Don Kolov Arena
Mississauga, Ontario Canada
Countdown to Resolution:
Singles Match
PCO vs. Jessie V
PCO is about to destroy somebody. The fact he’s re-signed and he’s not in an angle makes no sense.
The Match:
PCO clearly dominated early but there no way he’s losing this. Jessie V with a nice splash on PCO but PCO won’t be phased by that. He wasn’t Jessie did a great job making PCO look good! PCO-sault for the win!
A nice easy win for PCO, and he has continued momentum.
Winner: PCO in 5:25.
Jake Something cuts a stock standard promo about Imapct being gone after tonight. Jason Hotch hits him with a chair a few times to build heat for their match later.
Singles Match
Aiden Prince vs. Jack Price
I have no idea who either of these guys are! But let’s see what they can offer here in this cold match on the Countdown.
The Match:
Guess what? They go back and forth to start. Price took charge early after this and Prince was bumping wildly for him. Prince made the comeback and was impressive, so now Price is making HIM look good. Jack Price hit the Pressure Check to win the match.
Jack Price got his first win in Impact here over Aiden Prince and it was emphatic.
Winner: Jack Price in 6:31.
Trinity and Jordynne Grace Interview with Gia Miller
It was standard, Jordynne brags about winning it twice as many times as Trinity. Somethings not clicking with me and Trinity lately.
Singles Match
Frankie Kazarian vs. Sheldon Jean
This is Sheldon’s first match out on his own without Kenny King, as Kenny has left Impact Wrestling. Frankie has just finished up a very personal and drawn out feud with Eddie Edwards, so I fully expect a victory for Frankie here.
The Match:
You know what, Frankie’s theme song is dope. I’m still waiting for the day where I say Frankie Kazarian has lost a step but I don’t think that day is coming anytime soon! Frankie went for his pattented springboard leg drop and hit hard on the outside and his selling felt real. Frankie locks in the Chicken Wing out of no-where and got the submission win!
Frankie Kazarian gets the win and he continues his momentum going into the new TNA era.
Winner: Frankie Kazarian in 6:23.
Impact Final Resolution

Impact World Tag Team Title Match
ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (c) vs. Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards (w/Alisha Edwards)
Well, they haven’t had any TV for the last few weeks that has furthered any kind of storylines, so this Tag Title Match as far as I’m concerned, doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, considering Eddie and Brian aren’t a Tag Team. Could we not bring Sub Culture in for a title rematch that makes sense?
The Match:
When TNA comes back, I am begging the company, to please beef up the Tag Team Division and get some big dudes in this division. It has been the X Division Tag Titles all year, and The ABC have mostly run that division and it feels like they haven’t had many formiddable opponents. Nothing against the Rascalz, or Sub Culture, who also had title reigns this year, The Motor City Machine Guns – but I want to see a team like Butcher and The Blade come in, a team that’s lost in the shuffle in AEW, or just a few more established big man teams.
The ABC dominated early. Eddie and Brian managed to cut Chris Bey off and the heat began. Alisha Edwards was doing a great job at ringside mouthing off. The way she choked Bey on the ropes and slapped him was excellent. Despite what I said before, Brian and Eddie are working pretty good together. This was a pretty good back and forth match! I don’t know why but I felt like Myers and Edwards were going to win this as it was going along. The ABC do retain though with the 1, 2 Sweet. After the match The Rascalz attacked The ABC!
The ABC enter the new TNA era as Tag Team Champions,
Winner/s: STILL Impact Wrestling World Tag Team Champions, The ABC in 11:36.
There’s a promo backstage with Josh Alexander, and Zack Sabre Jr. They talk about the Main Event against the Motor City Machine Guns, and I tell you, Zack’s English accent was popping me.
Singles Match
Alisha Edwards vs. Jody Threat
Alisha came out to the ring to rag on the crowd, and she gets a LOT of heat because she’s a hot bogan and she comes across super annoying. Great stuff. Santino Marella interrupted with his sick theme song, and he gives Alisha a match with Jody Threat!
The Match:
I am assuming Jody will be winning this one, but you know, it would suck for the heels to go 0-2 on this show, and it would be great heat if Alisha managed to win. Jody dominated the early goings, I think she’s in dire need of some kind of storyline where we get to know who Jody Threat is. Eddie and Brian Myers got ejected, and Jody dove onto them on the outside because they refused to leave and it was excellent. At least they did a pre-match angle to make this match feel less like a cold match. Alisha’s voice is tremendous, she sounds like such a cow! Jody closed in and hit the Pop Shove-it for the win!
Jody gets some needed momentum on a PPV match, and Alisha goes back to the drawing board!
Winner: Jody Threat in 7:44.
