Canadian Tire Centre, Ottawa, Canada
Commentary – Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuiness

Singles Match
Bryan Danielson vs Katsuyori Shibata
A match that seems to have just came out of nowhere.
Danielson obviously has some stroke in AEW and looks like he just picks his opponents at will with it being his last year in the wrestling business.
Shibata from New Japan Pro Wrestling was his latest pick to wrestle this week.
This went how I expected, very technical with lots of ground grappling.
What I don’t understand is with the NJPW wrestlers, they come over to the USA and wrestle but the AEW wrestlers like Danielson end up wrestling a NJPW style whereas you would think it would be the other way round with the visitors adapting but that’s not the case.
This style of wrestling is just not my jam, especially when there is no story or reason for this match to happen.
Danielson hit his running knees to Shibata with everyone expecting it to be over but Shibata managed to kick out, Danielson then locked in his crossface submission but Shibata escaped with a rope break.
Some really silly stuff in this match with both men sitting on the ground so they could slap each other.
After a bunch of reversals and submissions Danielson finally rolled up and pinned Shibata in a match that exceeded 20 minutes.
Winner – Bryan Danielson
TBS Womens Championship Match (House of Black Rules)
Julia Hart vs Trish Adora
It says that Trish Adora is a member of “The Infantry” who have a match tonight so I’m assuming they are a faction possibly on ROH?
I have never seen them on AEW programming before and the only time I’ve seen Adora wrestle was on the losing end so I don’t know how she managed to get a title shot.
Either there wasn’t many people in attendance or the crowd wasn’t into this match and I don’t blame them, very predictable and just a match for Hart to gain another win.
Hard fought contest but the outcome was obvious with Hart winning with a pretty flawless moonsalt.
Winner – Julia Hart
Lexi is backstage with Harley Cameron and Zack Knight (Saraya’s brother)
Angelo Parker wants to fight Knight but he refuses to fight him in Canada as he won’t give him home advantage.
Singles Match
Danial Garcia vs Lee Moriarty (with Shane Taylor)
“Daddy Magic” Matt Menard joins the commentary team. Menard seems to be getting commentary time a lot recently, he has a unique voice and this role could be permanent one in his future.
Danial Garcia has been on a bit of hot streak as of late whereas Lee Moriarty doesn’t appear too often but when he does it’s usually on the losing end.
Shane Taylor was out there representing Moriarty but he also falls into the same bracket as Moriarty where he loses pretty much every time too.
Danial Garcia picked up the win after a short but hard fought contest.
Winner – Daniel Garcia
A recap plays of Darby Allin and Jay White’s match from Dynamite with the after math from the contest being that Darby Allin is out of action with a broken foot thanks to Jay White and The Bang Bang Gang smashing it with with a chair.
Singles Match
PAC vs Aaron Solo
Pretty much an enhancement match for the returning PAC although Aaron Solo surprised PAC at the start of this match with Solo diving over to top ropes to the outside on top of PAC.
It wasn’t long until PAC was in complete control finishing Solo off with his Black Arrow from the top rope then submitting Solo out with his Brutalizer.
Winner – PAC
After the match PAC grabbed the mic called out Tony Kahn, he said he wanted trouble but this isn’t what he had in mind referring to his opponent tonight, he asked for Tony Kahn to find him trouble or he will find it himself.
Backstage Bryan Danielson is meditating, he says he is thankful for being able to wrestle again, he sends a message to Will Ospreay that Will doesn’t know what he is willing to do to win their match at the next PPV Dynasty.
Singles Match
Claudio Castagnoli vs Lance Archer
Lance Archer is another big man in AEW that is nowhere near used to his potential, he was paired lately with Jake The Snake Robert’s and The Righteous which seems to be have just stopped before it even started.
Stop start is what comes to mind when I think about Lance Archer.
Claudio Castagnoli on the other hand has had pretty much the same role since I began reviewing AEW with him winning most of his contests.
Heavy Hitting match with two guys that like to lay it in. The problem is that the way Archer has been presented or booked you just don’t really feel that he is going to win, he has no direction or role on the show.
