AEW Dynamite Results & Reviews for October 18 (2023)

Fort Bend Country Epicenter, Houston Texas 

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone and Taz on commentary

Penta El Zero Meido vs Jay White

Singles Match

This match was setup last week after Jay White teased Penta about having no championships. 

The Bang Bang Gang came to ringside with White, Penta didn’t even let them get to the ring and took them out by flipping over the top rope on top of his casualties, problem is he got everyone but Jay White. 

White attacked him but Penta reversed it and took him down with a sling blade on the outside. 

Back in the ring, Jay White got back in control, The Gunns and Juice Robinson are always a factor with their distractions and interference and helped White. 

There was a silly spot where Jay White chopped/slapped Penta and then waited for an eternity to receive a chop back, both were asking for the other to hit each other, to the point were Penta took his shirt off so he could feel the chops better so that I guess he could show how tough he is? 

Penta hit an awesome suplex into a spinning DDT that almost got him the three but Jay narrowly kicked out. 

Penta hit some crazy moves and almost stole the match a few times but once again the Bang Bang Gang’s inference cost Penta.  

The interference is so over the top it makes the referee look like an idiot. Jay White got the win after hitting his Blade Runner finisher with an assist from Juice Robinson who punched Penta with his ring on. 

Jay White cut a promo after the match saying he was an elite world champion and MJF is not, he said he was waiting for MJF to accept his 4 on 4 match proposal to get his belt back. 

Juice Robinson took the mic and said spoiler alert regarding him winning the Diamond Dozen battle royal tonight to face MJF next week.

This has been booked for Juice to win this match, it just seems so obvious that is now just a formality. 

Backstage with MJF’s Response

Renee Paquette interviews MJF. He mocks every good guy wrestler by saying he would of got his ass handed to him if he would have came down to the ring to face the Bang Bang Gang 4 on 1, lucky for him he isn’t a good guy and is a scumbag.

The Acclaimed with Daddy Ass come in the scene, Max Caster offers to be his tag team partners for the 4 on 4 match with the Bang Bang Gang and said that they can “scissor” after they win the belt back.

MJF declined. 

Caster said he was going to enter the Battle Royal and then next week he will face MJF for his ring and he will have to put a ring on it.

The way this has played out between Caster and MJF has been executed in a way to make Caster look like he is gay and kind of a stalker that has feelings for MJF. 

I got a feeling that this is not the intention they are trying to go for more of a funny tongue in cheek kinda thing but it’s not coming across that way.

Emi Sakura vs Hikaru Shida

AEW Women’s World Title Eliminator Match

A little backstory package before this match started, Sakura used to be Shida’s trainer in Japan so this was the student versus the teacher. 

The I hit you then you hit me spot reared it’s head again to start this match. I feel like I see this on at least 2-3 matches every show. 

Physical match between these two women, Sakura lost to Sky Blue last match so wasn’t expecting her to beat the current AEW women’s world champion. 

Both traded some near falls but in the end it was a formality with Shida hitting the Katana kick to get the pin. 

Renee Paquette Interview with Adam Copeland 

Copeland talked about his relationship with Christian Cage, a long friendship since he was in primary school.

Copeland said he spent the week trying to figure out why Christian has been the way he has. 

He believed it stems from jealously over the years of him getting the opportunities that Christian didn’t. He said he wouldn’t fight him and will be there for him when Nick Wayne and Luchasaurus turn on him. 

Wardlow vs Ryan Nemeth

Singles Match

Another squash match for Wardlow who gets the TKO win with one powerbomb.

Tony Schvione comes in the ring to try get a few words with Wardlow, Tony asks him what is he back for, Wardlow shows his wrist tape and it says MJF and leaves nudging Tony to the floor. 

Rene Paquette Backstage with Kenny Omega

He commented his year hasn’t been the best but he is getting back on track by beating Kyle Fletcher tonight then next it will be Don Callis family then who knows the AEW world title.

MJF comes in the scene, says he is a fan a wants to shake his hand, Omega shakes his hand and then MJF pulls him closer and says “13 days bitch” 

I’m not sure what he is referring to here? 