Impact Digital Media Title Match
Tommy Dreamer (c) vs. Deaner
This is Tommy Dreamer’s 2nd Digital Media Title Defence. Deaner gets a title shot and I am not sure how he qualified for one but that’s okay, I’m nitpicking. Crazzy Steve is still waiting in the wings during this feud with Tommy I believe.
The Match:
Deaner took control early and Tommy sold. I still think Tommy needs to shave a few pounds, that belly is getting a bit too big. Fun spot with Deaner eating boot as he came off the ropes and he took forever to fall down. Dreamer fought back and did his usual Dusty Rhodes impression with the Bionic Elbow, but Deaner kept on him. I would feel bad for Deaner losing once again, but I think that’s going to happen. Deaner grabbed the title belt, and went to use it, but the referee stopped him, he tied it onto the turnbuckle behind her back but ended up copping a slingshot into it! Dreamer hit’s the Dreamer DDT and he retained.
Tommy continues on with his title reign, and this was a pretty decent outing for them both, it was entertaining.
Winner: STILL Impact Wrestling Digital Media Champion, Tommy Dreamer in 11:38.
The Rascalz cut a promo about what they just did, and Santino shows up and makes the Trey Miguel/Mike Bailey Match a Tag Team Match, and the match is happening… now!
Singles Match
Mike Bailey & Trent Seven vs. The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz)
I just told you what the background was literally 2 seconds ago. The Rascalz are looking for another Impact Wrestling World Tag Team Title shot and a win here would be important for them. Mike Bailey had a mystery partner, and it’s a guy called Trent Seven.
I feel bad, because I do not know who he is, and the commentators were losing it over it. I don’t want to be negative but, if they want to draw in casual fans, they need to give a lot more context than expecting the viewer to be well versed in English Wrestling. It’s not a bad thing, but man, it would help to get some context. Having somebody like Juventud Guerrera surprise everybody is one thing, but this, I am not sure about.
The Match:
The fans chant ‘Speedball Mountain’, as the match begins. I feel bad I don’t know who this bloke is, because clearly the fans are stoked about it. I have been a wrestling fan for 25 years, and I’m still learning. The Rascalz had the usual heat, I don’t know what to say, I really felt uninterested in this, but I implore you I will try.
Wentz was full of shenanigans in this one. Trent faked a chop which Trey ducked for and it was all a set up to DDT him. Hearing the fans chant TNA makes me really hope they end up okay. Tom Hannifan went to sing Kung Fu Fighting and Matt Rehwolft cut him off and it was amazing. They gave this match a lot of time, Trent was impressive I must say.
A spin kick into a Dragon Suplex was wild from Speedball Mountain. This ended up being a very good match despite my poor attitude! The ABC came out to confront The Rascalz, and they turned around into an Asai Moonsault from Speedball. Burning Hammer into an Ultimo Weapon and Bailey/Trent win!
The plot thickens with The Rascalz and The ABC and Bailey/Trent Seven get a solid win, hopefully Trent sticks around.
Winner/s: Mike Bailey & Trent Seven in 15:13.
Scott D’Amore came out after the match. He’s totally going to offer Trent a contract thats sticking out of his back pocket. I really hope that TNA become apart of TKO and Endeavour and they become the new #2 Pro Wrestling Company in the world. I have no agenda, but AEW have really disappointed me over the last few years and they deserve to be challenged themselves. Scott offers Trent a new contract and now I have done some googling, he used to be in NXT UK and has wrestled in AEW. Good stuff. This is on me for not knowing him.
The Motor City Machine Guns are seem backstage talking about their match in the main event against Josh Alexander and Zack Sabre Jr.
Singles Match
Jake Something vs. Jason Hotch
This has no background other than Jason Hotch hitting Jake Something in the back with a chair during the Countdown. Jason claims Jake won’t be able to perform tonight, and has something to get off his chest, but then Jake Something made his entrance and Hotch is up Shit Creek with a Turd for a paddle.
The Match:
Hotch jumped Jake as he got in the ring, and Hotch is going to likely cop it here. Hotch is fairly decent himself, but Jake is definitely going over here. I’m getting a bit impatient for this show to end, it’s not Impact Wrestlings fault, but it takes me so long to watch these PPV’s sometimes, I start to get burned out. Jason Hotch went for a pin and got a 1 and said to the ref “What do you mean one?” Jake was selling the back which stopped him from putting Hotch away earlier than he hoped. Jake hits Into The Void and we get another predictable win.
Not an absolute bloody clue for either of them. It feels like they stopped trying before the new TNA era was to begin.
Winner: Jake Something in 6:51.
Singles Match
Rhino vs. Moose
Moose cracked it at Rhino a few episodes of Impact ago and it’s lead to this. The build up to this was very, very weak. I am sure the match will be good though!
