Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifying Last Chance Fatal Four Way Match
Fallon Henley vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Kiana James vs. Thea Hail (w/Jacy Jayne)
This is the Last Chance for these ladies to enter into the Iron Survivor Challenge at NXT Deadline. I think if anybody is going to move through it may be either Fallon Henley or Thea Hail, as I believe Roxanne Perez and Kiana James will be working at match at the PLE. Fallon might go through to continue her angle with Tiffany Statton, my 2023 Women’s Wrestler of the Year. We see a Performance Center altercation from this week with Roxanne Perez attacking Kiana James, how unprofessional of Roxanne, she can just do violent things around others without being suspended?
The Match:
I actually want Kiana to win, she’s copped some losses lately but I know they are headed to her and Roxy at Deadline. They are listening to me, even though my video review is behind a paywall, Lyra was watching with her hair down backstage and she looks amazing! Great pinning combo early on from the ladies! Kiana knocks Roxy off the top rope to the outside whos writhing in pain and I’m here for it. Kiana throws Roxy into the barricade and she’s messed up and I am also here for that. I tell you, I am over Roxy’s plight, I think she’s become unlikeable. Kiana and Roxy are going to take eachother out with the Announce Table! Kiana pulled Roxy off the barricade and they both went through the Announce Table, we go to the ring and Fallon pinned Thea with a Shining Wizard-esque move.
Fallon heads to Deadline for the Iron Survivor Challenge. Kiana and Roxy surely will do battle too!
Winner: Fallon Henley in 10:09.
Lyra Valkyria interview with Kelly Kincaid
Lyra barely gets 5 seconds into answering Kelly’s question and this happens. Lola Vice and Elektra Lopez interrupt and my eyes couldn’t roll any more. How fucking lazy. Tatum Paxley shows up and suddenly she wants a match with Lola. Whatever dude, get over this fucking bullshit. Side note: I am sad to see McKenzie Mitchell get released this week, she has been a staple of NXT since I started covering it and I can’t for the life of me figure out why they released her!
Wes Lee is then seen on crutches backstage!
Wes Lee is in the ring and announces he needs Back Surgery and will be out for a whole year. I wonder what in the heck happened to hurt him so bad at his age. Poor dude. I may have been a little harsh on Wes for a long time, but nobody deserves to be hurt in this way. This promo was more interesting than anything he’s done before, because it was real. Dominik interrupted which is ridiculous and amazing when Wes is hurt. Dom is happy having the night off at Deadline, but Wes has news for him. Rey Mysterio pops up on the screen! Rey will be in the corner of Dragon Lee, and at least this makes sense! They brawl in the ring and Dragon goes for a powerbomb and Dom escapes. I guess at least this story gets to be tied off.
Kiana James is in the trainers room, and Izzy Dame charges into the room and tells the referees and TRAINER to give her space. Kiana says she wants to end Roxanne Perez if she sees her again and AGAIN Roxanne happens to be there and starts going ballistic. They are kept separated and then Ava shows up and says she’s going to get this sorted, I’m guessing she’s HBK’s stooge now. They continue screaming at eachother and once again, Roxanne Perez is always doing this stuff and it makes the character look like she’s got serious mental health problems. I would never be her boyfriend.
We get introductions to the NXT Men’s Breakout Tournament, if Myles Borne doesn’t win I am begging for Luca Crucifino to win this tournament.
Axiom walks into Nathan Frazer in the bathroom last week following his loss to Ilja Dragunov and he was nursing his wounds. Axiom warned Nathan his big mouth got him in trouble and Nathan took exception to it and challenged Axiom to a match for this weeks show. Hilarious. I hate you Nathan.
Nevermind Maxxine is here!!!! What a way to cheer me up from a Nathan Frazer segment, as Alpha Academy made their entrance. Talk about somebody that has come in and just ‘got it’ and kept up with Alpha Academy and their humor. Way to go dollface.
Kelly Kincaid rushes upto Baron Corbin in the parking lot and wants the scoop on Baron’s situation with Ilja Dragunov. Baron is confident, and has him right where he wants him. That’s how you get the scoop, rushing around for it, not just standing in one spot waiting to interview somebody who is ultimately going to be interrupted.
We see footage of Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams from the week he was attacked backstage. It was minutes before we saw Lexis King charge at Trick as he was walking backstage, which we saw last week. The nice bit of mystery in this footage though was after Trick walked off from Carmelo, Carmelo got on his phone and appeared to send somebody a text. THE PLOT THICKENS.
