Another week of NXT is here, and I am here for it. Especially if Blair Davenport is on the card, who is cooking with gas right now in NXT. We are also amidst the Dusty Rhodes Classic, and tonight we get a Contract Signing between Lyra Valkyria and Roxanne Perez ahead of their title match at NXT Vengeance Day.
NXT #717 Results
January 23rd, 2024
WWE Performance Center
Orlando, Florida

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic 2024 Semi Final Match
Baron Corbin & Bron Breakker vs. Axiom & Nathan Frazer
This is a Semi Final Match in the 2024 Dusty Rhodes Classic, and the winners go to Vengeance Day to face the winners of next weeks Hayes/Williams Vs Latino World Order match.
The Match:
I dont see anybody winning this other than the Wolf Dogs. Unless some sort of angle with Bron and Baron takes place and they wrestle at Vengeance Day?
Axiom and Nathan were in charge early on, and they used their quickness to get ahead of the bigger team. If I were Baron I’d probably just want to stay in NXT. Nathan and Axiom were giving Baron and Bron a real hard time in this one, before the big men took over.
Bron Breakker has explosiveness I have rarely seen in a Pro Wrestler. Nathan and Axiom really had them going again later in the match, but Baron and Bron did an amazing throw from Baron into a powerslam by Bron. That should have been the finish!
Axiom hit the Spanish fly on Bron and then Nathan hit a Phoenix splash which was very good, but then Baron laid Axiom out with the End of Days and Bron then speared the absolute living hell out of Nathan Frazer for the win!
Isn’t it obvious? We’ve been through this.
Winner/s: Baron Corbin & Bron Breakker via pinfall in 12:04.
Backstage, Ilja Dragunov is talking to some random lady, and Josh Briggs walks up to him and he wants to face the measuring stick.
Ilja asks if that’s really what he wants, and Ilja is SO intense with his delivery. He gets so agitated so quickly. They get in eachothers face.
Trick stops them from getting too intense, Josh is looking like he’s going to turn heel. They bicker some more.
Wren Sinclair is backstage talking to herself, and she’s doing such a great job, freaking out being the new girl and that she’s facing Lash Legend tonight.
Fallon Henley shows up to give some words of support. What a great introduction to the character, my HOME GIRL, Madi Wrenkowski.
Ava walks out of Shawn Michaels office and William Regal shows up. Ava is made the new General Manager of NXT, it’s almost like they pretended William Regal was the GM this whole time and he never went to AEW. This is a puzzling decision, but hopefully it helps Ava become better on the microphone.
Singles Match
Wren Sinclair vs. Lash Legend (w/Jakara Jackson, Noam Dar & Oro Mensah)
Wren made her debut last week in the #1 Contendership Battle Royal and was the one to eliminate Lash Legend, and she ended up being the 5th last lady in the match! This is her Singles debut in NXT.
The Match:
Less than a year ago I interviewed Wren and we talked about NXT, and here we are! She made it! Lash has a big height difference over Sinclair, and overpowered and intimidated Wren from the outset.
Lash locked in an awkward Torture Rack, and looks a tad disjointed out there. Jakara got involved, Wren nearly got the roll up pin victory after sidestepping Lash and pushing her into Jakara, but then Wren got hit with a ‘Slam Dunk’ and Lash picked up the win.
Meta Four surround Wren, and Fallon made the save and helped her new friend Wren! Fallon is the new Mickie James dude. She’s so awesome.
It looks to me like Fallon and Wren are going to be paired together for a while, and I expect this to lead to some sort of match between them and Lash Legend/Jakara Jackson in future.
Winner: Lash Legend via pinfall in 2:59.
OTM and Jada show up to Tony and Stacks’ Italian restaurant, Adriana has been knocked out as Jada stands over her and the Manager of the premises gets threatened by Out The Mud! That kind of behaviour could get them whacked.
Elektra Lopez rocks up STEAMED at Lola Vice, and and woah, she looked really good when she’s mad. She asks some random tech guy if he’s seen ‘her’ and he had no idea.
Then she pushed all of his cables and wiring he was working on off the table and doubled down, and he still didn’t know. So she told him to tell her her she’s looking for her if he sees her.
I love that it cut away and he would have had to walk over, all shook up, and sadly, and pathetically would have had to pick those cables back up to get back to work. I love that he’s doing this work on a random table in the middle of the backstage area, alone.
Singles Match
Dijak vs. Joe Gacy
Last week, Gacy and Dijak got into it after Dijak had a go at the commentary team that Joe was sitting with, and Joe headbutted Dijak in the face, then attacked him after his match with Trey Bearhill!
The Match:
Joe Gacy attacked Dijak at the entrance way to begin! I have a feeling this might be a slightly weaker episode of NXT than I am used to, but ti’s still enjoyable.
The two brawled at ringside, and it appeared to egt out of control quickly as all these referees tried to convince them to get in the ring, and they’re waving Joe off as he hits Dijak with a chair, but then Dijak kicks Joe Gacy and he goes flying through a wall.
Gacy crawled out of the hole in the wall and the brawl continued! I laughed so much as Dijak then chokeslammed Joe Gacy through the announce table and they both went tumbling in the carnage, and then security came out to try calm them down.
