AEW Collision Results & Reviews March 09 (2024)

Gas South Arena, Atlanta GA

Commentary – Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuiness 

Singles Match

Bryan Danielson vs Shane Taylor

Collision is really starting off like this? At this point how can we even believe Shane Taylor can beat anyone let alone Bryan Danielson whose next feud likely to be Will Ospreay. This does nothing for either man. 

In the last couple of weeks Taylor has been choked out by Danielson’s Blackpool Combat Club mates Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli. Taylor hasn’t been presented as a threat no matter how hard the commentary team try to put him over with his boxing background. 

The difference in this match was Taylor got most of the offense so Danielson had to claw and fight his way back and picked up the win by pin-fall after nailing him with the running knees. 

Winner – Bryan Danielson 

I’m getting confused with Danielson, it seems like one week he is a heel the next he is a face. He just seems to just float in and out depending on the opponent he is facing at the time. 

Will Ospreay came out and congratulated Danielson on a great match and praised him and thanked him for everything he has done in the wrestling business and that he inspired him. 

He said Danielson interrupted him on Dynamite in his main event and was wondering if he had anything to ask him? 

Danielson ended up challenging Ospreay to a match at the next PPV Dynasty after Ospreay has been saying he is the best wrestler in the world for sometime, now that he is AEW, Danielson wants him to prove it against him. Ospreay accepts as the two shake hands and keep it friendly. 

Six Man Tag Match

The Young Bucks and Kazuchika Okada vs Jon Cruz, Liam Gray and Adrian Alanis 

I can’t believe AEW in particular Tony Kahn has bought the biggest star from NJPW in Okada and is just blowing his official debut in a non advertised enhancement match right off the bat, a really strange decision. 

It was no surprise that Okada wins the match for his team with his massive lariat. 

I really did not see the point of this contest, I would have thought you would want Okada presented as if he is special but this seems the furtherest thing from it.

Winner – Young Bucks and Okada 

After the match, Eddie Kingston came in the ring to get some revenge for what Okada did to him on Dynamite but The Bucks jumped him before he could get close, For some unknown reason, Penta El Zero Meido came out as well to get a piece of the Bucks with no interaction between them recently. 

Okada and The Bucks took care of Kingston and Penta until the returning PAC came down the ramp, cleaned house and attacked Okada with the Bucks pulling Okada out of the ring to retreat. 

PAC said “The Bastard is Back” 

Kingston makes the challenge for Big Business for a 6 man tag. 

Now we know why Penta came out, it was just to fill the spot in this match. I think a detail of why Penta did what he did has been left out, it’s all in the details. 

Singles Match

Mariah May vs Trish Adora 

Mariah May came out cosplaying retro Toni Storm again. 

Obviously Trish Adora is enhancement talent for Mariah May to get another win. 

Mariah picks up the win with her finisher called “Mayday” as she keeps her undefeated streak going although so far not really facing any one of value. 

Winner – Mariah May 

Toni Storm comes out in Black and White to announce her first ever “Toni” award. She cues a drumroll and announces the result. 

She gives the award to Mariah May for her performance of Toni Storm. 

Dionna Purrazzo crashes the party and attacks Toni Storm, Mariah May comes up the ramp and takes out Purrazzo with Storm putting her foot on Purrazzo’s chest. It’s looks like this feud between Purrazzo and Storm will continue to the next PPV. 

Singles Match

Nick Wayne vs Adam Priest 

Another enhancement match? There doesn’t seem to be any effort put into keeping the audience for Collision tonight. 

I’m starting to think two different people or different teams write both shows because they are becoming different with Collision getting worse and Dynamite getting slightly better  

Christian, Shayna and Killswitch come down to the ring side to observe. 

Nick Wayne did his best performance tonight to impress his “Father” Christian Cage. 

Nick made him proud by hitting his finisher “Wayne’s World” to knock off Priest. 

The camera man pretty much missed this next bit, with a masked fan at ringside holding up “Christian Skips Leg Day” 

(I had to use slow motion to read the sign as in real time you miss it) 

Christian grabbed the sign off the fan. The fan grabs Christian and pulls him into the crowd and beats him around a bit. The fan then pulls off his mask and it’s Adam Copeland.

