NXT Stand & Deliver Results & Review (April 6th, 2024)

NXT Stand & Deliver
April 6th, 2024
Wells Fargo Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Attendance: 16,545

It’s time for the biggest show on the NXT calendar, NXT Stand & Deliver, which is certainly the most hyped show I’ve ever had as a fan of NXT, and as somebody who claims that NXT is their favorite Pro Wrestling product today.

Great opening package, and Meta Four are here to host the proceedings. It’s amazing, Wade Barrett has joined Vic and Booker T on Commentary and Vic is already being given a hard time! I am glad they gave Wade something to do this weekend considering he won’t be on the commentary team for WrestleMania 40 this year which is a travesty to be completely honest with you.

The first match was on the Countdown to Stand & Deliver.

Singles Match
Shawn Spears vs. Joe Gacy

The Match:
Ridge Holland attacked Joe Gacy during his entrance! That retirement was short lived. I thought that was hilarious. Despite the attack, after a short back and forth, Joe Gacy managed to pick up the win which really doesn’t give the returning Shawn Spears a whole lot of momentum!

Winner: Joe Gacy via pinfall in 9:05.

Now, it’s time for the Main Show! NXT Stand & Deliver baby.

WWE NXT Tag Team Title Match
Baron Corbin & Bron Breakker (c) vs. Axiom & Nathan Frazer

The Match:
Nathan and Axiom start off like a house of fire and this is how to open the show and set the bar, with the crazy high flying stuff. I will honestly be surprised if there’s a title change here. This run has been a huge resurgeance for Baron, if I were him I wouldn’t bother with the main roster unless he joined the main roster to tag with Bron Breakker. Booker and Wade ganging up on Vic is tremendous. The Golden Ratio was wild by Axiom. Notice how my hate of Axiom has disappeared? This dude is really good. Spanish Fly into a 450 from Axiom and Frazer, and Bron kicked out, crazy start to this match. Bron hit a back drop cutter off the top rope, and Baron hit a splash for a near fall. Nathan and Axiom are showing that they really want this victory. Phoenix Splash on Baron Corbin after he was laid out and Bron broke up the pin at the last minute. Spear on Frazer, and the Wolf Dogs retain!

Winner/s: STILL NXT Tag Team Champions, Baron Corbin & Bron Breakker via pinfall in 11:23.

Meta Four are being clowns backstage and Oro Mensah wants to interview Oba Femi and Oba burst through the door and Oro got knocked down, so funny.

WWE NXT North American Title Triple Threat Match
Oba Femi (c) vs. Dijak vs. Josh Briggs

The Match:
This is Oba Femi’s time, he’s going to be a star one day. Oba shows his dominance early on. Dijak and Briggs worked together to take Oba Femi down. Oba catches Dijak and used him as a weapon on Briggs, crikey. Dijak gets thrown off the top rope onto Oba Femi to the outside as he was sitting dazed on a computer chair! What a match so far, I do expect Josh’s former tag partner Brooks Jensen to show up. That was a great rope break false finish with Dijak and Briggs. Kickout at 1 from a sitdown chokeslam is BS. Dijak hit a destoryer, they really are Standing and Delivering. Oba had Briggs and Dijak up… an electric chair on Dijak whom had Briggs in a Samoan drop. Wild. Feast the Eyes by Dijak and Briggs hit a moonsault to break up the pin. Dijak hit it again and Briggs pulled the referee out. AEW Sucks. Dijak hit 2 Feast your Eyes on Briggs but Femi snapped and powerbombed Dijak on Briggs to retain.

Winner: STILL NXT North American Champion, Oba Femi via pinfall in 15:00.

That was the right call to make, it was not time for Oba Femi to drop that belt and I don’t expect it will be for a very long time.

Six Man Tag Team Match
Izzi Dame, Jacy Jayne & Kiana James vs. Fallon Henley, Kelani Jordan & Thea Hail

The Match:
“Don’t you start teaming up and kssing eachothers ass” Vic is copping it. This is going to be sick. I love these ladies so much. What a show so far! These girls are throwing their life force into this. The fans are into Thea, she’s so likeable. The bad girl club took charge and got some heat on Kilani, who is the sweetest thing. It makes the sympathy work. Kiana James is killing it lately man. “Why does everyone hate you Vic?” – Booker T. Izzi Dame has improved SO much! Speaking of improved, Fallon Henley is on fire bro! Tornado Suplex from Fallon in Kiana, and it’s breaking down! Kiana hit a Spanish Fly on Fallon and they were both screaming. Thea stopped the pin after Fallon looked to be done. Izzi tried to throw Thea to the outside and Duke caught her. Everyone was taken out after Kilani moonsaulted to the outside, and it was down to Thea and Jacy. Izzi ended up tapping to Thea with the Kimura.

