NXT #727 Results & Review (April 2nd, 2024)

NXT Results & Reviews

NXT #727 Results
April 2nd, 2024
WWE Performance Center
Orlando, Florida

It’s time for the GO HOME show of NXT before this weekends NXT Stand & Deliver on WrestleMania Saturday. I am pumped bro. The culmination of a whole lot of concerted effort in the last year, and it deserves a lot of props and tips of the hat to NXT and the people that work behind the scenes to make that product the absolute best in Pro Wrestling, in my opinion.

WWE NXT Tag Team Title #1 Contendership Triple Threat Match
Axiom & Nathan Frazer vs. The OC (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) vs. LWO (Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde)

The Match:
This is the finals of a tournament that has spanned several weeks to find a team to challenge the champions, The Wolf Dogs of Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin at Stand & Deliver. The OC struggled in the early going trying to deal with the quickness and high flying of both the Latino World Order, and Axiom/Nathan Frazer. Before we hit the commercial break, the L.W.O had taken charge. We got back from break, Axiom hit a super Spanish Fly on Wilde for a near fall. The match was really good, everyone was bouncing all over the place. Nathan Frazer missed the guys with a dive to the outside, I gotta say though there were way too many dives. How convenient, always in the same spot. Del Toro missed a Phoenix Splash, before being hit with a Magic Killer by the O.C. Nathan Frazer hit a 450 Splash on Del Toro and he and Axiom win?! I am shocked they will be the challengers to the NXT Tag Team Titles at Stand & Deliver – I really thought The O.C were going to challenge for them.

Winner/s: Axiom & Nathan Frazer via pinfall in 10:48.

Kelly Kincaid enters the ring and interviews Axiom and Nathan Frazer. They scream for a little bit and the Wolf Dogs stare them down from the Crows Nest.

Lexis King cuts a promo about Robert Stone and Von Wagner, and Lexis will do battle with Von Wagner later this episode, without Mr. Stone at ringside.

Ilja Dragunov is talking to the cameraperson outside, and his car tyre has been clamped! A few guidos then show up and suggest Ilja get in the car and not keep The Don waiting, as we know, Tony D’Angelo has organized dinner between them both for the evening.

Singles Match
Fallon Henley w/Thea Hail/Kilani Jordan vs. Jacy Jayne w/Jazmyn Nyx/Izzi Dame/Kiana James

The Match:
Fallon and Jacy started off with an intense exchange of a collar and elbow tie up, which came across real in it’s execution. I certainly hope Jazmyn Nyx’s injury is a kayfabe injury, it would be a shame to know she got hurt in her debut match where she was most impressive. Kiana James gets involved again and Thea Hail just SPRINTED through the ring and dove onto Kiana James which was the spot of the segment! The ladies brawled on the outside, Fallon Henley just left the ring and started belting women willy nilly, before returning to the ring and Jacy Jane ABSOLUTELY WALLOPED Fallon with a running knee strike and she picked up the victory.

Winner: Jacy Jane via pinfall 3:58.

Jacy and the bad girls walk out the back and starts talking smack about Thea Hail and she’s just yelling at everyone around her as her friends back her up. Ava is at the gorilla position and gets annoyed and tells them to move along. Thea Hail walks through screaming now and Ava snaps over that as well, and makes a 6 woman tag match for Stand & Deliver.

A Josh Briggs vignette airs. It’s hype for the North American Championship match at Stand & Deliver.

Singles Match
Lexis King vs. Von Wagner

The Match:
Von Wagner came charging out and started laying a whooping on Lexis from the outset. Lexis fought back in his own way, and again, isn’t it interesting to see how this guy is light years more interesting than he was in AEW? Lexis got caught with a big time powerslam from Wagner as Wagner started to cook with gas. Lexis then got chokeslammed on the ring apron, then Von set up the announce table as the commentators went “Hey hey hey wooah woah woahhh”. Von got DDT’d in mid air as he went to powerbomb Lexis. Lexis got back in the ring and Von got hit with the Coronation and it was over. Booker T barking out “Rockabye Baby!” as Von was hit with that move really made me laugh.

Winner: Lexis King via pinfall in 5:53.

General Manager Ava walks into Carmelo Hayes’ office. She says that the match needs a winner at Stand & Deliver and there will be extra referees and security on hand tonight when he and Trick Williams have their final showdown before this weekends big match between the two.

Backstage, Natalya is giving Karmen Petrovic a pep talk ahead of her battle with Lola Vice, and the lazy cut and paste BS returns as all of a sudden, Roxanne Perez shows up to be a bitch to 2 women she has never met. I am guessing this will mean Roxanne will wrestle Natalya at some point.

Arianna Grace is backstage waiting for Gigi Dolin to show up to get her make over, and she keeps calling her Georgina which is gold. Wren Sinclair shows up and touches a dress and asks what it is and Arianna smacks her hand. Wren goes on to mention Gigi is cool the way she is and Arianna takes exception to it and now wants to fight Wren Sinclair for dare insinuating Gigi wouldn’t look better after the makeover. Absolutely ridiculous.

