Impact Wrestling Results and Reviews for October 12 (2023)

Before The Impact

Singles Match

Alan Angels vs. Laredo Kid

Cold match on the pre-show, nothing to it, Angels is coming off a loss for the X Division title from Chris Sabin. Laredo has been popping in and out of Impact a lot in the last year but never for a prolonged amount of time. These two have never gone one on one before. 

The Match:

Just what you’d expect for the hot opener with 2 high flyers. I went in thinking Angels better win it though! If he keeps working on the character stuff, I don’t see why Angels won’t be X Division champ within a year. He should try cut a live promo every week before his matches, like Jericho in WCW. It helps! Surprised they announced the conclusion of the Kazarian/Edwards feud tonight, considering Bound For Glory is 2 weeks away, surely they do a Monsters Ball there? Laredo took a bit of the last part of this match, Angels got back into it with a Halo Strike for a near fall. That would have been a good finish. Laredo reverses the Angels Wings into a near fall, and set Angels on the top. Angels gouged the eyes and nailed the Angels Wings for the win.

The Aftermath:

What did KENTA do to claim #1 contendership? Just curious, it’s no big deal. As far as where these two go, Angels stays close to contendership and Laredo continues to potter around in Impact.

Winner: Alan Angels in 8:33. 

Impact Wrestling

October 12th, 2023

Graceland Live

Memphis, Tennessee

Impact World Tag Team Title Match

The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) (c) vs. Rich Swann & Sami Callihan


Rich and Sami kind of formed this Tag Team a few weeks ago and have been seeking a title shot since then along with the mix of the Good Hands and The ABC. They get their shot at the Rascalz tonight. 

The Match:

There’s no way the title’s would have changed hands here. This seems the way for what they do with people who are primarily singles wrestlers and are lost in the shuffle for a period of time, ala Moose and Myers, Purrazzo and Chelsea Green. Have Sub Culture left Impact already? This match was kind of hard to get into, it was nothing against both teams but damn, as I have said a few times, Impact Wrestling is a good product, it’s tidy, it’s not too hard to digest, but they are VERY safe with their ideas. Rich Swann got a hot tag and did a bunch of high flying and dives to the outside that didn’t make sense to the style of match it was, totally forced. Sorry, Rich, maybe you’ll be happier in AEW mate. Zachary blatantly threw Swann to the outside to dive on him, so, that was when they completely lost me. I skipped it to the finish because I don’t need my intelligence insulted. The match neared 20 minutes in length apparently, the Rascalz hit a few low blows and hit the assisted Standing Shooting Star Press to retain. 


The Rascalz will take on the ABC for the titles at Bound For Glory, and Sami/Rich will stay in limbo. I heard Sami is leaving Impact soon anyway!

Kenny King is backstage with Sheldon jean and they’re having a conversation. Kenny gets all upset over Heaths recent interferences and I am sure this leads to a match at BFG.

Kilynn King Interview with Gia Miller

Kilynn talks about last week and losing the 5 vs 5 match, and blames Jody Threat for her misfortune, then mentions Jody was the one to take her Tag Team Partner Taylor Wilde out with a tire iron. Director of Authority Santino Marella shows up and questions it, and just like that, Kilynn King admits it was her and thats why the Coven are no longer together. Well, that was a short run! 

Call Your Shot Entry Five Way Match

Eric Young vs. Dirty Dango (w/Alpha Bravo) vs. Champagne Singh vs. Jordynne Grace vs. Jake Something


These 5 won the 10 Man Tag Team Match last week, where whoever wins this 5 way, gets entry #20 for the Call Your Shot Gauntlet at Bound for Glory. Whoever gets pinned has to enter at #1.

The Match:

I bet you Raj is #1 in the Gauntlet. This was typically what you would expect, people on the outside of the ring waiting for their spots, etc. Sorry if I sound negative, but after weeks of watching all this programming there are things that happen quite often that I notice and it’s not for me, brother. This is all becoming a little bit of a typical situation, I am not into this again. Raj Singh really got his useless chicken shit character over in this, his character is almost like ‘how is this guy still under contract’ but keeps in there by the skin of his teeth. Eric nailed Alpha Bravo and that popped me. Here comes Vladimir Kozlov, I am popping big time for that! Nobody in the building cared but I do. Dango wins which is excellent.


Dirty Dango gets the #30 spot and Jake Something has to dig deep at Bound For Glory with the #1 spot. What a nice surprise! Oleg Prudius aka Vladimir Kozlov is back, what a surprise.

Crazzy Steve Promo

He’s got some depth to his character, it’s interesting. But – if we want learn about him on a deeper level in the next 6-9 months this will be a waste.

Mike Bailey Interview with Gia Miller

I think I am ruined as a fan. Because I find nothing interesting about this story.

Singles Match

Courtney Rush (w/Jessicka) vs. Tasha Steelz (w/Deonna Purrazzo)


This is a massive battle for the Knockouts Tag Team division rankings. 

The Match:

Tasha will win this. the Deathdollz have been at this for so long, perhaps its time to split them. They split every other time quick as a dick! Impact is a nice, cohesive show. It just needs to think outside the box. Courtney took control early, but I expect with Deonna’s influence at ringside, Tasha will win to help them with their title shot at BFG. It’s too obvious because they’re looking for big matches for the big show. Rush went for a tag and it’s not a tag match, which was interesting! Steelez beat Rush with a cutter.

Deonna and Steelz are going for the belts at BFG.

Bully Ray Backstage with Steve Maclin

Bully confirms Maclin called him soft twice last week.

Killer Impact Best Two Out Of Three Falls Match

Frankie Kazarian vs. Eddie Edwards (w/Alisha Edwards)


This feud has been raging on for a long, long time, and I find it hard to believe it ends 2 weeks before Bound for Glory. 

The Match:

This was going to be nuts I could tell. People whinged about Frankie leaving AEW, for what? He was doing nothing there. For this feud to go so long though and not go to BFG is insane to me. Eddie had the heat early, this match is going to go for a while I think. Eddie hit the Boston Knee Party for the easy first pin! Second fall is Submission only. Eddie continued the heat going into the 2nd fall. 6 months this feud lasted, Frankie wouldn’t have got that in AEW! Frankie has been chopped so much his chest is bleeding. Great selling from Frankie! Frankie fired back as best he could, with blood pouring from his chest. Chicken wing from Frankie and Eddie tapped immediately! The final fall is Last Man Standing. Imagine it ended in them deciding to team together as Alisha and Traci were against it. Loving Frankie losing it with the Trash Can on Eddie till it was mush! You felt the hatred between them both. Kaz getting hiptossed onto the stairs was rough. Unprettier onto the stairs was nuts from Kaz. Kaz set Eddie on a table, climbed to the top rope, kendo stick to his back, and more suspense continued. Superplex on chairs from Eddie followed. Styles clash on the stage by Kaz! He put Alisha through a table! 

Fade to Black through a table off the ring apron! They gotta answer the 10 count. Kaz got up! It’s over!


Surely there’s one more battle in them but it not this was the right way to end it and they made it mean something.

Overall thoughts:

This show was about Frankie and Eddie, everything else in comparison meant nothing. I really enjoyed this and can’t wait for Bound for Glory!

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Karlifornia is a Freelance Journalist for RealProWrestling.Com and TheRockpit.Net and Host on the Insiders Edge Podcast through his YouTube channel, the WZWA Network. He has been a die hard Pro Wrestling fan since 1998, and his favorite time period in wrestling is the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars.

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