Chartway Arena, Norfolk Virginia
Commentary – Nigel Mcguiness, Kevin Kelly, Tony Schiavone.

Adam Copeland comes out with a microphone in hand, it’s another one of his open challenges where he wrestles a younger wrestler.
Honestly what a waste of time and a waste of Adam Copeland’s talent he can bring to the show, possibly Adam himself is the one that came up with this but that doesn’t make it a good idea.
Singles Match
Adam Copeland vs Lee Moriarty (with Shane Taylor)
Shane Taylor comes out with Lee Moriarty hyping him, showing a package of what he can do, funny thing is he never appears on AEW programming and neither does Shane Taylor.
Moriarty hypes himself as the best technical wrestler in the world. Copeland responds with saying he is going to beat the hell out of him.
This match went exactly how I expected, Lee Moriarty made a good showing of himself but ultimately lost, this time via the Crossface from Adam Copeland.
Winner – Adam Copeland
After the match Copeland reminded everyone he hadn’t forgotten about Christian Cage and he is coming for his scrawny ass!
Backstage Lexi is with FTR and Daniel Garcia, they say they are coming for House of Black tonight after last weeks match where they won but after the match they got left laying so tonight is about revenge.
After the break Lexi is with Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara and they basically say what pretty much every promo is in AEW “We are going to beat you to tonight” in regards to their match at Battle of The Belts with Big Bill and Ricky Starks.
ROH Trios Championship Match
Lance Archer and The Righteous (with Jake Robert’s) vs Mogul Embassy (Gates of Agony – Bishop Khan, Toa Liona and Brian Cage) (with Prince Nana)
I completely forgot that the Mogul Embassay even had these titles, that’s how little they have been on the show and how little these titles have been presented as important.
This match stemmed from Lance Archer tagging with Brian Cage on Dynamite in a multi man tag where Cage wouldn’t tag Archer.
The Righteous have been dead in the water since getting embarrassingly beat by MJF a few months ago in a handicap match.
This match ended up with all 6 men getting in the ring which spilled to the outside. Lance Archer was made to look strong in this match which I liked, he is a big unit and should be a threat.
I really liked Dutch in this match, he reminds me of the Big Boss Man and does a few of the same moves.
The crowd popped when Prince Nana interfered and Jake Robert’s punched Nana on the outside.
All 6 men brawled all over the ring until it came down to Bishop Kahn and Vincent with Kahn winning the match with his version of the pedigree to retain the titles.
Winner – Gates of Agony and Brian Cage
After the match Prince Nana grabbed the microphone and bragged Mogul Embassay are the greatest ROH trios champions of all time. He called out The Bang Bang Gang and challenged them to step up to the plate for a match on Dynamite against The Mogul Embassay.
Backstage Preston Vance is being interviewed by Lexi, he has an International title match against Orange Cassidy coming up. Roderick Strong, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett interrupt with Roderick wishing Vance luck. Vance takes exception to this, he said after he becomes champion next week he will kick Roderick Strongs ass.
Singles Match
Dustin Rhodes vs Willie Mack
A match with no story or reason, both men start with a handshake and keep it friendly.
Willie Mack hasn’t had much TV time at all in the last few months.
Willie Mack went for a frog splash on Dustin Rhodes with Rhodes rolling out the way, it wouldn’t have mattered if he just lay there as Willie Mack overshot the splash landing almost in the middle of the ring.
Dustin followed that up with a Destroyer and the best snap slam in the business. Dustin hit a Cross Rhodes and then his twisting Suplex finisher to win the match.
Winner – Dustin Rhodes
Backstage The Bang Bang Gang are making fun of The Mogul Embassy and accept their challenge from earlier for a shot at The ROH Trios Championships on Dynamite.
Hook is seen coming to the arena.
Backstage Renee is talking with Dustin Rhodes after his victory and is interupted by Christian Cage with Killswitch (formerly Luchasaurus) and Nick and Shayna Wayne.
Finally we get something from a backstage segment. Christian starts by saying any friend of Adam Copeland is an enemy of his.
Dustin gets in Christian’s face and tells him he is a 35 year veteran and that he wants the TNT title and challenges Christian to match for the title on Dynamite where he says he will take that title.
Christian responds by saying that sounds like a beautiful dream and that it would be a bigger dream if Dustin’s father Dusty Rhodes was alive to see it, this gets Dustin mad as a hornet.
Christian said he has heard people say Dusty was a legend but never heard anyone use the word legend to describe Dustin.
Dustin said a storm is coming and he is going to tap dance all over Christian’s ass.
Finally a segment with something to it.
Singles Match
Adam “Hangman” Page vs JD Drake (with Anthony Henry)
A get over match for Hangman Page which really isn’t necessary as we know he is going to win this one and let’s face it JD Drake isn’t much of a scalp to claim.
JD Drake does a cool move on the outside where he throws Page again the ropes and forearms him to the face. It’s basic but looks very cool and unique.
This match went a lot longer than it needed to. I’m actually really impressed with JD Drake with the way he moves for a bigger guy, his moonsalt was crisp even though he missed it, Hangman delivered the Buckshot Lariat for the victory.
Winner – Adam “Hangman” Page
Singles Match
Deonna Purrazzo vs Red Velvet
Deonna Purrazzo in her debut match in AEW, it’s very predictable that she isn’t going to lose especially against Red Velvet who is barely on the show and when she is never seems to win a match.
I have to say Deonna has an odd shape and build, I don’t think her ring attire suites her build at all and she seems to always pull her tights up to cover her stomach signalling she isn’t comfortable.
Hard fought contest this one with Purrazzo winning via submission for her debut.
Winner – Deonna Purrazzo
Singles Match
Hook vs Kevin Matthews
A couple of suplexes, one on the outside, Red Rum choke hold and that was all she wrote.
Winner – Hook
Hook doing all this to a guy that is much bigger than him looks really unrealistic in my opinion, he faces Samoa Joe on Dynamite for The World Title on Dynamite.
Six Man Tag Team Match
House Of Black – Malakai Black, Brody King and Buddy Matthews vs Daniel Garcia and FTR
Matt Menard joins the commentary team.
FTR controlled the match early on double teaming Buddy Matthews, getting Garcia in there to get a piece which resulted in him dropping the ball and allowing Malakai Black in the match.
Garcia imitated Black by sitting on the ground which got under Black’s skin, in return Black teased he was going to do Garcia’s stupid dance but instead flipped Garcia the bird.
All six men brawled in the ring with House of Black getting thrown to the outside. FTR and Garcia imitated House of Black again by sitting on the apron with FTR and Garcia flipping House of Black the bird.
House of Black got in control of this match making fast tags in and out dishing out punishment to Dax Harwood.
Finally Dax made the hot tag to Garcia who came in firing, laying in shots to all members of House of Black.
All six men laid it in hard until all men were on the mat and on the outside floor. The action remained like this for the remainder of the match until Buddy Matthews hit a curb stomp on Dax Harwood to get the victory.
Winner – House of Black
After the match House of Black attacked Matt Menard throwing him in the ring, he was saved by Garcia and FTR who starting swinging some chairs at House of Black, with Malakai and Matthews retreating. FTR and Garcia triple teamed King as the show went off the air.
Kevs Thoughts – Collision in my opinion used to be the best show of the three but I have felt it has gotten stale really quick.
Predictable matches and no main story or thread throughout the show is always going to make the show seem flat and one dimensional. This show badly needs some character development and to change it up from the stale formula of match, backstage interview and repeat.