NXT Roadblock Results & Review (March 5th, 2024)

NXT Roadblock
March 5th, 2024
WWE Performance Center
Orlando, Florida.

Lexis King is involved in the intro to the show and he’s driving a convertable. I really dig their NXT Specials and the intro’s they come up with, it’s fun. It’s NXT Roadblock this week, the last big stop before we finally get to NXT Stand & Deliver on my usual crazy WrestleMania weekend.

Asylum Match
Joe Gacy vs. Dijak

The Match:
Joe Gacy has a fantastic theme song. This Asylum match looks interesting. Something different! Dijak gas been in a whole heap of these random stipilation maatches in the last couple of years. This feud has raged on for a long while now, and the craziest moment of the match was Dijak hitting a perfect Moonsault off the top of the Cage and he landed it flush on Joe Gacy! Gacy ended up in the straight jacket, as Dijak looked to finally finish this feud for good. Again, this is yet another banger for Dijak, who again proves his worth and ability. Dijak hits Feast your Eyes twice on Gacy and he got a huge win! Surely this must be the end of the feud.

Winner: Dijak via pinfall in 12:46.

Backstage Adriana Rizzo and Stacks are backstage giving Tony D’Angelo some encouragement for tonights show, and then Stacks brings in my boy, Luca Crucifino, who has now finally been inducted into The Family!

In the NXT Kitchen, Riley Osborne is talking to Fallon Henley about his situation with Thea Hail and his failure of a date with her. Blair Davenport then just walks up and starts to get in her face about it. Blair talks about Riley not being Thea’s type, and Riley started looking a tad awkward. The funny thing is in real life, Blair and Riley are actually an item!

Lyra Valkyria and Tatum Paxley are backstage all pumped up about their opportunity for the WWE Womens Tag Team Championships against the Kabuki Warriors later on. Tatum then gets all weird and Lyra started to freak out again. It’s a great duo these two.

WWE NXT Tag Team Title Match
Baron Corbin & Bron Breakker (c) vs. Chase U (Andre Chase & Duke Hudson) (w/Jacy Jayne, Jazmyn Nyx, Riley Osborne & Thea Hail)

The Match:
The mystery woman from last week, who appears to be Jacy’s new sidekick – her name is Jazmyn Nyx. Whom also appears to be super attractive like every other women’s wrestler in NXT, it’s a pandemic right now. The Wolf Dogs dominated early! Bron Breakker did that thing again where his explosiveness off the ropes just lit the room up! Andre Chase hit a plancha off the ring apron which was a nice surprise! Bron hit a NO HANDS Frankensteiner, honestly, what an athlete! Duke does what he does best and he came in for a hot tag! Bron wiped out Duke Hudson with a clothesline off the apron onto the announce table, but Andre Chase sidestepped Bron who went flying into the steel stairs! Chase his a crossbody on Baron but could not get the 3 count! Bron ended up Spearing Andre and it was all over red rover. Great match!

Winner/s: STILL NXT Tag Team Champions, The Wolf Dogs in 11:18.

Kelly Kincaid walks into Carmelo Hayes’ office and asks for Hayes’ thoughts on the situation with Tony D’Angelo. Carmelo has a fresh squad of security behind him now, and he’s serious about being NXT Champion come Stand & Deliver!

Singles Match
Shawn Spears vs. Uriah Connors

The Match:
To be honest, I am very surprised to see Shawn Spears back in NXT, it’s nothing against him, I just didn’t really think NXT needed more people, but he must be here to help the next generation. The thing is, they have so many people on their roster, Where does Eddie Thorpe fit in? Uriah Conners is a new lad here, and he essentially got wiped out by Spears in short order. I honestly have never seen Spears look better, he really came out of this looking strong, and interesting. I see a running theme here with ex-AEW talent coming over to WWE/NXT.

Winner: Shawn Spears via pinfall in 1:12.

After the match Shawn Spears cuts a promo on Ridge Holland, who he attacked last week in his debut with a steel chair – and Ridge came out and he brought the ruckus! Spears handed Ridge a chair and he was unable to hit Spears with it because of the NXT referees stopping him.

Josh Briggs approaches Brooks Jensen backstage about challenging Oba Femi to a match for next week for the NXT North American Championship, and his concerns. Brooks cuts a passionate promo about beating Femi, and walks off – followed by Dijak telling Briggs that Brooks is likely a dead man.

