Impact Wrestling Results and Reviews for October 5 (2023)

Before The Impact

I had no idea they had a pre show before Impact. Great, more wrestling to watch. It’s a 40 minute show with a lot of replays from last weeks Impact. Josh Matthews hosts this with Gia Miller so I’m here for it.

Singles Match

Jessicka (w/Courtney Rush) vs. Savannah Evans (w/Jai Vidal)


Just a cold match on the Pre Show! They have only worked 1 singles match before, nearly a year prior on October 21st, which Savannah Evans won.

The Match:

These are the two biggest ladies in Impact Wrestling and it started off with Jessicka in charge. This is interesting hearing Gia Miller on commentary with Tom Hannifan! You can probably tell, I like Gia Miller. I think she could do ANYTHING and I’d immediately say she’s doing a good job. Jessicka is really hokey, it makes me laugh. This was a good back and forth struggle, but Savannah Evans picked up some momentum and laid Jessicka out with the Full Nelson Slam! 


You know, if they’re not going to have Gisele and Savannah be a long term tag team, it’s time for her to stop with the ‘hired muscle’ type role, and step out on her own. I’m not sure what’s in line next for these ladies.

Impact Wrestling

October 5th, 2023
Graceland Live
Memphis, Tennessee.

Singles Match

Tasha Steelz vs. Killer Kelly


I have a feeling this is a cold match here. Which is fine, as it could lead to something! Last week, Deonna and Tasha formed an alliance, so I have to assume this will lead to a big time Tag Title match at Bound For Glory.

The Match: 

Oh boy.. as soon as I know MK Ultra are making an entrance, I am at attention. They are probably my favorite ladies Tag Team at the moment, for a variety of reasons. Tasha had a bit of heat, but Killer Kelly made a great comeback hitting a nice butterfly suplex, and firing up the only way she can. She’s so intense, I love it. Deonna Purrazzo got involved and damn you – Tasha Steelz got the victory after nailing the Black Out! 


This should end up being a fairly decent Tag Team Title match at Bound For Glory, MK Ultra really need some decent challengers for the big show of the year. I hope they don’t make it a multi-team affair, I’d like to just see a knock down drag out Tag title match between two teams.

Jonathan Gresham Interview with Gia Miller

Gia Miller looks awesome in denim. Hell, she looks awesome in anything! Gresham is questioned about cheating against Mike Bailey last week, and of course, Bailey shows up to complain about it. Gresham just walks off rudely without saying anything. Owned.

Tommy Dreamer/Crazzy Steve Confrontation

Impact Digital Media Champion, Tommy Dreamer walks to the ring and requests Crazzy Steve to join him in the ring. I am guessing with PCO not re-signing with Impact (unsure of when he’s finishing up), Steve will take that spot. It’s such a shame about PCO, I don’t know for the life of me why he wants to move on when he’s had such a great run there. Tommy butters Crazzy Steve up and tells a story about how Tommy Dreamer taught him how to drive a car, and what they have in common seeing their parents suffer. Tommy tries to get through to him, and I bet you he turns. They hug… and as they hug, Crazzy Steve STABBED TOMMY IN THE BACK WITH A FORK! It was literally sticking out of his body. Steve holds up the DM Title, and Memphis was in silence over this confronting scene! 

Mixed Ten Person Tag Team Match

Brian Myers, Bully Ray, Jody Threat, KiLynn King & Shera vs. Champagne Singh, Dirty Dango, Eric Young, Jake Something & Jordynne Grace (w/Alpha Bravo)


The winning team of 5 will face off next week in a 5 Way match, and it’s all the determine the number 1 and 20 spots in the Call Your Shot Battle Royal at Bound for Glory. Weird, but, ok! 

The Match:

I am not a fan of multi-person matches like this, so hopefully this doesn’t go on forever. I’m supposed to believe Jody Threat is able to dominate Dirty Dango to start off the match? Come on mate. Kilynn King is a little more realistic considering how tall she is. They went to picture in picture for a commercial break and that probably just took out the guts of the whole match. I do not usually watch when it does this split screen, it irritates me. Jordynne Grace calls out Bully Ray as we get back from commercial, and thankfully Bully shows some dominance and got some heat. They really need to do more with Kilynn King! Jake Something came in and cleaned house, and both teams started turning on one another which made sense considering what they’re vying for. Jake Something got the pin after hitting Shera with the Into The Void.


Jake, Jordynne, Eric Young, Dirty Dango and Champagne Singh will do battle next week.

Josh Alexander interview with Gia Miller

FOR F%&k sake. Josh gets asked a question and now for the 2nd time on tonights show, somebody walks up and interrupts. I am honestly getting so sick of this LAZY, LAZY scenario playing out CONSTANTLY on WWE, NXT, AEW and now Impact Wrestling. It’s even happened on the last two episodes of NWA Powerrr. It’s enough already. Sorry for the rant but come on. Alex Shelley interrupts and whatever.