Archer hit a big choke slam on Castagnoli who kicked out at two, he then went for his finisher “The Blackout” which was reversed into a DVD driver from Castagnoli.
Castagnoli went for the Big Swing but low and behold The Righteous came out and attacked Castagnoli with him winning by disqualification.
Winner – Claudio Castagnoli
Bryan Danielson and Katsuyori Shibata both came out to come to the aid of Castagnoli.
This consistency with Lance Archer and The Righteous is a problem stemming from the writing of the show, you don’t see them together in weeks, how can you get anywhere with them doing this.
Backstage Lexi is with Ruby Soho and Angelo Parker.
Angelo is angry after getting jumped by Zack Knight and wants to go looking for Zack after he refused to fight him in his home city. Ruby Soho talks him out of it saying they are just trying to bait him in.
Singles Match
Kyle O’Riley vs Bryan Keith
Here we go again, poor Bryan Keith used as the guy to put talent over, this time it’s the returning Kyle O Riley who mentioned last week that he had his eye on someone and wanted to test himself, that person he said was Bryan Keith.
I found this quite funny as Keith has a pretty atrocious win/loss record so no wonder he wanted to wrestle Keith in his first match back.
Just like all the other encounters Keith is in, the match goes long, Keith takes them to the limit but he ultimately always loses, this time it was an armbar that got Riley the submission victory.
Winner – Kyle O’Riley
After the match The Undisputed Kingdom came out to congratulate Kyle Of Riley, picking him on their shoulders, Its becoming very obvious that they are going to be turning on Riley at some point.
As for Brian Keith, having long matches and taking people to the limit isn’t doing anything for him if he always loses, I don’t recall hearing him cutting a promo either?
Lexi is backstage as it’s revealed that Thunder Rosa will be Dionna Purrazzo’s partner this Wednesday on Dynamite. Purrazzo complained that she should be the AEW Women’s Champion if it wasn’t for Mariah May and Luther. Thunder Rosa chimes in that’s the title she never lost.
Tag Team Wild Card Tournament Match
House of Black (Brody King and Buddy Matthews) with Julia Hart vs The Infantry
First time seeing The Infantry and I have to say I thought it was Private Party when they came out, very similar.
House of Black wasted no time attacking The Infantry and beating them around the outside of the ring. House of Black laid them out, went back in the ring and wanted for them to crawl back in the ring.
The bell finally sounded and House of Black attacked again, completely dominating this match.
After the break The infantry finally got some offense in but it was short lived as Brody King and Buddy Matthews toyed with them.
Brody King hit the Gonzo Bomb and piledrived Carlie Bravo on the announce table. Matthews had the match won after a curb stomp but decided to break his own count just to inflict more damage.
This came back to bite him in the ass as Marc Briscoe came down the ramp and hit him over the head with a chair while the referee was distracted by Julia Hart.
Shawn Dean crawled over and put an arm on Matthews to get the upset victory.
Winner – The Infantry
Malakai Black came down to the ring and looked out at Marc Briscoe who made his way into the crowd.
I think it might be true that Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews are returning to WWE after their contracts are up, this would explain this result.
A Package played of the rivalry between Adam Copeland and Christian Cage.
Copeland came to the ring carrying the same case he was carrying that Christian was afraid of on Dynamite.
Copeland spoke of the history between him and Christian. He said someone from his past called him up and reminded him of who he is.
Copeland revealed what was in the case, it was a weapon that Copeland has named “Spike”
A piece of Wood with sharp spikes all around it, reminiscent of the one Abyss from TNA carried around called “Janice” several years ago.
Copeland said “Spike” was hungry and was going to take a bite of Christian and make him utter the words “I Quit” as he slammed the microphone into the mat as the show went off the air.
Kev’s Thoughts –
Once again Collision is filled with a lot of enhancement matches and predictable contests.
I don’t understand how you can have two hours of television and just waste it by filling it with matches that don’t do anything to help anyone.
There also doesn’t seem to be any story or angle as the main focus on this show either so it’s not hard to understand why this show generates a poor rating weekly.