Bell Centre, Montreal, Canada
Commentary – Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuiness, Kevin Kelly

Continental Classic Tournament Blue League Match
Eddie Kingston vs Claudio Castagnoli
Both men like the hard hitting style so this was going to be a fight, both men started slugging it out with one another to begin this match.
Castagnoli took Kingston for a big swing then locked in the sharpshooter to try tap out Kingston who would not quit.
After this Castagnoli was the aggressor and continued to inflict blows to Kingston.
Kingston slowly but surely got himself back in the contest. These guys got into a back and forth slap exchange that wasn’t the best. Even though Castagnoli had most of the offense in this match, Kingston managed to reverse a pin and pick up the win with his back against the wall of elimination from the tournament.
A backstage Jon Moxley promo was next, hyping his match next week with Swerve Strickland.
Hook was backstage with Rene and was interrupted by Wheeler Yuta. This was a lame back and forth between the two that results in a match under FTW rules down the line.
Singles Match
Willow Nightingale vs Mercedes Martinez (with Diamanté)
This match has had a couple of packages to build the feud between these two, the problem is it didn’t actually have any build up in ring or backstage leading to this.
These two women brawled on the outside with Martinez hitting a swinging neck breaker on the concrete floor.
After taking a fair amount of punishment Willow made her comeback hitting a cannonball in the corner, Willows back seemed to be giving her issues in this match.
Martinez hit suplex after suplex on the bigger Willow looking like she had it won but Willow snuck a sneaky pin fall out of nowhere to win the match.
After the bell Martinez and Diamanté attacked Willow but was saved by Kris Statlander who had a chain.
Angelo Parker, Matt Menard and Jake Hager are backstage with Renee, Menard and Parker are fired up as they are the hometown boys tonight. Ruby Soho comes in the scene to greet Parker who she has a love interest in. Saraya comes in the scene with Anna Jay and berates Soho.
Swerve Strickland is backstage hyping his match with Moxley on Dynamite. We haven’t got to see Swerve talk a hell of lot on the show and I don’t know why as he cut a good promo here.
Singles Match
Wardlow vs Willie Mack
This match stemmed from Willie Mack taking exception of Wardlow beating up his friend AR Fox.
It didn’t end well for Mack as Wardlow powerbombed and hit a big clothesline before landing one more huge powerbomb to win yet again with a TKO.
A House of Black package was next hyping their match with FTR.
Singles Match
Kenny Omega vs Ethan Page
Ethan Page appeared on Dynamite and challenged Omega, the problem is we haven’t seen Page on AEW programming so the only thing that ties this match together is both are from Canada and they are in Montreal.
Does anyone buy for a second that Omega is losing? Tony Nese is seen watching the match backstage, we also haven’t been told how he ties into this.
This match probably went too long for what it was with Omega hitting the One winged Angel finisher to pick up the win.
After the match Big Bill attacks Omega from behind.
Lexy is backstage with CJ Perry who promotes Andrade, Miro comes in the scene and says that he hasn’t heard CJ say anything good about him, once again Miro says he won’t hurt her client Andrade but he is definitely not happy about it.
Julia Heart and Abadon package was next, building the relationship between these two, the way this was shot looked very cool.
Tag Team Match
Penta El Zero Meido and Komander vs Matt Menard and Angelo Parker
The two hometown boys Menard and Parker got a big pop by the Montreal crowd. The crowd chanted “Daddy Magic” to begin the match
Both teams had two completely different styles with Penta and Komander getting the better of the hometown team.
Parker ate a double team piledriver from Penta and Komander who quickly covered him and picked up the win.
Continental Classic Tournament Blue Match
Bryan Danielson vs Adrade El Idolo (with CJ Perry)
Danielson has been having the best match nightly since I started reviewing AEW programming. Andrade has been on a bit of roll since acquiring the services of CJ Perry.
So I was expecting this to be a great contest.
A hard hitting match these guys laid it in hard chopping the crap out of one another.
Andrade ripped the eyepatch of the eye of Danielson and threw it in the crowd.
Danielson’s eye was now bleeding from the surgical scar of his orbital bone which Andrade seemed to enjoy. Adrade looked very comfortable and in control of this match and resorted to some heel tactics, sticking his fingers in the eyes of Danielson.
Danielson made a comeback with a bunch of kicks to the chest of Andrade but was it was short lived as Andrade seems to have found a mean streak and will do anything to win.
Both men slugged it out until Adrade hit several flying knees to Danielson in the corner, he hit his variation of the DDT to pick up huge win over Danielson.
Danielson looked in rough shape after this match with Adrade checking on him. Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli came out to help their friend and told Adrade to get out of the ring.
Kev’s thoughts –
I found this episode of Collision very predictable and bland, a lot of the main players were missing from this show and it just felt flat. The main event was a great contest but it just didn’t have anything to hook you in.