AEW Collision Results & Reviews February 2 (2024) 

Great Southern Bank Arena, Springfield, MO

Commentary – Tony Schiavone, Nigel Mcguiness, Kevin Kelly

Rampage Recap – 

-Penta El Zero Meido/ Kommander and Bryan Keith Defeated Matt Sydal/ Private Party and Top Flight with Action Andretti by pinning Matt Sydal 

-Saraya introduces her brother Zak Knight as All Elite. 

  • The Young Bucks defeat Jonny Lyon’s and Cuppuccino Jones via pin fall
  • The Bucks continue to harass Tony Schiavone 
  • – Sami Guevara in ring interview was interupted by Don Callis and ended up getting destroyed by Powerhouse Hobbs 
  • Mariah May defeats Anna Jay
  • Ruby Soho and Angelo Parker continue their love affair and warn Saraya to butt out 
  • Roderick Strong Defeats Jake Hager

Collision kicks off with a match that stemmed from the attack of Sammy Guevara on Rampage.

AEW Collision

No Disqualification Match

Sammy Guevara vs Powerhouse Hobbs

Don Callis was not in the building as he had traveled to the UK to personally pick up Will Osprey.

Sammy Guevara tried his high flying attack at Hobbs to start the match on the outside. It was working well until Hobbs who was against the guardrail caught Guevara who tried to dive at him. He grabbed him and slammed him on the steel steps and continued to slam him on the ring apron.

Hobbs bullied announcer Kevin Kelly to hand over his belt. He proceeded to whip the back of Guevara until he ducked out of the way and hit a super kick. Guevara used a chair as an equalizer and laid some rough chair shots to Hobbs. 

Guevara set up two tables on the outside, this came back to bite him as Hobbs spine busted him through them with full force smashing the tables. 

Sammy Guevara wouldn’t die in this match and kept coming back for more, he didn’t learn his lesson the first time and put another table in the ring, Hobbs used this and setup the table. 

The match spilled to outside with Hobbs setting up another two tables. 

Guevara grabbed a beer from one of the fans and smashed it over Hobbs head with him now laying flat on the two tables. Guevara setup a ladder in the ring climbed up to the last two steps and did a Swanton Bomb onto Hobbs, breaking the tables underneath. 

Back in the ring, Guevera went to put Hobbs on the table and went to the top rope, Hobbs shoved the referee into Guevera who slipped on the rope. Hobbs then slammed Guevara through the table for the win.

A match that could have been on a PPV, some crazy spots with both men taking some punishment in this one, entertaining. 

Backstage Jon Moxley cut a pretty decent  promo regarding their time limit draw last week, he feels like their upbringing in the wrestling business makes that unacceptable. 

It’s looking like it will be Moxley and Castagnoli vs FTR again at Revolution which could potentially be an iron man match or endurance match judging by the promo Moxley cut.

Tag Team Match

FTR vs Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty 

Shane Taylor and Moriarty have been used a lot to put others over of TV, I don’t think I have ever seen them win and that was for sure not going to happen against FTR.

Tony Schiavone confirmed on Commentary that the match was official for Revolution, FTR vs Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli.

This match went way longer than it needed to, in the end FTR hit the Doomsday Device on Moriarty for the victory.

Winner – FTR

After the match FTR grabbed the microphone and sent a message to Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli. Dax compared Moxley to a king around here, he said to be a king you have to kill a king and at Revolution they are coming for his head. 

A little package played to hype the match between Bryan Danielson and Jun Akiyama tonight. 

It didn’t do anything to make me care or know anything about Akiyama, as it was just wrestling footage. 

Singles Match

Thunder Rosa vs Lady Bird Monroe

Another enhancement match with Lady Bird Monroe already in the ring. Thunder Rosa returned to AEW over a month ago then she went missing for a few weeks now is back again. I notice this pattern a lot in AEW with various talents. 

Thunder Rosa hit her Tijuana Bomb to get the pin fall victory.

Winner – Thunder Rosa 

Backstage Renee is with Willow Nightingale, Kris Statlander and Stokley Hathaway. Statlander gets close to the camera as says her and Skye Blue are 1-1 so she suggests next week she beats her ass.