Dijak then attacked security, smirked at the camera, Joe then popped out with his eyes popping out of his head and then Joe Gacy attacked him again! These two hate eachother so much after only one week.
This is a little bit cookie cutter here, a lot of feuds seem to begin with a small thing, and within a week it’s being portrayed like a blood feud.
We still don’t really know why they are so angry at eachother. Anywho, I am sure these two will do battle at Vengeance Day.
Backstage, Arianna Grace is practicing her speech when Elektra Lopez walks in angry and looking for Lola. She asks ‘WHERE IS SHE’, AND Arianna said “I’m right here” in the sweetest, happiest voice as she stands up.
Elektra then said “Not you princess” and stormed off. Arianna was then slightly miffed at Elektras attitude.
Lexis King is seen walking backstage. He talked about Trey Bearhill and they will be battling later.
Robert Stone and Von Wagner are seen going to a Football stadium where Von used to play football. They’re going to do some training before Von goes after the Heritage Cup, and Stone’s children are there to help.
They try to pump Von off and he says “F*** Yeah!” right to their faces which was funny. It becomes a montage. He speared a tackling dummy and absolutely NAILED iT. Apparently after one montage, he’s ready for Naom Dar.
Singles Match
Lexis King vs. Trey Bearhill
Lexis took Trey’s spot in the NXT Men’s Breakout Tournament last year after attacking Trey with a chair as he was being introduced as a participant in the tournament. Since then Trey has been on Lexis’ case and now they finally will be going one on one!
The Match:
These two are finally going one on one here, and I am still waiting for the moment I “get” Bearhill. He needs to do something to stand out, I think. Lexis cut Trey off early and started a heat.
He then kicked Bearhill in the chest a few times and Trey screamed to get out of it. I feel like the fans aren’t really into Bearhill yet. King hit the Coronation on Bearhill and he won quite easily in the end, clean! That ain’t good for Trey.
Trey has come in and copped 2 pretty convincing losses in a row. For some reason I got a bad feeling he’s either going back to the Performance Center for more training or he might get released.
He hasn’t been established very well if he’s going to cop 2 clean losses to heels out of the gate, and loses to Lexis in less that 3 minutes!
Winner: Lexis King via pinfall in 2:26.
Trick Williams is backstage and Carmelo rocks up. Carmelo isn’t happy that Trick is fighting Ilja’s battles. We are so going to find out from NXT Anonymous that Melo attacked Trick just before the Dusty Rhodes Classic Finals. Surely. They really played the long game with this feud.
SuperNova Sessions with Noam Dar and Oro Mensah
Lola Vice is the person they’re interviewing on this show, but Noam pokes at Von Wagner before inviting Lola out. Lola Vice is in an incredible outfit, and Vic Joseph asks Booker T why he’s sweating. Lola is going to be a big star I think.
Lola went on to call Elektra a leach and extra baggage. I am kind of disappointed because I think those two would have been a good duo on the Main Roster. Elektra comes out and she’s on the mic.
Elektra rips into Lola Vice, says she earned her way into WWE, and Lola only got in there because she shook her booty on Instagram.
I love when they both talk to one another and when they start rolling the tongue and let their latin accent come out. Eletra attacked Lola by tackling her into a couch and it was an AWESOME bump.
Tony D, Stacks and Adriana are in a car, and have recorded a video and threaten OTM after what they did to the restaurant.
Looks like they’re threading this story through the show and there should be a conclusion to it by the end of the show. Where the hell are they? Why aren’t they already at the show? I know, NXT.
Chase U Ends
Chase U appears to be getting shut down as the University is getting reposessed, even Duke Hudsons trophy! That couldn’t possibly be worth much. They have sad music playing in the background.
Andre asks him to get his “f*cking hands” off his podium. Why do Chase U always say the F word? Hahaha. Chase U says their goodbyes next week apparently. Andre sadly says “class dismissed” as they exit the room. This is so entertaining.
Singles Match
Dragon Lee vs. SCRYPTS (w/Bronco Nima, Jaida Parker & Lucien Price)
This was a tad lazy for the build up, Dragon Lee essentially got picked on by Out The Mud last week and it lead to this.
The Match:
When the hell was the last time Scrypts wrestled on TV? He must feel a slight bit frustrated to be such an athletic guy but hes a Manager. Oba Femi shows up at the crows nest of NXT to give the match a look. Dragon Lee hit a great flipping senton onto Scrypts on the outside of the ring.
Dragon conveniently falls to the outside where Scrypts was dived on, and Scrypts dives on him. That was a tad annoying. Scrypts is actually quite impressive, I really do think the WWE could have kept the Cruiserweight Championship sometimes. They went back and forth with a heap of reversals. Another standing Spanish Fly in the ring was hit and I’m not happy seeing it continue to be used.
The Family then show up and they BRAWL with OTM around the ring and up the ramp and Dragon Lee nailed a distracted Scrpyts for the victory! Oba Femi gets on the mic and says “DRAGON! I HEV MED MY DECISHON. ILL SEE YOU.. AT VENGENCE DAE!” His accent is TOO GOOD DUDE.
