AEW Collision Results & Review January 20 (2024)

Commentary – Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuiness and Kevin Kelly

It was great to hear Tony Schiavone back on commentary as he was absent on Dynamite and sorely missed.

Chaifetz Arena, St Louis, MO

Singles Match

Jon Moxley vs Shane Taylor (with Lee Moriarty)

I don’t think I’ve see Shane Taylor wrestle once on AEW programming, he has had interviews and segments but not one match. I know he is on ROH but this is the first I’ve seen him on Collision. 

Once again which is a theme a lot in AEW, the matches are way too predictable, here was another. 

I feel Moxley has been very stop start in the last couple months and he doesn’t seem to have any direction or story going on.

Shane Taylor used his client Lee Moriarty to help him interfere from the outside to gain advantage in this match, this was short lived as Taylor missed a splash off the second rope.

Shane Taylor tried to get on top of Moxley on the floor with Moxley getting him in a triangle submission, Taylor used his strength to lift up Moxley for a short bomb to break the hold. 

I don’t know why but every Moxley match he does a spot with his opponent where he forearms them and they forearm him back, both don’t sell it that it hurts and it always looks crappy. 

Moxley ended up getting Taylor on the floor for another submission head locking him around the throat with Taylor hanging on, he didn’t tap but rather passed out. 

Winner – John Moxley 

Moxley grabbed the mic and said he wasn’t going to take any crap from anyone in 2024, he was pissed off and hungry, he said any of his colleagues need to keep up, possibly signaling his time in Blackpool combat club could be coming to an end. 

A Hook package played, recapping his World Heavyweight title match on Dynamite with Samoa Joe.

Singles Match

Adam Copeland vs Dante Martin

Adam Copeland came out again to do the “Cope Open” this time Dante Martin from Top Flight answered the call.

What a waste of time this has been. The show struggles for ratings and you are wasting Adam Copeland’s star power by wrestling young up and comers weekly who never win but have a “good match” 

Like last week with Lee Moriarty, Dante Martin made a good showing of himself but ultimately was tapped out in the cross face by Adam Copeland. 

Winner – Adam Copeland

Tony Schiavone came in the ring to get a word with Adam Copeland who said he is going to keep coming out every week and working hard until he gets to Christian and wins the TNT Championship. Riveting. 

Lexi is backstage with Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli, Danielson said losing to Kingston in The Continental Classic was the lowest point of his career. I thought having to retire due to injury would have been?

Castagnoli said he is sick of hearing about Eddie Kingston, he said tonight it’s Ortiz’s fault for being Kingstons friend as he will become a casualty.

Back from the break and it’s Lexi again this time with Top Flight and Action Andretti, talking about Dante Martins match with Adam Copeland, they are acting as though they are proud of Dante just because he had a long match with Copeland. 

Private Party interrupt the interview, they were bragging about beating Top Flight last week, with Action Andretti challenging them again but this time with him in the match. 

Singles Match

Thunder Rosa vs Queen Aminata

Tony on commentary said Queen Aminata has been red hot lately, having great matches, funny thing is I’ve never seen her win, she is always used to put someone over. On Rampage she lost to Statlander and now tonight we know Thunder Rosa isn’t losing her return match.

Thunder Rosa picks up the win with Tijuana Bomb after a physical contest. 

Winner – Thunder Rosa   

Backstage Lexi is with Ortiz and Eddie Kingston, Ortiz said the difference between them and Danielson and Castagnoli is they are family.

Kingston wasn’t in the talking mood and seemed that he didn’t want to talk or cut a promo and the promo time was an inconvenience to him.

Ortiz said he would translate, it means Eddie does his best talking in the ring. 

Bullet Club Gold comes out to the ring to possibly answer the offer to join up with The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass. 

They bring out a cardboard cutout of Juice Robinson, where has he been? It’s never been mentioned. 

