Propst Arena AT VBC – Huntsville, AL
Commentary – Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuiness and Kevin Kelly.
Rampage Recap
- Claudio Castagnoli defeated Rudigo
- Lance Archer and The Righteous defeated Luke Langley, Anaya and Vaught
- Riho defeated Trish Adora
- Saraya, Zack Zodiac and Harley Cameron attacked Ruby Soho and Angelo Parker backstage.
- Magnus defeated Matt Sydal

The go home show before The PPV Revolution. Dynamite did a good job building the PPV so let’s see if Collision can do the same or will it continue being the stale show it has become in the last few weeks.
Buddy Matthews came out like he was going to have a match, Marc Briscoe came from nowhere and attacked Matthews, he brawled with Matthews until he had him down and was going to use a spike to get revenge from a few weeks ago.
Brody King and Malakai black came out to aid Matthews, Marc Briscoe did a good job fighting these two off, he grabbed a spike and was going to use it on Malakai Black but was stopped by Matthews with the flying drop kick.
Briscoe and Matthews brawled all the way up the ramp and onto the side area, Briscoe grabbed a controller and pressed it with the fire pyro going off looking like it burnt Matthews eyes.
Briscoe kept pressing the Pyro with flames shooting out of the stage with The House of Black retreating.
Swerve Strickland was next with a promo from after Dynamite, he admitted he let his guard down with Hangman Page, he says he is going to take the AEW championship at Revolution and become the first African American AEW champion.
Three Way Match
Penta El Zero Meido (with Alex Abrahantes) vs Bryan Keith vs Dante Martin
The winner of the match goes into the scramble at Revolution for AEW title shot. Alex Abrahantes must be rubbing off on Penta, I’m starting to find him quite annoying and I feel like I see the same match every time he wrestles.
Bryan Keith looks like the rapper Ice Cube, I’m yet to see him win a singles match so I have no idea how he qualified to be in this match to get into an opportunity at a title.
If your looking for a logical pro wrestling match you aren’t going to get it with these guys, it’s 100 miles per hour, lots of thigh slapping and devastating moves with the opponent popping up like it was nothing.
Two piledrivers on the ring apron in this match, someone is going to get seriously hurt from this one day, it happens weekly.
Dante Martin got the victory in this one and guess who he pinned? poor Bryan Keith.
Winner – Dante Martin
Hangman Page is backstage from Dynamite, talking about fooling Swerve and the people into thinking he was injured.
Page is starting to act like a deranged, desperate man in his quest to risk it all just stop Swerve Strickland from winning the AEW World Title.
Singles Match
Mariah May vs Angelica Risk
An enhancement match to continue Mariah May winning, she finished off Angelica Risk with the Mayday.
Winner – Mariah May
Toni Storm came down the ramp with Mariah May looking excited that she had finally seen her match, Storm blew her off and walked right past her and grabbed the microphone and demanded Dionna Purrazzo to come to the ring.
Nice touch with Purrazzo in color and Storm in black and white in the ring. Storm confesses to loving Purrazzo, but loves that there can only be one and that’s her.
Purrazzo responds by saying she loves her too but says she has her head so far up her own ass. She said it’s going to be hard to wipe her ass with two broken arms.
Storm gets her lipstick and lathers her lips up and kisses Purrazzo on the cheek.
Purrazzo takes exception to this and they start to brawl with Storm retreating with Luther.
Mariah May takes a shot at Purrazzo but ends up taking a devastating piledriver for her troubles with Storm and Purrazzo staring at each other.
Six Man Tag Team
Bang Bang Scissor Gang (Austin Gunn and The Acclaimed) vs Dark Order (John Silver, Evil Uno and Alex Reynolds)
Max Caster fumbled his rap again so we now know this is on purpose.
The Bang Bang Scissor Gang really need something to do as they are just beating teams who aren’t worth much and are just acting silly doing it.
Dark Order rarely ever win so it was no surprise that they were going to lose this one with Max Caster hitting a Mic Drop off the top rope on Alex Reynolds for the win.
