H-E-B Center Austin TX
Commentary – Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Taz
Rampage show results also below.

Singles Match
Jon Moxley vs Dax Harwood
FTR still have the crappiest entrance music bar none. This match stemmed from Jon Moxley putting all teams on notice on Collision. FTR was the team that stepped up to challenge Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli.
What the hell is up with wrestlers kissing each other, this seems to a thing Moxley has started doing in his matches to get in the head of his opponent, Dax gave him right back, strange.
These two guys chopped the hell out of one another, it was a rough affair with both guys brawling on the outside for what seemed like an eternity.
There was some stiff shots thrown in this one, Dax went for flying headbutt off the top rope but Moxley got out of the way and locked in the head lock on the floor to win via submission.
Winner – Jon Moxley
After the match Moxley wouldn’t let go of his chokehold on Dax Harwood, Cash Wheeler ran out to attack Moxley to get him off his partner.
Claudio Castagnoli came out also and pummeled Wheeler, getting him in a submission with Moxley putting Dax Harwood back in the chokehold untill both member of FTR were out cold. Moxley and Castagnoli left them limp on the mat.
Renee is backstage with Don Callis, Konosuke Takeshita and Will Hobbs. Callis says no one wants to face either of these men because no one wants to face The Don Callis Family.
He is putting them against each other at Revolution with Takeshita to go against Will Osprey.
I’m a little puzzled as I didn’t have any idea Osprey was in The Don Callis Family, maybe he is but it defientely hasn’t been explained on TV.
Singles Match
Wardlow vs Barrett Brown
Adam Cole joins the commentary team for this match. Although he never uttered a word but just grinned.
Another squash match for Wardlow, Barrett Brown is so small in stature compared to Wardlow it’s almost comical.
These squash matches for Wardlow are getting a bit redundant now and it’s time for him to do something more substantial on the show.
Matthew and Nicolas Jackson are seen coming off a private plane to the arena still wearing the white suites with the blood stains from beating down Darby Allin and Sting last week.
Winner gets a TNT Title Shot Match
Adam Copeland vs Daniel Garcia
Matt Menard joins the commentary team, Menard has been used a lot on commentary recently, they obviously see something in him and with his unique voice I have to agree.
The crowd was very split for this one, I still don’t understand the appeal of Garcia at all, compared to Adam Copeland he looked like a little boy in stature and for me I didn’t buy that he was going to win this one.
Copeland had Garcia in a crossface but was stopped by Nick Wayne and Killswitch who attacked both men.
Winner – No Contest
Christian Cage and Nick Wayne’s Mom Shayna came out and grabbed a chair, Matt Menard came off commentary to confront Christian, Killswitch hit Menard from behind.
Back in the ring both Garcia and Copeland were laid out, Christian put the chair under Adam Copeland’s neck and smashed another chair onto his neck with boo’s from the crowd in full volume.
Samoa Joe comes out and says his mission statement of having the very best, deserving competitor’s was going so well until last week where Hangman Adam Page and Swerve Strickland were rewarded for a draw, he said they don’t belong in the ring with him.
Swerve Strickland comes out says it feels like it’s becoming personal with Joe and he needs to put some respect on his name, he says at Revolution he will holding The AEW World Heavyweight Title above his head.
Hangman Page comes out to interrupt, he says Swerve doesn’t deserve to be in the championship match. Samoa Joe interrupts them both and says at Revolution he is whipping both their asses.
Toni Storm unveils her new film “Wet Ink”
Which has her getting a tattoo on her ankle next to her matching one she got done with Dionna Purrazzo, she says that Dionna will get the old Toni Storm and more.
Backstage Rene is with Dionna Purrazzo to get her reaction to Storm’s film, she says Storm talks to much and simply says “I’m going to break your arm bitch”
Backstage a limo is shown with Nicholas and Matthew Jackson coming out dressed in the same blood soaked white suits they have been wearing since they attacked Sting and a Darby Allin.
Tag Team Match
The Young Bucks vs Top Flight (with Action Andretti)
The Young Bucks new music is very similar to Roman Reigns music, not sure if this was done on purpose or not.
The Bucks bully the announcer Justin Robert’s into announcing their names correctly with the title VP’s in front of it.
The Bucks wrestle in these white suits with Nicholas Jackson wearing his Beret which was quite funny.
The Commentary team are really putting over the status of The Young as VP’s and bosses. This didn’t stop Top flight from bringing it to the Bucks.