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn come out with Max Caster saying that they would be unstoppable if they joined forces, they ask the crowd if they want to see the two teams join forces to become The Bang Bang Scissor Gang. 

The crowd explodes when The Bang Bang Gang finally get their fingers out and scissor to confirm they have joined forces. 

A backstage segment from after Dynamite plays of Toni Storm with Mariah May and Luther. 

Storm grabs Mariah Mays face with one hand  before she can talk and says she admits she knows who Deonna Purrazzo is and remembers their time in the rising sun. She does a bunch of rhyming words like Greet you, meet you, eat you and beat you and then says cmon kids let’s go so I can get my pork dinner. Out there stuff but somehow she pulls it off. 

“Daddy Magic” Matt Menard joins the commentary team. 

Singles Match

Buddy Matthews (with Malakai Black and Brody King) vs Daniel Garcia (with FTR)

Buddy Matthews hit Garcia with some really stiff kicks and knees in this match, wow! 

It wouldn’t be an AEW match without a bump on the ring apron with Garcia pile driving Buddy Matthews on the hard part of the ring. 

Matthews injured his leg in this match, which Garcia went for even wrapping his leg around the ring post for a figure four just like Bret “Hitman” Hart used to do, he kept honoring Hart by locking in the Sharpshooter with Matthews not submitting and fighting out of it. 

Matthews nose was busted from this physical match, Garcia was on his knees and started to do his silly dance, Matthews responded by kneeing him right in the face then trying to pick him up to finish him with Garcia reversing it and sneakily pinning Matthews.

I think the finish is unrealistic and non sensical,  if you’re getting kneed with that much force to the head you aren’t popping up and flipping over to reverse anyone seconds later. Poor ending in my opinion. 

Winner – Daniel Garcia

After the match FTR and Garcia brawled with House of Black, the lockeroom came out and broke up the two teams but did a poor job with them breaking free.

After the break Lexi is backstage with FTR and Garcia. Dax Harwood says this feud has been going on too long and has to end, he challenged House of Black to a 6 man Elimination Cage Match next week on Collision. 

Singles Match

Roderick Strong (with The Kingdom) vs Matt Sydal

Another very predictable match with Strong on a path at the moment for Orange Cassidy’s International title and Sydal who is mainly used to put people over. 

Sydal fought Strong to his limit but it wasn’t enough with Roderick Strong hitting his End of Heartache finisher which is currently my favorite finishing move to watch. 

Winner – Roderick Strong  

Tag Team Match

Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli vs Eddie Kingston and Ortiz

I have no problem with Kingston and Ortiz tagging together for this match as they have the history there but the problem I have is Ortiz hasn’t been on tv in a months, also it seems like overnight Castagnoli and Danielson have a problem with Kingston and it seems personal. 

Ortiz played the role of getting beat up by Castagnoli and Bryan, building up to make the hot tag to Kingston. The BPCC really pounded Ortiz down with Castagnoli spinning Ortiz around in The Big Swing. 

Finally Kingston got tagged in, he got Castagnoli in the corner and did his quick chops for ages, this will no doubt pop up in the AEW Botches page as it looked ridiculous, Castagnoli tried to sell it but it didn’t help the situation, this wasn’t good.   

One thing I find about The Blackpool combat club is they fluctuate from week to week being faces or heels, tonight they were heels with Castagnoli doing some less than honorable tactics. 

Castagnoli had Kingston held on the rope while Danielson hitting Ortiz with his Running Knees to pick up the victory.

Winner – Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli  

After the match Danielson spat in the face of Kingston going fully into heel mode. 

Kev’s Thoughts – 

Way too many predicable matches on this show, this was the complete opposite of Dynamite which I enjoyed this week, this show was flat and once again nothing happened. 

Collision used to be a better show than Dynamite but I have found this show has gotten worse by the week. 

The show needs some main story and stakes to the matches to make it not so monotonous.  


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Kev Curran

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