Gas South Arena, Atlanta GA
Commentary – Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Taz

A brand new intro and set was introduced to begin the new season of AEW Dynamite, I’m indifferent to the change, it reminds me of something else but I can’t put my finger on it.
Tony Schiavone introduces Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana out to get Swerves reaction after his match from the Revolution PPV where he came up short in the three way match.
The crowd was still firmly behind Swerve as he cuts his promo, he said maybe he is doubting himself and maybe he might not be a champion.
He says he isn’t going to let anyone down and somewhere down the line he will find a way to win the AEW World Heavyweight Championship.
Samoa Joe comes out with the title Swerve seeks around his arm, he cheekily polishes it with his towel as he comes in the ring.
Samoa Joe says he was in Swerves house but it just so happens it exists in Joes world, he parades his title around until Swerve makes the challenge for a World Tilte shot tonight.
Before Joe can answer, The Undisputed Kingdom comes out with Adam Cole still in a wheelchair, he says it’s story time with Adam Cole Bay Bay.
He says Joe is only Champion because they let him, he says Swerve will never be champion and will be forgotten in 6 months. Adam Cole suggests a match for next week for Swerve and Joe vs Matt Taven and Mike Bennett.
Swerve suggested that it should happen tonight with Cole responding that they make the rules around here.
Tony Schiavone interrupts that he has heard from Tony Kahn in his earpiece that he has made the match official for right now.
The Kingdom (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett) vs Samoa Joe and Swerve Strickland.
For the second week in a row Dynamite has started with a talking segment setting up things for the night and for the next PPV.
Competitive contest but it didn’t last long as Swerve hit his modified Driver to pin Matt Taven with him staring straight at Samoa Joe as he got the pin and victory for his team.
Wardlow at the top of the ramp started to come down, Swerve made the mistake of turning his back to Joe who came from behind with a sleeper choke hold as he stared at Wardlow, sending a message for next week because at Big Business it will be Wardlow vs Joe for The AEW World Heavyweight Title.
Renee is backstage with Hook ahead of his match tonight against Brian Cage. Chris Jericho interupts the interview and says that his first match in this country was against his father at the old ECW arena where Taz dumped him on his head, he said he didn’t respect Hook but this past Sunday when Hook did the same thing to Jericho, it earned his respect as the two fist bumped.
Nick and Matt Jackson as EVP’s were backstage to address Hangman Page and his actions at Revolution assaulting referee’s. They both had cheesy grins on thier faces. They said they have two huge announcements but they will have to wait until they are in the ring. They did this very tongue in cheek and were almost mocking Tony Kahn.
FTW Title Match
Hook(c) vs Brian Cage
This feud has been going for a while with a slow build, Cage looks huge compared to Hook, he dominated with his strength early on in this match until Hooke reached under the the ring and sprayed a fire extinguisher in the eyes of Cage.
Hook smashed a trash can over the head of Cage but he responded by power slamming Hook on the outside.
Back from the break, Hook hit some suplexes on Cage, Hook still looks awkward doing these, especially a guy like Cage who weighs a lot more.
Cage came back and hit an F5 suplex on a chair but Hook narrowly kicked out, Cage brought out the thumbtacks into the ring but it backfired with Hook hitting a Tbone suplex with Cage’s back filled with thumbtacks.
Hook locked in the Redrum chokehold, Cage dropped backwards with Hook landing in the thumbtacks but still not letting go of the chokehold with Cage passing out.
Winner – Hook
After the match The Gates of Agony jumped Hook from behind but was saved as Chris Jericho came down wielding his bat.
Brian Cage losing to the much smaller Hook damages him and it’s just so unrealistic for a guy his size to be getting choked out by a guy that looks half his weight.
A package with Tony Kahn talking over the top was an announcement that there is going to be a tournament to determine the new AEW Tag Team Champions after Sting and Darby Allin have vacated them because of Sting’s retirement.
I hate tournaments and I’m still recovering from the last one being the Continental Classic. I just wish they would get to the point instead of doing long drawn out Tournaments.
Renee is backstage with The Best Friends who announce that they will win “The Big One” and are entering the Tag Team Tournament.
Singles Match
Killswitch vs “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard
Killswitch comes out to Christian Cage’s music and with Christian and The Patriarchy. Matt Menard has taped ribs from his last altercation with Killswitch.
Christian Cage joins the commentary team.
Menard goes straight for Killswitch laying fists into the big masked man. It didn’t take long until Killswitch gained control and laid some clotheslines to the back of the head of Manard knocking him out and getting the pin.
Winner – Killswitch
Killswitch was going to inflict more damage on Menard but Daniel Garcia came down to help his friend, this didn’t last long as Killswitch and Nick Wayne took care of him.
