AEW Collision Results and Review for October 21 (2023) 

FedEx Forum, Memphis TN 

Commentary – Tony Schiavone, Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness

Bryan Danielson vs Andrade El Idolo

Danielson has had the best match on the card for about the last 4 shows and is on a roll going into this match. 

The commentary team billed this as a “dream match”.

The crowd was chanting “this is awesome” before they even touched. 

It was a dream match for those AEW hardcores but in my opinion Andrade hasn’t been booked in a way so far from what I’ve seen that makes you either want to get behind him or even dislike him, just indifferent comes to mind. 

A lot of grappling and mat wrestling was what we got early on as both men felt each other out. 

Both me are capable of the crazy risks but these guys kept it classic for the most part of this match, both getting into a chop fest. 

They traded submission locks with Bryan trying to cinch in his labelle lock. A flurry of back and forth exchanges between the two rolling up each other for two counts came to an end when Bryan finally hooked Andrade’s arms and got the three count. 

Bryan’s chest was a red swollen mess after this match and you can tell he is in his element with a match like this. A handshake to finish the match. 

The lights went out and came back on with Malakai Black in the ring, he kicked Bryan and knocked him down. The lights went back off and on with the Blackpool combat club coming to ringside but Black was nowhere to be seen.

A Darby Allin package was next, he said he will be there on Dynamite if Nick Wayne wants to be confront him. 

Skye Blue vs Hollywood Hayley 

Hollywood Hayley is in the ring already, enhancement talent match incoming.

I believe Hayley is in the Wrestling documentary with Al Snow on Netflix at the moment. 

The commentary team have hinted of a change in Sky Blue in the last couple shows but they have done nothing to let us know what her current character is. 

Sky Blue picked up a quick win in this get over match. 

The Gunns (with Jay White) vs Outrunners

Outrunners are already in the ring so we are getting back to back enhancement/jobber matches. The Gunns record is 33/7 and they are against enhancement talent? Mind boggling. 

The lights go out (again) and on the screen the same masked devil man who attacked Jay White weeks ago appears on the screen. 

Jeff Jarrett (with Karen, Sonjay Dutt, Jay Lethal and Satanm Singh) vs Eddie Kingston

Memphis Street Fight 

Dave Brown joins the commentary team for this match. 

Before Kingston can get to the ring Jarrett attacks him at the top of the ramp, Kingston brought a equaliser in the form of a kendo stick and he takes out Jarretts entourage. 

Kingston lays out Jarrett on a table and pelts hotdogs at him out of a cooler. He squirted him with ketchup and mustard in comical fashion. 

Karen Jarrett slapped Kingston on the ramp and Jay Lethal came from nowhere and hit a cutter off the ramp on to a table. 

After the break Jarrett was in full control destroying Kingston with a trash can in particularly his knee. 

Jarrett locked in the figure four leg lock, Kingston reversed the lock but let go to avoid Lethal hitting him with an elbow drop. 

Kingston was fighting off two men which soon became the entire Jarrett entourage, Kingston was busted open fighting off everyone, he grabbed Jarrett’s guitar and wiped out Satam Singh with a brutal guitar shot to the head. This allowed Jarrett time to hit the Stroke but Kingston kicked out. 

The numbers game was too much as Singh came in the ring and chokeslammed Kingston, Jarrett hit the Stroke and Lethal hit his cutter for Jarrett to pin Kingston for the win.  

Fun match, reminded me of late WCW hardcore matches. 

The Acclaimed with Billy Gunn backstage interview. Max Caster was at it again offending the interviewer. I still find there is a disconnect between this Caster and the one that comes down the aisle rapping. 

Action Andretti vs Miro

Miros wife CJ Perry comes down to ringside potentially to scout Andretti to manage.

Miro vowed to destroy anyone who his wife would manage and decimated Andretti, tossing him around like a ragdoll. 

Andretti started to make a comeback and hit a 450 on Miro who kicked out at one. 

Massive kick to the head of Andretti, Miro then locked in the camel clutch and it was all she wrote.  

Miro with a decisive win. 

The former Jericho Society members were backstage saying they were on the same page but it was clear they were still bickering.

Soho did a short interview saying she deserves to be a champion.

Another vignette for Mexican superstar Rush was next. To be continued. 

Eddie Kingston is backstage in the trainers room looking bloodied and beaten, he said the old Jay Lethal he respects but not now, he said not to bring his cronies to their fight and that he is going to beat up Lethal in front of his mother. 

FTR vs Bad Thad Brown and Darian Bengston

A third enhancement/jobber match on this show. Really lazy booking here. No contest.

The lights go out and come back on and House of Black are in the ring and attack FTR.

Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta vs Ricky Starks and Big Bill (c)

AEW Tag Team Championship Match

Jim Ross joins commentary. 

Wheeler Yuta and Ricky Starks start the match off, you couldn’t get two more polar opposite wrestlers, Starks being entertaining and charismatic and Yuta, well coming across as bland, it’s not entirely on him. I haven’t seen anything on the show to let me get invested we don’t know who he is.

Big Bill was tagged in, him compared to Yuta is such a mismatch, he looked like he could snap him in half at any point. 

Starks and Big Bill showboat for the camera, these two really work together with the big man little man team. 

After a beating that felt like forever, Yuta made the hot tag to Claudio who took it to Starks. 

On the outside Claudio ran and shoulder uppercutted Big Bill to the floor. 

Claudio locked in his big swing on Starks and swing him around until Yuta drop kicked him. Big Bill broke up the tag. 

House of Black interfered again and cost Claudio and Yuta the match with Starks and Big Bill beating Yuta in the middle of the ring. 

House of Black put the boots into Yuta, Danielson and FTR tried to make the save but got beaten down also by House of Black and Starks and Big Bill.

Jon Moxley’s music hit as he came to ring and helped his stable mates fight off the House of Black.

Show goes off the air with Starks getting the Big Swing from Castagnoli.

A completely different show from last week, seemed very disjointed and lacking a good flow like they had last week. Christian is the hottest angle they have and when he isn’t on the show it isn’t the same. 

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Kev Curran

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