Vic Joseph and Booker T are then talking about what they just saw and Joe Gacy just starts screaming from the crowd at Vic saying WE LOVE YOU! WE LOVE YOU! Ridiculous.
Singles Match
Tatum Paxley vs. Lola Vice (w/Elektra Lopez)
A stupid backstage interview interruption, whoopty doo.
The Match:
Tatum looks to finally get back in the mix on NXT. Tatum is doing things to me, but that’s due to my taste for short gothic chicks. I’d have a hard time believing Lola is going to lose this match. These two seemed to work well together, it didn’t come across too rehearsed, they looked like going for the pin was important. Tatum shouldn’t scream in a submission, she should enjoy the pain. Lola got a near fall after a running bum to Paxley in the corner. Tatum gets knocked out with Lola Vice’s kick to the head.
I worry for Elektra. She is now the sidekick for Lola instead of an equal, and she’s worked so hard to get in solid shape and go from a valet for Legado Del Phantasma to a wrestler. This was to just keep Lola with momentum after being the NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament Champion.
Winner: Lola Vice in 4:04.
Mixed Six Man Tag Team Match
Alpha Academy (Chad Gable, Maxxine Dupri & Otis) (w/Akira Tozawa) vs. Meta-Four (Lash Legend, Noam Dar & Oro Mensah) (w/Jakara Jackson)
Noam Dar defeated Akira Tozawa after a feud that spanned a few weeks which lead to Akira stealing Noam’s Heritage Cup trophy, which lead to Noam retrieving it in a haunted house at NXT Halloween Havoc, to their future title match the following week which Noam Dar won to retain the Heritage Cup.
Last week the two groups of Alpha Academy and Meta-Four had a confrontation regarding the whole situation, which lead to the announcement of Chad Gable facing Noam Dar 2 weeks for the NXT Heritage Cup. That title match ended in a draw, and last week another confrontation took place which has now lead to a 6 Person Tag Team Match this week.
The Match:
It’s time for the big 6 person Tag with Meta-Four and Alpha Academy. Booker T was just chastizing Vic over calling Chad ‘Master Gable’. Lash Legend tags in and here comes my honey bunch Maxxine. They tangle a bit, Maxxine hits a hurricanrana, but Noam Dar tags in, and Otis steps in and stares at Lash and she freaks out. We come back from commercial and Otis has the hot tag. Otis is just so weird to look at wrestle, he’s shaped so funny. Lash tags in and its a face off with her and Otis. Otis starts shaking and Vic says “I ain’t seen that much jigglin’ since Thanksgiving Jello”, and I lost it. Lash scoop slammed Otis and the building went CRAZY! Maxxine is perched on top rope and hit a headscissors on Lash, and it starts to break down. Lash lands in Otis’ arms off the ring apron, Maxxine with a MASSIVE dive over the top rope onto a pile of people, Gable locks in the ankle lock on Naom Dar and it’s over! That was a great match. Way to go Maxxine and Lash, they stole that match.
I am assuming Naom Dar and Chad Gable will have a rematch at some point for the NXT Heritage Cup, or, this feud is over so that Noam doesn’t have to go over Chad as I doubt there are plans for Alpha Academy to stay in NXT for long.
Winner/s: Alpha Academy in 11:06.
Gallus are seen at a pub, and Hank and Tank are there and they’re not happy about it. Hank and Tank offer them 3 beers. They want a match with them. A match is set for next week. See? We don’t always need interview interruptions.
Ava walks out of HBK’s office and announced a Cage Match for Roxanne and Kiana James at Deadline. That should be good but bro, Kiana has to win this one.
Byron Saxton has an Iron Survivor Challenge Summit with all the ladies in that match for Deadline. Tiffany Stratton, Lash Legend, Blair Davenport, Kilani Jordan and Fallon Henley are here. Tiffany Stratton lays it out there the only way she can with her prissy bitch attitude. I love Tiffany. Kilani gets her first chance on the mic here, and she does well. Tiffany takes exception to her talking about her gymnastics career – yo, we need a feud between them that has a gymnastics routine competition, that would be something! Kinda like Scott Steiner and Triple H doing a pose down. Lash has got some great sass too, we got some great characters here. Blair is looking foxy, and here comes the accent. Fallon chimes in and it all trash talk takes place – Byron snaps. Fallon smacks Tiffany and Byron runs off which is hilarious. His stupid pink jacket.