Winner/s: Fallon Henley, Kelani Jordan & Thea Hail via submission in 11:41.


Giulia SIGHTING! GIULIA! GIULIA! GIULIA! GIULIA! That’s right, STARDOM’s own, Giulia was seen in the crowd and BOY am I excited.

WWE NXT Women’s Title Match
Lyra Valkyria (c) vs. Roxanne Perez

The Match:
Here comes the women’s title match, and Roxy is working on Lyra’s arm. Roxanne hasn’t had that much time to work as a heel and she owned it. Roxy is in charge and in control, it’ll be interesting to see how she gets out of it. Roxanne made a mistake and Lyra took advantage. They battled so hard till Lyra kicked out of a Pop Rox. Roxanne was unhinged after that. Tatum showed up! Tatum Paxley got knocked off the apron, Lyra collided with Tatum at ringside as Roxy worked on the arm, crossface by Roxy and Lyra hit a spin kick. 2 count. Lyra got caught in a crossface AGAIN after a splash attempt from Lyra. They went so back and forth that I couldn’t keep up! Roxanne Perez has it in the bag I think… yep. Lyra taps.

Winner: NEW NXT Women’s Champion, Roxanne Perez via submission in 16:20.

WWE NXT Title Match
Ilja Dragunov (c) vs. Tony D’Angelo

The Match:
Loving the Sopranos rip off intro for Tony D. Tony dominated early and Ilja couldnt get it together. This was really good, there was a real fight going on and Tony was adamant about winning the match clean. Tony got on Ilja and Dragonov got laid out with a clothesline. Ilja has been a warrior. The injured hand as good enough for Dragunov to hit a Death Valley Driver against the barricade and they head back inside. Dragunov hit some rolling German suplexes, and a big time powerbomb out of the corner drops D’Angelo again. The H Bomb misses though and Stacks hands D’Angelo brass knuckles….which he throws away. Dragunov stomps away in the corner and gets a big two count off a DDT. With D’Angelo down in the corner, Dragunov hammers away with forearms and shouts that D’Angelo is not in control.

Back up and Dragunov kisses him on the cheek but gets headbutted down, followed by a belly to belly suplex. A big time of a clothesline puts Dragunov down for two and they go up to the top rope. An overhead belly to belly superplex sends Dragunov flying before rolling outside. They both load up the announcers’ table before Dragunov wins a slugout. The H Bomb connects on the floor and he hit a huge H Bomb through the Spanish Announce Table. Back in and Tony kicked out of a senton off the top rope. Dragunov weathered the storm and hit a Super H Bomb to retain!

Winner: STILL NXT Champion, Ilja Dragunov via pinfall in 17:05.

Lyra Valkyria is upset as Tatum tries to console her. Lyra kind of has a go at Tatum over the loss and that just makes me uspet to see. Poor Tatum.

Singles Match
Carmelo Hayes vs. Trick Williams

The Match:
The crowd are firmly behind Trick. Melo is disrespctful to start off. They get so angry they brawled through the crowd. Melo was in charge of Trick and you could feel the anger. Hayes takes him down to start and doesn’t seem overly impressed with Williams. That earns Hayes some shots to the face and they head outside, with Hayes being sent into the steps. They fought into the crowd with Hayes staggering away until he sends Williams into a wall. Hayes knocks a hat off a member of Williams’ family, earning him a shot to send him back to ringside.

Williams just started smashing Hayes in the face over and over. Williams hit big time a splash in the corner but Hayes knocked him off the top and he crashed really hard back to the floor. Wehave a rib injury to Trick Williams so Hayes stomped away in the corner.

Williams gets in a shot of his own and they slug it out from their knees. The jumping neckbreaker and spinning boot to the face gave Williams two and they head back outside. Hayes managed a springboard dive onto…what used to be the Spanish announcers’ Table. Back in and Williams charged into a Codebreaker for two but the referee gets bumped.They battled hard for so long, Trick laid Melo out with a chair, the referees keep getting knocked out. Carmelo hit nothing but net and it didnt disappoint. Trick hit him with the knee and won the match! At lot of people expected this one to go over 20 minutes and that we needed people to kick out of finishers over and over again but I thought this was a great length.

Winner: Trick Willaiams via pinfall in 14:47.

What a fantastic NXT Premium Live Event! It was satisfying. I got what I wanted out of the show, and it will be super interesting to see how NXT moves forward after all the changes that took place during this show.

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Karlifornia is a Freelance Journalist for RealProWrestling.Com and TheRockpit.Net and Host on the Insiders Edge Podcast through his YouTube channel, the WZWA Network. He has been a die hard Pro Wrestling fan since 1998, and his favorite time period in wrestling is the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars.

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