AEW Dynamite Results & Review December 6 (2023)

6/12/23 Bell Centre, Montreal, Canada

Commentary – Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

Continental Classic Tournament Gold League Match

Jon Moxley vs Rush

This match was a hard hitting brawl that made its way into the crowd and around the arena. 

Both men scrapped in and out of the ring delivering hard shots and laying it in. Rush went for his Bulls Horns double finisher but was caught by a hellacious clothesline by Moxley that looked like it nearly too Rush’s head off! 

Moxley hit his double arm DDT and pinned Rush but he managed to kick out, Moxley immediately locked in a modified chokehold which gained Moxley the win, Rush awoke from it and was angry and confused he was tapped out. Moxley with another three points in the Tournement. 

A package was next hyping the history between Jay White and Jay Lethal dating back to early days of ROH, this was a nice touch for those who didn’t know this and made thier match tonight feel a little more important. 

Renee Paquette interviews Roderick Strong and The Kingdom.

Roderick once again warns Samoa Joe about MJF being the Devil but understands he is a big boy. He finally gets rid of his wheelchair and says that it’s been holding him back for too long ditching it off the ramp. 

Roderick has grown on me in recent weeks and I find him very entertaining, he seems to have something to do with this Devil storyline so we will see. 

Renee was about to talk to MJF but ended up having Hangman Page come past and interview him. Hangman says his feud with Swerve Strickland is not over, MJF pops into the scene out of his lockeroom, MJF delivered a funny line about Pages match at Full Gear, he praised it and said he had never seen a match where two guys see who can get more STD’s. 

MJF and Hangman go back and forth jabbing each other, MJF accuses Hangman of being the Devil, they were about to come to blows until Samoa Joe came in a split it up. 

Continental Classic Tournament Gold League Match

Marc Briscoe vs Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana and Brian Cage) 

Strickland had all the momentum going into this match, much like the Moxley/Rush match these guys brawled on the inside and out. Swerve hit a suplex from the guard rail to the outside floor. 

Briscoe tried to do his double arm hook suplex on the outside apron but was reversed with Swerve hitting a Death Valley Driver on the hard part of the ring apron, Swerve tossed Briscoe back in the ring and hit his Swerve Stomp from the top rope to get the win and the three points with Briscoe now being unable to win the Tournament. 

Rene is backstage with Mariah May and asks her how she went with her meeting with Tony Kahn last week. She said Tony loves her, when Renee asks who her first opponent will be, Mariah says it’s none of her business. Mariah gushes over Tony Storm and her title defence tonight. 

Samoa Joe is in the ring to tag with MJF for their tag match tonight against the mystery devil mask man and his henchman. The lights flicker with some of the henchman around the ringside, The lights go out and when they come back on The mystery devil mask man’s face is on the screen then a camera is backstage with MJF knocked out face down backstage. 

Moxley is backstage saying he expects to win the Tournement, Swerve Strickland interrupts him and says he is willing to do what it takes to win, Moxley say so is he, sarcastically. Swerve blows him a kiss and exits.

AEW Womens Title Match 

Toni Storm vs Sky Blue  

Even though Skye has built up some momentum in recent weeks, Toni Storm seems to be the hot act at the moment in the women’s division and I was expecting her to retain in this one. 

Skye Blue gave her a run for her money and almost won the match with her Code Blue finisher but Storm kicked out. 

Storm nailed her hip attack in the corner which somehow Blue reversed out of the pin into her own pin which Storm reversed back to get the three count and retain her title. 

Japanese wrestler Riho came out to confront Storm and I guess this is her next challenger? She is so tiny and thin I just can’t buy her as a legitimate contender. 

Continental Classic Tournament Gold League Match

Jay Lethal vs Jay White 

Where the hell has Bullet Club Gold Gone? Jay White has been very lonely the last couple of weeks without them. 

Much like the previous match of Marc Briscoe and Swerve Strickland it was obvious that Jay White was winning this one, although competitive it was Jay White that won by getting a sneaky roll up pin to gain 3 points in The Tournement thus eliminating Jay Lethal wining the Tournament. 

I hope that Jay White doesn’t suddenly forget that the devil mystery man and his henchmen beat him up when it’s revealed, I am expecting them to forget this detail as nothing has been mentioned since. 

TNT Title Championship match

Adam Copeland vs Christian Cage (c) 

Copeland punished his former friend, choking him and bouncing his head off the commentary table. 

These guys put on a classic wrestling match that even got these hardcore AEW fans chanting “This is Awesome”

Copeland went for a spear, the camera angle didn’t seem to capture what happened but the referee got clipped and was bent over in pain, Christian took advantage of this and kicked the referee in the balls from behind knocking him down, he went and grabbed his TNT title to hit Copeland with it. 

A Swing and a miss as Christian and Copeland bounced off the rope and speared each other  leaving the TNT Title laying there, Nick Wayne’s mom Shayna came down the ramp and grabbed the belt and hit Copeland with it after teasing to hit Christian, this allowed Christian to put Copelands head on the belt and kick his neck, then delivering the Killswitch to pin Copeland and retain the TNT title. 

Kev’s thoughts:

Much like Collision, this edition of Dynamite with The Tournament going on did a better job of incorporating other feuds and story’s into the show compared to last week’s show which was poor. 

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Kev Curran

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