Singles Match
Axiom vs. Nathan Frazer
They bickered last week after Nathan Frazer was demolished by Ilja Dragunov. This all stemmed from a conversation that Ilja overheard Axiom and Nathan have where Nathan said he would have preferred Baron Corbin’s lifestyle over Ilja’s. Ilja over heard it and got real upset.
The Match:
Axiom takes on Nathan Frazer here and I never thought I would be 100% in Axioms corner before. There’s no doubt, they are both talented in the ring, very quick, and they play a game of tit for tat. This pretty ferocious, the dives to the outside weren’t forced and as the match is going on, the Women from the Iron Survivor Challenge brawl back out there and the match is called off! Nikkita Lyons comes out and hits a kick to Blair on the entrance ramp
They will have a rematch at Deadline on the Pre Show.
Winner: No Contest in 2:08.
We cut to Chase University Chairman, Andre Chase hold court with his students. He said he was the one that misused the funds of the University. Chase U is now under academic prohibation. Thea asks how much Andre owes, and it’s hundreds of thousands of dollars. Andre is clearly in debt to Tony D. Maybe he needs legal council, Luca Crucifino? Suggestions on getting money back, would be including a Bake Sale and a Car Wash. Riley Osborne stands up and makes a suggestion and Thea falls in love with him. There’s so many stories going on at once, is Vince Russo involved here?
Trick Williams walks upto Carmelo and wants answers. Melo’s music has hit so he hasn’t got answers right now. Lexis King pops up with a promo from his Twitter. Lexis thinks he and Melo will be on the same page very soon! Interesting.
As people make their entrance, Kelly Kincaid interviews Eddy Thorpe who is dealing with some very tender ribs. Kelly is adorable dude.
Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifying Last Chance Fatal Four Way Match
Tyler Bate vs. Joe Coffey vs. Carmelo Hayes vs. Eddy Thorpe
This is the Last Chance for these men to enter into the Iron Survivor Challenge at NXT Deadline.
The Match:
It’s the typical back and forth early as they jocked for position, we still have 25 minutes left in the show and who knows how this show is going to end when we know Baron is in the building. Eddy is hitting suicide dives and not selling the ribs, but then Joe Coffey spinbusters Eddy on the steel stairs! Eddy might have been out of the match after that. I think Joe needs to improve his look as he’s a tad generic. His ring work though is clearly solid. Tyler driver 97 by Tyler Bate on Joe and he wins! Melo misses again. Oh boy. The plot thickens again!
Tyler Bate goes to NXT Deadline to qualify for the Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge. Tyler got on the mic after and Dijak comes out, barking at Tyler, and cheap shots Eddy Thorpe as he’s being helped to the back which made me laugh. Here we go, Bron Breakker comes out, and this is clear how this is going to go. They all say some typical trash talk and out comes Josh Briggs who’s taken exception to Bron’s words. The next guy is rushing to Gorilla now and grabbing a mic as well. Guess who it is? Trick Williams. He’s in a reallll bad mood. Dijak gets NAILED by Trick when he says he should be going after his so called best friend, and there’s another pull apart. So much drama on this show!
Winner: Tyler Bate in 11:05.
Ilja Dragunov is seen walking backstage, as is Baron Corbin – and they’re going face to face to end the show.
Melo is seen complaining to Ava backstage and Trick shows up to accuse Carmelo about texting Lexis. Melo is going to fight Lexis on Saturday at Deadline to prove it.
Ilja and Baron are sitting at a table in the ring, Ilja loses it and talks down to Baron about bringing his personal life into the feud. Barons rebuttal stings as he talks about leaving his son behind and talking about what Ilja’s father did to him. Ilja is as angry as Milhouse in the Simpsons when he feels like he’s going to explode from the Shelbyville kid saying the word Radical as well. Ilja calls Baron a materialistic son of a bitch. NXT is clearly better than any other company, the booking is tight, the feuds are personal, they have some areas to improve in but they can’t be touched. Ilja’s facial expressions are tremendous. Baron tries to bait Ilja in as he turned his back. He got in his head. Ilja then grabs Baron and hugs him and sends a stern warning about the only person who can destroy the dragon, is the dragon himself. Baron looks on intimidated and now great, the men’s Iron Survivor Challenge guys come out brawling. The Women should too! Come on.. come on. Somebody is going through the table, and Trick is put through the table by Bron Breakker. Wild end to the show!
Final Thoughts:
This may have very well been the best Episode of NXT I have ever seen. They were on point with everything, we had so many flavours on the show, so many palette cleansers, everything seemed fresh, quick, snappy, there’s so much going on and this is what makes Pro Wrestling the Male Soap Opera it’s supposed to be!