Dragon Lee is set to face Oba Femi at Vengeance Day for the North American Championship and Out The Mud look to be on a 6 person collision course with The Family soon too!
Malik Blade and Edris Enofe are backstage and are angry about their position in NXT, and Brinley Reece shows up to spread some positivity. Edris and Malik are down in the dumps and they deny Brin’s thoughts, and gives them HOMEWORK for next week, and is so excited she knife edge chops the crap out of Edris and then cartwheels out of the room. I am digging that character already.
Lyra Valkyria is backstage watching something on her iPad, then she gets the crap scared out of by Tatum Paxley. Lyra says they need to talk. She says Tatum is a special kind of girl, but it’s not going to work out, and Tatum starts to get a bit upset. Lyra thinks they’re on the same page but they aren’t and Tatum’s obsession is likely to continue. I love this storyline.
Singles Match
Blair Davenport vs. Karmen Petrovic
This stems from an altercation these two had in last weeks battle royal.
The Match:
Blair makes her entrance and she’s such a baddie, I am down with it. Karmen makes her entrance and I’m just beside myself not being able to handle the fact NXT are just stacked full of baddies.
Karmen starts off by testing Blair with some kicks, it’s interesting to note by the way after Blair beat Nikkita Lyons, Nikkita has been gone for 2 weeks and that feud is over.
Blair weathers the storm from Karmen and double stomped her in the spine. Blair is on fire lately, and I hope the momentum continues.
Karmen is growing in confidence week after week. Blair hit an awkward Falcon Arrow, but then NAILED Karmen with that sick knee to the face and Blair gets the win. She’s on a roll!
Somebody give Blair Davenport the next heel run as NXT Champion please. Where these two go from here though, I have no idea.
Winner: Blair Davenport via pinfall in 3:13.
Ridge Holland interview with Kelly Kincaid
They haven’t been using Kelly enough lately! Ridge don’t want to get the Brawling Brutes to help him, and wants to take the group on by himself. Kelly has some great facial expressions. I think they could be using her more, she can really help with the narrative of the shows backstage.
Ilja Dragonov makes his entrance and is going to be on commentary for the Main Event!
Singles Match
Josh Briggs vs. Trick Williams
This literally only stemmed from a slight backstage confrontation earlier when Josh claimed he wanted a shot at Ilja’s Championship, and Trick is next in line and is attempting to stop Josh in his tracks.
The Match:
Trick and Briggs go back and forth, and Tricks confidence has really had its ante upped. Briggs hit a big chokeslam early! Ilja tries to give Trick a pep talk as Briggs sent Trick to the outside as he dominated the early going. Trick fought back with some gusto, hitting some Harlem Sidekicks.
Briggs accidentally gets kicked in the skull by Briggs as Ilja was trying to give Trick more encouragement, which was amazing. Then Trick nails Briggs, Ilja gets on the ring apron and Carmelo Hayes tackles Ilja!
Trick then managed to get a reversal victory roll up pin for the victory. After the match Briggs immediately NAILED Trick with a Clothesline, and then Hayes got in the ring, Ilja was being held back by security and Trick shoved Hayes. What drama!
The plot thickens with Trick and Carmelo AGAIN, and Ilja is beside himself, it will be interesting to see what happens next with Melo and Ilja!
Winner: Trick Williams via pinfall in 7:38.
Backstage, Thea Hail is complaining to Jacy Jane about Chase U being gone, she’s all depressed about it, Jacy says it’s not over yet. Lexis King comes along and flirts with more chicks. It’s so funny dude.
The ladies are not impressed, then Riley Osborne shows up and tells Lexis to buzz off, and asks Thea if they can have a moment alone later. The looks on the ladies faces was priceless. This is Thea’s dream.
Carmelo and Trick are arguing in Gorilla, Trick doesn’t think Ilja is screwing with him, Carmelo is adamant he is, and we all know Melo is the issue.
NXT Women’s Championship Contract Signing for Vengeance Day
General Manager Ava introduces the final segment, a Contract signing between Lyra Valkyria and Roxanne Perez. This is such an odd situation with Ava as General Manager.
Roxanne and Lyra have a little debate about whos going to win the big one at Vengeance Day. Lyra says she’s replaced her, and Lyra looks foxy. Roxanne the little psychopath starts getting ticked off and she’s going to do something messed up isn’t she? Roxanne stands up as she gets more animated,
Lyra stands up too and they get more intense. Ava stands up and I am smiling so much, she cuts them off and makes them sign the contract. I’m just waiting for that little psycho hose beast Roxanne to snap like she usually does.
They stare down and they shake hands…. WE GOT THROUGH A CONTRACT SIGNING WITHOUT A FIGHT! Oh I spoke too soon. Tatum Paxley shows up and puts Roxanne Perez through the table! Lyra gets in the ring and Tatum hugs her and Lyra shoves her over. This is hilarious. I love this. The General Manager just left and didn’t give a rats ass hahaha.
Final Thoughts:
Not a bad episode of NXT this week. I am getting excited about NXT as we head toward Stand & Deliver in the next few months!