Copeland goes in the ring and holds the TNT title up and has a box with something in it that freaks Christian out with him retreating.

We don’t get to see what’s in this box as the crowd starts chanting “What’s in The Box” 

Copeland reminds Christian that in Toronto in two weeks it’s Cope and Cage 3 in a “I Quit Match” 

Lexi is backstage with Jay Lethal, Marc Briscoe and Jeff Jarrett and the rest of the Jarrett crew ahead of their match with House of Black tonight.

They talk of who can trust who with Jarrett saying he will doing anything to win the street fight tonight. That’s good enough for Marc Briscoe as he gets fired up. 

Singles Match

“Lionheart” Chris Jericho vs Titan 

Chris Jericho just seems to be in limbo in AEW at the moment, his feud with The Don Callis Family seems to have fizzled out and now here he is fighting another random CMLL wrestler. Tonight it was Titan. 

Jericho was dressed like the vintage Chris Jericho who wrestled in Mexico. 

Once again with this contest and the previous few, we know who is going over and the crowd seemed very flat for this contest as a result of this predictability. 

This went a while for no good reason with Chris Jericho locking in the Walls of Jericho or The Lion tamer for the submission victory.

Winner – Chris Jericho

After the match The Gates of Agony attacked Chris Jericho in response to him helping Hook against them on Dynamite. 

Hook returns the favor and comes down the ramp with a kendo stick and belts The Gates of Agony off Jericho and down the ramp. 

I really feel now is the time for Jericho to exit AEW, I’m sure he is getting paid well but creatively he hasn’t had anything meaningful for what feels like ages, one last WWE run seems like a good career move right now.

Tony Schiavone brings out FTR to the ring, they say they come up short at Revolution and the chalked it up to it just being life, sometimes your down. 

FTR will be in the tag team tournament, Dax said he isn’t a liar and isn’t going to say they are going to win the tournament but they will give it everything they have to try to. 

Private Party come out and play nice and wish FTR the best of luck but say they are coming for their spots. 

Singles Match

Mystico vs Angelico

A cold match with no build, Im guessing this is just a get over match for Mystico as Angelica rarely ever appears on AEW programming. 

After a long back and forth match Mystico ended up tapping out Angelico with an armbar with Tony Schiavone noting that he is 4-0 in AEW. 

Angelico gives Mystico the handshake after the bell in a competitive and respectful match. 

Winner – Mystico 

Atlanta Street Fight Trios Match

House of Black – Malakai Black, Brody King and Buddy Matthews vs Marc Briscoe, Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett.

An Action packed contest that was cranked to 10 from the very start with all 6 men going at all over the ring and outside. 

First casualty of the match was Marc Briscoe who was thrown off the top ropes by Brody King to the outside with him missing the table and landing on a bunch of chairs, ouch! 

Back from the break, Buddy Matthews had a table setup and was dousing it in lighter fluid. 

Buddy Matthews and Julia Hart turned thier attention to Sonjay Dutt at the top of the ramp with Buddy covering him in gasoline. 

Julia Heart had a lighter with Sonjay begging for his life. Karen Jarrett came from nowhere for the save and low blowed Matthews with Sonjay Dutt then pushing him off the ramp onto a table. 

Julia Hart then sprayed Karen Jarrett in the eyes taking her out. 

Jeff Jarrett was battling it out inside the ring with a cool spot being where Brody King was strangling Jay Lethal on the ring apron, King turned around and Jarrett smashed the guitar over his head causing King to drop off the apron through a table, the crowd loved this. 

Jarrett turned around and got a spin kick from Malakai Black knocking him down. Julia Hart lit the table on the outside on fire with Black and Matthews powerbombing Briscoe through the table that was engulfed in flames, they then threw Briscoe in the ring and got the pinfall victory. 

Winner – House of Black

Entertaining last match to a very below par Collision. Who ever put this show together should not be allowed to write another, atrocious! 

Collision as a show has been on the decline for a while and tonight for me the show reached a new low point with most of the matches being enhancement matches or really obvious in the outcome. Big improvements are needed to make this show a viable second show


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