? Caught in the Crosshairs from Maclin, then the KIA for the win!
This is Maclin putting the roster on notice. A Bully Ray sighting might have been good here if that feud is going to continue.
Winner: Steve Maclin via pinfall in 10:22.
AJ Francis the former Top Dolla comes out and is straight up being a heel. He cuts a fairly decent promo, and now we’re sitting through his brand new music video. Joe Hendry’s theme song interrupts, with his silly face on the screen.
Joe gets on the mic and he’s about to debut his own new song himself. It’s pretty funny, I actually shook with laughter. As Joe Hendry had his back turned, DJ Whoo Kid smacked Hendry in the back with a laptop. AJ needed some heel heat out of the gate, if we are going to have perception toward him changed!
Tag Team Match
Brian Myers/Eddie Edwards w/Alisha Edwards Vs Frankie Kazarian/Eric Young
Kaz and Eric teamed many years about in the early TNA days, and Eddie has been teaming with Brian a tad lately after the fall out of his many month long feud with Kazarian throughout 2023.
The Match:
I mean, it IS the Countdown show so I shouldn’t expect too much excitement right? Just some wrestling, and hope that the hype packages get the company some last minute PPV Buys. Guess what? They went back and forth. I have to laugh, sometimes the review of a wrestling show can get the same key words and descriptors throughout. Kaz and Eric nearly ended it after Eric hit his huge Elbow Drop, but it wasn’t enough, as Myers and Eddie hit the Roster Cut and Boston Knee Party to get the win! Not a bad match at all. The Tag Team Division needs a team like this.
The System of Myers and Edwards should hopefully climb into the division now.
Winner/s: The System – Eddie Edwards & Brian Myers via pinfall in 8:06.
TNA Digital Media Championship
Tommy Dreamer (c) Vs Crazzy Steve
Tommy won the Digital Media Championship late in 2023, and Crazzy Steve managed to get a shot at the title after winning a Feast or Fired briefcase at Impact 1000. Crazzy Steve literally stabbed Dreamer in the back with a fork, and this feud looks to be ending now.
The Match:
Tommy has lost some weight apparently, and you can tell, so congratulations Tommy! Keep going mate. It’s not healthy to be so heavy at your age. They start off the Street Fight hot and it makes me think, how much longer can Tommy put himself through all of this? That TNA logo in the middle of the ring mat just stands out so much, in comparison to the old Impact logo. Dreamer cops a heat, and Steve pulls out a fork who fought back from getting stabbed in the face. They trade cutters amongst some selling, and the suspense is in the air, I’m glad they were given some good time here and also that we got something hardcore to give us a palette cleanser. Steve tapes Tommys hands together and he’s got a massive bag of forks and fills Tommys shirt with forks. Huge cannonball into Dreamer into the forks in the corner. DDT off the 2nd rope, and Crazzy Steve won.
Crazzy Steve finally wins the title here and it was a wild affair. Good job boys!
Winner: NEW TNA Digital Media Champion, Crazzy Steve via pinfall in 11:09.
They start off the PPV with a great video package showing off the brand new TNA Wrestling, rebranded in hopes that it starts to become a viable #3 and eventual #2 company.
Eric Young comes out on the mic and spits some fire on them being slept on the for last damn time. We are TNA Wrestling, and we are HARD. TO. KILL. That’s how you unite that sold out building! The follow up better come boys and girls.
TNA Knockouts World Title #1 Contendership Knockouts Ultimate X Match
Alisha Edwards vs. Gisele Shaw vs. Xia Brookside vs. Dani Luna vs. Tasha Steelz vs. Jody Threat
We have a bunch of hard working ladies in this match up here. This is their chance to get a good solid new main women’s program cranking. Trinity’s title reign has been a bit questionable for me, now I want something big to happen.