Six Man Tag Team Match

Jay White, Colton Gunn and Billie Gunn (with Austin Gunn and The Acclaimed) vs The Iron Savages 

Pretty much another enhancement match, The Iron Savages appear now and then and always are on the losing end.

Max Caster came out and started his normal rap as he comes to the ring, he kinda fumbled his rap and just stopped which I found odd as he is normally on point. 

Jay White wrapped it up quickly with the Switchblade. 

I’m finding this new stable of The Bang Bang Scissor gang have no storyline or direction, they have no enemy so to speak and are just kind floating along in these silly type matches as it doesn’t appear that there is plan on what to do with them. 

Winner – Jay White, Colton Gunn and Billie Gunn

Lexi is backstage with Bryan Danielson, he talks of his opponent tonight Jun Akiyama being Eddie Kingston favorite wrestler. Danielson reiterates he doesn’t respect Kingston. He said Kingston at one point had so much potential but wasted it and that’s why he doesn’t respect him so he is going to take his Continental Crown.

Singles Match

Malakai Black vs Bryan Keith

Bryan Keith has now signed a contract with AEW, before that he would appear regularly but would always lose, I pondered if this would change now that he has signed. Tonight he faced Malakai Black so I didn’t give him much hope.

This was a hard hitting match that was long for the sake of being long, Keith had a lot of offense but it was Malakai that hit his trademark spinning heel kick to pick up the win.

Winner – Malakai Black

The lights went on and off and it was Marc Briscoe in the ring with a kendo stick, the rest of House of Black came out to save Malakai Black.

Briscoe nailed Brody King and Buddy Matthews with the stick, Briscoe pulled out the sharp object that was used on him last week and went to stab Malakai Black but missed and it stuck in the turnbuckle, this gave Malakai Black time to hit Briscoe with his spinning heel kick with King and Matthews joint in for a beating on Briscoe.

Singles Match

Serena Deeb vs Lady Frost 

Lady Frost finds herself in a similar position to Queen Aminata and Keira Hogan where they have a competitive contest and come close but ultimately lose most matches. 

This was the case with this match that also way too long for my liking,  Serena Deeb finished off Frost with her leg hold submission. 

Winner – Serena Deeb

Deeb had a short promo after the match putting the women’s roster on notice and that she is going to put the wrestling back in the Women’s Division. I feel like she had already said this in a promo before?

Singles Match

Bryan Danielson vs Jun Akiyama

Eddie Kingston joins the commentary team. I’m looking at the time left on the show and I know that this match was going to take up the rest of the show. It’s hard to get invested a match this long when you know nothing about the wrestler in the match.

A lot of the hardcore fans love this stuff and probably view this match as a dream match but I found this style of wrestling boring as hell. Lots of back and forth submissions and grappling with a slow methodical pace. 

The AEW hardcores love this but it’s just not for me, I thought the opening match should have been the main event.

Danielson hit his running knee strike to win the match looking at Eddie Kingston to send a message.

Danielson reaches out and shakes Akiyama’s hand, Danielson looks at Kingston as he turns his back to Akiyama who takes that as disrespectful and slaps Danielson. 

Danielson motioned that he was sorry and went to shake his hand again but this time he kicks Akiyama in the balls.

Kingston was furious and runs in the ring and attacks Danielson. Claudio Castagnoli runs out and attacks Kingston.

FTR come down the ramp and attack Danielson and Castagnoli with Tony Schiavone announcing that he received word from Tony Kahn that on Dynamite it will be a six man tag between The Blackpool Combat Club vs FTR and Eddie Kingston.

Kev’s Thoughts – I’m sorry, compared to Dynamite this show was a Snoozefest, Hobbs and Guevara stole the show in the opening match and from then on it was predictable and boring. Collision used to be the better show over Dynamite but I feel it’s become really stale in recent weeks.

I don’t know why this two hour show is littered with enhancement matches, so much more could be achieved with a bit more vignettes and promos. 

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Kev Curran

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