The Match:
Stale mate begins the proceedings of this bout between Moose and Rhino. Tom Hannifan mentioned Jeff Jarrett, how good would it be to have him start a Hostile Takeover of TNA? Moose got DQ’d super early for a low blow, and i bet this becomes a Street Fight. Yep, Rhink requested a Street Fight. Moose says no.
Dave Penzer announces he got word from Santino, this match happens now. Moose says he doesn’t care and Penzer has further word if Moose won’t do it, he loses his World Title Match at Hard To Kill. So, IT’S ON! Rhino suplex’s Moose on the entrance ramp. Moose attacks Rhino’s right hand, and then belted him with a chair! Rhino powerbombed Moose through a table! For a 2 count.
Moose got hiptossed onto a ladder in the corner and it was SICK how the ladder bent, then bent back straight. This was the palette cleanser this show needed. Rhino hit a gore when the referee was down, and a new referee got in the ring and it was a close 2 count. The 2nd referee got GORED through a table! Moose Spears Rhino and the first referee counted 3.
Moose goes into Hard To Kill with momentum as he challenges Alex Shelley for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.
Winner: Rhino in 1:57 by DQ, then Moose in 7:51.
Frankie Kazarian calls AEW Tony’s Vanity Project, and that was telling, Happy to see he wasn’t asked to sign an NDA. 2024 will apparently be the year of Frankie Kazarian.
Tag Team Match
Jordynne Grace & Trinity vs. Deonna Purrazzo & Gisele Shaw
Jordynne and Trinity are going to battle soon for the Knockouts World Title. This is Deonna Purrazzo’s last match for the company. Giselle is soon going to be a Knockouts World Champion I can tell you right now.
The Match:
I am really sorry to say this but Trinity has been one of the most bland performers on the roster since she came back. She needs a fresh coat of paint and a good heel to challenge her. Jordynne is kind of a Tweener in a way, but I want to see a real storyline with her where I see different sides of her. Her promos are not inspiring, she’s stuck in a habit with her in ring stuff and it’s not innovative like it should be, I am a little over her I guess you can say! I always thought she was money but WWE didn’t know what to do with her character, her promos and ring work since being in Impact haven’t blown me away. I wonder where Deonna will go from here. Maybe MLW needs a shot in the arm for their Women’s Division? The match is good from the outset. Giselle really has improved with her aggression. Trinity gets a hot tag and does her usual shtick, which I am really over. At this stage she’s like Jericho when he returned as Y2J and had the Jon Bon Jovi hair. Trinity hit a sick enziguri and Jordynne charged in. They had a shmick finish planned and they did this double pin on Deonna and it looked like shit. Again, something with Trin isn’t clicking.
They’re going to battle at TNA Hard to Kill and to be honest I don’t want either of them to win. I am bored by both of their characters. After the match Deonna and Gisele argue in the ring and go to shake hands and they do so, but then Gisele lays Deonna out.
Winner/s: Jordynne Grace & Trinity in 11:01.
Moose Interview with Gia Miller
Moose has finally got it through to my brain, this is actually the final Impact Wrestling show, so I bet the next few weeks of Impact are going to be clip shows. Moose is confident he will be the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion at Hard To Kill on January 13th.
Tag Team Match
Josh Alexander & Zack Sabre Jr. vs. The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin)
Literally nothing other than the fact Josh Alexander unsuccessfully challenged Alex Shelley for the Impact Wrestling World Heavyweight Title at Bound For Glory.
The Match:
The Motor City Machine Guns truly are on top of Impact Wrestling now. Zack Sabre Jr. is very good but, I think I am waiting to see a different side of him. It’s all well and good that he’s this amazing technical wrestler but how about a storyline where he has to try and show different sides of himself? Or is it only about the moves? I’d be uninspired. People blew their load over him Vs Danielson and I thought it was boring and it didn’t kick into another gear at all.
Josh should pin Alex here and make TNA Hard to Kill with Moose a Triple Threat. There’s a long heat and good back and forth with Zack being involved too. Where is Eric Young on this show? Okada is announced to be in a fucking 6 Man Tag at Snake Eyes. For the love of god dude. I am sorry, I know the fans were enjoying this match but it did not spark my interest unless I get an angle. Plenty happened after this as they were given heaps of time, lots of suspense, Josh Alexander pinned Chris Sabin with the C-4 Spike and I don’t know what does to move us forward.
Josh and Zack win, it is what it is, it was a triumphant end to what we knew as Impact Wrestling.
Winner/s: Josh Alexander & Zack Sabre Jr. in 28:08.
Final Thoughts:
I wanted more from this. I wanted Impact to really make a stand here to show what was to come. What we mostly got were matches with a lack of build. I hope Hard To Kill blows my mind.