Another segment of Adam Cole at Roderick Strongs house. 

Adam is getting him a cup of coffee. He spits it out saying he hates hot coffee, Cole says he is leaving but Roderick apologises and talks him into making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Roderick spits out the sandwichesit saying he hates crusts. Adam finally leaves out the door. 

Scene ends with Roderick saying he will need to be nice to the “scumbag” to get his best friend back.

I’ve found these segments quite odd and I still don’t know what Roderick Strong has over Adam Cole to make him his act like his personal assistant. 

Tony Schivone In ring interview with Don Calis, Will Hobbs and Takeshita.

Don Callis talked about how Hobbs gave Chris Jericho the biggest beating of his career last week. 

Hobbs spoke of how Chris Jericho was his hero and when he was 8 his Grandmother got him ringside seats to meet his hero, he said Jericho told her to shut up and told him to sit his ass down. 

I’m not sure if this is a true story or not but if someone wrote this and this is why he is mad at Chris Jericho to wait 25 years to get his revenge by beating him up, then I’m sorry but that is a ridiculous creative idea. 

Callis said Hobbs is a 6”3, 275 pound killing machine. He said that Kyle Fletcher screwed them last week which brought Fletcher out to the ring to confront Callis.

Fletcher says he may have been the weak link last weak but he is going to beat Kenny Omega tonight. Callis said if he did that maybe they would have some business to discuss. 

Kenny Omega Vs Kyle Fletcher

Singles Match

Fletcher jumps Omega and starts very aggressive choking him with his shirt.

Fletcher has been in some high profile matches the last couple of weeks in absence of his tag team partner in Aussie Open.

Both men take it to the outside chopping each other all around the guard rail. 

Omega wiped Fletcher out with a backflip off the top rope to the outside.

Just like his match against Bryan Danielson Fletcher fought his back in the match and was very aggressive in his attack really taking it to Omega.

Omega hit a reverse hurricanrana into a powerbomb that looked like Fletchers head bounced off the mat into a knee right in the face, which Fletcher kicked out of. It’s this kind of stuff I find a little too unbelievable and it takes me out of it. 

There was another spot in this match where Omega hit Fletcher with a dragon suplex, Fletcher just popped right up like it was nothing then super kicked Omega who was barely effected by that either, finally Kenny hit a running knee to the face, Fletcher sold this like he was shot by a machine gun, then Omega hit his One Winged Angel finisher for the win. 

Another Danhausen jingle vignette was played hyping his return. 

Sting’s announcement was next. Sting takes a trip down memory lane, naming all the greats he went up and down the road with. 

Hulk Hogan’s name didn’t get a good reception but when mentioning Ric Flair the crowd cheered. 

Sting said he last match will be Revolution 2024.

Nick Wayne sat down with his mom for an interview with Jim Ross. This was comical, lots of poor acting from Wayne and his mom, Christian came into the scene and said “are you ready to come home son?” 

Funny stuff, the scene ends with Darby Allin attacking both Wayne and Christian. They make their way out to ringside where Luchasaurus comes out and begins to attack Allin. 

Sting comes out to help his friend Darby Allin and takes it to Christian and Luchasaurus. Christian and Co retreat to the back. 

Backstage it’s Renee with Hook, Orange Cassidy, Kris Statlander and Best Friends

This was brutal, both Statlander and Cassidy didn’t come across well on the mic in this segment. 

Diamond Dozen Battle Royal 

MJF on commentary. A lot of people in this match that haven’t been used in a way to make them feel important, Hardy’s, Johnny TV, Jake Hager come to mind. 

The way Max Caster confidently raps on the way down to the ring comes across a lot differently than what we see when he talks backstage. A bit of a disconnect there.

The battle royal comes down to the only two wrestlers that have anything happening on the show, which is Juice Robinson and Max Caster.

Juice Robinson nails Caster with his ring and throws him over the top. 

Very predictable match and completely different to what we seen on Collision, flat ending to this show. 

I thought some stuff on this show was poorly executed. I’m starting to wonder if Collision and Dynamite have different creative teams because they come across different. 

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Kev Curran

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