The Match:
I can’t pick a winner here, perhaps Tasha, or perhaps Gisele. Xia Brookside debuts here too, and if her surname is anything to judge by, she will be just fine! They brawl to begin and Luna, Jody and Xia have a little showdown. Xia copped a SICK pump kick from Gisele. I want Gisele to win this now, that kick got me in the mood. Jody got all pumped up following Xia’s dive onto the ladies at ringside with one of her own. Alisha fell OFF Jody Threat who she was piggybacking off the truss onto a pile of ladies. This is insane from the outset. One thing about TNA is, they have a lot of match concepts that no other company can do. Xia Brookside is the first on the cables, and Dani caught her and powerbombed her. Alisha got on the cables next and Dani got her again, but Alisha DDT’d her. They all took eachother out one after another in the ring, as we headed toward the end of the match. Jody hit a double Pop Shove-it to Xia and Alisha. They’ve nailed this so far, this is how you make a good 2nd impression with the new TNA. Jody climbed the cables and Gisele speared Jody off Dani Luna. Luna, Steelz and Shaw all climbed upside down on the cables, Dani fell, Steelz fell and YES Gisele Shaw won. She’s winning the belt from here.
Gisele Shaw is going to finally win this belt after getting so close on so many occasions.
Winner: NEW Knockouts World Title #1 Contender via capturing the X, Gisele Shaw in 12:04.
Backstage AJ Francis is losing his shizit with DJ, and he’s happy with what he did on the Countdown show.
Singles Match
PCO vs. Dirty Dango (w/Alpha Bravo & Oleg Prudius)
There’s no real background here, but PCO is somebody they need to feature as almost The Undertaker of TNA.
The Match:
PCO is brought out on a medical guerney under a sheet and is shocked back to life. He’s got some new gear too! PCO as usual was hot out of the gate with his dive to the outside. Alpha Bravo interfered and it’s a DQ finish, nope, that better not be it. Rhino made his entrance!
6 man tag coming… with Heath surely.
PCO via DQ in 1:24.
Six Man Tag Team Match
Alpha Bravo, Dirty Dango & Oleg Prudius vs. Jake Something, PCO & Rhino
Jake Something is added to this by the Director of Authority, Santino Marella.
The Match:
It starts off hot with Jake charging to jump over the ropes onto the opponents followed by PCO with the PCO Sault onto the opponents at ringside. Jake Something has all the tools to be a top guy but his name holds him back. At least there’s some unpredictability on the show. Rhino went to Gore Dango and he let Bravo take it. It’s over after a PCO-Sault.
PCO, Rhino and Jake Something win, I have no idea where the 2 teams go from here but that was fun.
Winner/s: Jake Something, PCO & Rhino via pinfall in 7:27.
Earlier Today we see somebody show up to TNA Hard To Kill, and we can’t tell who it is.
TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Title Match
MK Ultra (Killer Kelly & Masha Slamovich) (c) vs. Decay (Havok & Rosemary)
MK Ulta have been the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champs for a little while, and the only true other Knockouts Tag Team is Decay. They’re back in their old gimmick without the face paint.
The Match:
MK Ultra better retain here. They are the best Women’s Tag Team right now. This was an interesting mix with some fiery Knockouts. Havok went for a double chokeslam and instead hit a double clothesline. Then a double suplex on MK Ultra! Havok kicked out of a Snow Plow from Masha Slamovich. Havok and Rosemary win the belts with a double team move which I disagree with.
We have new champs!
Winner/s: NEW TNA Knockout Tag Team Champions via pinfall, The Decay in 6:17.
Steve Maclin Interview with Gia Miller
This is Steve’s company, and he wants this to be the Era of Mayhem. Very ‘to the point’ Promo here, and they really need to rebuild Steve this year. It was also good to see Gia on the show, but I think she could have been used more.
Scott D’Amore comes out and brings out AAA owner Dorian, which I hope brings an end to AAA working with AEW, Scott wants to put politics aside for the betterment of the business. That’s a shot at AEW. El Hijo del Vikingo then came out!
TNA X-Division Title Three Way Match
Chris Sabin (c) vs. KUSHIDA vs. El Hijo del Vikingo
Chris Sabin has been the champ for most of 2023, and this is his first title defence of 2024 – against New signee KUSHIDA, and AAA Mega Champion, El Hijo del Vikingo.