Singles Match
Lola Vice vs. Karmen Petrovic

The Match:
This should be super interesting with both these ladies having a fighting background. I expect Lola to get the win here and continue on with her momentum. I really think the NXT Women need a secondary championship. Lola showed great aggression, Karmen still really hasn’t had the chance to establish herself on NXT TV yet. Lola hit that incredible back fist and could have won it there, and locks in a Sharpshooter for the win as she stares down Natalya. Lola is just dancing and staring at Natalya. See, Lola would be great for a show called Total Divas as well.

Winner: Lola Vice via submission in 3:47.

Clash at the Castle in Scotland this year, another huge step internationally for WWE.

Ilja Drgaunov is in the car headed to meet Tony D for dinner, and it’s shot like a film. This is an odd place to have a meal. Quite uncomfortable really. They end up just sitting at a table and staring at eachother.

Supernova Sessions with Lyra Valkyria and Roxanne Perez
Supernova Sessions is up next, and this is so ridiculous and this group is so ridiculous. Noam Dar introduces Roxanne Perez to makes her entrance. Roxanne is just straight up rude. Lyra Valkyria makes her entrance and she’s so gorgeous when her hair is down. Roxanne and her being so sure of herself and acting all twisted is so annoying. Meta Four end up being so annoying in the background reacting to all this. Roxanne slaps Lyra eventually and gets put through the Supernova Sessions Coffee table. Suck SHIT Roxanne.

Dijak has a vignette to again add some hype to the NXT North American Championship Match with Josh Briggs and Champion, Oba Femi at Stand & Deliver.

Oba Femi cuts a promo and says he will show them why he’s the North American Champion, and we follow Oba Femi out as his theme song hits and he’s about to kill something.

Non Title Match
Oba Femi vs. Joe Gacy

The Match:
Shawn Spears belts Joe Gacy in the spine with a Steel Chair during his entrance! Oba Femi then rolls Joe into the ring. Referee just ring the bell for Christ sake. Femi works the back of Gacy and I want to see Oba get the quick win here. Femi hit Gacy with a knife edge chop that sounded like a gun shot! Oba hit The referee stops the match which is an eyeroll and a half.

Winner: Oba Femi via referee stoppage in 3:46.

Tatum Paxley is backstage and Lyra is yelling at her about not being herself. Whatever the case, Tatum is still clearly putting Lyra before everything else.

Singles Match

Arianna Grace vs. Wren Sinclair

The Match:
Arianna should always get on the mic during her entrance, or at least after the match. Arianna has IT. She is going to be a big star one day, as long as she can keep healthy. Arianna went for a mule kick at one stage and Wren fought back with gusto, and right now I would say Wren is doing a good job at coming across like the ‘Girl Next Door’. Wren had solid comeback, missed an Axe Kick, hit a crossbody, and looked to close in. Arianna Grace hit a roll up pin and grabbed the ropes and managed to pick up the win. She blew kisses to the crowd to end the segment.

Winner: Arianna Grace via pinfall in 3:57.

Ilja Dragunov and Tony D’Angelo, Part 2 is next, as they sit down and don’t have dinner together. They do the usual back and forth talking about the NXT Championship, before Tony grabs Ilja’s injured finger and crushes it with his hand before he gets delivered a meal, and Tony and his Guido’s leave the room.

Singles Match
Blair Davenport vs. Sol Ruca

The Match:
Was hoping this match would make the Stand & Deliver card considering it’s a feud type match and Blair deserved to be on the card. Ruca has a hell of a lot of potential with her athleticism, I tell you, going after these former gymnasts has been great. Blair Davenport has honestly been my top worker in NXT the last few months, she’s just been solid. Sol suplex’d Blair over the top rope to the outside and she went over too and it made my heart sink! Sol actually springboarded with one foot into a splash just to sell the knee. Sol hit that cartwheel DDT off the rope, but missed the Sol Snatcher. Ruca reversed the exclamation point into a roll up pinfall victory.

Winner: Sol Ruca via pinfall in 9:17.

Dijak walks upto Josh Briggs in the back whos watching a TV. Nobody ever seems to relax and sit down. They both claim they’re going to win, and Oba Femi walks up and blah blah blah. That really was overly simple. Too simple.

Joe Gacy crawls into Ava’s office and gets a match with Shawn Spears booked for Stand & Deliver. Ava just can’t catch a break with her job!

The Final Face Off with Trick Williams & Carmelo Hayes
They started off talking about the good times between the two of them. They then blamed one another for ruining the situation between them both. Carmelo says Trick will always take a backseat to him, and Trick says those days are long gone. They both end up in a brawl and they are such bad asses they can both beat the shit out of 10 security guards, and now we have a big pull apart with wrestlers splitting them up, then the wrestlers start fighting one another and we go off the air!

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Karlifornia is a Freelance Journalist for RealProWrestling.Com and TheRockpit.Net and Host on the Insiders Edge Podcast through his YouTube channel, the WZWA Network. He has been a die hard Pro Wrestling fan since 1998, and his favorite time period in wrestling is the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars.

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