Winner – Bang Bang Scissor Gang
Lexi is backstage with Kris Statlander, Stokley Hathaway and Willow Nightingale, Stokley apologies for fumbling on Dynamite costing Statlander her match. They will be facing Skye Blue and Julia Heart on the Zero Hour pre-show before Revolution. Willow says they are going to kick their ass.
Tony Schiavone brings out Wardlow. Wardlow once again cuts a really good promo. Why hasn’t he been talking before?
He insults all three competitors in the AEW Worlds Championship Match and finishes with the same phrase “This is not wrestling anymore, this is war.”
Chris Jericho comes out and brings Wardlow’s attention back to the fact that he has match that he is also involved with and that’s Allstar Scramble at Revolution.
Jericho says he is a 8 time World Champion and that it would be Jericho 8 and Wardlow is zero because he hasn’t won shit.
Jericho states that maybe the fact that no one chants Wardlow anymore is maybe because you’re not good enough.
Wardlow says if you think he isn’t good enough then he can come down to ring and find out, Jericho makes his way to the ring but gets jumped by Hobbs then stares down Wardlow.
Backstage Lexi is with Serena Deeb, she feels she hasn’t had a credible opponent since she has returned, Deeb made a challenge to anyone who is listening who thinks they are the best to step up.
Tag Team Match
Private Party vs Matt Sydal and Christopher Daniels
A cold match with no stakes, Sydal and Daniels are usually on the recieving end of losses, they come close but always come up short. Private Party on the other hand haven’t done a hell of lot since they returned to AEW.
With Private Party, i find they come across like they try too hard to be cool. They have not impressed me so far.
Christopher Daniels had the match won but the referee was distracted to make the pinfall.
Jeff Jarrett and his faction with Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, Satnam Singh and Karen Jarrett were distracting the referee with Jay Lethal hitting Christopher Daniels with his finisher to give the assist to Private Party for the win.
Winner – Private Party
Singles Match
Thunder Rosa vs Cassandra Golden
Another enhancement match for Thunder Rosa which seems to be going on for a bit long now, Thunder Rosa needs an angle or something to do as she is just wrestling enhancement talent and it isn’t doing anything for her.
Thunder Rosa tapped out Casandra Golden with a brand new submission move according to the commentary team.
Winner – Thunder Rosa
Eight Man Tag Team Match
Orange Cassidy, Trent Beretta, Hook and Daniel Garcia vs Christian Cage, Killswitch, Roderick Strong and Brian Cage
Matt Menard joins the commentary team.
I feel Orange Cassidy wrestles on every show without question, he is the most protected wrestler on the AEW roster with him very rarely suffering defeat.
This was a match to group a bunch of guys who are against each other at The Revolution PPV in teams to cover all the bases in one match.
The action came fast and furious with all 8 man getting in the ring, Brian Cage and Daniel Garcia did most of the heavy lifting in this match with Cage delivering an unbelievable suplex form the second rope over the ropes.
Trent Beretta got stuck in the ring, with him being the one to get double and triple teamed with Christians team firmly in control. Beretta finally made the hot tag with Orange Cassidy coming in and cleaning house.
All 8 men were brawling coming in and out of the match with action happening everywhere. It came down to Trent Beretta having a sleeper hold on Killswwitch. Beretta almost had it until Nick Wayne wacked Beretta from the referee’s back with Killswtich clobbering him to pick up the win for his team.
Winner – Christian Cage, Killswitch, Brian Cage and Roderick Strong.
After the match everyone was brawling with each other all over the building as the show went off the air.
Kevs Thoughts – This wasn’t anywhere near as good as Dynamite, there was a lot more enhancement matches and filler on this show. For a go home show before the Revolution PPV, in my opinion if if you were a fan who was on the fence about ordering the PPV this show wouldn’t have done anything to change your mind to a yes.
Rampage Recap
- Claudio Castagnoli defeated Rudigo
- Lance Archer and The Righteous defeated Luke Langley, Anaya and Vaught
- Riho defeated Trish Adora
- Saraya, Zack Zodiac and Harley Cameron attacked Ruby Soho and Angelo Parker backstage.
- Magnus defeated Matt Sydal