The Match:
This is the nicheness I was worried about, but I am hopeful it will work out. I saw a few CMLL guys show up for AEW recently so hopefully AAA have cut off from them. They started off with some quickness, some arm drags. This has to be totally X Division style. Vikingo nails it early on! He was hitting some crazy stuff. KUSHIDA was in control with some 3 way spots. Vikingo hit a headscissors take down out of a monkey flip on Sabin. We had a Triple Down at one stage. Step over 450 by Vikingo on Sabin on the ramp. This was too much to cover, they had a lot going on but the match was phenomenal amd quick. Huge springboard destroyer from Sabin on Vikingo on the ramp! Big German off the top rope for Sabin on KUSHIDA, Sabin gets the pin with the Cradle Shock!
Sabin continues his reign! El Hijo will probably make more appearances throughout the year, but doubt very highly he will be put in a position where he has to put somebody over.
Winner: STILL TNA X-Division Champion via pinfall, Chris Sabin in 12:57.
Singles Match
Josh Alexander vs. Alex Hammerstone
Hammerstone offered an Open Challenge and it’s accepted by the Walking Weapon, Josh Alexander. Alexander was a huge part of Major League Wrestling and now he’s showing up to TNA Wrestling to face Josh.
The Match:
Worlds are colliding here with MLW and TNA’s biggest homegrown guys battling. To see Hammerstone in TNA is interesting. They shook hands to start the match. It’s a good stale mate to begin the match. Josh needs this win, because he lost til Will Ospreay, he lost to Alex Shelley, Hammerstone can come back from this. YUGE belly to belly at one stage by Alexander Hammerstone. Hammerstone was slammed spine on the super pine on the ring apron. Josh worked on the ankle. Hammerstone snapped and went after Josh, and looked close at many stages. Great work from Josh showing finesse to lock in an ankle lock again on Hammerstone. He grapevined it and it looks close to being over. Hammerstone got the ropes. Hammerstone faked the injruy to bait Josh in and hit a Nightmare Pedulum but Josh rolled out the way of the pin. Hammerstone headed to the apron and hit a Death Valley Driver. Hammerstone hit a TKO for a near pinfall. Hammerstone hit a flurry of power moves for a a near fall, but C-4 Spike from Josh Alexander got the pinfall victory.
I see a rematch in the future, and a big place for Hammerstone in TNA Wrestling.
Winner: Josh Alexander via pinfall in 14:58.
TNA World Tag Team Title Four Way Match
ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (c) vs. Laredo Kid & Mike Bailey vs. Grizzled Young Vets (James Drake & Zack Gibson) vs. The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz)
Here we go, The ABC are going to retain clearly in a random multi man tag team match.
The Match:
They should have had more than this, for this. Grizzled Young Vets had a lot of potential and were definitely misused in NXT. They at least showed that the referee matters. You can see the Grizzled Young Vets are working hard to show they can work, they spent so long not getting to put their working boots on, and to be honest, I am not surprised to see that they left NXT considering the position they were in with Schism. I just don’t see the ABC dropping the belts here. I just realized Laredo Kid is teaming with Mike Bailey instead of Trent Seven, so I wonder what’s going on there. Laredo hit a Michinoku Driver off the top rope on Zachary Wentz, and he kicked out? Come on dude. Ace Austin botched a little bit and it’s a rare moment but this is what happens when almost all of your in ring offence is intricate high flying stuff. Again, the Tag Team division feels like it’s an X Division Tag Division. It’s frustrating seeing them pull off so many cool moves but just feel like it’s so choreographed. It’s a good match but I am used to this stuff in AEW and I don’t really care for it. The ABC hit their finish and retain.
I assume there’s going to be some kind of angle with The ABC and the new signees The Grizzled Young Veterans which is a fresh feud for the Tag Team Champs.
Winner/s: STILL TNA World Tag Team Champions, The ABC via pinfall in 14:16.
Ash By Elegance aka Dana Brooke is seen at ringside, and I don’t know if there is much equity in her signing to TNA considering she doesn’t even look like Dana Brooke anymore and I’m not trying to be rude because I think she looks gorgeous, but you have to admit she looks vastly different. There is also concern that her gimmick out of the gate looks very similar to ‘Timeless’ Toni Storm in AEW.