The referee caught Matthew Jackson using the ropes to try pin Darius Martin, Nickolas Jackson distracted the referee by arguing with him which allowed Matthew to kick Darius in the balls. The Bucks finished off Darius with the Knee VP.
Winner – The Young Bucks
Tony Schiavone comes in the ring to interview The Bucks, they announce that they are the number 1 contenders. Tony asks about the despicable acts from last week.
The Bucks takes exception to this and fine him $1000 with Nicholas Jackson knocking Tony Schiavone to the ground.
Matthew apologies and they both try to pick him up but hold Tony in position like they are going to do the double Knee VP. Darby Allin runs to the rescue with a baseball bat in hand.
Allin grabs the mic and shoots on the Bucks that they have lost the plot when it comes to the original mission statement of AEW, hiring all their friends and abusing their power. Allin talks about Sting and his final match and wants them at Revolution.
Renee is backstage with the Bang Bang Scissor Gang, Jay White talks about how they all have gold around their waists, new merch, but they haven’t tested out the cohesiveness of the group. Billie and Austin Gunn suggest a 12 man tag match on Rampage.
Single Match
Willow Nightingale (with Stokley Hathaway) vs Skye Blue
Stokley Hathaway joins the commentary team.
It seems the issues between Willow and Stokley are ironed out as he comes to the ring with her with a big smile on both their faces.
I feel like Skye Blue’s stock has dropped as of late, she hasn’t been used a hell of lot and since being paired with Julia Heart she seems to have less TV time.
Sky Blue nearly got the victory when she powerbombed Willow off the second rope. Stokley jumped off commentary table sensing that Willow was in trouble. Skye Blue hit The Code Blue, referee Aubury Edward’s was too busy arguing with Stokley on the ring apron.
This allowed Willow to regroup and hit her gut wrench powerbomb to get the victory.
Winner – Willow Nightingale
Texas Death Match
Orange Cassidy vs Matt Taven
This match seems like it just came out of nowhere, Texas Death Match? You would think a match like this would be reserved for a long rivalry or to blow off a feud, nope it’s AEW and this is happening. These guys haven’t really had any interaction.
Both men fought into the crowd. Taven set up a table and dived off the ramp onto Cassidy with the table not breaking properly, this looked rough.
It was hard to see where it happened but Cassidy was busted open pretty badly. Taven setup another table against the commentary table. Taven dived over the top rope and missed Cassidy with him crashing through the table and hitting his head on the announce desk. This also looked rough.
Cassidy found a love heart box from Chuck Taylor underneath the ring, he opened the box which contained thumb tacks which he emptied onto the mat. Taven was now also busted open and gushing blood. Both men looked bad.
Cassidy went for a superplex off the top rope but was pushed off with him landing on the tacks, Taven then went for a frog splash and also missed landing on the racks. Ouch!
Cassidy hit a swinging DDT on Taven who looked like he was in shock. Cassidy went for a chain outside. Mike Bennett attacked Cassidy to save his tag partner and belted Cassidy over the head with an object.
Trent Beretta came down the ramp with a box of roses which he opened up to reveal a steel pipe. He smashed the pipe and smashed it against Bennett’s steel chair which hit him in the head.
Taven then took out Beretta but turned around to get an Orange Punch from Cassidy then his finisher The Beach Brake on the thumbtacks and steel chair. Taven got to his knee’s which was odd and ripped Cassidy’s pants down, Cassidy hit another Orange Punch this time with the pipe.
Roderick Strong came into the ring and hit Beretta but got thrown out of the ring by Orange Cassidy with Taven unable to make the ten count.
Winner – Orange Cassidy
Rampage Recap – February 16
Sammy Guevara beat Jeff Hardy there was a spot in this match where Sami dived off the top rope with his knee landing on Jeff’s head which look like it rung his bell, hoping Jeff Hardy is ok.
- Brian Cage Interviewed and continues to talk trash about Hook
- Private Party talk about going to the top
- Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli continue to talk trash about FTR
- Ruby Soho asks Saraya for space
- Dustin Rhodes and The Von Erich’s defeated Romero Crews, Hitt and Shimbashi
- Tony Storm shows examples of what she is going to do to Dionna Purrazzo on Mariah May backstage.
- Queen Aminata defeated Anna Jay
- Willow confronts Stokley after he cheated to help her win on Dynamite
- Angelo Parker asks Ruby Soho for time to talk with her asking him out.
- The Bang Bang Scissor Gang defeats Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh and The Dark Order.