Ilja Dragunov Interview with Kelly Kincaid
Ilja speaks about the Main Event tonight and his potential challengers when Carmelo Hayes and Tony D’Angelo battle for the #1 Contendership. Stacks and Crucifino show up about The Don ‘making moves’.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Title Match
The Kabuki Warriors (Asuka & Kairi Sane) (c) vs. Lyra Valkyria & Tatum Paxley

The Match:
I’m in a good mood, you know why? Kairi Sane is here, and Tatum Paxley is in the match too. Kairi and Tatum are both acting like weirdos together and it’s really entertaining! Honestly, would a Women’s Cruiserweight Title be a bad idea? They have a lot of smaller ladies, maybe it would work. I guess the idea of weight classes in WWE is a passe concept. During the match Izzi Dame and Kiana James were screaming bloody murder with Thea Hail, which is ridiculous. All of these people on this roster are so unhinged! It’s funny how there’s always ‘that spot’ where you know they are going to a commercial break. Lyra got a hot tag and brought some sizzle to the match. Tatum and Lyra hit the Backbreaker/Leg Drop combo, ala HeadCheese. Lyra accdientally spin kicked Tatum! Kairi ended up hitting the InSane Elbow. That was great, and I really feel like Tatum and Kairi had some chemistry in this one.

Winner/s: STILL WWE Women’s World Tag Team Champions, The Kabuki Warriors (Asuka & Kairi Sane) via pinfall in 13:14.

After the match the little pscyho hose beast Roxanne Perez brutally assaulted Lyra Valkyria, which kind of makes it obvious where the ladies are headed as it pertains to Stand & Deliver and the NXT Women’s Championship.

Singles Match
Blair Davenport vs. Fallon Henley

The Match:
This should be a good one, both of these ladies are up there right now as far as being my top Women’s wrestlers of 2024. Fallon has really upped her in ring game. Blair is pretty much on fire and has been for months now. I had to laugh though, Fallon’s selling and screaming in pain is so loud. Even when she goes to hit her opponent and Irish Whip her opponent, she screams. Blair missed a knee and Henley gets in the ring, and Sol Ruca comes out from the crowd, kind of blows her spot, but Blair has another from her past who wants some revenge! I was happy to see Fallon get a big win here, she honestly has worked hard and deserves to climb up the card a bit.

Winner: Fallon Henley via pinfall in 3:28.

Jacy Jane is backstage chastizing Andre and Duke Hudson for losing the NXT Tag Title Match. Thea Hail runs in wigging out about her near fight with Kiana and Izzi and expected Jacy to team with her against them n next week. Jacy says no… I assume Fallon will take the spot! You know, I thought Jacy was turning babyface.

Gigi Dolin is in Ava’s Office wanting a match with Arianna Grace but Arianna apparently said she didn’t want to fight her. Arianna then shows up at her delusional best and it’s very entertaining. She said she will do the match on the condition that if she wins, Gigi has to learn how to be a real lady like her. Anything Arianna does at the moment just cracks me up.

Shawn Spears Interview with Kelly Kincaid
Kelly is being a broadcast journalist! It’s great stuff. Spears goes on to address doing battle with Ridge Holland next week.

No Quarter Catch Crew In Ring Promo
Drew Gulak addresses the room and the group talk about how they will all defend the NXT Heritage Cup as a collective, and announce themselves for an NXT Elimination Tag Team Tournament. William Regal then interrupts! An interesting situation takes place with Regal and his son Charlie Dempsey. Regal hopes he will defend the cup with honor and prestige and Charlie tells him he’ll defend it better than his father ever could.

Mr. Stone is seen watching an iPad getting mad at Lexis King talking smack about him. Mr Stone tells his client and friend Von Wagner that he wants to fight Lexis King on his own. Stone is emotional!

WWE NXT Title #1 Contendership Match
Carmelo Hayes vs. Tony D’Angelo

The Match:
The match started off fairly intense, but I am not expecting this to be too much of a battle, as I fully expect this to be the match that has Trick Williams’ next appearance. Hayes got knocked off the apron and got caught by his goons! Wouldn’t it be great if Trick was one of those secruity guards? They battle for a for more minutes, and the Security wait for Trick at the entrance way. The distraction lead to D’Angelo hitting the forgettabout it! Tony D wins! Tony now challenges Ilja Dragunov for the NXT Championship at Stand & Deliver.

Winner: Tony D’Angelo via pinfall in 10:34.

Trick Williams finally reveals himself and lays out Carmelo and his security! The crowd chant “Whoop that Trick” as we go off the air!

Final Thoughts:

Another fine NXT Special, and a perfect last stop before hitting up Stand & Deliver. If I were to rate it out of 10, I would give it an 8. It had different flavors throughout the show, a bit of drama, some storyline progression, it’s always a good time!

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Karlifornia is a Freelance Journalist for RealProWrestling.Com and TheRockpit.Net and Host on the Insiders Edge Podcast through his YouTube channel, the WZWA Network. He has been a die hard Pro Wrestling fan since 1998, and his favorite time period in wrestling is the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars.

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