TNA Knockouts World Title Match
Trinity (c) vs. Jordynne Grace
Jordynne Grace won the ‘Call Your Shot’ Gauntlet Match at Bound for Glory, and decided to challenge Trinity at TNA Hard to Kill. Trinity has been the TNA Women’s Champion for some months now, and to be honest, I think it’s about time she lost the belt. I hate to harp on it for too long, but Trinity is somebody I have always been a fan of, and this run in Impact or TNA now has not been very good as far as I am concerned. She didn’t evolve, she hung her hat on her WWE gimmick, she was a bland, boring babyface, her promos were not inspiring or interesting, I have been essentially miffed at how somebody so talented has just been so dull in a company like TNA. I honestly believe she was not given one interesting angle since being there so that I could see a side of her character or personality which made her interesting. That could very well be the issue.
The Match:
Don’t get me wrong right, Trinity looks cool, but that’s all there is to the character. The fact she wears glow in the dark clothes. Her timing hasn’t been at 100% since being in TNA either. She’s in charge early but again it’s almost like she’s about 75% onm point. The connection of some kicks and timing of some moves is just not hitting the mark. To be honest, her moveset is fucking annoying. I never in my life ever thought I would be so negative toward her, but she needs to reinvent herself badly. Jordynne took charge with some power moves, and I’m hoping Jordynne is going to win this. TNA are seriously lacking in tippy top heels for the ladies. A cool sequence lead to Trinity locking in Starstruck but man, that long hair of hers and her extensions were all in the way. What bothers me the most is seeing somebody come in and beat the whole talent pool and possibly leave after only putting 1 person over. That bugs me. Juggernaut Driver by Jordynne Grace and it ends the match. Honestly, it wasn’t a bad match. Don’t let my complaints cloud that.
Jordynne Grace gets the win and wins the championship, and I really, truly hope they start making that Knockouts division a bit more interesting, angle wise.
Winner: NEW TNA Knockouts World Champion, Jordynne Grace via pinfall in 14:32.
TNA World Title Match
Alex Shelley (c) vs. Moose
Moose cashed in his Feast of Fired Briefcase to challenge Alex Shelley at Hard to Kill for the TNA World Title at this show here, Hard to Kill. Alex Shelley has had a solid title reign, and one of the longest reigning in TNA history.
The Match:
Moose offers a handshake, Shelley knocked it away, and spat water in Moose’s face to begin the match. It’s crazy to believe Moose is only a 1 time TNA World Champion. Alex Shelley kept working on the arm early, the only thing about Alex’s title reign that has frustrated me is that it hasn’t been clear if Alex is a heel, or a babyface. Moose has been such a great team player for TNA over the last few years, especially after his title reign was ended by Josh Alexander. He stayed out of the World title program, he feuded with guys in the midcard, he put himselof through hell is a lot of hardcore stipulated matches, he was the unsung hero of the company in 2022 and 2023. This was a really great match between the two, Moose is athletic enough to take all of Shellys specki high flying stuff, but also such a Powerhouse to make this a David vs Goliath battle in a sense. Moose copped Shellshocked on the outside of the ring at one stage after collding with the ring post. Powerbomb by Moose wasn’t enough after a flurry of reversals between the two. Moose really put his working boots on here, the guy is such an athlete. The System show up to interfere, and KUSHIDA and Chris Sabin come out to make the save. Moose hit the spear as Alex Shelley closed in and it was over!
Nic Nemeth came out and attacked Moose after the match, and ran into the crowd, and tore his shirt off to show he had a TNA Wrestling Shirt on! My only complaint is why on earth would The System, who were standing at the entrance ramp, just stand there as this all happened?
Winner: NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Moose via pinfall in 21:33.
Final Thoughts:
This was a great Pay Per View, it wasn’t insanely unpredictable or crazy with pre tapes and shooting stuff outside of the building which is kind of what I’ve been asking for, but at least it came across like there really is a fresh start coming for TNA Wrestling!