The Patriarchy walked up the ramp looking victorious. Adam Copeland came from nowhere and smashed a chair to Killswitch’s back and threw him off the ramp, he then choked out Nick Wayne, blocked Shayna Wayne from low blowing him and went straight for Christian Cage.
Christian ran away into the crowd with Copeland in hot pursuit, this went all the way to the back and into the parking lot with Christian getting in a car and leaving with Copeland chasing after him.
Copeland turned to the camera and said that Dynamite coming up in Toronto it will be Christian vs Adam Copeland 3 in a “I Quit Match”
Rene is backstage with Kyle O Riley who returned after two years out, he thought he would never wrestle again and is just greatfull. Renee asked about the Undisputed Kingdom and he said he has nothing but love for them.
The Young Bucks, Matthew and Nicholas come out to the ring with Tony Schiavone awaiting them, they told Tony to get out of the ring.
They take credit for ending Stings career and announce that they are entering the tag team tournament.
They address Hangman Page’s actions and announce he is suspended without pay. They also bring up Kenny Omega and said that he is fired from the Elite.
Eddie Kingston comes out and takes aim at Nick Jackson saying that he is the hot head, the Bucks start double teaming Kingston.
Kazuchika Okada comes out in a suit looking like he is going to make the save with the Bucks looking surprised.
Okada turns on Kingston and clotheslines him. The Bucks announce that Okada is the newest member of The Elite. Okada motions that he wants Kingstons title around his waist.
Singles Match
Kris Statlander (with Stokley Hathaway) vs Riho
A cold match that went a lot longer than I expected. Stokley Hathaway was back to his old tricks putting a chain in the corner for Statlander to use while he distracted the referee.
Statlander was torn and decided against using it by throwing it out the ring. Riho almost got the win with a small package. Statlander delivered two huge back suplexes, went for another but got caught in a sneaky pin from Riho who wins the match.
Winner – Riho
Kris Statlander looked perplexed on how she lost with Stokley looking disappointed.
Renee is backstage with Mariah May who is dressed up like retro Toni Storm, the real Toni Storm pops out behind her, she announces on Collision that she will be hosting the first ever Toni awards and presented Mariah Amy with her own shirt which is her dressed up like Toni Storm.
Renee is with Stokley Hathaway and Willow Nightingale, Stokley says Kris Statlander is his favorite but he wishes she would just accept his help.
Willow has been announced to face Riho next week, she tells Stokley not to interfere with her match and do things her way. She has her eyes set on Julia Hearts TBS Championship.
Tony Schiavone brings out Darby Allin who is facing Jay White at Big Business next week.
Tony asks what is next for Darby Allin without Sting.
Darby Allin says he is talking from the heart that after his match next week with Jay White he is going to climb Mount Everest, he says there is no gaurentee he will come back alive.
Jay White comes out with The Gunns, he congratulated Darby for the match but says what he did by jumping through the glass sheets was stupid, he says Darby is like a lost puppy without Sting and he doesn’t need to do the match with him. Instead he can party with The Bang Bang Scissor Gang, he said he had a name for Allin, Darby Scissor hands.
Allin says he doesn’t believe the hype with Jay White and says he will see him next week.
Julia Hart and Skye Blue are backstage in dark lighting, Hart says she is issuing an open challenge on Collision to remind everyone who may forgot who she is.
House of Black have a backstage segment next which also has Hart in it, HOB are after Marc Briscoe and say they are going to fight fire with fire, Julia Hart sings Ring Of Fire by Johnny Cash.
Renee is backstage with Marc Briscoe, in response to House of Black, he says he doesn’t care if he has to fight them all, he makes a challenge for Collision for an Atlanta street fight. Jay Lethal comes in the scene and says he has his back.
Singles Match
Will Ospreay vs Kyle Fletcher
Don Callis joins the commentary team.
Ospreay and Fletcher are friends and have travelled the roads together so there wasn’t much heat going into this match.
There was a scary moment in this match where Ospreay did a reverse Frankensteiner that looked like Kyle Fletcher landed on his head.
Ospreay then elbowed him and went for the pin with Fletcher kicking out.
Lots of Gymnast wrestling in this one with a lot of nonsensical stuff thrown in until Ospreay nailed Fletcher with his elbow again for the victory.
Winner – Will Ospreay
Daniel Bryan comes out to go face to face with Ospreay as the show goes off the air.
Kev’s thoughts – Quite a flat way to end the show.
I have definitely noticed that in the last 2 weeks, possibly since Tony Kahn didn’t win The Observer Booker of the Year award that the show has had way less wrestling than normal, more backstage segments and the show starts with a in ring promo.
I’m all for this change and I think Tony needs to do this, we need to know who the people are that are wrestling, so I’m all for character development being the main focus of the show as well as solid storylines.