Hype package for Mickie James Vs Trinity at Bound for Glory airs. This should be excellent, hopefully they can get some heat on this before we get to the PPV. 

Trinity Interview with Gia Miller

I swear to god if somebody interrupts Trinity here…. I swear to god. Stock standard interview. Building up the title match. I am glad that this time, there was no interruption.

Tag Team Fan’s Revenge Lumberjack Match

Jai Vidal & John Skyler vs. ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey)


John Skyler of the Good Hands has been seeking a Tag Title shot for weeks, and for some reason he’s teaming with Jai Vidal here instead of his regular partner. The fans are at ringside with belts in their hand. This is strange. Ah, we found out his partner is on maternity leave.

The Match:

Skyler went to the outside first and one of the fans just wound up and belted him, that was pretty funny. It seems the fans aren’t attacking The ABC, and John Skyler got WHIPPED like a government mule. Jai Vidal, Gisele Shaws stylist pops me. Being a wrestler is his second job, it always makes me laugh. I don’t care too much for the match itself, the whipping is entertaining though. I just feel like I have been bored with The ABC for a while now! I’d love to see some more storylines where some crazier things happen rather than just matches, promos and interview interruptions. They gave this match a lot of time. You know one move I’m sick of? The low bridge. Nobody ever pulls the top rope down far enough where it’s CONCIEVABLE that a wrestler would tumble to the outside. Anyway, John Skyler was made to look super pathetic here as the ABC got the win!


You know what, despite my bad attitude, that was entertaining. It looks like The ABC will certainly be challenging The Rascalz for the Impact World Tag Titles at BFG. For John Skyler, I should hope his partner Jason Hotch returns soon.

A hype package for the showdown between Eddie Edwards and Frankie Kazarian at Bound for Glory airs.

Singles Match

Moose (w/Brian Myers) vs. Bhupinder Gujjar


I assume this is a match for Moose to get a win and keep him built up. He still has his Feast or Fired Briefcase for a World Title shot, which I feel he will again cash in at Bound for Glory like he did last year. These two have wrestled once before in Impact, last November which Moose won.

The Match:

Moose was dominant against Gujjar. As was expected. Gujjar made a comeback on Moose with a short hope spot but he gets powerbombed, and SPEARED. Moose picks up the win. After the match, Steve Maclin walked out.


Gujjar still without any kind of direction, but Moose stays relevant, with his partner Brian Myers in tow.

Steve Maclin complains about Moose having the briefcase he lost at Impact 1000 and that it was rightfully his, and he wants it. That doesn’t fly. The lights go out during this confrontation. PCO is in the ring! He beats everybody up and sends them all packing. I wonder where the hell this is all headed? To end the segment, Rhino gores Steve Maclin for the 3rd week in a row!

The Rascalz are backstage and they’re spray painting their title belts because they’re… rascals. Nobody would act like this. Santino Marella walks up and gets upset about it. Then; what are the odds, The ABC show up and suggest a title match at BFG. What are the odds, Rich Swann and Sami Calihan happen to show up AS WELL and want a Tag Title shot too. Lazy booking, sorry. Come on Impact, you can do better than this. I am really getting tired of these cookie cutter, cut and paste segments every week. 

Chris Sabin cuts a short promo on facing KENTA for the first time at Bound For Glory for the X Division Championship. 

Singles Match

Kon (w/Deaner) vs. Josh Alexander


On January 21st, 2022 – Kon made his Impact Wrestling debut against a fuming Josh Alexander who had recently been totally screwed over by Moose. He took his anger out on Kon, and beat him in 38 seconds with the Ankle Lock. Kon hasn’t forgot that, and I guess things are becoming full circle nearly 2 years later after Kon and Deaner spoke about targeting Josh last week.

The Match:

Alex Shelley makes his entrance and joins for Guest Commentary. It feels like Alex has been a bit of an afterthought the last few weeks! Josh nearly caught Kon with the ankle lock early in a similar way to their previous battle. They went to picture in picture again which… it just pisses me off. Why do wrestling companies like going to commercial in the middle of matches? We came back and I was still waiting to see Kon get some heat on Josh. I spoke to soon, because it came pretty much straight after I typed that.

Alex was pretty good on commentary, he had strong conviction to his situation with Josh leading to BFG. You know what? For a big man, at 43 years young, I’m impressed with Kon’s work. He might be a bit slow at times, but he doesn’t need to be quick, he’s a monster. I’m really happy for him that he’s found a home at Impact Wrestling.

The main event was given a lot of time. The referee copped a shot to the face from Kon’s foot whilst he was on Josh’s shoulders and it was such a love tap, the referee being wiped out is absolutely ridiculous. Deaner grabbed a chair and Alex Shelley tried to protect Josh, and Josh accidentally punches Shelley in the face. Josh Alexander hits the C4 Spike and Kon loses, again. 


After the match, Alex Shelley gets in Josh’s face after the match. As Josh goes to leave, Alex Shelley lays him out with the Shellshock! Josh spiked that very well. We go off the air with Shelley looking pretty salty!


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