NXT Level Up – October 6th, 2023

WWE Performance Center

Orlando, Florida.

It’s time for another edition of one of my favorite shows of the week, NXT Level Up! We have the usual 3 matches to get through so let’s hop to it.

Tag Team Match

Izzi Dame & Tatum Paxley vs. Kelani Jordan & Valentina Feroz


All these competitors are teaming for the first time. Tatum Paxley turned on Dani Palmer a few weeks ago, and we have had no follow up on it. Can we at least get a Singles Match so Dani doesn’t look bad? Kelani is somebody who has really impressed me in her last few performances, and I see a big future for her. Valentina is currently dealing with the fact she spent a lot of time gelling as a Tag Team with Yulisa Leon, only for the company to release Yulisa a few weeks ago. This is Izzi Dame’s 3rd match I will have seen, and her first Tag Match… let’s see what happens!

The Match:

Kelani again, she looked so comfortable out there, don’t get me wrong, she has plenty of growing to do as a performer but as far as the basics, her movement, her commitment, how crisp she is, she is off to a GREAT start. I have to laugh again at Tatum’s sudden hatred of Dani Palmer as mentioned by the commentary team, Dani could clearly not be any nicer as a person – she’s bubbly, she’s sweet, she’s always smiling and enthusiastic, what did she do to deserve this? Feroz got a hot tag and she was FIRED UP and I would say she maximized her minutes but the match was so short she more so maximized her seconds. Izzi Dame rushed in near the end, interrupted the pin and falls on her tush. She’s still got some work to do with her co-ordination, she just has some slight Van Hammer syndrome at the moment, but she’ll get there, she’s an athlete of the highest magnitude. Tatum gets the pin on Feroz with this insane move the ‘Psycho Trap’

Winner/s – Izzi Dame and Tatum Paxley in 4:33.

Dante Chen Interview with Kelly Kincaid

Dante Chen, I haven’t seen that name in a while. He talks about all the styles of wrestling Drew Gulak knows, but he doesn’t know his style… Singapore Style. I popped for that honestly. Then, he said he didn’t really know what it was, for the double pop. Kelly makes another comment as he walks off. Seems like her Level Up gimmick. Ain’t she just cute as a button?

Tag Team Match

Javier Bernal & Luca Crusifino vs. Tyriek Igwe & Tyson Dupont


Igwe and Dupont debuted a few weeks ago, and I was super impressed. Byron said they’re one of his favorite Tag Teams. THEY’VE HAD ONE MATCH. Javier I have never seen and The Legal Eagle, Luca Crusifino is my current favorite NXT Gimmick. What a theme song. I even re wound it to hear the theme play again. I object!

The Match:

Luca tagged out quickly after being hit with one thing. Then he ran in after Javier got yocked, and Luca just got nailed, which made me laugh. What an idiot. He got a quick tag in and got absolutely wrecked again. He’s a lawyer. It’s just so funny. If Bernal is going to be his Tag Partner, he needs to be his paralegal. Actually, I’d put a female with Luca as his paralegal. That might be a good spot for somebody like Valentina Feroz perhaps? Even if it doesn’t make sense, imagine he had a Bailiff for a Bodyguard, Or perhaps a hired goon like Saul Goodman had on Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul with Huel. I tell you what, I am down with Tyriek Igwe, the dude has legitimacy as a bad ass, and looks great when he’s pulling an angry face, a guy you don’t want to mess with. SOMEHOW, Igwe got rolled up by Javier who grabbed the tights and the new Tag Team got the win, which I kind of disagree with. At some point Igwe and Dupont have to establish themselves. Plus, Luca should have been the one to get the pin because he’s the more prominent character!

Winner/s – Javier Bernal & Luca Crusifino in 4:44.

Singles Match

Drew Gulak (w/Charlie Dempsey, Damon Kemp & Myles Borne) vs. Dante Chen 


I haven’t seen Dante Chen wrestle before, I know he has been there for a while though. Drew Gulak as we know is another former Main Roster guy who has now formed a little stable down in NXT. It pretty clear he’s going to win over the Singaporean Warrior.

The Match:

As Drew made his entrance, I smirked at how unfair it is for him to be allowed to have 3 guys at ringside with him. I gotta give Chen some props, the guy has worked on his body. I was expecting a Wheeler Yuta physique. You know most guys from Singapore are pretty slim? High high high back body drop from Dante Chen, and he seems quite polished! I know Gulak is there mainly as a trainer to help the young guys, but I think he needs to wrestle more and get in the hunt. The issue is, NXT has so many people! Chen dropkicked Gulak off the apron and he wiped out the boys on the outside which lead to a stand off. I am telling you, NXT Level Up gets a lot more accomplished than WWE Main Event does. It’s a simple show, but it’s fun getting to know these new characters, where as on Main Event you just get cold matches and no vignettes or interviews. Drew got some heat on Dante, who utilized his Singapore style to get the comeback under way. Chen ends up diving onto the 4 lads at ringside and they went down like bowling pins which made me laugh. Chen got a near fall but we’re in the last minute of the show so something is going to happen. The boys get involved, Damon Kemp’s sneaker falls off trying to get in the ring, Chen swats them away but Gulak nails him and gets the win. That doesn’t seem fair Referee! We go off the air with WWE Fastlane coming tomorrow.

Winner – Drew Gulak in 5:41.

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Karlifornia is a Freelance Journalist for RealProWrestling.Com and TheRockpit.Net and Host on the Insiders Edge Podcast through his YouTube channel, the WZWA Network. He has been a die hard Pro Wrestling fan since 1998, and his favorite time period in wrestling is the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars.

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